Closed Bug 95594 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Circular dependencies if depends and blocks set at same time


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect, P1)




Bugzilla 2.16


(Reporter: mozilla-bugs, Assigned: bugzilla-mozilla)



(Whiteboard: [blocker will fix])

I am trying to add myself to CC list of bug 95504. When I try to commit, I get
"Dependency loop detected!" error message which is ridiculous since I haven't
added any dependency, just changed the CC list.

So, either dependency loop already exists and was overlooked earlier or it does
not exists and Bugzilla is just giving me a hard time without a reason.
Sorry - had to mess with dependencies to work around bug 95594.
Blocks: 51246
Depends on: 52441, 76968
So sorry for the spam - mean to do it in bug 95504, not here!

No longer blocks: 51246
No longer depends on: 52441, 76968
This bug is really annoying. Please see bug 95504 for more information. Can
somebody take a look at this? Thanks!
Severity: major → critical

Bug 95504 -
   depends on bug 52441, bug 76968
   blocks bug 51246

Bug 52241 - 
   depends on bug 51246 (and a dozen or so others)

This means that bug 51246 depends on bug 95504, since 95504 blocks it.

ooohhkay.  This shouldn't happen, obviously.  Bug Activity on bug 95504
indicates that all three dependencies were set at the same time.

It'll probably be a week or so at least before a fix for this gets checked in
for this, since the tree is locked down for finalizing the 2.14 release.  We'll
get to it though.
Summary: Dependency loop detection - false positives! → Circular dependencies if depends and blocks set at same time
Component: Bugzilla → Bugzilla-General
Product: Webtools → Bugzilla
Version: Bugzilla 2.13 → 2.13
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.16
Priority: -- → P1
Famous last words, Dave... I don't understand this code well enough to fix this.
Do you? ;-)
I suspect the patch on bug 82143 will fix this.
Depends on: 82143
Bug 82143's Comment #7 is the same as this bug. My updated patch for that bug 
is intended to fix this bug too.
Whiteboard: [blocker will fix]
reassign to patch author
Assignee: justdave → slee
fixed by patch on bug 82143
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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