Closed Bug 956220 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[MADAI][Dialer] Emergency Call UI change


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Dialer, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mukeshk1990, Assigned: mukeshk1990)




(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

Title: Specific UI for Emergency call needed. There is no specific UI for Emergency call in FFOS. Procedure to check ================== Dialer -> Call 911 -> Same background UI for emergency call also This bug is raised for implementing Specific UI for Emergency call. This is required for MADAI project.
Assignee: nobody → mukeshk1990
Attached patch Pointer to Pull Request (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Hi Wayne, Please assign to a Dialer Engineer to review the patch at Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
Etienne, can you suggest someone to or review this here?
Flags: needinfo?(wchang) → needinfo?(etienne)
Attachment #8356040 - Flags: review?(etienne)
Flags: needinfo?(etienne)
Comment on attachment 8356040 [details] [diff] [review] Pointer to Pull Request Hey Mukesh, Thanks for the patch, you'll find the comments bellow. There's quite a few but still, nice first patch! * Your commit message should start with "Bug XXXX -" to reference the bug So an ideal commit message here would be "Bug 956220 - Adding a special call screen background for the emergency calls" * On the details of the attachment, you can set the review flag to "?" and put ":etienne" in the field to ask me for review (will be useful pour your updated patch ;)) * You need to rebase your patch on top of the current gaia master. * Let's use a background-color instead of the picture_cover.png which has only 1 color * We need a classic and a @2x version of picture_emergency.png And once rebased, the code change should be a lot simpler * The .emergency-active class should be set on the #main-container div * setEmergencyContactImage will just have to do the CSS class change. Might be good to rename it "setEmergencyWallpaper" too. * You wont need the "_isEmergencyCall" var Let me know if anything isn't clear, cheers!
Attachment #8356040 - Flags: review?(etienne)
> * We need a classic and a @2x version of picture_emergency.png Just checked and apparently we're doing @1.5x and @2x.
Hey Peter, I just discussed this with Mukesh and we need assets for this bug. (the special background for emergency calls). Are you the right person to ask?
Flags: needinfo?(pla)
Blocks: 958307
Attached file Pointer to Pull Request (obsolete) —
Hi Etienne, I have update the patch with required changes. Please review the pull request at and give your suggestion if any modifications is needed. Thank you.
Attachment #8356040 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8358239 - Flags: review?(etienne)
Comment on attachment 8358239 [details] Pointer to Pull Request Awesome, almost there! * The patch needs to be rebased again * We're missing unit tests, but it should be easy! This test [1] should be extended to cover the |setEmergencyWallpaper| call. You can find a example of how to test that the method on CallScreen is called here [2]. You also need to add a test covering the |setEmergencyWallpaper()| method, it should look a lot like this one [3]. [1] [2] [3] Don't hesitate to ping me on IRC if you're not set up to run unit test yet. Cheers! (also clearing Peter's needinfo, if we want to change the assets later it will be very easy)
Attachment #8358239 - Flags: review?(etienne)
Flags: needinfo?(pla)
Hi Etienne, I have updated pull request with unit test cases added. Please review it. Thank you.
Attachment #8358239 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8359116 - Flags: review?(etienne)
Comment on attachment 8359116 [details] Pointer to Pull Request.html perfect. r=me Opened to land the patch
Attachment #8359116 - Flags: review?(etienne) → review+
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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