Closed Bug 957010 Opened 11 years ago Closed 8 years ago

LinkedIn "People You May Know" page does not work with mouse when touch events are enabled


(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect)

Windows 8
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: MarcoM, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [country-all] [js])


(3 files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #952831 +++

+++ This bug is concerned with investigating the issue to provide a course of action and recommended point estimate +++

While dogfooding metro mode on win8 desktop I noticed that the LinkedIn "People You May Know" page does not seem to work correctly.  Dynamic content like clicking on the "+Connect" button for a user or trying to expand shared connections does not seem to work.
Assignee: nobody → sfoster
Blocks: metrov1it22
No longer blocks: metrov1backlog
Priority: -- → P2
QA Contact: jbecerra
Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=0 → [beta28] [defect] p=1
I can't reproduce any problems here, the +Connect button on the "People You May Know" page works just fine (oops!) as do all the menus and other buttons/links I tried. The shared contacts panel on a persons profile loaded and rendered fine. 

Are you still able to reproduce this Marco?
Flags: needinfo?(mmucci)
I think I was the original author for bug 952831.  I just retested on my windows 8.1 desktop with 29.0a1 (2014-01-09).

Clicking the +Connect button with dismiss the persons card from the "People You May Know" page, but on other clients it shows an update about a request being sent.  I don't see that update.

Also, the text on the persons card in "People You May Know" (not on their profile) saying something like "2 Shared Connections" should be clickable and expand a set of images showing their profile pictures, etc.  That doesn't seem to work at all.

Are you on a desktop or tablet?  Can you expand the shared connections text within a card on "People You May Know"?  Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(mmucci) → needinfo?(sfoster)
This and the previous screenshot show both issues working as expected for me, in fresh build from mozilla-central. Could have been fixed by Bug 957490 or  Bug 945438?
Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)
Hmm.  I just tested with Nightly 29.0a1 (2014-01-10) and I still see the problem about viewing shared connections.  I think this should include those bugs, correct?

I see instead the URL bar appear and reload the page with this address:

Again, I'm on a desktop in windows 8.1 here.
This seems to be a mouse-only bug.  When I tap the +Connect or "Compose Message" button with a touch screen, it works correctly.  But when I use a mouse or trackpad, I can reproduce the bug.

This is very similar to bug 945438, but I can still reproduce that problem in a trunk build that includes the fixes for bug 945438 and bug 957490.
Component: General → Input
Summary: Investigation - LinkedIn "People You May Know" page does not work in Metro mode → Investigation - LinkedIn "People You May Know" page does not work with mouse in Metro mode
Ok, so I can reliably reproduce the problem: in Nightly/Metro the "compose" buttons on the pages function with a tap, but not with a click. Both work fine in Nightly/Desktop. 

With a little debugging/logging, I can see that in the metro case, the tap event gets the <a> as the target on the event, but the mouse click gets a <span> child element as its target and bypasses the intended code path entirely. 
With all the code minification and use of compiled js templates I've not yet found that entry point where the events are registered. Presumably there's some event delegation going on and the event target is failing some test (it has no class info on it). 
I have no insight yet as to why this works as expected in Desktop but not in Metro, why tap but not mouse click. I'll keep looking
I'm attaching what I have so far. In the zip are dumps of the events that are fired when clicking one of the "compose" buttons on this page, using finger (tap), using mouse, with mouse.radius.enabled on and off. 
Also in there is a Charles proxy settings file I was using to debug this ( I used remote mapping to load pretty-printed version of a couple of the js files, and added in an function to dump out diff-able event logs. Those files are in there too - if you import the settings file, you'll see I was loading them off localhost:3000/linkedin/*

Having got the events logged out, I'm not much the wiser. For some reason mouse clicks bypass the code path that is supposed to show the textarea for composing the message. I'd guess there's some logic in there probably using event delegation and some selector that determines which events get handled which way. But the page uses compiled templates (dust.js) and YUI2 and its time consuming attempting to trace it all out. 

I suggest unless other bugs yield insights - or the attached logs have hidden insghts for someone else, that we move this to and evangelism bug and contact LinkedIn. And that we move this to non-blocking.
Other possible next steps - attempt to reproduce using YUI2 samples and dust.js samples - in case this is boilerplate code that might provide a simpler test case - and also tell us more about how widespread the problem might be.
Assignee: sfoster → nobody
Blocks: metrobacklog
No longer blocks: metrov1it22
Priority: P2 → --
QA Contact: jbecerra
Whiteboard: [beta28] [defect] p=1 → [defect] p=0
This appears to be a bug in LinkedIn that is not Metro Firefox specific.  I can also reproduce it in Chrome when running on a Windows touch-screen PC, or in desktop Firefox with dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled = 1.
No longer blocks: metrobacklog, 952831
Component: Input → English US
Product: Firefox for Metro → Tech Evangelism
Summary: Investigation - LinkedIn "People You May Know" page does not work with mouse in Metro mode → LinkedIn "People You May Know" page does not work with mouse when touch events are enabled
Whiteboard: [defect] p=0
Component: English US → Desktop
Whiteboard: [country-all] [js]
This seems to be working now.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
Assignee: nobody → nobody
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