Open Bug 962135 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Alt+Click (to move window) also focuses menubar, when alt is released, in Fluxbox but not Gnome


(Core :: XUL, defect)





(Reporter: clouserw, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached video altmove.mp4
Alt + left|right click is a standard key combination for moving|resizing windows in Linux.  After the fix in bug 940040 the menu is still focused when pressing alt and clicking in Fluxbox, but apparently not in Gnome.  I don't know why, but random details:

- Pressing alt + . + unalt does not focus the menu
- watching `xev` key/mouse commands go through for every click/move, even in the . case above
- Attached is a screencast.  Actions in the screencast are:  alt -> rightclick -> move -> unclick -> unalt (the menu appears) -> left click to remove menu -> alt -> leftclick -> move -> unclick -> unalt (the menu appears).  The menu disappears at the end when the window loses focus when I ctrl-c the screencast.
For comparison: I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 with gnome-shell (version "" according to apt-cache), with Nightly 29.0a1 (2014-01-21), and for me, alt + click + release-alt does not show the menubar.

So, I can confirm that this does not reproduce in Gnome, at least not on my system.
For the record, I tried hitting just alt on several other programs (gedit, chromium, evince) and none of them do any focusing with just alt, but they do show a menu with the standard alt-f.
(None of those comparison programs have the "menubar exists but is hidden by default" behavior, which Firefox has. That's is why we behave differently from them.)

(I'm not sure any other Linux program has that behavior, so this may be an effectively Firefox-specific behavior on Linux.)
Summary: Alt+Click focuses menu in Fluxbox but not Gnome → Alt+Click (to move window) also focuses menubar, when alt is released, in Fluxbox but not Gnome
Further item for the record! :)  If you're frustrated by this, I've managed to work around it by installing and adding a user style of 

> @-moz-document url(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul) { #toolbar-menubar { visibility: collapse !important; } }

Severity: normal → S3
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