Closed Bug 962619 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Do a peer review on new Privacy and Security teaching kit: copy, design, QA


(Webmaker Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: matt, Assigned: matt)


(Whiteboard: [copywriting])

* This is a great new resource that we'll want to point a lot of attention at:

* Let's do a final review of copy. And make sure the URL is finalized and what we want 

* Laura: two things:

1) I think we should publish this from the Webmaker MozTeach account. Do you agree? 

2) Does that work as a process for me to review copy? 
a) ie, remix this:
b) review copy and make any required changes
c) publish from MozTeach account to finalized URL
Whiteboard: [copywriting]
Flags: needinfo?(laura)
* I don't want to bottleneck this. If others can pitch in with "copy review," please chime in here! :)
This URL is already all over the place. I just got an email from Mozilla and the kit is included. There's Mozillians running it in Utah AND Nasik, India - HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?

Anyway, happy to republish to MozTeach, but we should keep this one updated and keep the URL as is just in case. 

Remix, edit, lemme know when you're ready and I'll update this URLs Make and make a copy from MozTeach acct.
Flags: needinfo?(laura)
(In reply to Laura Hilliger [:epilepticrabbit] from comment #2)
> Happy to republish to MozTeach, but we should keep this one updated and keep the URL as is just in case. 

+1. Sounds good. And congrats on all the great success on this!  

> Remix, edit, lemme know when you're ready and I'll update this URLs Make and make a copy from MozTeach acct.

Sounds like a plan. Will do.

* Laura: yesterday in #webmaker we talked about starting to try and do more formal "peer review" process for Webmaker on all our stuff: code, design and content like this.

* So if you're ok with it, I'd love to start with this kit as a guinea pig for doing content review. Because it's good, getting attention, and seems ready for it.


* COPY: 
DRUSHKA: Are you able to review copy? 
I've placed it here for easier editing. Plus added some notes. Let's edit there and then I can paste it back in.

KATE AND CASSIE: Can you do a design crit? Any suggestions on design? Can we add some photos, graphics, eperiment with new kit design / CSS ideas? 
Please feel free to remix directly and paste links here --

* QA
Brett, Lainie, others: 
Are the individual activities good? Clear? Fun? We can make an explicit call to community to test further once the next version is done as well. But let's do some QA ourselves now.
Flags: needinfo?(lainie)
Flags: needinfo?(kate)
Flags: needinfo?(erikad)
Flags: needinfo?(cassie)
Flags: needinfo?(brett)
Summary: Do copy review on Privacy and Security teaching kit → Do a peer review on new Privacy and Security teaching kit: copy, design, QA
We were planning to build this kit out more during the workweek, making it an exemplary Teaching Kit. We want to add videos, images, more more more!

Should we wait for review until after that? Or?
When do you need this, Matt? I won't be able to get to it until next week.
Flags: needinfo?(erikad)
Great, glad to do peer review.

When we want to do peer review of tickets, rather than needinfo, we should use "attachments".  It's a bit awkward but it's similar to the flow that we use for reviewing GitHub pull requests.

At the top of the bug, choose "add attachment".  I've put in a screenshot of what to do next:

1) Paste in the URL
2) Choose a reviewer (r?)

Then when you receive the review request, you give it an R+ for a positive review, or R- with things to change.
Flags: needinfo?(brett)
* Brett: I tried those steps and failed. :p Next time. 

** Laura: can you review and ship this new copy into an updated MozTeach URL? Ping me if you want to discuss / kick it around some more? 

** Cassie: do you think this could benefit from including a photo? To show that's it's warm, human, and community-ish?

Hey Matt -- what's the deadline for copy review? Drushka can't get to it until next week, but if we need it by the 28, that might be too late. 

This *could* be a place we start leaning on the volunteer comms community though!
Flags: needinfo?(matt)
* Great question. We want to make sure this kit is ready for broad public consumption by tomorrow, Friday,  Jan 24

* BUT: we should ALSO do further testing and QA past that date as well. 

* So let's put the comms community onto this next week? We can start a thread on the Webmaker newsgroup asking for community testing and editing. Or just point any community contributors at this ticket.
Flags: needinfo?(matt)
I agree it would be good to have some kind of visual in the initial description, or perhaps a link/embedded video? It seems like a bit of a long intro to me.
Flags: needinfo?(kate)
Flags: needinfo?(lainie)
Component: Community → General
Does this still need a design review or is it already in use?
Flags: needinfo?(cassie) → needinfo?(laura)
I think it doesn't make sense to do any reviews on the old teaching kits since we're planning on redesigning them.

I didn't even know this bug was still open. Or that the copy review was done...Bugzilla [shakes fist in the air]

I've updated the kit, and am closing this.
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(laura)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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