Closed Bug 963875 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[B2G][SMS] "Service currently unavailable " message provides a user with an incorrect information


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sarsenyev, Assigned: ankit93040)



(Whiteboard: [g+][LibGLA, Dev, B] )


(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

Attached image 2014-01-24-13-50-53.png
When no service is available and SMS cannot be sent, the warning message pops up: "Service unavailable: message will automatically sent once service is available", but in reality the message won't be sent automatically to resend the failed message a user needs to tap the failed message and confirm that he want resend it
It could be really confusing for the user

Repro Steps:
1) Updated Buri to BuildID: 20140124004002
2) Lost a signal with "signal shielding"
4) Open SMS app from the home screen
5) Send any SMS to a real address
6) When the warning message appears tap "OK" bar
7) Return the network signal 

The message won't be sent automatically when service is come back until the user tap the exclamation icon and confirm his actions 

If message notifying the user that the message will be sent automatically, the failed message should be resend automatically
If SMS doesn't resend automatically the text should be changed 

Environmental Variables:
Device: Buri 1.3 MOZ
BuildID: 20140124004002
Gaia: e5137ed5589d7f3bf0260b8920f874cd0f462f69
Gecko: a73b697b50b3
Version: 28.0a2
RIL Version:
Firmware Version: Settings > Device Information > More Information > Firmware revision (example.D30008m)

Repro frequency: 100%
See attached: screenshot
What happens on 1.1?
Keywords: qawanted
AFAIK this is the same erroneous message and behavior since 1.1.

See bug 917954 comment 24 for all the correct strings we should use.

I really thought we fixed the bad generic message in bug 928330 (I wanted to!) but I looked up the patch and we unfortunately kept it.

It's probably too late for 1.3 but I want to fix this for 1.4.
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.4?
Issue reproduces on 1.1, same message appears on 1.1

Gaia   c434fe9a0e823029796805e141cfa983cda2d246
SourceStamp aa0ceb07a73e
BuildID 20140123041201
Version 18.0
Keywords: qawanted
comms triage: not a blocker, ask for approval when ready.
blocking-b2g: 1.4? → ---

What should be the updated message?

I think "service currently unavailable" message is wrong because network shows the signal when these message is shown.

"Message will automatically be sent..." is definitely wrong.

I want to fix these. 

Kindly provide your inputs!
Flags: needinfo?(schung)
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
Hi Omage, since we will not try to resend the message automatically, do you have any about the error message(like 'please retry later when service available')? Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(schung)
Flags: needinfo?(ofeng)
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
Hi steve & Omage

We can't use the term "service available" at all because the network then shows signal.

I feel that it even can't be "Please try later" because even if the user tries later again they will get the same message.

I think there shouldn't be any message at all, instead it should be sent & in the conversation it should be marked with red(!) indicating that it was not sent.
Flags: needinfo?(schung)
Maybe we can just use "Message cannot be sent."
Flags: needinfo?(ofeng)
Please see comment 2, I already gave this information...

Title is: 'Message not sent';
Body is: 'There was a problem sending the message. Please try again.';
OK button is: 'OK';
Flags: needinfo?(schung)
Attached patch 963875.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Hi Steve

As per Julien's comment # 9 I modified the error message.

Kindly have a look at it.

Attachment #8395607 - Flags: review?(schung)
Hi Julein 

As you said in comment # 9:-

Body is: 'There was a problem sending the message. Please try again.';

"Please try again" - Even if the user tries again then again they'll get the same message. isn't it?

I think it's better not to have "Please try again".

As far as I understand that these message is prompted when the user enters a wrong number in the "To Field" hence it's better to have the Body of the message as - "Please re check the recipients number & try again".

As in the user must know the reason as to What is wrong only then the user can rectify its mistake?

What say?
Flags: needinfo?(felash)
The message can happen for a variety of reasons, not only for this reason. For example, the message can happen if there is a network issue.
Flags: needinfo?(felash)
Comment on attachment 8395607 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8395607 [details] [diff] [review]:

Please use another name if we change the l10n string(maybe repalcing the 'general' with 'default'), and don't forget the relative changes in dialog.js/dialog_test.js
Attachment #8395607 - Flags: review?(schung)
Attached file Pointer to Pull Request.html (obsolete) —
Hi Steve

Please assign the bug in my name.

Please find the attached pull request for the same.

Attachment #8395607 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8396151 - Flags: review?(schung)
Assignee: nobody → ankit93040
Comment on attachment 8396151 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

Only one comment here Maybe we should verify the button is translated or not.
Hey Steve

Modified my previous pull request as in comment # 14.

Kindly Merge it to master.

Attachment #8396151 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8396151 - Flags: review?(schung)
Attachment #8396204 - Flags: review?(schung)
Comment on attachment 8396204 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

r=me, thanks!
Attachment #8396204 - Flags: review?(schung) → review+
Landed in master: 9e0e7d226b71338d59902e38d4bdb9226b222f36
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [g+]
Whiteboard: [g+] → [g+][LibGLA, Dev, B]
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