Closed Bug 9659 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[feature] Resolve window targeting issues


(Core :: XUL, enhancement, P2)






(Reporter: trudelle, Assigned: danm.moz)



Resolve window targeting issues 1 day hyatt 0% Resolve targeting issues (problems with window naming).
Mass changing all XPToolkit M10 feature 'bugs' to target as p2 enhancement for M10
Blocks: 9673
Assignee: hyatt → danm
Reassigning to danm.
Whiteboard: 1 day
added original estimated duration to status whiteboard
Target Milestone: M10 → M11
adding some possibly interested customers to cc list
Whiteboard: 1 day
Target Milestone: M11 → M15
This is a catch-all schedule item reminding us that we'd like to be able to provide an improved way to target windows, probably an API available from JavaScript. Specifically, we're thinking there should be a JS window property (a proxy for an actual global property) named something like "active". It should be useable in some way to target the most recently used window of a particular type. Perhaps it would be an associative array, so the topmost browser window's content could be referenced with["netscape:browser"].content (using the windowtype attribute in navigator.xul). This actually kind of sounds like fun, and I'm willing to take this on for M12 (I believe I'm out of time for M11), if we hear that anyone wants this functionality for that thing we're calling "beta." As it stands, I believe this whole idea is just a helpful suggestion from the xptoolkit staff; I haven't heard of anyone who is actually aching to use this. Currently, all our "other window" targeting issues seem to be handled by the standard JS functionality of window.opener, referencing an opened window by the value returned from, and the nsIWindowMediator service. That latter service already provides exactly the functionality described above, it just has a less built-in, component service API. The component service is clunkier to use, but more standard, in the sense that a new window property built in to JS would be an issue of interest to the JS standards bodies, while the service object is not. I'm pushing this enhancement out several milestones, and posting a request for comments on the xpfe newsgroup. No potential clients that I know of have expressed interest in this functionality. We'll implement this in the future, if potential clients speak up.
The issue I'm interested in (not sure if this is "window targeting" or not) is dispatching URLs to the right windows. So http URLs in mail windows bring up a browser, and mailto URLs in the browser bring up a message composition window. Otherwise, having multiple mail windows open is a beta 2 feature, so we don't really need to find the active mail/news window for beta 1.
Hmm. Interesting point. We currently have a mechanism for locating the topmost window by type, as long as there is one, as mentioned above. And we have a means to open a fresh window of a given type (open("chrome://whatever")). We don't have a way to tie these two rather immiscible techniques together, which seems to be what you're asking for. That's an interesting question. I believe you need a combined method like that for at least http:// URLs, and we don't have one yet that I know of.
I think some folks also want to tie this "URL dispatching" mechanism in with MIME types. I think rpotts is working on that, so I'll cc him.
In 4.x, doesn't called with an existing window's name give you a handle to that window? We'll need to implement that to compatibility, and it sounds like it might solve your issues as well. There's a security issue here, in that a content window script doing ``"SomeChromeWindow")'' should get a handle to the sensitive chrome.
In Mozilla, like in 4.x, called with an existing window's name gives you a handle to that window. I think this doesn't solve Phil's problem, though. To match 4.x functionality, he needs to glom onto the topmost open browser window, whatever its name, or make a new one. Actually, he could try to open the topmost browser window and, failing that, open a new one explicitly. Maybe more convenience is unnecessary. Maybe we are already there. Security issues abound, of course.
Interesting feature. I have not thought about this much, but it does occur to me that on Windows we allow for a dialog to be modal to a window, so when we locate the frontmost window of a particular type it may have a modal dialog hanging on it. If this is the case it may be strange to bring up content in that window. Please make sure we can work properly with this.
No longer blocks: 9673
Blocks: 15774
dividing up phillips qa contact bugs, he no longer works here
Dan, didn't you say this was done?
Summary: sched: Resolve window targeting issues → [feature] Resolve window targeting issues
Arguably. We haven't implemented the nifty one-step "active" feature I mentioned above on 21 Sep 99. But all the required functionality is there; you just have to piece it together from the WindowMediator. Calling it fixed.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
> The issue I'm interested in (not sure if this is "window targeting" or not) is > dispatching URLs to the right windows. This part is actually done by mscott's URL dispatching code now.
Peter, would you like to: - verify this bug - let me know how it can be verified on a black box level (hah) - rubber-stamp it as verified without inspection? - anything else? Thanks!
I think this is resolved, verifying.
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