Closed Bug 96592 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

remove focus on url-bar after loading a bookmark


(SeaMonkey :: Location Bar, defect)

Mac System 9.x
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jo.hermans, Assigned: bugzilla)


0.9.3, build 2001080214 on Mac OS 9.2.1

When I open a new window with cmd-N, the url-bar has the focus. When I then
select a bookmark, it's loaded on the page, and the url-bar still has the focus,
but with an insertion-point at the right. When you then press space to scroll
the page, it doesn't work, because the space is added to the end.
Ok, that's understandable (but annoying that it doesn't scroll). But then I saw
that this didn't happen when there was no focus on the url-bar. When you had
been clicking inside a page for instance, and load a bookmark, the focus stays
inside the page, so you can press space.

I'm navigating the the spacebar quite often (since my iBook doesn't have real
pageup/down keys). But before I do that I'll have to look carefully where the
focus is. Due to another bug (not found yet), the insertion-point often stays
visible in the url-bar. Only when it blinks, it's the real insertion-point. If
necessary I'll have to click on the page first, to change the focus before
loading the bookmark. Since I often open new windows with cmd-N (during
development), this happens very often. If you stay inside a single window, it doe

I think that when a bookmark is loaded, the focus should be moved to the
page-area, not stay on the url-bar. I don't think that many people will load a
bookmark, and start changing the url immediately (for a subpage ?). I'm
perfectly comfortable with cmd-L to bring back the focus to the url-bar, before
I can start typing a new url. Or press cmd-shift-L.
I can buy this argument :) may be difficult to keep it on url bar for opening
new windows, while having it go to the page for bookmarks, but good UI idea
anyways. Marking NEW
Ever confirmed: true
reassign url bar bugs to new owner..
Assignee: alecf → blakeross
This was fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
mass-verifying claudius' Fixed bugs which haven't changed since 2001.12.31.

if you think this particular bug is not fixed, please make sure of the following
before reopening:

a. retest with a *recent* trunk build.
b. query bugzilla to see if there's an existing, open bug (new, reopened,
assigned) that covers your issue.
c. if this does need to be reopened, make sure there are specific steps to
reproduce (unless already provided and up-to-date).


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Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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