Closed Bug 966144 Opened 11 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Enhance App Templates page to boost App Manager adoption


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: Developer Tools, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: groovecoder, Unassigned)




See bug 941347 for context. We'd lik a detailed, graphically rich App Template documentation and exploration page on MDN - with the added possibility of opening templates from it via a custom protocol that can be handled by the App Manager. I'll stay in the loop so we can add tracking metrics to the links to see which app templates are the most popular.
So we need to decide where this would go (tools or apps) and also what the story is WRT app templates. I've not done any work on the Mortar templates documentation because I was given the impression that they were under criticism because of being too complicated and we were exploring other options. Is this not the case? I've added Dan and Fred to the bug to see if they've got any updates about this, or could suggest who would be better to ask.
Flags: needinfo?(fwenzel)
Flags: needinfo?(dbuchner)
You are right on the money, Chris. The project underway over in bug 941347 is a new attempt to establish templates, now that all the supporting technology has caught up (Brick, app manager, etc.). The discussion in the other bug circles around how to expose those templates both on the app manager and MDN side. As it stands, we can't work in this particular bug quite yet, but we will, soon.
Flags: needinfo?(fwenzel)
Flags: needinfo?(dbuchner)
Chris, I'm working on Mortar now. Also how did I find this just today? My bad. I'll ping you about this when I answer the email I owe you.
Thanks Sole. I'm going to update the Brick content next, using some of Angelina's excellent stuff from hacks and a few other bits.
I'm unassigning myself from this as I think it's more likely to be done in the Apps docs than the Tools docs. Let me know if you disagree, Chris!
Assignee: wbamberg → nobody
This is fine Will! I've taken it on.
Assignee: nobody → cmills
I think this is no longer relevant, please reopen if I'm wrong.
Assignee: cmills → nobody
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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