Closed Bug 966831 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[User story] Add camera resolution to the camera settings


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Camera, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: skasetti, Assigned: gjyothiprasad)



User Story

User Stories:
1. As a user, I want to see front resolution in the settings menu of the camera
2. As a user, I want to be able to set the camera resolution to 8M, 5M, 3M or 1M


(1 obsolete file)

      No description provided.
User Story: (updated)
Prasad! Please check the user stories and update the current status.
Assignee: nobody → gjyothiprasad
Current status of Implementation:
1. Changing Image resolution based on the resolution value selected from setting menu - Done and Tested
2. Updating preview size with respective to the aspect ratio of Image resolution - under progress
Blocks: 966764
Depends on: 971460
Attached file Pointer to Pull Request.html (obsolete) —
Hi David,
We made changes to the preview size when an image size is selected from settings Menu.
As this is work in progress patch, we did not include test code.
Attachment #8379679 - Flags: review?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 8379679 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

Adding Diego and Wilson
Attachment #8379679 - Flags: feedback?(wilsonpage)
Attachment #8379679 - Flags: feedback?(dmarcos)
We too have implemented this functionality. As this has always been marked as a Mozilla item, and is tightly coupled to the evolving settings framework, I suggest we use the Mozilla implementation.
Comment on attachment 8379679 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

Clearing the review request based on comment #5.
Attachment #8379679 - Flags: review?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 8379679 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

This patch is now obsolete.
Attachment #8379679 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8379679 - Flags: feedback?(wilsonpage)
Attachment #8379679 - Flags: feedback?(dmarcos)
This is being implemented as part of bug 980599 (Currently under review)
Depends on: 980599
Landed as part of bug 980599
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
flagging for ux reviews - feature landed on "camera-new-features" branch only as 3/17
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Flags: needinfo?(amlee)
I'm not sure what the issue is - I'm syncing the "camera-new-features" branch, but I'm not seeing any resolution options in the settings menu.
tiffanie: We have removed resolution options from the Mozilla camera in an attempt to simplify the camera experience and reduce the number of possible state combinations the camera can get into. I believe the Madai camera may choose to still expose this setting.
Hi Youngjun,

Can you have someone attach a link to the patch for camera/video resolution settings if it is in the Madai camera? 

Flags: needinfo?(amlee) → needinfo?(jjoons79)
Wilson: totally makes sense, thanks :)

Hopefully we can get a patch or screenshots of the Madai version so we can close out the need info request.
(In reply to Amy from comment #13)
> Hi Youngjun,
> Can you have someone attach a link to the patch for camera/video resolution
> settings if it is in the Madai camera? 
> Thanks!

Dear Amy,

We will provide MADAI version to you for ux review today via email.

Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(jjoons79)
I'm look at the dual-shutter branch in Hyunacho's repo. Please let me know if this is incorrect.

My two comments would be:
- the title of the camera resolution sub-menu should be title case (i.e. Camera Resolution)
- we should use a lower case x instead of the symbol that is being used (e.g. 2592x1944)
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.4+
This bug is closed and the attachment that was here is obsolete. There isn't anything to uplift to 1.4 here as far as I can tell.
Removing the 1.4+ flag since there is nothing here to uplift
blocking-b2g: 1.4+ → ---
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