Open Bug 96798 Opened 23 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Selection continually parsed


(Core :: DOM: Selection, defect, P5)






(Reporter: c, Unassigned)


(Keywords: perf)

If you select some text with the mouse, it will be parsed again and again (1 x
per second). This continues when you deselect the text and even when you close
the window.

Steps to reproduce:
1. make a build with --enable-perf-metrics to see parser messages
2. select text on some webpage using the mouse
3. watch messages on the console (where you started Mozilla, not JS console).

Alternatively, you can select very much text, e.g. a complete LXR page, and
you'll notice the CPU usage. If you select that much text that it can't be
parsed within a second, Mozilla effectively freezes.

This does not occur if you select text with the keyboard (e.g. ctrl+a).
Keywords: perf
I don't see this on Win NT, but have only inspected CPU usage with a nightly there.
Could this have to do with the fact that mouse-selection asserts the X Primary
as well, while ctrl-a does not?
this is copying the text to the clipboard as you move.  Its in some code that 
shaver wrote i believe (maybe pinkerton maintains it dont know).    You would 
only notice it on platforms that support that (aka unix variations)  Not sure 
what to do with this bug here.  I am marking it future since I dont think we 
want to stop that behavior.

Target Milestone: --- → Future
hmm...still an issue?
Absolutely.  Nothing has changed here.
Assignee: mjudge → nobody
QA Contact: tpreston → selection

Bulk-downgrade of unassigned, untouched DOM/Storage bug's priority.

If you have reason to believe, this is wrong, please write a comment and ni :jstutte.

Severity: normal → S4
Priority: -- → P5
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