Closed Bug 974150 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

top visited site reloads in tile but doesn't open


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(firefox27 affected, firefox28 ?, firefox29 ?, firefox30 ?, fennec+)

Tracking Status
firefox27 --- affected
firefox28 --- ?
firefox29 --- ?
firefox30 --- ?
fennec + ---


(Reporter: jaas, Unassigned)


My most frequently visited site is always the first tile shown when I launch FF for Android. Often when I tap on it I can see the page reload in the thumbnail but it doesn't actually open, so I can't read it.

Android 4.4.2, Nexus 5, Firefox 27.0
Is this a regression?
Severity: critical → normal
(In reply to Aaron Train [:aaronmt] from comment #1)
> Is this a regression?

Yes. It started with the last major update.
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
Josh, can you provide specific STR? Also, do you have ABP installed?
Flags: needinfo?(joshmoz)
I have no extensions installed.

This happens about 75% of the time I click on the very first top-sites tile. I cannot recall it happening for anything other than the first tile (top-left), which for me is frequently Hacker News.

Sorry I can't be more specific. I wouldn't be surprised if this is specific to my version of Android, 4.4.2, but I don't know that for sure.
Flags: needinfo?(joshmoz)
tracking-fennec: ? → +
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Removing regressionwindow-wanted flag since the bug is resolved as incomplete.
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard

Removing steps-wanted keyword because this bug has been resolved.

Keywords: steps-wanted

Removing steps-wanted keyword because this bug has been resolved.

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