Closed Bug 974185 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Implement Cancel Account Verification screen or edit language on existing Settings Logout screen


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: FxA, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: spenrose, Assigned: jhirsch)



The Cancel Verification story describes a new screen whose functionality is, I believe, identical to logout. It's possible that the logout UX will already handle this, or that it needs to vary the wording if the account is unverified. Alternately, it's possible we really do need a new screen. Adam and Jared could the two of you decide and update Bugzilla accordingly?
Assignee: nobody → 6a68
Sam - I think you're right. From the perspective of the device, a user who has logged out is the same as a user who has never logged in: we clear all data. It makes sense that we'd simply wipe the session on device and be done with it. What are the implications for the server, though? If I have an unverified account, I click 'cancel verification', then I do the signup flow again, the server should resend the verification email. If I have an unverified account, I click 'logout', then I do the signup flow again--is the behavior the same? The server resends the verification email? I'll ask one of the fxa-auth-server devs about this right now
Hmm, after looking very hard at the user story in bug 965492, I see that in part 3, after canceling verification, the user can restart the flow with a different email. So, calling 'logout' is totally adequate for this case. I'll add the 'cancel verification' button to the unverified screen inside the 949051 patch, then close this as a duplicate when that's done.
OK, fixed and pushed the commit on top of the existing 949051 PR. Here's the commit: Closing this bug as a dup, and adding notes to the 949051 bug that I've added another unreviewed commit on top (instead of squashing and making kaze go crazy, wondering what's different).
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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