Closed Bug 976362 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Telemetry dashboard hangs in chrome


(Data Platform and Tools :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sicking, Unassigned)




Steps to reproduce:

1. Launch latest version of chrome
2. Go to
3. Try interacting with the page (pressing form controls, right clicking, etc)

Expected results
Page should work as it does in firefox and respond to input.

Actual results
Page renders at least part of the data, but then hangs.

It'd be good if we can share data that we collect through telemetry with the world. However this is hard when it hangs the fairly popular Chrome browser.
Hmm, we had a similar bug in Firefox not that long ago. Where for some measures it would hang.
In bug 984928 I traced it to some bad numbers in the telemetry aggregates, caused by either analysis bugs, faulty submissions and/or overflows.

Either way, this might have been fixed with:
This is recurring for me now with release FF on the default metric (FF 33 Nightly, A11Y_CONSUMERS).
Can't reproduce it in ff 33 nightly with default measure. 
By any chance do you have the cookie set to some state(like the on above)that crashed?
The problem is in some d3 method that handles the data(it happens only with a particular set of data).
Hi Raluca,

Today I can't reproduce it either. I'm not sure what cookie you're talking about.

Hi Monica,

On the new dashboard we have a cookie set. If you return on the page again you'll see that you don't get the default page but the last filter you selected. This cookie expires in 3 days so if you don't come back in 3 days when you do come back you'll get the default page not your old preferences.

What I wanted to say about the cookie was that..if you do select a measure that has some particular data the d3 lib(used for the plot) will crash. 
You can't recover from that crash if you close the tab and open it again because you have a cookie set that will try to get the same filter for you and crash again.

If you do experience it again please let me know. I am aware of this faulty behavior for some particular data. This bug reproduces not only on nightly but in all browsers because it is not a matter of browser it's a matter of some function in d3 receiving some unexpected data points.

Some guys that are really good at d3 might take care of this problem really soon. If that doesn't happen I will spend some time on it and try to get that data working with d3 lib.

Have a great day and if you have any other feedback please let me know :)

We ignored this long enough it no longer is a problem :S
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Data Platform and Tools
Component: Telemetry Dashboards (TMO) → General
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