Closed Bug 976851 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[monitoring-story] dashboard for account sign in and create time by service type filtered by user agent, region


(Cloud Services :: Server: Firefox Accounts, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: edwong, Unassigned)



2. As a SRE/QA manager, I want account create or sign in times by service tier(db, crypto, network).
Acceptance criteria:
-  SRE/QA manager has a dashboard showing create and sign ins time for custom time spans that can be filtered by  browser, OS, and region broken out by each tier of service.
- An email alert is sent when create or sign in exceeds a set threshold.
Desired Timeframe: Fx29 Deploy
Blocks: 972065
Edwin: here's a first pass, just measures auth server endpoints:
Depends on: 969615
(In reply to Ben Wong [:mostlygeek] from comment #3)
> FYI: 
> This same functionality is available on stackdriver: 
> HJ97Z4V9TLPH-10278
> Plus additional metrics of 200,400,500s going through the ELBs. More
> relevant to the parent bug, 972065, is that on StackDriver we can set
> threshold alerting. So if latency goes about 500ms for 10+ seconds, we can
> be alerted that there may be an issue.

We can also do alerting w heka, but StackDriver sounds like a good place for it. Also, I noticed that it segments by availability zone. Edwin -- is that good enough for "region"? Benson -- can we add other segmentations in stackdriver, like browser/os/version?
Katie, nope. The stackdriver stuff what is pulled out of Cloudwatch, so basically a single number. If we want to segmentation we would need to use kibana/heka. 

I would like to rescind my use of "same functionality" and say "some functionality" :)
With both stackdriver and kibana - i would call this fixed.  Thanks!
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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