Bug 97712
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
Check in perl script to run startup-test
(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: mcafee, Assigned: jrgmorrison)
(2 files)
Reminder to check in perl script to run startup-test.
mozilla/builds/startup-test.html needs a small perl
wrapper to start mozilla with the html file and
the current time as an ? argument. Snippet from
tinderbox test is a basic start (jrgm has xp and
time resolutions to address in a better form):
# Generate URL of form file:///<cwd>/startup-test.html?begin=986869495000
# Where begin value is current time.
my ($time, $url, $cwd, $cmd);
$time = time() . "000"; # looks stupid, but 'time()*1000' returns a negative
$cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
print "cwd = $cwd\n";
$url = "\"file:$binary_dir/startup-test.html?begin=$time\"";
print "url = $url\n";
Comment 1•23 years ago
Another simple way that I run startup test is :
- Create a default profile 'Startup Test Profile'
- save this as say /usr/tmp/quit.html
<html><body onLoad="window.close()"></body></html>
- run
$ time ./mozilla -P 'Default User' file:///usr/tmp/quit.html
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•23 years ago
Chris, here's a tweak for the tinderbox script to allow it to conditionally
use high resolution time from perl on linux (I'm punting on making this share
with win32 for now; would need to much perl-fu to deal with all the different
win32-only modules used to launch a process).
Add this section to the same block where you have that other code:
# Linux/Unix version
# Use high resolution routines on Linux if installed, using
# eval as try/catch block around import of gettimeofday
# Get 'Time::HiRes' at <>
eval "use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);";
my $timesub = $@ ?
sub { time() . "000"; } :
sub { my @t = gettimeofday();
$t[0]*1000 + int($t[1]/1000); };
and then make this change to the current tinderbox code
- $time = time() . "000"; # ...
+ $time = &$timesub;
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Comment 3•23 years ago
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Updated•23 years ago
Attachment #47781 -
Attachment description: script for starting mozilla and timing startup; optionally can run in a loop → [win32] script for starting mozilla and timing startup; optionally can run in a loop
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Comment 4•23 years ago
You know, the more I look at dp's way, the more I like it. Unfortunately it
seems to crash-on-exit for me about half the time (some event thing in nspr),
but you can still get numbers simply. Including shutdown time in the
measurement appears to add about 13% to the overall time (startup dominates).
Alternatively, the attached script (for windows) is pretty simple (if
you don't look at it) and only includes startup to the first onload event.
Tomato, Tomahto.
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Comment 5•23 years ago
dp's way times startup and shutdown, right?
Comment 6•23 years ago
Yup. my method times startup and shutdown. So it is not accurate if you are
looking for startup time. But usually the shutdown component of this timing is a
constant with and without most perf improvements. So this works heuristically
mos to the time.
The one thing I have learnt is the simpler the method, the more easier and
widely will it be adopted. People are not interested in learning complicated
methods for doing performance timing.
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•23 years ago
Yeah, I like dp's method. Easy to setup (well, except Mac), and the shutdown
cost is a minor portion of the total time measured.
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Comment 8•23 years ago
win32 script has some errors for me on rh7.1.
Attaching a simple script that works on linux, standalone version of what
tinderbox is doing.
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Comment 9•23 years ago
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Comment 10•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 48018 [details]
comment in script should say ms, not sec
attachment is a file, not a patch, testing new bugzilla feature
Attachment #48018 -
Attachment is patch: false
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Comment 11•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 48018 [details]
comment in script should say ms, not sec
># Script to time mozilla startup.
>require 5.003;
>use strict;
>use Cwd;
># mozilla file:/foo/startup-test.html?begin=T
># where T = ms since 1970, e.g.:
># mozilla file:/foo/startup-test.html?begin=999456977000
> # Build up command string.
> my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
> my $time = time() . "000"; # time = sec, *1000 for ms.
> my $cmd = "mozilla \"file:$cwd/startup-test.html?begin=" . $time . "\"";
> print "cmd = $cmd\n";
> # Run the command.
> exec $cmd;
Attachment #48018 -
Attachment description: linux script to time mozilla startup → comment in script should say ms, not sec
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Comment 12•23 years ago
adding smfr for some mac help, mac should also have a wrapper script that can do
Comment 13•23 years ago
jrgm has copies of my Mac perl scripts.
Comment 14•23 years ago
just a quick comment:
has anyone looked at the distribution of startup times collected using this
method? In another words, I'm wondering what the error associated with this
measurement method has been in your expersience. I'd have some data from two W2K
machines and statistical evaluation, if there is some interest. The data
indicates that the measurement error might be in the 10% range. Has anyone else
seen this or am I missing something?
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Comment 15•23 years ago
openwound is running the startup test (warm) on the front
page of tbox, the numbers are pretty consistant. 22 +/- 1.5
seconds it looks like, something like that?
Comment 16•23 years ago
Chris, thanks for pointing this out! Seems like openwound is roughly three
times more accurate than my W2K machines. I assembled a quick sampling of 60
data points and popped it into
I verified that the data sample is normally distributed and it seems like the
margin of error is 3% with a 95% confidence interval.
average value: 21.95
standard deviation: 0.351
margin of error (95%): 2x0.351/21.95
I was just trying to raise the issue of accuracy, since I'm struggling to get
an idea of the performance gain in bug 97175 and the margin of error I have
been able to achieve locally was consistently around 10%.
Assignee | ||
Comment 17•23 years ago
Unless you install certain perl modules, you will get the default available
time resolution for perl which is one second. That is the source of error.
If you use dp's method on win32, you can use the cygwin version of 'time' to
get finer resolution.
Comment 18•23 years ago
>Unless you install certain perl modules, you will get the default available
>time resolution for perl which is one second. That is the source of error.
jrgm, could you please elaborate on this? What modules are needed and where
does one find them? I believe it to be helpful for anyone attempting to use
this metrics locally.
As to the 1 s resolution: my average startup time was 5.6 s with a standard
deviation of 280 ms, which might be consistent with your statement since the
error band (95% confidence level) is 4 * 0.28 s ~ 1 s. This would also imply
higher accuracy on slower machines, right? If my startup time is say 4 times
longer (~ 20 s), when ignoring all other sources of noise I'd arrive at 4 times
higher accuracy. I assume that you used said modules on openwound, but in
theory the improved accuracy could also be a result of longer startup time...
Assignee | ||
Comment 19•23 years ago
On *nix systems, millisecond time is available in perl with the Time::HiRes
module. On win32, there is no direct call available, but there is a way to
call the win32 GetLocalTime directly, by using the Win32::API module.
Win32::API is available at
Time::HiRes is available at
and attachment
has a module that uses those modules if it finds them.
But, I find dp's way to be the more direct path to getting a measurement (on
win32 and linux). The other stuff will be useful for doing a more detailed
test, but I've not done the work to make this happen.
Yes, as the machine is slower, then 1 second becomes less of a percentage
error. I believe openwound is an old, slower machine (possibly a 166MHz),
and that's why it is more 'accurate'.
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Comment 20•23 years ago
I checked in jrgm's Time::PossiblyHiRes script into tinderbox:
and restarted openwound to use this script. I think it's working,
let's watch the numbers now. Thanks to jrgm for doing most
of the guts work here.
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Comment 21•23 years ago
please check files into mozilla/tools/performance/startup
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Comment 22•23 years ago
checked in copy of, and new file @
jrgm, could you edit your win32 version to possibly use here?
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Comment 23•23 years ago
what's left to do on this bug? Linux is done, win32/mac ?
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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Comment 24•18 years ago
I think this bug is mostly fixed, file specific bugs if some parts
still need to happen.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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