Open Bug 977139 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Select list options visually truncated in XHTML


(Core :: XML, defect)





(Reporter: bugs, Unassigned)




(Keywords: testcase)

      No description provided.
Sorry. Forgot the description:

URL is to a demonstration page.  The last item visible in the select should be 10,000.  I've seen anywhere from 878 to 6000-something.
I reproduced under Nightly and Stable,  OSX, Windows and Linux, on two separate networks, although bz was not able to reproduce.

I was not able to reproduce in Firefox under Android.

document.forms[0].elements[0].options.length returns the right count, so I think the problem is purely visual.
Flags: needinfo?(matspal)
I can reproduce this in Nightly on Linux64 opening the URL in a new window
and then doing Shift+Reload (it doesn't occur on the initial load for some
Severity: normal → minor
Flags: needinfo?(matspal)
Keywords: testcase
Priority: -- → P4
The bug only occurs for XHTML, not HTML.  It appears to be a XML sink bug.
I'm dumping the content that gets notified in nsContentSink::NotifyAppend
and we simply don't get the last <option>s there.

Fwiw, if I add "return true;" as the first line in nsContentSink::IsTimeToNotify()
the bug does not occur.  It appears we return false due to mInMonolithicContainer
being true until we see the select end-tag.  Maybe we need to do something when
we finally do see it? (i.e. when decrementing mInMonolithicContainer in
Severity: minor → normal
Component: Layout: Form Controls → XML
Priority: P4 → --
User Story: (updated)
While it is a lot easier to make it appear this way, I think I also just encountered it on a simple "month" dropdown with 12 options.
At least, the behaviour is fairly identical.

It completely breaks this form for Firefox users...

(sorry, I keep accidentally putting comments in "user story" since it is the first large textbox that appears on the bug form in w3m)
User Story: (updated)
Updated title since the most recent form was a modestly sized list and normally formatted, and prior comments seem to suggest it is just luck of the draw.
The long list just makes it easy to reproduce.
Summary: Select list options visually truncated if the list is long and all options are on one line in the HTML → Select list options visually truncated in XHTML
Severity: normal → S3
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