Closed Bug 985150 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[B2G][Music] While in Music app the user cannot pause the song after rejecting/accepting a call


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Music, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(b2g-v1.3 affected, b2g-v1.4 affected)

Tracking Status
b2g-v1.3 --- affected
b2g-v1.4 --- affected


(Reporter: jschmitt, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: dogfood1.4)

Description: The user is not able to pause the playing song after rejecting or being in a call. Prerequisite: Have at least one song on device. Repro Steps: 1) Updated Buri to BuildID: 20140318000203 2) Open the Music app 3) Select a song and play the song 4) Stay on the playng page and with another device call the phone 5) Reject the incoming call Actual: Cannot pause the song and the seek timer is not update. Expected: Ability to pause the video and the seek timer updated correctly. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.4 MOZ BuildID: 20140318000203 Gaia: c03a6af9028c4b74a84b5a98085bbb0c07261175 Gecko: 3776f72f1967 Version: 30.0a2 Firmware Version: V1.2-device.cfg Notes: Repro frequency: 100%
Issue repros on 1.3 Buri build Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.3 MOZ BuildID: 20140318004002 Gaia: 2ea2aab306bd1c941719160cdcb49ee9d755dc17 Gecko: cf2042938526 Version: 28.0 Firmware Version: V1.2-device.cfg
Does this reproduce on 1.1?
Keywords: qawanted
Issue does not repro in 1.1, the song pauses as expected. 1.1 Environmental Variables: Device: buri 1.1 MOZ BuildID: 20140318041202 Gaia: 44a2ddf63373f8e95c784faf4ed4d60081699c61 Gecko: 2c70ef07c5b3 Version: 18.0 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg
Keywords: qawanted
QA Contact: jschmitt
Some questions: 1. If you seek to a different position, then are you able to play back the song? 2. If you hit the << button, then will the song start playing back again?
Keywords: qawanted
I'm also confused by the comments in this bug - this is talking about pausing a video, but this bug is talking about interacting with the music app. Could you please clarify the exact behavior seen on 1.4 here vs. 1.3 here?
Flags: needinfo?(jschmitt)
Per comment 4 1. If you seek to a different position then I can pause the song. 2. If you select the << button the song will restart. As for comment 5 I accidentally said video in the expected result. The exact behavior is on 1.3 the user can pause the song after a call, whereas on 1.4 the user cannot pause unless changing the seek position or << the song.
Flags: needinfo?(jschmitt)
Keywords: qawanted
(In reply to Josh Schmitt from comment #3) > Issue does not repro in 1.1, the song pauses as expected. > > 1.1 Environmental Variables: > Device: buri 1.1 MOZ > BuildID: 20140318041202 > Gaia: 44a2ddf63373f8e95c784faf4ed4d60081699c61 > Gecko: 2c70ef07c5b3 > Version: 18.0 > Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg I don't think this is correctly identifying the behavior here. The pause button present means that the song is currently being played back. When you select the pause button, does the song play back?
Flags: needinfo?(jschmitt)
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #7) > (In reply to Josh Schmitt from comment #3) > > Issue does not repro in 1.1, the song pauses as expected. > > > > 1.1 Environmental Variables: > > Device: buri 1.1 MOZ > > BuildID: 20140318041202 > > Gaia: 44a2ddf63373f8e95c784faf4ed4d60081699c61 > > Gecko: 2c70ef07c5b3 > > Version: 18.0 > > Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg > > I don't think this is correctly identifying the behavior here. The pause > button present means that the song is currently being played back. When you > select the pause button, does the song play back? When selecting the pause button on 1.1 the song pauses which is expected, on the 1.3 and 1.4 builds pressing the pause button does not pause the song nor switch the icon to the 'play' icon.
Flags: needinfo?(jschmitt)
(In reply to Josh Schmitt from comment #8) > When selecting the pause button on 1.1 the song pauses which is expected, on > the 1.3 and 1.4 builds pressing the pause button does not pause the song nor > switch the icon to the 'play' icon. This should be a dup of bug 982540, I saw same result in bug 982540 comment 9.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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