Closed Bug 987518 Opened 11 years ago Closed

[Sora][3rd][accuweather] some menus in English(US) or chinese(SIM) are not in other Language


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: Preinstalled B2G Apps, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sync-1, Assigned: devomanager)




(2 files)

222.94 KB, application/x-rar-compressed
178.67 KB, application/x-rar
Mozilla build ID: 20140312164001
 some menus in English(US) or chinese(SIM) are  not in other Language ,for example "News &video","health forecasts","travel forecasts","outdoor forecasts","home & Garden forecasts"
 1.lanuch accuweather->"menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"English(UK)"->"ok"->"done"->"menu"
 2.look at the menu
 3."menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"English(US)"->"ok"->"done"->"menu"
 4.look at the menu,some menus in English(US) are  not in other Language--->KO
 they  all have the same menu
 For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior:
Component: Gaia → Preinstalled B2G Apps
Product: Firefox OS → Tech Evangelism
Attached file PICTURES β€”
As a pre-installed app, there are other issues that bring bad user experiences:
1.Lanuch accuweather->"menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"chinese
(SIM)"->"ok"->"done", the charater can not display Completely. 
2."menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"ЕλληνικÑ"->"ok"->"done",selete one day to  go into it ,choose "DAY &NIGHT", the charater do not display in correct loaction.
3. Lanuch accuweather->"menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"Bahasa
Indonesia"/"Π±ΡŠΠ»Π³Π°Ρ€ΡΠΊΠΈ"/"CatalΓ "/->"time. Format"->"AM/PM"->"ok"->"done",there is no AM or Pm behind the time
4.lanuch accuweather->"menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"chinese
(SIM)"->"ok"->"done" ->"menu",there are some characters which are not chinese.
Someone deal with it?
ni Lisa to help
Flags: needinfo?(adora)
Please review and provide potential fix date.  Thank you!
Assignee: nobody → devomanager
Flags: needinfo?(devomanager)

Regarding menu options not available in other languages, we do not show content if we do not have that content available in the requested language. Although most of our weather forecast data is available in all languages, our editorial content is typically only available in English and only relevant to the United States.

We are working with a new vendor to help improve many of the display inconsistencies mentioned in the comment made by LinglingZhao. That is an on-going process among all our products.
Hi Steve,

I find the item "DAY &NIGHT" mentioned in the issue 2. is disappeared,

2."menu"->"MY settings"->"languages"->"ЕλληνικÑ"->"ok"->"done",selete one day to  go into it ,choose "DAY &NIGHT", the charater do not display in correct loaction.

So I wonder if this item in ЕλληνικÑ is removed?

And the issue 1,3 and 4 are still reproduced. Accuweather is a pre-installed app in almost all of our projects. Could you please fix them with a high priority?

Flags: needinfo?(mummey)
Hi Lingling

Would you be able to provide some more info on what characters are not displaying in the correct location? Some screenshots with notes would be very helpful.

Thank you
Flags: needinfo?(mummey)
Hi Steve,

As my mentioned in Comment 7, the item "DAY &NIGHT" in ЕλληνικÑ is disappeared, so I can't reproduce the issue not displaying in the correct location now.
Attached file png for 1&4.rar β€”
For 1 and 4 in Comment 2, please see the pictures in  attachment 8417783 [details].

Issue 4 above ("Select" and "OK" labels are in English when the user has chosen Chinese) is not part of the our web app. We use the browser's native select menu so I believe that is a bug at in the browser. Maybe it's because the device's language is set to English but the AccuWeather app language is set to Chinese?
Issues 1 & 2 (long text strings) above will be resolved during our next release in a week or 2. I am still investigating issue 3 (missing AM/PM). Thanks for the help tracking these down!
(In reply to Steve Mummey from comment #12)
> Issue 4 above ("Select" and "OK" labels are in English when the user has
> chosen Chinese) is not part of the our web app. We use the browser's native
> select menu so I believe that is a bug at in the browser. Maybe it's because
> the device's language is set to English but the AccuWeather app language is
> set to Chinese?

Yes, you are right, thanks for your explaination.

Waiting for the new release.
Lingling, has this bug been resolved?
According Comment 6, 'some menus in English(US) or chinese(SIM) are not in other Language' is not a bug. But the bugs in Comment 2 still can be reproduced.
Hi Lingling - just to confirm - are #’s 1,2,3 in comment 2 still open and have been reproduced recently?
I re-test this bug, issue 2 is ok now, but issue 1 and 3 are still open.
Hi Lingling,

Thanks for checking - we'll take a look at these bugs, and I'll let you know when I know more.


Any update in your side?
Katy, do you have any updates regarding issues 1 and 3?  Is it possible to have a fix by September 15th?  Thanks!
Hi Nicole - Issue #1 (Chinese characters wrapping) should be fixed.  

Regarding Issue #3: Unfortunately, we're unable to fix this at this time. The tool we use to designate AM/PM fields is missing the data needed to create the formatted date strings for this language. We reviewed several options, but none of them will handle the AM/PM issue as well as the tool we currently use. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Could not reproduce issue #1 on Flame.

As for issue #3, do you think a fix will be in place by September 15th?  Or what is the projected timeline?
Unfortunately, it's an external, third party tool which we don't have the ability to update or change. When/if the AM/PM fields for missing languages are updated for those languages, this will be fixed automatically.
Closing this bug due to inactivity. (12+ Months without activity) If this issue still persists, please reopen the bug under the β€œtech evangelism” product and Need Info Michael Ellis.
Flags: needinfo?(devomanager)
Flags: needinfo?(adora)
Mass closing on Tech Evangelism::Preinstalled B2G App as Firefox OS is no longer a thing.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Mass closing on Tech Evangelism::Preinstalled B2G App as Firefox OS is no longer a thing.
Closed: 6 years ago6 years ago
Mass closing on Tech Evangelism::Preinstalled B2G App as Firefox OS is no longer a thing.
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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