Closed Bug 989221 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[B2G] [Gaia] Duplicate error alerts are displayed when video app encounters an error


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Video, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ethan, Unassigned)



(2 files)

The error alert window is displayed twice when the video app encounters an error.

Reproduction Steps:
I found this bug while testing some error cases of RTSP streaming. The RTSP video feature is disabled by default in v1.3 and v1.4. For anyone to reproduce this bug with RSTP, you must enable RTSP video preference first.

However, it is easier to reproduce using the UI Test gaia app.
I just modified gaia/test_apps/uitest/js/API/openvideo.js
In open.onclick function block:
//blog: videoblob
url: 'invalid url'

Then, while clicking the "Open video" button, we can see the error alert window is popped out twice.
Using the video app to play a nonexistent RTSP streaming source.
Using UI Test app to launch the video app to play a invalid URL.
Hi John, could you help to forward this bug to the appropriate owner?
Flags: needinfo?(johu)
(In reply to Ethan Tseng [:ethan] from comment #0)
> I found this bug while testing some error cases of RTSP streaming. The RTSP
> video feature is disabled by default in v1.3 and v1.4. For anyone to
> reproduce this bug with RSTP, you must enable RTSP video preference first.
Correct this statement.
The reproduction of this bug can be irrelevant to RTSP video enable/disable preference.
We could see this bug by just clicking any invalid RTSP URL, such as "rtsp://xxxxx", to launch the video app and wait it emit the alerts.
As Ethan and I discuss offline, we found the Video app only receives one error message.

I had tested with code to disable "done()" function call[1]. So, the view activity won't be closed when we get an error. In this case, we only get one error and call alert once. When we long press home button, the view activity window is closed and press the caller app to get caller back. I found there another alert is shown on top of the caller's window.


Alive or Gene, IIRC, you are the one handles alert from gecko and system app. Do you have any suggestion on this one?
Flags: needinfo?(johu)
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
Flags: needinfo?(alive)

E/GeckoConsole( 1124): Content JS LOG at app:// in handleError: error
E/GeckoConsole( 1030): Content JS LOG at app:// in amd_handleEvent: app://
E/GeckoConsole( 1030): Content JS LOG at app:// in amd_handleEvent: app://

It calls twice. But view.js only calls once. It looks like gecko sent twice event to gaia.
Try backout this locally
and retries. If that still happens it's a gecko bug indeed. But we could also request regression-window though.
Summary: [B2G] [Gaia] Duplicate error alerts are displayed → [B2G] [Gaia] Duplicate error alerts are displayed when video app encounters an error
Does the error message come from the system message? As far as I know, we don't have changes on system message in the past months. Let's try comment #8 first to see which part needs fixes.
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
I pulled the latest mozilla-central and Gaia master. This bug disappears.
Apparently it was already fixed by some other bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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