Closed Bug 990742 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Move eyedropper button to a better place in the color picker


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: harth, Unassigned)



Right now the eyedropper is on it's own line at the bottom of the color picker tooltip, adding the space the picker takes up.

One suggestion was to move the eyedropper button to be beside the alpha slider. We should also add a tooltip that says "grab color from page" or something to the button.
Are there any plans to promote this tool to the toolbox buttons? It would perhaps need a slight behavioral modification, such as instead of filling in a CSS color value (when it's in the color picker tooltip), it would instead copy the color code to the clipboard on selection.
(In reply to Dane MacMillan from comment #1)
> Are there any plans to promote this tool to the toolbox buttons? It would
> perhaps need a slight behavioral modification, such as instead of filling in
> a CSS color value (when it's in the color picker tooltip), it would instead
> copy the color code to the clipboard on selection.

This is a top-level tool also that copies to the clipboard. Just go to Tools > Web Developer > Eyedropper.
That's good to know. I had no idea. I think it would be a lot more accessible from the Toolbox Buttons area, with the option to toggle its inclusion like the others in the options.
(In reply to Dane MacMillan from comment #3)
> That's good to know. I had no idea. I think it would be a lot more
> accessible from the Toolbox Buttons area, with the option to toggle its
> inclusion like the others in the options.

Yeah, I like that idea. File a seperate bug if you like (:
The color picker tooltip is soon to be redesigned and replaced with an inline editor (see Bug 1258390)
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
See Also: → 1258390
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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