Closed Bug 992658 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Freeze with a long url


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

28 Branch
Windows Vista
Not set





(Reporter: banakon, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0 (Beta/Release) Build ID: 20140314220517 Steps to reproduce: open ff restoring a previous session with a tab with this complex url Actual results: ff freezes 10 second on stratup. no problem after log in in the tab. Expected results: ff should resolve this tab at startup withoput lag/freeze. thanks
Have you tried this with a clean profile with no add-ons?
Flags: needinfo?(banakon)
yes, withouy addons. workaround: delete this tab for session restoring, then re-add it when the session is restored and login.
Flags: needinfo?(banakon)
but I would like to restoring the session with this tab , thanks for investigating the url.
OK. Just trying to clarify the conditions which trigger the issue.
thanks, efxaristò!
geia sou, maybe that FF is trying to perform a lot of logins therefore the freeze. please cosider the difference ff25 ff 26 about this behaviour.
i.e. yt is trying to perform an automatic relogin, wjile the "new" FF doesnt allow it!
WFM on Fx28 Win8.1, the loading smooth.
its is a Vista only problem or a FF problem? a moderator of the forum has the same issue with linux! how to do to let FF to resolve the url (new profile too) without lag?
warning. you should have an YT account. in this url you have ALREADY your access data stored! (when after the freeze the tab becomes available, you simply clic OK to login ;) I guess that YT is telling FF to login. FF doesnt want to login, I try to login a few time.
I = It = FF try a few time to login therefore the lag. then FF stops to try it and the tab becomes finally available. this my take 5 until 10 seconds lag. THEN all the tab of the previous session are restored without further lag.
(In reply to banakon from comment #12) It seems I do different steps with comment 12, I don't know how to reproduce the *simply clic OK to login*.
do you have an account on YT? ok. set your subscriptions. for example to follow a channel of your interest. ok now open FF, login into YT (for a simp'ly video, for examp,e if you want to add a comment under a video...), then open this url: you see your subscriptions or not, if dont have subscriptions. mantain this tab with this url. FF: session restore. + store your account and password (your data access should arleady written, without the need to add manually your data access). close ff. then re-launch FF. what happens? it happens that this url becomes "my" long url (my first comment here) obviously with your nickname, not mine. at this point FF have difficulties in opening this long url, therefore the lag/freeze. after 5/10 seconds you finally bacomes the google/YT page with your access data already written, then all is ok.thanks. this url
in other words, you close FF with this url when you re-open FF in this tab there is not this url this url disappear and you obtain the long url of my first post. lag/freeze. after the lag/freeze in this tab you see the google page with your ID and password already written. here you clic OK (or login), then you become again this page ((re-login is needed starting from ff26. until ff25 you are always logged in even if you closes FF, even if you upgrade ff... now it is compulsory to re-login into FB and YT even if you dont check Delete cache and cookie when closing ff, but this is another thema (bug).))
unfortunately, I really can't reproduce this follow your steps. I tried these steps on Fx28 Win8.1, but *re-login is needed* is no reproduce. even if I checked auto clean cookies when close firefox, *ok* screen appears but no freezes.
hmmm also this is an issue only for me and for the forum moderator. also you still remains loeeg in even if you closes ff? if yes, then please try to logout before closing ff. before closing ff leave open the tab with my long url comment #1. so if you are logged out you should to see this page (with long url) and become the freeze it happens to me anf to the moderator. thanks.
((out of curiosity the other problem is login needed! )) but please try to remain logged out, so you can see the correct page that is causing FF to take 10 second at startup.
the problem arises if you restore something. if you dont restore anything, no issue! if you refuse to restore not only cache cookie, but fields, passwords, no problems. as you open ff for the very first time. but I want to keep my password stored, therefore I hope that the passw. can be saved without to cause freeze on this url only. nothing to be restored = no issues. instead I delete ONLY cache and cookie when closing FF, therefore the issue, because there something to be restored (this causes the freeze or the lag).
sorry, but I still do not see it, maybe it requires some special case.
ok, I mantain this issue. thanks
if someone want to try with other Windows OS (not 8.1), welcome.
the problem is still here! workaround: options > check the box Delete no online data when closing. doing so I dont have the freeze, because I have to add manually the access data. when the data are alredy available I go the freeze at FF startup.
the problem is successfully resolved by checking the box "delete non inline data" from Options > Settings. so I think that this is a little bug in FF.
I was very wrong in the previous comment!! the one and only way to avoid freeze with this long url is: delete ALL things when closing ff, not only cache cookie and non inline data, but the history too. since this happens with linux too, I guess that this is a little bug (that will remain unresolved :(
in other words: I have to write (or to click the account form from google to obtain my access data in youtube subscriptions) my access data: if they are already available I got 5-10 hang in ff at the startup. after login alla is ok. very very strange.
addendum: an image is better than words ;) if at FF startup I have this I go the 5-10 hang. if the field are empty (simply click on these field to obtain my data) alla is ok.
I could not reproduce this on latest Firefox 43.0 version - build ID 20160105164030, User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0. Tried to contact the reporter, but his account is disabled, so mark the bug Resolved Worksforme. If this issue still occurs to someone, feel free to reopen and add more info related to the scenario.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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