Closed Bug 99361 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Flash site does not function "


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: colint, Assigned: srgchrpv)



If you go to the website and try to access any of the games or other flash items in the area you will be brought to the title page that will require you to specify a resolution to continue. Attempt to select a resolution, at this point the browser will seem to be looking but nothing will ever happen. What should happen is a second page will open so the game can be played. I tested this with mozilla 2001090515.
First game I tried (very first on list under "Action") hung the browser but I then tried 3D Joe's Water Balloon Drop (also under "Action") and it worked just fine. Clicking on the "Action" category also pegged the cpu for a time before the page finally loaded. Overall, I'd rate this WFM 2001091108/Linux :-)
The site and flash applets there are extremely CPU intensive. Second window opened, and browser interface got terribly slow. It took many seconds before a resolution link even responded to a mouseover. A new window loaded after clicking however. Tested a little flight shoot'em'up game found under page two under "Featured". Game loaded and was playable - but far too unresposive to be amusing. CPU at around 99% continously. Tested on a P3/500, current linux CVS build, flashplayer 7.
Yes, unresponsiveness was an issue for me too...
I attempted to start up the featured game and it would not even open.
I can confirm under 2001090921 Linux that I cannot even get the 800x600 version of the window to launch.
Keywords: oeone
Perhaps related: go to Moz immediately burst to nearly 90%CPU. Mouse over the "bubbles" and click on the one showing "Fun Stuff" Moz becomes unresponsive chrome vanishes. The only thing that still visibly works is the movement of tbe flash bubbles, but they no longer respond to mouseover.
bug 95192 seems to be about the same problem
The site in URL-field has been removed. However, it seems if there are flash animations going on in two windows at the same time, things stop up. Close one of the two windows and things speed up again. The 7up site still shows the problem.
--- Mass reassigning Unix bugs to serge ---
Assignee: av → serge
*** Bug 101879 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nothing we can do in mozilla code to improve flash performance ;) the simple comparison of cpu% for flash 5.0 r47 plugin with netscape 4.78 and mozilla 2002-02-02 gives me roughly the same % on test cases from bug 101879 or, I tested rh7.0 on P3/700MH & rh7.2 on P4/1.5GH I'm going to resole this as WONTFIX
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Keywords: mozilla1.0
fulfilling serge's wish.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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