Closed Bug 999275 Opened 11 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Failure to sync addons results in ongoing error state


(Firefox :: Sync, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: markh, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [sync:addons])

STR: * Run TPS with a "real" Firefox Account. * Use the same FxAccount in a normal profile and sync. Actual: * Every sync from then on reports a "partial failure" - it seems impossible to have sync complete successfully. Expected: * Unclear, but not the above. It isn't clear that reporting this failure is worthwhile at all given the user can't take any action to resolve it - but it certainly shouldn't be in a permanent error state. FWIW, the logs show: 1398132950288 Sync.AddonsReconciler INFO Refreshing global state from AddonManager. 1398132950314 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: 1398132950314 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} 1398132950314 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {10c68f07-63a6-4653-8f43-9fc763f22443} 1398132950314 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {505bfc3b-f268-a621-ea7c-ee24edc7e9d7} 1398132950317 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {31ee2a31-5718-379c-5518-20dec4db14e2} 1398132950318 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {93251d3a-c79a-5b44-9bef-762ed0371d40} 1398132950319 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {bb88b48c-2c59-8b2c-371d-b883de9ad2a1} 1398132950321 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {3c5cf738-08f9-8360-efdb-c3b58d08847a} 1398132950321 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {158919f4-92ff-8508-8fe9-94d77d36c1dc} 1398132950321 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {37ab856c-b575-a4b5-33b2-9adc43f4ad10} 1398132950322 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Rectifying state for addon: {b4a46c11-2945-5c38-9640-940aeb02e416} 1398132950323 Sync.AddonsReconciler INFO Saving reconciler state to file: addonsreconciler 1398132950331 Sync.Engine.Addons DEBUG Engine syncIDs: RNmwOiaVK16N,b_PrgoibcKBE 1398132950331 Sync.Engine.Addons DEBUG Resetting addons last sync time 1398132950331 Sync.Engine.Addons DEBUG First sync, uploading all items 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} not syncable: not installed in profile. 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {10c68f07-63a6-4653-8f43-9fc763f22443} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {93251d3a-c79a-5b44-9bef-762ed0371d40} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {bb88b48c-2c59-8b2c-371d-b883de9ad2a1} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {1fc6103c-b06f-c6c3-255e-aad5c0b9d010} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {3c5cf738-08f9-8360-efdb-c3b58d08847a} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {158919f4-92ff-8508-8fe9-94d77d36c1dc} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {37ab856c-b575-a4b5-33b2-9adc43f4ad10} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950332 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {b4a46c11-2945-5c38-9640-940aeb02e416} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950333 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {31ee2a31-5718-379c-5518-20dec4db14e2} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950333 Sync.Store.Addons DEBUG {505bfc3b-f268-a621-ea7c-ee24edc7e9d7} not syncable: type not in whitelist: plugin 1398132950333 Sync.Engine.Addons INFO 1 outgoing items pre-reconciliation 1398132950334 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one 1398132951294 Sync.AddonUtils INFO Found 0/1 add-ons during repository search. 1398132951295 Sync.Store.Addons WARN Failed to apply incoming record FLB4WMknH4qA 1398132951295 Sync.Store.Addons WARN Encountered exception: Add-on not found after install: JS Stack trace: create@addons.js:309:7 < Store.prototype.applyIncoming@engines.js:329:7 < applyIncoming@addons.js:279:5 < Store.prototype.applyIncomingBatch@engines.js:297:9 < doApplyBatch@engines.js:951:9 < SyncEngine.prototype._processIncoming/newitems.recordHandler@engines.js:1062:9 < Collection.prototype.recordHandler/this._onProgress@record.js:625:9 < Channel_onDataAvail@resource.js:542:7 < waitForSyncCallback@async.js:99:7 < Res__request@resource.js:389:7 < Res_get@resource.js:413:5 < SyncEngine.prototype._processIncoming@engines.js:1069:1 < SyncEngine.prototype._sync@engines.js:1481:7 < WrappedNotify@util.js:141:1 < Engine.prototype.sync@engines.js:655:5 < _syncEngine@enginesync.js:199:7 < sync@enginesync.js:149:13 < onNotify@service.js:1254:7 < WrappedNotify@util.js:141:1 < WrappedLock@util.js:96:9 < _lockedSync@service.js:1248:1 < sync/<@service.js:1239:7 < WrappedCatch@util.js:70:9 < sync@service.js:1227:5 1398132951334 Sync.Tracker.Addons DEBUG Saving changed IDs to addons 1398132951855 Sync.AddonUtils INFO Found 0/1 add-ons during repository search. 1398132951855 Sync.Store.Addons WARN Failed to apply incoming record 7fXSp985dd4X 1398132951855 Sync.Store.Addons WARN Encountered exception: Add-on not found after install: JS Stack trace: create@addons.js:309:7 < Store.prototype.applyIncoming@engines.js:329:7 < applyIncoming@addons.js:279:5 < Store.prototype.applyIncomingBatch@engines.js:297:9 < doApplyBatch@engines.js:951:9 < SyncEngine.prototype._processIncoming/newitems.recordHandler@engines.js:1062:9 < Collection.prototype.recordHandler/this._onProgress@record.js:625:9 < Channel_onDataAvail@resource.js:542:7 < waitForSyncCallback@async.js:99:7 < Res__request@resource.js:389:7 < Res_get@resource.js:413:5 < SyncEngine.prototype._processIncoming@engines.js:1069:1 < SyncEngine.prototype._sync@engines.js:1481:7 < WrappedNotify@util.js:141:1 < Engine.prototype.sync@engines.js:655:5 < _syncEngine@enginesync.js:199:7 < sync@enginesync.js:149:13 < onNotify@service.js:1254:7 < WrappedNotify@util.js:141:1 < WrappedLock@util.js:96:9 < _lockedSync@service.js:1248:1 < sync/<@service.js:1239:7 < WrappedCatch@util.js:70:9 < sync@service.js:1227:5 1398132951856 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 1398132951856 Sync.Collection DEBUG GET success 200 1398132951857 Sync.Engine.Addons DEBUG Records that failed to apply: FLB4WMknH4qA,7fXSp985dd4X 1398132951858 Sync.Engine.Addons INFO Records: 2 applied, 0 successfully, 2 failed to apply, 2 newly failed to apply, 1 reconciled. 1398132951858 Sync.Status DEBUG Status for engine addons: error.engine.reason.apply_fail Status.service: success.status_ok => error.sync.failed_partial - this.Status.service@resource://services-sync/status.js:45:5
Whiteboard: [sync:addons]
We no longer show any error UI.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Component: Firefox Sync: Backend → Sync
Product: Cloud Services → Firefox
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