Closed Bug 103192 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

mac: Cookies prefs panel is clipped


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect, P3)

Mac System 9.x


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: andreww)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: polish)


(2 files)

this is a problem on mac, both 9.x and 10.x, in either classic or modern theme.

this is not a problem on winNT or linux, with either theme.

to observe, open the prefs dialog and go to the Privacy & Security > Cookies panel.

* 9.x/classic: panel is clipped at the bottom.
* 9.x/modern: panel is clipped at the bottom and on the right side. it's pretty
bad here.
* 10.x/classic: panel is clipped at the bottom.
* 10.x/modern: panel is clipped on the right side.
pls reassign as needed.

how soon could this be fixed?
Blocks: 80392
Keywords: mozilla0.9.6, polish
reassigning to pchen as this is a mac-only problem.
Assignee: morse → pchen
marking p3 and mozilla0.9.6
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
Removed the seperator on line 146 in pref-cookies.xul. That helps the bottom
buttons a bit, but you still can't see all of the groupbox outline. Also, the
View  Privacy Levels button and the More Information button still get clipped.
Do you think the checkboxes below "enable all cookies" could be moved 
up into a 2nd column?

and move the "view privacy lables" underneath the "enable cookies..."

Not sure but that might give you more space.
We're actually more horizontally constrained as opposed to vertically, but we're
limited there also. Right now, the biggest problem is the clipping on the right
side caused by the View Privacy Labels button forcing content to go so far out
to the right.
Reorganize into two pref panels?  Or launch a separate dialog for a certain set
of items (saving real estate by boiling down all teh items into space taking by
one button to launch the separate dialog)?  Or push some items into some of the
other dialogs.  You get the gist.
cc'ing jatin.  Is it possible to reduce the description of cookies? Kinda wordy 
for a pref panel. And the panel already has a "More Info" button to help better. 
explain cookies.

In the absence of Sean Cotter, the doc. contact for security issues, I would
suggest having only the first sentence:
"Cookies are small pieces of information that some web sites ask to store on
your computer."
That would be tantamount to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  That 
first sentence by itself doesn't tell anyone anything informative about cookies.  
But, together with the next two sentences, it explains why the cookies are 
stored on your computer and what benefit a website gets by doing so.

Reducing wording is not the right way to fix this bug.  What happens in some 
foreign language where the wording is much longer than it is in English?
Thats true, but there is online help in two places available on that panel (on
the branch builds) that does a good job of explaining cookies: The Help button
and the "More Information" button. The preference panel isn't an ideal location
to have long explanations of a feature, but instead briefly introduce users to
the preference in question.
mass moving mozilla0.9.6 bugs to mozilla0.9.7
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7
andreww, think you can tackle this one? thanks. ->andreww
Assignee: pchen → andreww
yes. accepting.
I agree with Jatin. Prefs isn't the place to explain a feature. The description 
should define the pref being set, not the feature.


1. Reducing the description wording.
2. "View Privacy Levels" button could be change to just "View" to save 
horizontal space. Its right next to the item it depends on, "Enable cookies 
based on privacy levels" so I think its ok not to repeat the 'privacy levels' 
3. Remove the group box from around all the items. You don't really need to a 
group box if everything on the panel is grouped together. This will increase 
both vertical and horizontal space.

P.S. "Limit maximum lifetime of cookies to" should have a colon (:) at the end.
changest to pref  panel  to reduce vertical and horizontal space.
Making these changes allows the mac pref panel to display all the content.

Patch ready for review.
Keywords: review
Comment on attachment 59225 [details] [diff] [review]
changes to pref-cookies.xul,  pref-cookies.dtd

Attachment #59225 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 59225 [details] [diff] [review]
changes to pref-cookies.xul,  pref-cookies.dtd

since you're removing the groupbox, please fix the indentation as well.

do that and sr=hewitt
Attachment #59225 - Flags: superreview+
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
vrfy fixed using 2001.12.05.0x-comm bits on 10.1.1 and 9.1 [emul over X], with
both classic and modern themes.
See bug 127338.  It contradicts the decision taken here in item 3 of comment 16.
Blocks: prefsfit
No longer blocks: 80392
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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