Closed Bug 127338 Opened 23 years ago Closed 20 years ago

add padding to cookies panel per screenshot


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rebron, Assigned: jag+mozilla)


(Keywords: polish, Whiteboard: [adt3])


(2 files)

Need to add a border around the Cookies Preferences Panel and the Labels
preferences panel to be consistent with the rest of the preferences.



---Cookie Settings ----


---Label Settings ----
-> morse
Assignee: sgehani → morse
What's the rule here?  There used to be a border around the cookie pref panel 
but it was removed as part of the patch for bug 103192 (see comment 16, item 3).  
That was decided by jglick, the UE rep.  So I'm reassigning this to UE in order 
to get a decision as to whether this bug report is invalid, or if they want to 
reverse the decision they took in bug 103192.
Assignee: morse → jglick
There really is no set rule. The group boxes are generally used to group 
together more strongly related types of items on a pref panel. If there is no 
reason to separate and group chunks of items on the panel, the group box is not 
necesary. Some folks prefer the look of the group box, so sometimes its used and 
surrounds all items on the pref panel. 

Themes, Languages, Priv and Sec, Scripts and System are examples of pref panels 
in which the content is strongly related and doesn't need to be broken up into 
groupboxes and because space is tight, there is no group box. Cache, Proxies and 
Software Install are example in which the content is strongly related, but 
because there was room, the developer choose to inclose the whole content in a 
group box.

There is room on the Labels pref panel so there is already a bug to add the 
group box to that panel. That is covered in bug 126609.

If you want to add the groupbox around all the content in Cookies pref panel and 
the content will fit properly without being cropped on all platforms, its fine 
with me. As morse mentions though, the content was being cropped, hence, the 
groupbox was removed to prevent the cropping. Being able to see the contents of 
the panel is more important.

Back to default owner.
Assignee: jglick → sgehani
Steve Morse owns the cookies panel.
Assignee: sgehani → morse
As for the cookies pref panel, this is a wont-fix based on what jglick said in 
comment #3.  Closing this report out as such.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Well, doing items #1 and #2 on  bug 103192 (comment 16, item 3)-- reducing the
text and changing view privacy levels to just view-- now provides the room to
allow the 1 px image.  

And per jglick "If you want to add the groupbox around all the content in
Cookies pref panel and the content will fit properly without being cropped on
all platforms, its fine with me. As morse mentions though, the content was being
cropped, hence, the groupbox was removed to prevent the cropping. Being able to
see the contents of the panel is more important."

There shouldn't be anymore cropping because of items #1 and #2.

Don't want to beat a dead horse but this is a polish bug to me and having the
1px border just looks better and is more consistent across preferences. The
implementation is similar to the cache and proxies preference panel which have a
1 px border grouping.  

jglick, is it possible to get a screenshot similar to the one you created for 
bug 126609 for the cookies panel
my take on this is that we really need better pref layout guidelines.  the
problem however isn't whether or not to have a group box, but more of a space
layout question... the group box is providing some indentation and nicer
padding/margins, which help make the space feel more organized. as a general
rule, a group box shouldn't be used unless some distinct separation is needed. 
So, either make up some psuedo separation to help it look nicer, or create a
boundary element which is essentially just spacing and indentation. go look up
"Golden Section" in your favorite search engine... 
Attached image With groupbox
I think Marlon's points are valid. The problem here is that none of our prefs 
are consistent. Cc'd Lori, ui manager for her thoughts.
thanks for the screen shot jen.  
a. Changing summary from 1 px border to add padding to make pretty.
b. Can we re-open this bug?
c. Stephen, Don't need to fix it for beta but would like to see it done for
final release.
d. Adding polish keyword.
e. Prefs overall do need some love and some consistency.  The number of
preference screens are definitely a longer list than 4.x and has grown with each
major release  e.g. there are 9 screens of preferences for privacy and security
and 7 screens for advanced.
Keywords: polish
Summary: 1 pix border around Cookies and Labels pref → add padding to cookies panel per screenshot
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Target Milestone: --- → Future
I think Marlon is on the right track. We need to create and publish layout
guidelines for prefs as well as do an overall re-desgin. However, that's not in
the  current plan or schedule. His stated guidelines are appropriate. I
recommend going with the revised layout without the group box. As Marlon (and
the various platform guidelines) state(s) group boxes are for visually
separating related elements on a panel or in a dialog box. Since all the
elements on the Cookies panel relate to each other and there is no need to group
them, there is no need for the group box. Adding the additional padding arranges
the elements better and creates the visual cohesion necessary. 
cookie UI bugs now to to sgehani, reassigning
Assignee: morse → sgehani
Target Milestone: Future → ---
-> jag
Assignee: sgehani → jaggernaut
nominating nsbeta1 for implementing jen's second attachment or "With groupbox".

This panel sticks out.
Keywords: polishnsbeta1
Nav triage team: nsbeta1+/adt3
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+, polish
Whiteboard: [adt3]
Closed: 23 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No patch/fix referenced.  There's isn't even a comment that anything is now working.

->WORKSFORME (But if it isn't, it should be reopened.)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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