Closed Bug 12037 Opened 26 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[PRINTING TRANS GIF] Transparent backgrounds are printed as black.


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect, P3)






(Reporter: chrispetersen, Assigned: dcone)




(Keywords: relnote, topembed+, Whiteboard: [Hixie-P1], relnote-user, need to fix on Mac & Linux[adt2] for win32 fix)


(3 files, 4 obsolete files)

Build: Apprunner Version: 1999081608 Platform: All Expected results: The directory that contains color icon should be printed as greyscale. What I got: The document icons are print as black/white on Windows. The Mac prints no icons at all. Steps to reproduce: 1) Type in the url:http://slip/projects/marvin/simple/ 2) The directory should be displayed in the window. Notice that the document icons of the files are in color. 3) Print the document. 4) Under Windows, The printout contains black/white icons instead of greyscale icons. The mac version prints no icons on the page.
QA Contact: petersen → shrir
Sorry for the spam, changing QA contact on printing bugs to our new printing tester, Shrirang!
Target Milestone: M12
Summary: Color document icons are printed as black/white or not at all. → [PRINTING]Color document icons are printed as black/white or not at all.
It seems that my test actually has inverted icons printed.
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
Moving to m13 -- have a nice day.
Target Milestone: M13 → M15
This is because the transparent GIF's print differently on differnt printers. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 21380 ***
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Summary: [PRINTING]Color document icons are printed as black/white or not at all. → [PRINTING TRANS GIF]Color document icons are printed as black/white or not at all.
*** Bug 21380 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Running in circles here. This needs to be re-opened and 21380 need to be verified duplicate of this. I'm going with first reported inertia on this one.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
*** Bug 28140 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
D: Are we just printing the mask, ie the wrong buffer? -p
Keywords: beta1
Putting on PDT- radar for beta1. Will relnote for beta1.
Keywords: relnote
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
cc: sfraser
I checked in changes (to the trunk) so that transparent images print properly, on Mac. The changes are in nsImageMac.cpp
*** Bug 23718 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
This should be fixed. I put in a fix, and printing works much better. I had to update printer drivers also for the Network printers, since tranparency does depend on the Printer Drivers supporting this.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I still see images print with a black background with build (2000042109). zach ?
Gif's printing in black also reported in bug 40821 url:
reopening...per comment from R.K.Aa.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
*** Bug 40821 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
This bug has been marked future because we have determined that it is not critical for netscape 6.0. If you feel this is an error, or if it blocks your work in some way -- please attach your concern to the bug for reconsideration.
Target Milestone: M17 → Future
I should have fixed transparent GIFs on Mac to print with a white background instead of random pixels. Shrir, can you test? I can't remember if there is another bug on that.
yes, trans gif's are now printing with a white background on mac(2000091509m18). Windows and linux are still printing as originally reported in this bug. Simon do you want me to log a seperate one for mac ?
This is a glaring bug. On older sites where transparent images are used to for spacing, the results look really bad. Any chance of getting a fix in for this for NS6? I would be uncomfortable with this being the final release printing performance.
keyword: rtm
Keywords: rtm
Marking rtm-. Not enough time to solve this problem. Will have to look at this post RTM.
Whiteboard: [PDT-] → [PDT-][rtm-]
It seems unclear to me whether this bug requires either of a "developer" or "user" release note. If anyone feels it does, can they please draft one and then nominate with the relnote-user or relnote-rtm strings in the Status Whiteboard. Thanks :-) Gerv
This bug is extremely critical to our products. Equations are usually created as transparent GIFs for display in web pages. Putting a white background in the equation is not an option, as we want to pick up any background color in the user's document. Here is a page on our website that contains 2 transparent GIFs, (albeit low-resolution): Please make this a high-priority item for the final release of Netscape 6. Jack Dignan Design Science, Inc.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
Whiteboard: [PDT-][rtm-] → [PDT-][rtm-], relnote-user
*** Bug 61659 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
reporters comment in bug 61659: Note this graphic prints okay with the Non postscript driver
*** Bug 62795 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 63694 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding myself to the CC list
spam : changing qa to sujay (new qa contact for Printing)
QA Contact: shrir → sujay
*** Bug 68147 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I dislike the 'Summery'. If I understand the newer comments correctly (and as I have observed with my bug 68147) the problem is that the transparent background is printed as black. The colours are ok and all images seem to print. I therefore would suggest to change to summery. (And changing platform to all) I think this is a must fix for mozilla1.0. Since usually white is regarded as colour of the paper, it would be ok to print the transparent parts as white (instead of not printing those pixels which is probably better?).
Yea, the description is not accurate anymore, but I'm not so sure that this is a bug on all platforms. I know that any platform using PostScript will have this problem, but I didn't think that Windows and Mac had a problem with transparent GIFs. Can anywone confirm?
this is broken for me on linux using both postscript and the native hp4 drivers on redhat 6.2. Asa's mac printed the background as white (better than black, but suboptimal because the actual background was gray) and his windows machine printed the background as black (but its set up as postscript). I think OS should stay at "all". updated the subject.
Summary: [PRINTING TRANS GIF]Color document icons are printed as black/white or not at all. → [PRINTING TRANS GIF] Transparent backgrounds are printed as black.
Before I had made a bad assumption that the postscript object was only used on OS's that do not provide a direct printing context type of device. I see now that this is not the case and have further confirmation from Dennis Lundberg [] (who is having some problems with his bugzilla account) that Windows 2000 on build 2001021508 exibits this bug when printing to a PostScript printer driver, but not to a PCL printer driver.
This problem is not restricted to GIF images: I have this problem with printing a document with transparent PNGs on our HP LaserJet (PostScript driver) but not the HP DeskJet (which doesn't say it's PostScript, so I assume is PCL). Since my diagrams are black lines on transparent ground, the result is large squares of solid black... Windows NT 4 SP6a, Mozilla 0.8 build 2001021508
Depends on: 64841
No longer depends on: 64841
Blocks: 64841
transparent GIFs are still printing as black boxes on Mozilla 0.8.1 Windows NT4SP6
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla0.9.1
*** Bug 80047 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
*** Bug 81782 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Don, I think the problem is that for printing we need to invert the mask before ANDING it with the destination. In addition we would need to OR the source bitmap with the inverse of the destination. The current sequence is: 1. Create a mask with 0xFFFFFF pixels mapping to the non-transparent pixels in the source image and x000000 pixels mapping to transparent. 2. AND the mask with the destination. 3. OR the source image into the hole created by step 2. The problem with this is that if the printer does not support the AND raster operation then we are rendering the mask's transparent pixels as black pixels. If we have it render the inverse of the mask then the transparent pixels will be rendered as white pixels if the AND operation is NOT supported. 1. Invert the mask 2. AND the mask with the destination 3. OR the source image with the INVERTED destination. (I think the operation DSTINVERT on WIN32 does this.)
Disregard my last comment. On WIN32, I think all we need to do is use GetDeviceCaps(RC_NONE) to determine if the device supports raster operations. If it doesn't support them then we should either: Use the mask to composite the source image into an offscreen buffer then blit the offscreen to the destination. or Copy the source image to the destination with any transparent pixels filled with white.
10 dup bugs according to Marking mostfreq.
Keywords: mostfreq
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
Blocks: 85388
*** Bug 86857 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** is chocked full of transparent GIFS, this printing this page yields so many black GIFS.. we should get this fix in ASAP.
I too also have this problem. It seems to be something so fundamental to printing that it should be fixed ASAP. Platform: Moz 0.9.2, RedHat Linux 6.2
Just my 2cents from printer driver developer viewpoint: As it was said before that depends whether printer supports generic ROP's or not. For example PostScript printers do not have concept of drawing surface at all so they cant combine output with already drawn content (only overpaint). Thus it will never work on any PostScript printer. PCL printers set required ROP with PCL Logical Operation (*l#O) command. The problem is that this command is not defined in base PCL5 specification but only in PCL5C (additions for color printing). It is supported not only with color printers but with recent b/w printers, too. These HP printers does not support this command: HP LaserJet III, IIID, IIISi, IIIP, 4, 4M, 4Si, 4SiMx, 4L Printers that correctly handle Logical Operation: HP LaserJet 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, all Hewlett-Packard color laser printers and ink printers. The problem is even larger with 8bit alpha blended PNG images. For blending Mozilla wants to know what was already drawn (bitblt from device to memory bitmap). Printer drivers do not support this kind of bitblt and return error (at least Win32 and OS/2 drivers do this way). I think that for printer output during page rendering all drawing primitives must be sent to the printer DC (RenderingContext) AND some memory drawing surface (kinda carbon copy). If there are transparent PNG images or printer does not support ROP's then output is sent to printer in one pass as large bitmap. BTW this one pass approach significantly reduces size of transfered image.
*** Bug 85628 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Whiteboard: [PDT-][rtm-], relnote-user → [Hixie-P1] [PDT-][rtm-], relnote-user
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
*** Bug 92495 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 93398 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: topembed
I just encountered this bug, found this entry and read the thread. I'd just like to ask the poster who suggested that this'll never work to PostScript printers: It works fine in Netscape 4.76. Can't the developers emulate what is done in 4.76?
I am working on this bug currently,first on the windows platform. The postscript platform might be more of a challenge because I am not sure if postscript supports transparency. This problem 6.x is having.. we dont composite our page.. so we rely on the device to support all the raster operations. I am not sure what 4.x did, but I am guessing the composited there output. If anyone knows what 4.x did, please post it in this bug.
The 4.x (or "Mozilla Classic") code is available in the tree, so you can go and look for it.
I just did tests with W2k and my 4500 HP laserprinter, the transperancy works just fine. This problem is bad because it is dependent on the printer/driver/platform.. as to if it will work. Some platforms work, some print an ugly black mask. One solution would have been to make the black mask white so it would look better, but then that would break the systems that have a printer that does support these raster operations. Another solution would be to always composite this area when we print.. I think thats the only solution to get this to work all the time.
dcone: Is there a way to query the required info (e.g. whether (alpha) mask support is present or not) from PPDs ?
Making the empty image bits white will look silly on pages with dark backgrounds where its dark on white... I don't think this is a good solution. Perhaps we should composite, however that kinda sucks too.
I checked with what explorer does, they do not support tranparency with there printouts.. looks like they punted, but they do use white where the transparency is. I think compositing will be really bad because of the resolution isssue.. size, etc. I think what should happen.. I will do the white background, but will put in an option (at a later date) that will allow the user to do these raster operations if the printer supports it. Also.. windows printers do not tell if these raster operations are supported for the printer.. only if the printer is a raster type so the user will have to make that decision. Seems Netscape also does this white background thing.
Probably you misunderstood about that PostScript problem. I did not meant that there are problems in nsPostScriptObj.cpp which manually generates stream in PostScript language. What I meant is that if you print from Windows (or OS/2 or Mac) on the PostScript printer by using nsRenderingContextWin.cpp functions which map to the GDI function calls then PostScript driver is unable to interpret the ROP3 SRC_AND for image mask and it tries it's best and replaces ROP with simple copy (ROP3 = 0xCC = Source only). That's how these black areas appear. I agree that replacing transparent areas with white color is BAD idea! Of course you can do it as temporary solution. In that case you must provide that printed page does not have background images or fill color. Why you are against compositing page in memory? All necessary GFX functions are there to do that. There are no any issues with resolution you mentioned. The only problem is that it takes a lot of memory. For example A4 (aprox. 11 x 8 inches) page at 1200 DPI printer will take 11*8*1200*1200*3 = 380 Mb. This is amount of memory Mozilla needs to print one page in worst situation (large resoulution, entire page, truecolor). Printer driver compresses that chunk to much smaller one and only then sends it to the printer. Compositing is necessary only for documents that contain transparent or alpha-blended images. You can't apply it to the separate page or even part of page, because then problems with fonts could arise - printer device fonts could look slightly different than system fonts. The other bonuses of compositing are that it must be done only once in platform independent layer. And most importantly it will work: 1. on all printers 2. with alpha-blended images. (I would love that feature) It's just a question of time when it should be implemented.
yes all the GDI functions are there to do that, but that IS the resolution problem. Creation of a large offscreen to support the resolution of the printer your going to. So for a 300dpi.. not to bad, 4x, but for 600dpi or 2000dpi that is a huge offscreen.. which is a resolution problem. You could band and you could.. and could... but these are pricy solutions.. we would basically be writing our own printer drivers and just copy'ing the bitmap out. Currently I think the solution would be to do what 4.x and IE do, use white. The second phase would be to have the option in that the mask would be used like it is currently for printers that support it. As the product stands now, the raster operations work great on my 4500 laserwriter and 1 out of the two Laserwriters at work, no bugs there. Leave those raster operations to the printers that support it which should be more and more. Microsoft has a new GDI transparent bitmap bitblit so I am sure more printers will have to support these operations. I dont think us doing our own composition is ever a good idea because its alot of memory and code to support a feature used maybee 5% of the time.. if that.
Is it true that canRaster == DT_RASPRINTER only for some printers, and never for a screen? Should Compostite be Composite, or something else?
Attached file Simplifed testcase (obsolete) —
Ignore my last update. I wished to post in another bug.
That is exactly how the documentation said to use this constant.. it will never happen for a screen. I used the online documentation as well as programming windows, Charles Petzold for reference.
OK, a=dbaron on behalf of drivers if you fix the spelling of Compostite to whatever it should have been (Composite?).
*** Bug 96898 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Windows fix checked into the trunk and 9.2 branch.
I checked in the windows fix for this.. so I am taking off the topembed tag. This is just a Mac issue now.. and I will fix that next.
Keywords: topembed
OS: All → Mac System 9.x
Why remove the topembed tag? This is still an issue for the GTK embed. The attached patch only fixes windows.
Set milestone to mozilla0.9.5 added nsbranch keyword
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Blocks: 104166
0.9.5 is out the door. bumping TM up by one.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
Also on Linux this is still not fixed... I see a long vertical strip on the left side when printing That strip is supposed to be a white trans image/gif(see the HTML) and when you print that page using Win, you don't get a black strip. So it is inly fixed on windows. So that leads me to believe that this bug is not fixed for linux. Setting platform/OS to ALL.
OS: Mac System 9.x → All
Hardware: PC → All
Whiteboard: [Hixie-P1] [PDT-][rtm-], relnote-user → [Hixie-P1] [PDT-][rtm-], relnote-user, need to fix on Mac & Linux
I also just encountered this problem at trying to print the ascii table on that page. It's a transparent GIF, and the background prints as black. I right-clicked the image and went to "view image" and then tried to print via file -> print. OS: Mandrake Linux 8.0 Moz. Ver: 20011012 Printing to a Samba shared HP 812c Driver: HP DeskJet 812C, Foomatic + DJ8xx (HP-developed driver)
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7
Posted changes to nsViewManager::Display () to do compositing. This is just an example how code could work in cross-platform way to fix black background problem and printing of alpha blended images. There should be some logic which determines whether page could be printed directly to printer or it should be prepared in memory and then sent to printer as one large bitmap. It should check whether there are transparent images in document and what are user preferences for compositing if they are. The other field for improvement to decrease memory usage is rendering the page in limited resolution - 300 DPI should be enough. Then offscreen drawing surface could be scaled to print on the entire page. I made necessary changes (win32 and OS/2) to nsIRenderingContext::CopyOffscreenBits () to accept both source and destination as nsRect rectangles and thus support scaling. The largest problem is to force nsViewManager::RenderViews to render page with specified scaling factor. There is instrument to do that by adding scale factor to transformation matrix in RenderingContext, but it is not always correctly used. For example images and text dimensons do not scale right. The nsFontMetrics read the scaling factor (twips to pixels) directly from nsDeviceContext and thus ignores the scale factor which is specified in nsRenderingContext. I see at least two ways how to force rendering to be done at resolution which differs from real device resolution: 1. Fix all places in nsRenderingContext to take into account the scaling factor. Somehow change nsFontMetrics to use the scaling factor fromnsRenderingContext. 2. Make changes to nsDeviceContext to be able to specify desired resolution of device. We will report smaller dimensions for caller for drawing surface. All functions which get scale (AppUnitsToDevUnits etc.) will take this DPI diffeerence into account, too. I can try to implement this functionality. BTW this should automagically give possibility to implement print preview!!! I need to know which approach is better from your point of view. If someone in Netscape / Mozilla is already working on or at least was pondering how to make it I would like to hear back from them.
OK, can someone let drivers know what's going on with this bug? I'm sick of paying for print cartridges. This bug is honestly costing me real money.
No longer blocks: 104864
lol... Don't print 1024x768 gifs. here... 1x1 transparent gif
*** Bug 108315 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
dcone is on sabatical. rod/kevin, can you take a look at this?
This is listed as a 0.9.6 bug so it would be nice to see a go/no-go on whether this is even going to be possible. It might be a simple fix, it might not.
I am back from sabatical. I dont think will are going to composite for a cross platform solution, this would require to much memory since you would need an offscreen buffer 4 times the size of the printer resolution at least. The fix for windows needs to be implemented on Mac and Linux.. then this will be closed.
IMHO 24 Mb or 32 Mb (depending whether system uses 3 or 4 bytes per RGB pixel) is NOT such a terrible amount of memory per Letter page (11x8 inches) in 300 DPI. The idea is not to use larger resolutions than 300 DPI even if the printer reports that it can do 600 or 2000 DPI. Isn't the mAltDC (for print preview) from nsDeviceContext.cpp the right instrument to do the rendering in any resolution which we ask for?
this bug worries me a lot. i would like to use Gecko under Linux to automate printing web pages for customers (don't ask me why...), so printing transparent GIF backgrounds in white is not a solution, because most of the sites have backgrounds images or colors. in this case Gecko is out for my project. thus, Dainis Jonitis, i'm interested in your solution and i have a few questions : does your patch compile with current Mozilla sources ? do you know if it's compatible with printing Framesets and background images ? i can mail Dainis privately if other bug contributors consider it's not appropriate to have such a discussion on this report. anyway, i just wanted to warn that printing backgrounds in white is not always a solution...
I agree that white backgrounds is a not an optimum solution, but it does take care of most the cases. Using 32 meg.. to render offscreen is probably not a big deal for some.. but there are alot of users who can not afford to use or have that much extra memory. Also.. using a maxumum resolution of 300 dpi is not practical with all the Inkjet printers.. or 600 dpi 1200 dpi and 2400 dpi laser writers. I payed alot for my laserwriter, I would not like that 300 DPI solution just so I could print out some.. if any transparencies. Also companies like FedEx, UPS could no longer print there BarCodes at that resolution. They use very large images which are sent to the printers to scale for them and give them very high resolutions. Maybee a solution might be.. a preference to use an offscreen.. warning of the DPI shortfall, this is only needed for transparencies, or extreme memory that might be used.. something like that. But I really have a problem doing our own printer rasterization just so a small number of transparent things can be rendered. Its better to solve a problem for 95% cases.. than to solve for the 5% case. My point.. I believe there is a big cost for doing offscreen rasterization.
I agree with dcone. The best thing to do is to get a printer which supports alpha-masking or transparency (via PostScript Level 3 or PCL5) ...
For many linux users, the important thing will be that ghostscript does it correctly, because printing to inkjet printers relies on it. I've tested the recent versions of ghostscript in Debian unstable, both gs 6.51 and gs-aladding 6.50; for my test case (see bug 85628) both of them still show problems with the transparent gifs. I am not entirely sure about GS's behaviour: on the release documentation, ghostscript is claimed to support level-3 features, but gs -h shows only postscript level 1 and level 2. This might depend on how it is compiled. The best option seems to be to have a configuratio option to chose between 'force to white workaround' and 'rely on postscript level 3 features'
I don't know if this is helpful, but when printing from acroread under linux there is the option to use Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 postscript. So, its not completely without precedent to have such a work-around option. Eric
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.7 → mozilla0.9.8
FWIW, Konqueror prints these pages correctly. You might look at how they do it. My test case is:
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → mozilla1.2
Keywords: topembed
Force-to-white print transparency has been checked in as part of bug 127430.
Marking topembed-. The issue has been resolved for WIN32. Remaining problem is on Linux, Mac.
Keywords: topembedtopembed-
Keywords: mozilla1.0+
I'm still seeing this bug in Build 2002030403, Win2k. Is the patch not in the standard nightlies yet?
*** Bug 130199 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nominating for embedding and nsbeta. The comments suggest that this is fixed on windows but it isn't. I'm still seeing large black areas for transparent gifs. Print the image at and see for yourself. This bug actually makes Mozilla/Netscape considerably more expensive to use than the alternatives and will affect enterprise and home users where it matters, in their pocketbooks.
Keywords: topembed-nsbeta1, topembed
WFM: When I print using 2002032203 build on WinXP on a HP LaserJet4. It prints the transparent area as white, no black areas to be found.
032503 mozilla win32 build on win2K printing to LaserJet 4 prints black for the transparet background for me.
Interesting... 3/25 cvs build on WinXP printing to LaserJet 4 prints white for the transparent background for me. Must be a printer driver specific issue on WIN32.
Running the 3/25 build on W2K: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.9+) Gecko/20020325 Netscape6/6.2.1+ When I print, I get black background on 2 printers: HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX PS (lungfish on FLOTSAM) Lexmark Optra T614 PS3(sanma on FLOTSAM)
HP 1200, last drivers, Win XP, moz 2002032003. All looks fine.
WFM on 0.9.9 macOS 9
Keywords: topembedtopembed-
Using Win2k with Build 2002032603 printing on a HP5000N... Still printing all transparent gifs with black background.
Works for me, build 2002031808 (a nightly--not a packaged version), Debian/GNU/Linux, woody, CUPS version 1.1.14-3, HP DeskJet 842C. (Sorry for the spam.)
On WIN32 we no longer go into the CompositeBitsInMemory routine which creates an offscreen with a white background because the transparent gif is always optimized. Instead, we fall through and call PrintDDB which leaves the user at the mercy of their printer driver in regards to supporting the mask raster operation needed to do transparency. This regression was probably caused by the check in which removed the duplicate copy of the image bits by optimizing the images. (bug 104999) nsImageWin.cpp ------------------ if (!IsOptimized() || nsnull==mHBitmap){ <== The image is optimized so it never goes to CompositeBitsInMemory below PRBool didComposite = PR_FALSE; rop = SRCCOPY; if (nsnull != mAlphaBits){ if (1==mAlphaDepth){ if(canRaster == DT_RASPRINTER){ MONOBITMAPINFO bmi(mAlphaWidth, mAlphaHeight); CompositeBitsInMemory(TheHDC,aDX,aDY, aDWidth,aDHeight,aSX,aSY,aSWidth,aSHeight,srcy, mAlphaBits,&bmi,mImageBits,mBHead,mNumPaletteColors);
Blocks: 101618
No longer blocks: 101618
nsbeta1+ for WIN32 fix (Fixes recent regression which was preventing WIN32 from printing transparent gifs correctly.)
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [Hixie-P1] [PDT-][rtm-], relnote-user, need to fix on Mac & Linux → [Hixie-P1], relnote-user, need to fix on Mac & Linux[adt2] for win32 fix
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2alpha → mozilla1.0
Taking bug.
Assignee: dcone → kmcclusk
Comment on attachment 77266 [details] [diff] [review] Same as patch 77142 with additional code to cleanup the mImageBits after compositing offscreen to reduce memory usage sr=attinasi
Attachment #77266 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 77266 [details] [diff] [review] Same as patch 77142 with additional code to cleanup the mImageBits after compositing offscreen to reduce memory usage r=dcone
Attachment #77266 - Flags: review+
adt: This patch is for WIN32 only. The symptom is that on a high percentage of printers we will print black for transparent areas instead of white. top100 sites such as have transparent gif's which print with black backgrounds on these printers. This regression was probably caused by the check in which removed the duplicate copy of the image bits by optimizing the images. (bug 104999). The patch is in WIN32 specific code, so it has only been tested on WIN32. I have tested WINNT and WINXP printing several top100 sites.
adt1.0.0+ (on ADT's behalf) for checkin into 1.0.
Keywords: adt1.0.0adt1.0.0+
Comment on attachment 77266 [details] [diff] [review] Same as patch 77142 with additional code to cleanup the mImageBits after compositing offscreen to reduce memory usage for drivers
Attachment #77266 - Flags: approval+
Same as patch 77266 except I removed the assert that mImageBits is not null and I destroy the mImageBits only if mImageBits was created during printing. (This is a little safer since we should not be deleting mImageBits unless it was created for the purpose of printing)
Attachment #77266 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 78072 [details] [diff] [review] small change to patch 77266 r=dcone
Attachment #78072 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 78072 [details] [diff] [review] small change to patch 77266 sr=attinasi
Attachment #78072 - Flags: superreview+
Fix for WIN32 checked in - attachment 78072 [details] [diff] [review]
Reassigning to dcone, marking nsbeta1-.
Assignee: kmcclusk → dcone
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → Future
Attachment #47005 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Keywords: topembed+topembed-
*** Bug 101618 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
verify bug 101618 when this bug is fixed.
> Fix for WIN32 checked in - attachment 78072 [details] [diff] [review] Verified for me now: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.9+) Gecko/20020409 Netscape6/6.2.1+ Successfully printed: on 2 printers: HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX PS (lungfish on FLOTSAM) Lexmark Optra T614 PS3(sanma on FLOTSAM)
AS for comment #123 given url (rose) also prints correcctly under Linux nighgtly build (2002040410) on HP 2100 (without the path i suppose:)
This is fixed for Windows. I will create new bugs for Mac and Linux concerning this issue.
Closed: 25 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified in 4/15 trunk build.
sorry for the spam, forgot to mention here are the two new bugs created for Mac and Linux if anyone wants to cc: themselves on those bugs: Mac = Linux =
removing item for this bug from the release notes since the bug is marked fixed. If this is in error, please make a note in the release notes bug for the current milestone.
Transparent images are not printing correctly. Can anyone please verify? problem : transparent image covers background image. On webpage the background cloud and grass image (tile_gif.gif) does not show through "mozillazine" (title.gif) or (blimp.gif). On the page the transparent images are not filled in with the correct background color. mozilla build : 2003010304 OS : windows 2000 printer : lexmark optra m412 driver : pcl5 2.640, PostScript 30.740 Fails pcl5, ps, windows
rnorberg: Seeing similar things with 1.2.1 on Linux, printing to PS-File. Please open a new bug report after looking for duplicates. This one is fixed. Thanks.
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