Closed Bug 121122 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

nsIFilePicker should allow picking multiple files


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bzbarsky, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Keywords: arch, helpwanted)


(1 file, 9 obsolete files)

16.69 KB, patch
: review+
: superreview+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
We should be able to ask the filepicker interface for a list of files, not just one file. This would be useful in several places.
Blocks: 43015
Keywords: arch
Assignee: trudelle → bryner
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Severity: normal → enhancement
This bug is marked as blocking bug 43015 which currently: - has 47 votes - has a target milestone of 0.9.9 (I guess this will slip soon) - is a dependency of Bug 92997 "Bugs that make Mozilla advocacy harder" This is inconsistent with marking this bug "future". Perhaps this inconsistency should be fixed, either by adjusting this bug or the other bugs as appropriate?
1) Though fixing this bug would allow fixing bug 43015 in a fairly easy way, bug 43015 can possibly be solved without fixing this bug. 2) This is an architecture change of a scope that is, in my opinion, inappropriate for pre-1.0 work at this point. 3) The target of bug 43015 is unrealistic, imo, but that's an issue to take up with the developer who's working on that bug.
Boris, could you add comments to 43015 about how you think it might be solved without this bug being fixed?
If I had any decent ideas I would have commented....
Isn't it the future already? IMHO this kind of change will have an impact over every user of nsIFilePicker (tried to count them, but could not find an easy way to do it), in mozilla and any mozilla based application, therefor it will always be an high risk change and always easy to postpone. My suggestion is to implement this change in two phase. The first will be to change the IDL of nsIFilePicker an make all necesery adjustments for the current functionality. The second phase will be to implement the actual multi selection. After the implementation of the first phase it will be easier to contribute solutions for the different platforms. Another (uglier but easier) way of dealing with this bug can be to define a new interface nsIMultiFilePicker which imlements this functionality. In any way this bug can't be an enhancment. It is the root cause for bug 43015 which is a real UI bug (72 votes and rising).
> Isn't it the future already? No. ;) This is not being put off because it is risky or anything, but rather because it's a lot of work and no one has the time to do it so far. Making the IDL change is trivial, but until we have an implementation for at least one of our platforms, what's the point of doing it? It'll just make it look like the functionality exists when in fact it does not... Adding helpwanted keyword, since I (or bryner) can make this work in the XP filepicker but someone else will likely need to do the Windows/Mac/OS2 ones....
Keywords: helpwanted
marking 4xp and nominating for moz1.2 (as per the dependencies which some people in mailnews would like to have and which is mostfreq [37 dups]) Since this is available in 4.x (for all platforms that I can test) this is not an "enhancement" -- upping to normal since a normal bug depends on this. I *would* say minor (workaround is: select one file at a time, multiple times) but there seems to be a legitamite claim that there are certain instances where multiple file-pickers are either not feasible, or not possible. None of this means the bug will be fixed any faster, but it might just get on some people's radars
Severity: enhancement → minor
Keywords: 4xp, mozilla1.2
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.2alpha
I'm going to take this from bryner, since I need it for #43015 and I have a patch (at least for windows). My plan is to stub out the implementations on other platforms, so that modeOpenMultiple acts like modeOpen until those platforms get fixed (by people who know those platforms better than me.) I'll work on cleaning up my unclean patch tomorrow.
Assignee: bryner → sspitzer
As I mentioned in email, I feel that nsISimpleEnumerator is a better choice than nsISupportsArray for the file and url lists. For one thing, if we ever want to freeze nsIFilePicker we will likely need to eliminate its use of nsISupportsArray.... For another, I can see of no use for the lists other than to iterate over them as this patch does. NS_NewArrayEnumerator is probably the simplest way to go here.
ditto for what boris said. nsISimpleEnumerator is the way to go. oh, and can you please not include GetFileURLs in your patch - I'm trying to reduced dependencies by not supporting urls in the file picker. See bug 102013.
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
heeding bz's and alecf's advice. next steps: 1) stub out other platfoms 2) fix mailnews js to use enumerator 3) don't use nsIFileURL (per alecf)
Attachment #97929 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch patch to use enumerator (obsolete) — Splinter Review
includes fix for #43015
Attachment #98010 - Attachment is obsolete: true
accepting. now to: 1) stub out other platfoms 2) don't use nsIFileURLs (per alecf) hoping to make it for 1.2
Severity: minor → normal
now to stub other platforms, do some cleanup, and then get reviews.
Attachment #98158 - Attachment is obsolete: true
seth, I think you want to be using ioService.getURLSpecFromFile - instead of creating the URI object yourself and then retrieving the spec.
Can I get some r/sr reviewing from you guys for Here's what I have: 1) nsIFilePicker has new attribute, nsISimpleEnumerator files, and a new mode: modeOpenMultiple 2) base impl (shared by beos, os2, mac) fakes GetFiles() to create an enumerator for the one file [those platforms, and the xp file picker] don't support this yet. 3) the platform impls and the xp file picker currently treat modeOpenMultiple as modeOpen (this makes the base impl GetFiles() work) 4) the windows implementation overrides GetFiles() and does the right thing 5) compose js fixed to use the new mode. This bug (37 dups, the top most dupped bug in mailnews that hasn't been fixed) is wanted for 1.2 Once the fix is reviewed and finished, I'll log a bug on the widget owners to override GetFiles() and support multiple file picking. Note, with this patch, we have one less js dependency on the "readonly attribute nsIFileURL fileURL" in nsIFilePicker. I'll also log a cleanup bug on this: readonly attribute nsILocalFile file; readonly attribute nsISimpleEnumerator files; we should use files for both, no matter the mode. Or maybe remove "file" and add a helper, "firstFile" or something. I haven't thought it out yet.
alecf suggested I post to n.p.m.xpfe for help wanted about the xpfilepicker. news://$
Blocks: 167157, 167158
Why we need both mFile and mFiles? For backward compatibility?
>Why we need both mFile and mFiles? For backward compatibility? see "I'll also log a cleanup bug on this: readonly attribute nsILocalFile file; readonly attribute nsISimpleEnumerator files;" Until that's cleaned up, we need both. "we should use files for both, no matter the mode. Or maybe remove "file" and add a helper, "firstFile" or something. I haven't thought it out yet" That's good idea. BeOS filePicker implementation already gets and saves list of file entries (that's API for native FilePanel)- (only that it has restriction for selection number set), and till now it used for mFileOpen just "List->ElementAt(0);" Only bug in BeOS part of patch i found is typo - mMode = modeOpenMultiple @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ node_flavors = B_DIRECTORY_NODE; panel_mode = B_OPEN_PANEL; } - else if (mMode == modeOpen) { + else if (mMode == modeOpen || mMode = modeOpenMultiple) { node_flavors = B_FILE_NODE; panel_mode = B_OPEN_PANEL; } should be comparison ==, not assignment =
that for the = vs == catch, new patch coming. forgot to log the [beos] bug: see
"that for the = vs == catch, new patch coming." thanks for catch, I mean.
wait, I forgot to attach them implementation for nsFilePicker.js
Attachment #98172 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch implement xpfile picker, whoops (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #98217 - Attachment is obsolete: true
The impl of the "files" getter in nsFilePicker.js needs to return an enumerator, not an array... Or does XPConnect automagically deal here?
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #98228 - Attachment is obsolete: true
"The impl of the "files" getter in nsFilePicker.js needs to return an enumerator, not an array... Or does XPConnect automagically deal here?" I attached the wrong patch, sorry bz. see the latest patch.
Comment on attachment 98231 [details] [diff] [review] patch Windows code: + fileStr += current; Does the dirname include the trailing '\' then? This part of the code could be more efficient if it cached the strlen() result and used nsDependentCStrings instead of nsCAutoStrings (and just passed "dirName + currentFile" to InitWithNativePath). I don't know whether we care about not scanning the file strings twice multiple (3) times. The single-file case assumes that the string still has two trailing nulls, even though the filename and dir are a single chunk. Is that correct? (seems logical, but...) filepicker.js: + mHasMore: true, Wouldn't it make more sense to init this to "false" and set to true when mFile is set? Other than those two items, looks great!
>+ fileStr += current; >Does the dirname include the trailing '\' then? yes, so I added a comment explaining that. >The single-file case assumes that the string still has two trailing nulls, even >though the filename and dir are a single chunk. Is that correct? (seems >logical, but...) yes, it is correct. new patch that covers the other issues coming...
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Attachment #98231 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 98247 [details] [diff] [review] patch sr=bienvenu
Attachment #98247 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 98247 [details] [diff] [review] patch sr=bzbarsky if you add that comment about the '\' on the dirName
ugh. more collisions... ;) r=me then.
Comment on attachment 98247 [details] [diff] [review] patch r=bz note to bz: + // dirName contains a trailing slash + rv = file->InitWithNativePath(nsDependentCString(dirName) + nsDependentCString(current)); + NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv);
Attachment #98247 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 98247 [details] [diff] [review] patch a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.2a
Attachment #98247 - Flags: approval+
fixed. now we need all the other widgets (and xpfilepicker) to be fixed.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
sping off bug about removing some of the attributes and just using "nsISimpleEnumerator files" is bug 167282
As i noticed, this patch/bug was intended to allow multiple attachments in mailnews, but it will be good to open multiple local files from FilePicker in browser too (in tabs or windows - depending on user settings). But i suspect that it is topic for another bug.
"As i noticed, this patch/bug was intended to allow multiple attachments in mailnews, but it will be good to open multiple local files from FilePicker in browser too (in tabs or windows - depending on user settings). But i suspect that it is topic for another bug." that's doable now, but it will only work on windows until the various platforms implement support for modeOpenMultiple. If there are browser bugs where multiple file open makes sense, feel free to log those RFEs.
Seth, can you explain me how can i test those modifications. I implemented OpenMultiple handling in beos/nsFilePicker recently (instead stub), changed *.js for mailnews, recompiled, but cannot see any option in MailNews GUI which allows that feature :).
To test in mail, open a mail compose window (Ctrl+M). Click the attach button. Select more than one file and click ok. If you are able to do this and see both files in the attachment pane of this window, then it worked. Before this fix, you could only select one file at a time.
added patch for BeOS: "- currently in this patch multipleOpen and Open in BeOS nsFilePicker are exclusive, but i had version where even for multipleOpen first list item was assigned also to mFile. Maybe that approach was better?"
rs vrfy. works fine for me in mail compose on win2k (2002.09.18.08 comm trunk). filed bug 169539 for browser case.
Ok, but what about Linux version of this bug?
That's bug 167152; has a detailed description of what needs to be done and a first-cut patch.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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