Closed Bug 1227104 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Update Fetch and ServiceWorker compatibility information


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: API: DOM, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fb+mozdev, Unassigned)



While updating isserviceworkerready[1] I found the MDN docs lacking information on which Firefox versions support ServiceWorker and Fetch/FetchEvent features. In a lot of cases, the compat charts show "unsupported" for Firefox although the feature is implemented and sometimes already turned on. 

For my PR to update isserviceworkerready [2] I dug up some Bugs that indicate which version supports what, though my time was limited so I could not verify this information extensively (e.g. if implemented behaviour was buggy or pref'ed-off by default). 

I used the following references:
- Debugging/`about:serviceworkers`: Bug 1133601
- `postMessage`: Bug 1142015
- Fetch-related: Bug 1065216
- install & activate event: Bug 1113555
- `skipWaiting`: Bug 1131352 & Bug 1222008
- `claim`: Bug 1058311 & Bug 1130684
- `cache`: Bug 940273 and Bug 1110144

I'm needinfo'ing a few people to get their thoughts on the status/bug #s.
Flags: needinfo?(josh)
Flags: needinfo?(ehsan)
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly)
Flags: needinfo?(amarchesini)
Why do we need individual version numbers for all of these?  Can't we mark them all as supported from 44?
Flags: needinfo?(ehsan) → needinfo?(fb+mozdev)
Other pages on MDN show when a feature first became available, even if it was behind a pref / nightly-only. Some SW features are available since Fx 38 (pref-able in Release), others have not been implemented yet. While specifying the version where the features became GA (in Release) is desirable, specifying the first version a feature appeared in (with a note about the flag) is important information for those who want to learn more about and experiment with SW – this is especially important as long as SW features are not GA (in Release) and it is still helpful to have this information in the time afterwards (in addition to the GA version).
Flags: needinfo?(fb+mozdev)
Personally, I think its better to show SW as being available starting in 44.  While we had bits and pieces landed before then, it wasn't really useful.  Stuff was incomplete or often broken.

Maybe the one exception would be Cache API in 39 since that can be used from the window.
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly)
I also think we should reference 44 as the first version for SWs. The spec went through significant changes since Fx 38 and in most cases our initial implementation is considerably different than the  current standard.
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
All the SW/Push docs have now been changed to say 44 as first version.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: needinfo?(josh)
Flags: needinfo?(amarchesini)
Depends on: 1250219
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