Closed Bug 129115 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Reflow coalescing within JS called from SetTimeout


(Core :: Layout, defect, P2)






(Reporter: jesup, Assigned: waterson)




(5 keywords, Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM])


(9 files, 26 obsolete files)

5.87 KB, text/plain
1.11 KB, patch
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1.36 KB, text/html
2.56 KB, text/plain
198.64 KB, patch
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17.09 KB, text/html
18.89 KB, text/html
210.28 KB, patch
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19.21 KB, text/html
We have a real problem with excessive reflow called from within DHTML, commonly in code called from SetTimeout(). See bug 118933 among many others. One possible solution is to NOT generate a reflow event for every CSS position/etc change (in nsCSSFrameConstructor::StyleChangeReflow). Instead, reflow (if needed) when the code called by SetTimeout returns, or if more than N ms have elapsed (I suggest 50 or 100ms as a first cut - it can be tuned). To be more detailed, we might put the reflow commands into a separate queue (ala the mTimeoutReflowCommands queue) (and suppress duplicates in that queue), and then process that queue off either a timer or right before we go to sleep after a SetTimeout callback. There are some other possible solutions, like adding a general delay to processing reflows if other things are active, or perhaps event prioritization (which is another RFE in bugzilla).
Also see lots of other DHTML bugs, such as bug 118933
Blocks: 118933
Keywords: helpwanted, perf
I chatted with dbaron for a while on IRC. I'm not sure if there's a win to be had here - it depends if the reflows are getting flushed during the running of the code called by SetTimeout()'s callback. He did remark that we appeared to not be reflowing very incrementally from glancing at the jprof to bug 118933. I'm going to instrument and see what I can figure out.
What about bug #64516 comment #21 by attinasi/buster for a possible solution ?
Looking around a bit, there's a rather under-used mechanism for batching reflows (used in only one place, in Editor). For this purpose we'd need to put a maximum time to batch the reflows for, and there may be some additional issues, but it looks like a good place to start. I'm going to try a patch that batches reflows around calls to JS from RunTimeout and see what happens. (The methods are nsIPresShell::BeginReflowBatching(), nsIPresShell::EndReflowBatching(PRBool reflow), and a query method (no one uses it).
I have my batched-reflows up and running (without the timeout). It does appear to properly batch the 100 reflows generated per timeout in the testcase for 129079. However, this doesn't appear to help much; my assumption is that when the 100 reflows commands unbatch, they still cause a hundred reflows to occur. The next thing (I guess) is to see if the 100 reflows can be coalesced at all. I'll upload my (trivial) little patch for this so far.
Attachment #72830 - Flags: needs-work+
I'm looking at merging reflows in nsPresShell::ProcessReflowCommands to help DHTML (which spends all it's time in reflow it seems). Can I just merge the nsHTMLReflowCommand Paths (with common element elimination), or will incremental reflow of a common parent reflow all the children? (which would allow me to throw away reflows for the same common parent (root?) node). I'm slogging through the code but some guidance wouldn't hurt.
This patch cuts the time for the text case (for me) from ~100000ms to ~9300ms. THe Debug/viewer demos/DHTML testcase is faster too. This WILL cause regressions, I cheated. I probably need to merge reflow command framelists.
Attachment #72830 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Don't we already have some sort of reflow coalescing code? (But I think it works at an earlier stage.) is a test case for bug 70156, and it very nicely demonstrates the beauty of this patch. resource:///res/samples/test12.html (more fixed pos demo) doesn't display anything for me until I resize. 11 does, sometimes.
This is a conversation I just had with shaver on IRC about this bug.
Nominating for 1.0 -- go strong, kudos to rjesup! I wouldn't hold 1.0 for this, but if it can be done safely and well, without too much opportunity cost, I'm all for it. Just one driver's opinion. /be
Keywords: mozilla1.0
Addendum to conversation: we looked a little bit at doing the mark-divergent-subpath-as-dirty thing, but that looked kind of evil. Less evil -- probably trivial for blocks, of as-yet-unknown non-triviality for tables -- would be to store the reflow commands in a tree, and teach block and table code how to reflow all the tree-children for a reflow pass. I'm going to poke at the code overnight and see if I can hack up a patch. Randall has certainly laid down an impressive gauntlet for us. =)
Keywords: mozilla1.0
Please test pageload with that patch... I'm seeing two issues: 1) a long time to unsupress painting and 2) much longer time taken (as far as I can tell).
I just read dbaron's and shaver's comments. I agree we need to merge paths or otherwise make sure all the right frames get reflowed (I strongly suspected as much, in fact I was surprised it works as well as it does without it). Seems like we have two or three possibilities (I'm still trying to grok the code in BlockFrame/Viewport/etc): 1) Merge the lists throwing away duplicates. I'm not sure we can keep it a list, or that may depend on how we access it. Probably a tree structure makes the most sense, or a list structure that makes a virtual tree. I haven't yet determined if order is critical, but I imagine it is (requiring a tree, or the extra info). 2) Mark the nodes when the coalescing takes place using a new (different) flag. Then let the reflow start at the top and work it's way down the existing tree. Downside is that with flat structures (lots of children), you have a lot of nodes to examine. At the cost of more memory in the nodes, we could still encode it without the perf hit. 3) Do the coalescing only for the easy cases (target frames all have a common parent), or some such. I'm sure there are more solutions to the issue....
adding mozilla1.0, targetting 1.0
Keywords: mozilla1.0
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Blocks: 114584
Some ideas about a tree for reflow framelists. I haven't coded this, just written some comments: Reflow array consists of an array of pointers. If the low bit is set, then it's not an nsIFrame *, it's an nsAutoVoidArray holding a list of children. Each entry in that array of children is another reflow array. This is efficient for the common case of a single or small number of reflows. Also, it works well for cases where there's a large overlap. They're also pretty easy to build from the reflow command arrays. You can reuse each mPath array after removing the first N entries (where N is the amount it matches with it's parent). You could avoid that overhead with more work, but it's not worth it I think. GetNext goes away. In it's place, an iterator on the stack stores where in the child array we are (assuming there is more than one). Places where GetNext is called become something like "while (NS_OK == iterator.GetNextReflowChild(&reflowChild))) ..." or some such. Just some ideas before I crash.
Blocks: 21762
adding nsbeta1. this is a good one to fix for DHTML performance.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Taking bug. The proper method for combining reflow paths (I think): Build a tree that has all the target nodes (with parents) with no duplication. All reflows must be for the same reflow command type (note: could relax by storing types in the tree). When walking the tree in Reflow(), when we come across a node, we check to see if it's a target. If so, we do a reflow from that point using the normal dirty flags. This will reflow anything marked dirty under the target so long as there's a chain of DIRTY_CHILDREN flags between it and the target. Then we check the list of children for the node, and iterate into each of them. While in theory we could end up traversing frames more than once, it's unlikely in practice that a frame would both be marked as dirty and be on the path to a target node. If we're really worried about this, we could refuse to merge paths that have a target above another target. I think in practice it will be rare, and would work correctly anyways. This means that the code that current looks a lot like: if (I_am_target) { reflow myself reflow any children with DIRTY or DIRTY_CHILDREN flags } else { GetNext(&nextFrame); find the frame call the frame's Reflow() } will become more like: // this lets me iterate through the reflow children; initialized // from state within the reflowCommand nsReflowIterator reflowIterator(aReflowState.reflowCommand); nsIFrame *childFrame; // See if the reflow command is targeted at us PRBool I_am_target = reflowIterator->IsTarget(); if (I_am_target) { // we're off the tree aReflowState.reflowCommand->SetCurrentNode(nsnull); reflow myself reflow any children with DIRTY or DIRTY_CHILDREN flags } while (reflowIterator.NextReflowNode(&childFrame)) { // Make sure the iterator in the next level down can find its data. // Possible optimization: if DIRTY (not DIRTY_CHILDREN), and // a reflow of a DIRTY node above handles reflowing all sub-frames, // we may be able to skip it. Not a big deal in practice, so ignore // for now. aReflowState.reflowCommand->SetCurrentNode(reflowIterator); call the child frame's Reflow() } The one trick to worry about is the current reflow node in the tree. We need to set the current node to null so that any children that look at the reflow tree will not think they're targets, and won't think they have children in the tree (even if they are targets or have children - that will be handled when the current target gets control back and goes through it's children in it's iterator).
Assignee: jst → rjesup
BTW, things like blobs and vectorsine run _immensely_ faster with the patch (from the tests).
I didn't completely follow comment 22, but one thing I worry you might not be accounting for is that when something dirty is reflowed, it will often cause other things to be marked dirty during the reflow (e.g., if something changes size, if a floater moves, etc.). So we really want to process everything in one pass. Your comment "While in theory we could end up traversing frames more than once" scared me.
I cut a branch for this, because trading patches is going to start sucking _very_ soon. : layout; cvs tag -b REFLOW_TREE_COALESCING_20020308_BRANCH : layout; cvs tag REFLOW_TREE_COALESCING_20020308_BASE
N.B. here are waterson's reflow docs, VERY useful for understanding this bug:
Another thing from shaver's and my conversation last night: Some Reflow() methods reflow all their children (not just dirty ones), such as nsInlineFrame.cpp, regardless if they're a target or not. In order to make things work correctly if there's a target inside there (keep the tree and iterators in sync with the frames being walked), we need to find the correct tree node for the child we're entering to reflow. The iterator needs a method |iter.SelectChild(nsIFrame *foo)|, which finds the tree node in the current list being iterated that matches frame foo, or none if there is none that matches.
Sample tree built from the chasing-clock demo I mention in comment 10: Tree dump: | +-- 0x8834e50 | +-- 0x8834f84 | +-- 0x8835178 | +-- 0x8834e88 | +-- 0x8837e58 | +-- 0x8842c2c (T) | +-- 0x8843028 (T) | +-- 0x88433ec (T) | +-- 0x8843738 (T) | +-- 0x8843a84 (T) | +-- 0x822e140 | +-- 0x884411c (T) | +-- 0x8843dd0 (T) | +-- 0x884411c (T) | +-- 0x88444a8 (T) | +-- 0x88447f4 (T) So it looks like we go from 61 frame-reflow calls to 16 here. Promising!
Blocks: 97287
Note: this really is for Shaver; I'll check this into the branch once I get it limping up. Currently dies in startup due to a null reflowCommand (makes sense, can easily be fixed, but the sun is coming up...)
Attachment #73443 - Flags: needs-work+
Checked in very rough first cut of patch to the branch. (There may be some build issues with content; shaver has resolved them and will check in in the morning). Runs (there's some minor editor wierdness, the every-other-character updates bug is back I think with this patch). Most browsing and DHTML seems to work correctly otherwise, other than it being slow because it's Dumping the tree every time, and it's still running in compatibility mode (no tree merging). There are known problem spots, mostly where I added XXX's. Also, each spot needs to be reviewed for correctly where I modified the flow, and I haven't even looked at source style issues yet. But it runs.
Checked in some updates. Full tree merging is now enabled and working (mostly, there are a few regressions, especially with DHTML works. The nsReflowTree code has a bug with adding chunks, so I set the chunksize to 110 for the moment. That will work for all but the worst sites (vectorsize and blobs).
Shaver checked in a fix for the reflow chunking, and I'm about to check in a fix so that it actually deletes commands when it merges them, and implements IsATarget (in a very simplistic way, we probably want to use a hash instead of an array).
FYI, tests on the same machine I tested the "cheat" patch on (full opt, with tree dumping on each reflow) show almost identical performance for the current branch as the cheat patch, around 10x faster than trunk. Looks like the perf win holds up with the merged tree. Still a bunch of detail work and regression testing to do. I'm running the current branch, with (in nsReflowTree.h) KIDS_CHUNK_SIZE = 300 instead of 10, to work around a bug.
Current known regressions: Editor: the "every other character echoes when typing bug" - image and some text don't show up - main page is ok, stories often don't show the story text/image
From a) sliding an element 100px to the right, setTimeout set to 0ms between steps b) sliding an element 100px to the right, setTimeout set to 30ms between steps c) calculate the first 91380 elements of the harmonic series d) sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout set to 30ms per step) e) Move GIFs with many transparent parts above each other Time in ms reflow branch IE4 IE5 IE6 Mozilla NS4 Opera a) 318 861 5,280 981 2,406 2,347 660 <<<<----- b) 3,608 3,317 5,500 2,984 4,444 4,350 5,440 c) 2,146 - 440 141 1,600 1,980 - d) 1,957 - 1,150 636 14,743 1,041 - <<<<----- e) 4,836 - 10,610 2,704 4,159 2,300 - NOTE: this is with a preliminary version of the branch, with trees being dumped at every reflow(!). Compiled with -O2, Linux RH 7.2, trunk 20020311xx, 450MHz P3, remote X display(!) Also note: take those with a grain of salt, since I don't know which values they display by default. I'll re-run on the same machine tomorrow from the trunk to check. Note that we're still 1/2 to 1/3 the speed of IE on case d.
FEH, durn thing don't like nice tabs. reflow branch IE4 IE5 IE6 Mozilla NS4 Opera a) 318 861 5,280 981 2,406 2,347 660 <<<<----- b) 3,608 3,317 5,500 2,984 4,444 4,350 5,440 c) 2,146 - 440 141 1,600 1,980 - d) 1,957 - 1,150 636 14,743 1,041 - <<<<----- e) 4,836 - 10,610 2,704 4,159 2,300 -
Do we know why (c) got slower?
Those numbers (other than my test) were from some unknown build and system reported by the site. When I get a chance (or have the regressions fixed) I'll run numbers before and after on the same machine. BTW, I notice we are getting some merging of reflows into trees loading pages (such as, merges 4 reflows), so I do think we're going to get a bit of pageload improvement from this patch. is a test case from the .perf group.
are we thinking this is going to be baked enough land in the next week or two?
I was under the impression that good, solid patches that are approved land. Then they bake along w/ everything else for a long time on the branch before a release is rolled out. --pete
Things are looking pretty good right now, though there are a handful of regressions we need to sort out (some things aren't getting reflowed correctly in a batched case). I'd certainly like to have this at a landable state within 2 weeks, but I'd be more confident if we could enlist some help from a layout expert to help us better understand the nature of the things we're seeing. I'm going to be in California next week (San Jose area), so maybe I can pop in and spend some quality time with a Mountain View layout hacker. pete: things have to be solid and baked before they're ready to land on the trunk (1.0 development is on the trunk right now, not a branch); we're long past the point of throwing something against the trunk to see if it sticks.
I would hold mozilla1.0 for this fix, speaking only for myself and not for all drivers. DHTML has suffered for too long because of a basic design flaw that was actually contested long ago by hyatt and evaughan, to no avail (the perpetrator is long-gone). Rather than "prematurely optimize", we're doing it just in time for 1.0, and things look close enough, and good enough, that I'd wait. /be
Depends on: 130760
The more I spend in this code and talking to dbaron and co, the more I understand why the perpetrator in question doesn't want to use the XUL dirty-bit system, which I think is the hyatt-evaughan lobbying you describe. How well does XUL's model handle an LXR-like page with many thousands of children below a single parent? Not sure I want to find out this close to 1.0. =) Anyway, I'm heartened by your support, and hope that we have something very soon that's ready for wide-scale testing. In the meantime, people who want to start banging on the branch are very much invited to do so and report troublesome sites. I've created a bug, marked as blocking this one, for tracking regressions discovered in testing of this branch. I'll try to merge against the tip and prepare test builds on at least Linux (other platform volunteers please speak up!) tomorrow or Friday.
No longer depends on: 130760
I didn't mean to bash unnamed perp from the past too much, or to endorse dirty bits naively applied to wide, bushy trees. Only to say that this ain't rocket science, and that terrible DHTML perf has been a stain on Gecko's escutcheon for too long. /be
I don't think shaver meant to remove bug 130760 (the companion regressions tracking bug) as a blocker of this bug. Putting back. Slap me down if I'm wrong.
Depends on: 130760
I don't know if any work done here is related, but: Bug 87808 disappeared on the February 2nd build but reappeared somewhere between the 6th and the 9th of February. Did something get checked in and backed out that anybody knows about?
I'm a bit more cautious than brendan. Maybe it's because I understand just enough about reflow to fear it :-). If we're going to try to land this in 1.0 then I think it needs to land at least a couple of weeks before putative 1.0 ship, and someone needs to be committed to put a lot of energy into fighting any resulting fires. rjesup, shaver, this means you :-). As long as we understand that, I'm OK with this.
IMO this is important enough that we could involve all (most) of Netscape's QA people in doing a DHTML/Layout testing marathon to get lots of eyes on builds with these changes in them once the diff is done.
Is this bug/patch specific to setTimeout, or does it also apply to inline javascript and javascript event handlers?
jst, that sounds terrific.
Pulled the current ./layout from branch REFLOW_TREE_COALESCING_20020308_BRANCH and rebuilt from the top. (I also tried this on win32, but msvc was not happy with the nested classes in nsReflowTree.h). I hate to report this after seeing that 'clock' dhtml running so smoothly on mozilla, but I gave this a quick A-B run (only changes between build A and build B being the changes in layout). So, anyways, with the build without these changes, on redhat6.1/500MHz/128MB, I got an avg. median of 1315msec. With the changes and a rebuild, I got an avg. median time of 1451msec, which is ~9% slower. Most of the deltas ranged from ~20% to 0% difference, with the most notable slowing (before=3536, after=5391; change=+50%) being for content equivalent to <> This assumes, of course, I didn't make any bonehead errors, which is always possible. I note also that the console was chirping "Releasing 1 reflows batched" during the test, which can't help (but isn't likely the key factor). But I don't think this is all bad news. Obviously I didn't crash :-), and most of the pages appeared correctly (although some were missing various parts of the normal content). [Sidenote: I am away till Monday, so I can't answer questions about the above till then. Ping kerz if you want some more help testing this in the meantime].
I certainly plan to do a careful analysis of perf on pageload before this lands, including comparison of pageload runs with and without the branch. There probably are optimizations we can do for the "normal" case of a single branch/target in the tree.
In debug builds, you can get lots of analysis of the reflow patterns. See: and you can also set these vars: setenv NSPR_LOG_MODULES frame:21 setenv NSPR_LOG_FILE /tmp/reflow-tracing.log Note: you get a lot.... JRGM: I'll remove the fprintf's from the opt builds for you. Note I still haven't even made an initial "clean up" pass; there are a lot of opts like not creating the hash until you have a second item, etc that will speed things up. Also moving the reflowIterators deeper into the control flow in Reflow() methods, and allocation pools/etc for the trees and such. I currently suspect two major regressions: editor repaints are funky or non-existant (in HTML only, XUL seems ok, which makes some sense), and table rows/etc don't always get laid out (tinderbox,, which interestingly works ok if you remove the: document.forms['f'].id.focus(); from the bugzilla page. Very interesting.....
Here's another test js app. Runs fast in IE - dog slow in current mozilla builds. I dont have the branch so I have no way to test it out.
Cleaned up a bunch of code on the branch. No effect on the major regressions. Editor echo issues seem to be linked to the frame being marked as dirty, so when you type a character it doesn't issue a new reflow - but there is no reflow for the editor frame active, which is why we seeBatch release of 0 frames. (This is for text widgets that don't echo at all, like
Checked in a fix to the DIRTY bit maintenance in nsBoxLayoutState.cpp:UnWind(). Didn't solve the regression, but was definitely a bug.
I pulled the branch and tried to compile I use VC70 to build a static build I had to comment out 2 lines in nsReflowtree.h to suppress all msvc errors: //friend class nsReflowTree::Node; //friend class nsReflowTree::Node::Iterator; I'm restarting a full build now, I only tried layout with this patch
add nsReflowTree to, comment out problematic "friend" declarations
I just took a look at the changes to nsBlockFrame.cpp in the patch (yes, I should have been reading diffs earlier, but...), and found what appears to me to be a significant problem in the case where a block has multiple children in the reflow path tree. You're calling PrepareChildIncrementalReflow for all the children in the reflow tree before reflowing any of them. This says to me that there's either a major case where you're reflowing too much or a major case where you're reflowing too little. (I haven't looked closely enough to figure out which.) First, I'll describe (roughly) how I think this should be handled in the block code, and then I'll try to explain why the code currently on the branch can't work. I think what needs to happen is that a good bit of the incremental reflow logic needs to be moved down into ReflowDirtyLines. In particular, most of PrepareChildIncrementalReflow (although not the part that causes incremental reflows to change into resize reflows) can't be called from the top-level reflow anymore, but, rather, needs to be done in ReflowDirtyLines. In particular, the marking a line dirty that PrepareChildIncrementalReflow does can't happen until after all the lines before that line have been reflowed. Then, when we get to the line that has the next reflow target, we should check if that line is dirty. If it *is* dirty, we have to somehow merge the dirty reflow with the incremental reflow targetted at some descendant of that line -- in some cases that might mean just doing a dirty reflow, but I'm not sure if that would work if the relevant incremental reflow is a style-change reflow. So, what's wrong with the current code? I think one of two things is probably happening. Either: 1) We're reflowing too much. In other words, whenever the reflow tree splits, we do a full dirty reflow on the entire subtree for each child that's on a path other than the first path, rather than following that path down to the target of the reflow. Or: 2) We're reflowing too little. In other words, if the incremental reflow of the first child that's in the reflow tree causes damage to the line that's the second child in the reflow tree, we're ignoring that damage and just targetting the reflow down the path that we have, which may only touch a small portion of what was dirtied by the change to an earlier line (e.g., a floater being pushed down). I'm not thinking that this will be somewhat difficult to fix in the presence of the BRS_INLINEINCRREFLOW optimization, which allows the possibility that you could have two children in the reflow path within the same line of a block. If we eliminate this by changing text inputs and textareas to be reflow roots (something I've wanted to do for a while that would both improve performance and reduce code complexity), then these changes would become much easier. Or am I missing something that makes this all work?
David: Thanks whole-heartedly for the analysis; not knowing all the side-effects of the Reflow/etc routines was a major problem when reworking this for tree-based reflow. I'll go over your comments in more detail tomorrow; they look VERY helpful. I think the editor/text optimizations might be a significant win for cleaning up the code, as you suggest. My apologies for not spending more time on it this weekend; personal life (and taxes) intervened. I'm back on it full time tomorrow.
One interesting perf regression for the branch versus the trunk: typing in the URL-bar is about 3x or 4x slower on the branch (Linux/X11/x86/-O2).
dbaron: if you were looking at the patch, I should note that the recent set of changes I checked in added a ReflowDirtyLines() after each PrepareChildIncrementalReflow() (i.e. I moved it into the loop). Now, that may not be sufficient; I'm looking at it more closely today. In fact, looking at it for a few minutes, I see that RetargetInlineIncrementalReflow() must be written for trees, and hasn't been. I'll work on that now. Thanks again, and keep the commentary (or fixes) coming.
I've made some major checkins and fixed editor widgets (text lines and areas). This also seems to have fixed most of the "doesn't lay out all of tables" bugs. Note: this exposes a number of things that were previously not getting invoked, and there's at least one assertion I added firing. Also, I'm doing most of my testing in non-merged versions, so there may be MERGE_REFLOW=1 bugs (to turn off merging but still use trees, change the define in nsPresShell.cpp). Mention regressions (and there may be more now) in bug 130760.
Blocks: 64516
Blocks: 70156
Fixed most if not all of the assertions firing - they were mostly due to not selecting the correct tree node when reflowing each line, and in some cases reflowing lines more than once. The main remaining regressions (incorrect spacing (, lines move when you type) are now fixed, and the assertions seem to be gone (very incomplete testing, though). New regressions (perhaps due to under-reflowing now): on bugzilla bug pages, some of the text widgets paint their text (in the wrong spot) but not their frames/etc. Resize fixes this. It's getting a lot closer, and is highly usable now. Still needing to be done: merge to tip. (Is there a standard method/procedure for updating or replacing a branch with one based off the current tip?) I'll attach a patch based on the diffs against the base. People who've been considering trying this: it's a good time to start thinking about it.
Does not include the msvc patch yet
Attachment #72873 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #73443 - Attachment is obsolete: true
New branch, REFLOW_TREE_COALESCING_20020325_BRANCH (layout ONLY). To add, cd layout (VERY IMPORTANT), cvs update -r REFLOW_TREE_COALESCING_20020325_BRANCH I'm going to attach an additional patch that enables reflow merging in dom for SetTimout() callbacks (which is what helps DHTML). Note that this seems to currently be over-reflowing, so temporarily you may not see the full improvement. I'm concentrating on correctness first, we know this is the right way to improve performance from previous tests. Please report regressions in bug 130760. Biggest known regression involves extra white space at the top of some websites. I'll be doing a layout regression run tomorrow morning early.
Layout regression test results (current branch plus dom patch): 12 tests out of ~2385 failed. Also there are a couple of reported crashes from jrgm, and the known problems with and bugzilla bug pages. I'm also building an optimized tree to test performance. I'll list the failed tests on bug 130760
I'm about to commit some more small fixes to the branch. Note that currently, I can't find any regressions if I set MERGE_REFLOWS to 0 in nsPresShell.cpp, which means the remaining bugs are in the case where a node has multiple children, or a node is both a target and a parent of a target. I'm going to re-run the layout regression tests with MERGE_REFLOWS of 0 to see how close we are in the non-merged case. NOTE: we may well still be reflowing too much (even with MERGE_REFLOWS at 0). Other known issues: - RetargetInlineIncrementalReflow() definitely needs to be rewritten more, though I'm not sure of the correct algorithm. - It would be nice not to have to call ReflowDirtyLines for each child of a block that's in the tree. Currently we do in order to make sure the current reflow tree node is correct for the lines we're reflowing. - I'm not sure if I need to call BuildFloaterList() after each call to ReflowDirtyLines().
For anyone who wants to easily look at the changes or apply against tip, this is the current branch as a patch (BRANCH vs. BASE)
Attached patch Updated patch to match branch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Moved updated IncrementalDamageConstrained() into nsBlockReflowContext.cpp to match trunk changes that occurred on 3/12. (Had been in nsBlockFrame.cpp, commented out during the merge for the 3/25 branch.)
Attachment #76574 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I am shocked whats going on in this bug. <start rant> How on earth can this thing make it into 1.0??? My predictions is that it will take two milestones to fix the regressions if this gets checked in. I really argue the drivers to keep the promises from the mozilla manifesto. We contend that a milestone where only fixes for topcrash and other severe bugs (e.g., dataloss) get checked in, with lots of regression testing and code review, is necessary before we can confidently brand a mozilla1.0. In my oppinion this is the largest change layout has seen over month's. It scares that everybody who I recognize for intimate knowledge of reflow issues stays as away from this bug. So do I. Further I don't think that it is a good idea to start such a large change and then require people with layout knowledge to spend theire time on it: it is not only the qa that would need to spend time, but also people who would fix the layout topcrashes otherwise, and I think thats a far better use of theire time and expertise. <stop rant> even a single failed testcase in the layout tests is enough to stop a checkin.
I agree with bernd (and what Marc said in email), and I don't think this should go in 1.0 at this point. I've tried to hint gently at this over the past week or so after seeing the current state of the patch (see comment 60), but I didn't want to discourage it too much, since I think it is the correct approach, and I think it should land on the trunk sometime after 1.0 branches. I should have been more discouraging about the potential for this to make 1.0 earlier, and I'm sorry for letting rjesup work so hard on it in the hope that it might make 1.0 without being clearer. I've looked at the patch quickly and I think it still has some serious problems -- including the potential for making a *single* incremental reflow pass O(N^2) in the number of children of an element (rather than O(N) of them, as most of the O(N^2) algorithms in layout are). I think it's probably worth getting some careful review before doing too much testing, since I think review is going to turn up issues that are going to require some pretty significant changes to the patch (such as comment 60 above, which I don't think has been fully addressed). Having said that, I really don't have time to do that review now.
While I would love to see this in 1.0, I agree that it is a quite risky patch for this late in the game. I've been ready to say "drop this from 1.0", but it's not for me to decide how important fixing DHTML is for 1.0. Brendan certainly thinks it's important (and I do too). However, the complexity of the reflow code is such that this will need more baking that we're likely to want. (It doesn't help that Waterson is away.) It also doesn't help that I'm learning the complexities of reflow as I do this, and because of sabbaticals and workloads none of the people who know reflow already have had enough time to really help (which is not meant to be a complaint; this idea/patch came up at the last minute, and I'm grateful for the help I've gotten - in fact, I'm amazed that it's as close to solid as it is, given the dangers of reflow). I will keep hammering away at this regardless. If this is not taken for 1.0, it should go into trunk as the 1st post-1.0 patch, and be strongly considered as one of the first patches to migrate from trunk to the 1.0 branch. -- Randell, posting using the reflow branch
As Jesup said "... how important fixing DHTML is for 1.0". Many major DHTML perf bugs have been postponed due to this bug and now this one also won't make 1.0 Furthermore bug 117061 is also not fixed for 1.0 - what remains is a very disappointing mozilla1.0 milestone in view of DHTML.
I'd even suggest to postpone Mozilla 1.0 release one release farther -> to make Mozilla 0.9.10 with this code in.
I think we're going to have to accept that Mozilla fumbled the DHTML ball for 1.0 and look to the future.
I have been waiting Mozilla 1.0 for three years! I don't care to wait one month more to have a REAL Mozilla 1.0...
Well, mozilla is already real in its current version and so are the major DHTML / timer problems we have in 1.0
Bug 73348 should make some interesting reading, and is probably an interesting source for testcases.
I wonder if it would be possible to put in place "hooks" into the trunk that would allow someone to install (post 1.0) some xpi which could enable this feature. This way folks who want to can make the choice of less stability (perhaps) in return for faster DHTML. sorta similar to how SVG was set up for a while, where you had builds that were "ready" for SVG and turned it on after some xpi file was installed. Just a thought.
What bernd and dbaron said -- this is post-1.0 material by a large measure. I understand how to do what rjesup is trying to do with block frames (and probably even enough to make sure that block and box play nicely), but I don't know how to do it with tables. karnaze or bernd should comment on that. I'll take a look at this patch (rjesup, stop mangling the brace style!), and try to comment more constructively anon.
> stop mangling the brace style Yay, waterson is back! :)
So I'm thinking that a better approach here might be to change the `reflow queue' data structure into a `dirty tree'. AppendReflowCommand would simply add a path to the tree, the leaf of which would refer to the reflow command (or the subset of the data that was useful during the reflow; e.g., the reflow type). During a reflow, clean nodes would be removed from the tree as they were flowed. This: 1. Automatically coalesces reflows when the command is posted. One fly in the ointment is desaling with two commands with different types (e.g., `resize' and `style change') posted to the same node: in this case, I think we could determine a precedence relationship among the reflow types (perhaps dirty < content changed < style changed) and evict the command with lower precedence. Presumably _any_ reflow (including resize and global style change) could clean up the `dirty tree', avoiding the (probably rare) case where a global reflow is processed while the reflow queue is not empty. 2. Allows for a natural implementation of `interruptible reflow'. An in-progress incremental reflow could dead-reckon that it's spent too much time, and return to the main event loop. Doing so would leave the frame tree and the corresponding reflow structures with their invariants maintained. 3. Seems cleaner than the current approach, which grovels the reflow queue to coalesce commands. The `dirty tree' could be maintained as part of the pres context, eliminating the need for the reflow command on the nsHTMLReflowState object. Presumably, CancelReflowCommand could be implemented using the same logic that removes a reflow path from the tree when the reflow is completed. Thoughts?
Both approaches have a problem that we need to think harder about, although the previous approach might have been trying to work around it using multiple reflows: how to deal with different reflow types. For example, how do we handle merging a global resize-reflow with a style-changed reflow targeted at a specific frame? The style-changed reflow must clear more information, such as preferred size / min size information.
Perhaps in your example -- The global resize reflow propagates resize reflows to descendant frames -- The style-changed descendant merges the incoming resize reflow with its own reflow type, getting a style-change reflow -- Frames on the path from the root to the style-changed descendant need to reflow considering *both* that they are resize-reflowed *and* that they have a style-reflowed child. Presumably this means in some places we'll have to separate logic that checks the reflow type into two parts: one part that considers the reflow type for this frame, and another part that considers the merge of the reflow types for the children. The latter part consists of the code that runs even when the current frame is not the reflow target. Did that make any sense? I'm never quite sure how well I understand reflow.
I always end up mangling brace style in places, but I put it back before I release the changes for real. :-) (Or I get beaten up by reviewers) Maintaining a tree to start with makes sense; we chose the current mechanism to minimize disruption of the code (in the hope it might make 1.0, and to minimize unexpected side-effects). As you said, it allows for some useful side-effects as well (especially in the issue of interruptable reflow, which is a big problem when loading large pages - you may be looking at another window/tab while the page is loading, but you get frozen anyways). CancelReflow would need us to maintain in each node the number of targets in all children, or (perhaps better) search the tree to see if the branch can be pruned (search for targets). Which is better depends on how often CancelReflow is done. It may make more sense to maintain the info in the tree and avoid possible O(n^2) effects on Cancel. Merging the different types may be possible as suggested. Worst case would be to separate reflows by type - i.e. only coalesce reflows of the same type. If order of operation is important, you can maintain a (small) list of reflow trees and only allow addition to the last tree in the list (with a new tree being added if the tree reflow types don't match).
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.0.1
> Both approaches have a problem that we need to think harder about, although the > previous approach might have been trying to work around it using multiple > reflows: how to deal with different reflow types. For example, how do we > handle merging a global resize-reflow with a style-changed reflow targeted at a > specific frame? The style-changed reflow must clear more information, such as > preferred size / min size information. Just to be clear, there are two cases here. 1. Merging two incremental reflows targeted at the same frame; e.g., an incremental reflow of type `style change' targeted at frame f, followed by an incremental reflow of type `dirty' targeted at frame f. (As an aside, merging incremental reflows where the second reflow is targeted at frame g, where g is an ancestor or descendant of f, is another story. We have several bugs in the current system that occur when this happens, which replacing the incremental reflow queue with a single incremental reflow tree may be able to fix. More later.) I believe this problem could be dealt by assigning a precedence to the reflow types, and promoting the reflow command to the `most destructive'. I think minimal change would be required in the Reflow methods that handle processing for the target of an incremental reflow. 2. Merging a global reflow (resize, style change) with one or more incremental reflows. I don't think this is going to be much of a problem in real-life: I suspect that the incremental reflow queue is currently empty most of the time we do a global reflow. Nevertheless, a simple solution here would be to process (flush) any incremental reflows before doing the global reflow. Although it may imply that many frames are reflowed twice, it would certainly not be any less efficient than the mechanism we have now (which processes the reflow queue after the global reflow). A more efficient solution might involve modifying the Reflow methods to unilaterally check the incremental reflow tree as the reflow progresses, regardless of the reflow `reason'. This could be implemented later. > CancelReflow would need us to maintain in each node the number of targets > in all children, or (perhaps better) search the tree to see if the branch > can be pruned (search for targets). Ideally, the number of nodes in the tree would be small, so I'd suggest the latter as a first cut. If that turns out to be inefficient, we can maintain an index (i.e. hash table) of current target frames, so removal would be O(1).
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0.1 → mozilla1.0
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.0.1
> 2. Merging a global reflow (resize, style change) with one or more incremental > reflows. > > I don't think this is going to be much of a problem in real-life: I hate to butt in to a conversation that's obviously well over my head, but I've been trying to follow this discussion and this part is confusing to me. It sounds to me as if a global reflow ought to have a strictly greater level of "destruction" than an incremental reflow. In which case, surely simply _aborting_ the pending incremental reflows and doing the global reflow instead would have the desired effect?
> It sounds to me as if a global reflow ought to have a strictly greater level of > "destruction" than an incremental reflow. The point of this discussion (see comment 86) is that this isn't true. A resize reflow (or dirty reflow) doesn't clear as much information as a style-changed reflow, so a style-changed reflow on a subtree still requires clearing more information than would be done by a resize-reflow on the whole document. At least I think so.
Ahhh, okay. Sorry for the spam.
An interesting observation about the URL for this bug (which moves 100 elements by their left attribute): When tracing through the blockframe that all 100 are children of (in the reflow tree), I found that all of them are being marked as resize reflows; i.e. PrepareChildIncrementalReflow() does FindLineFor(), and none of the 100 come back as a match, so it does a PrepareResizeReflow() on each one, which marks all the lines as dirty. Perhaps this is an issue with other DHTML animations as well? (Note: my testing is with the current branch).
Just checked in some significant improvements to the reflow tree stuff, mostly in nsBlockFrame.cpp. I found that the DHTML entries weren't being picked up as incremental absolute frame reflows properly (which was why they turned into resize reflows). This _may_ (or may not) have been happening on the trunk for DHTML, if so we may have a way to make a simple, safe patch that may improve DHTML perf a bit (nowhere near what this branch does, but it may be a small, safe win). I'll look into it tonight. THis solves some of the few remaining editor regressions. I also removed most of the usage of BRS_ISINLINEINCREFLOW, and created a wrapper for ReflowDirtyLines() to include processing we need to do on each call.
rjesup, the more I look at your changes, the more I think dbaron was right wrt. removing the inline incremental reflow stuff before we proceed here. I've been following your changes to the block reflow code, and I am starting to feel like things are going in the wrong direction. It looks to me like we're calling ReflowDirtyLines multiple times from Reflow (via ReflowDirty), and I'm not sure that's appropriate. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a stab at implementing dbaron's idea of `reflow roots' to eliminate the inline incremental reflow optimization. I think that should allow us to proceed here with minimal intrusion on the block frame code path. As dbaron pointed out, the bulk of what ought to happen then is moving logic from PrepareChildIncrementalReflow to ReflowDirtyLines. Also, with respect to fixing other bugs with absolute positioning, can we fix those independently of this patch? I.e., could you file another bug, make a test case, so we can fix that separately on the trunk: don't fall into your old habit of lumping the kitchen sink into a single bug! ;-)
Depends on: 135146
Bug 135146 covers implementation of reflow roots.
Go right ahead with work on BRS_ISINLINEINCREFLOW elimination; in my latest changes I started in that direction, but you understand this far better than I. I'll see if the absolute position stuff is broken in trunk and if so open a bug on it (and supply a patch). (I just found that issue in my branch 10 minutes before I left last night). Again, it won't provide more than a marginal improvement I believe. Perhaps something that notices that the only thing that changed was position might help (I think someone commented on that in a reflow/DHTML bug somewhere that's been mentioned here). The ReflowDirty/ReflowDirtyLines stuff - I agree we should probably only call it once; BRS_ISINLINEINCREFLOW was the main reason I wasn't (or at least the main reason I was unsure if I could get away with calling it once). Note that the way I have it currently, if a blockframe has multiple children in the tree, it calls ReflowDirty for each child - which is what would have happened at that point if the reflows hadn't been merged. If we can merge those calls to ReflowDirty, then we'll get a nice perf improvement in some cases. The current design should be no worse than the trunk code, but isn't optimal.
Made a checkin to the branch that merges in waterson's bug 135146 changes (including a change to nsReflowTree.cpp to work with 135146). Also rewrote RetargetInlineIncrementalReflow() to work correctly with trees (recurses to do the actual retargetting). In preparation for waterson's comments/updates to the branch (feel free to either post a patch or simply update the branch). We also could merge the branch forward to the tip again at this point.
Attached patch proposed modificiations (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I'd like to propose something along these lines (this patch isn't really working yet, but it should be suitable for flavor). I'm loathe to summarize before it's working, but... I've lifted the nsReflowTree idea from the rjesup/shaver patch, but promoted the nsReflowTree object to encapsulate the node/subtree idea. (I've simplified it a bit, too, using nsSmallVoidArray instead of a one-off data structure.) I've removed the reflowCommand member from nsHTMLReflowState, and replaced it with a `tree' member which is of type nsReflowTree. As reflow descends through the frame hierarchy, the nodes are pulled off the nsHTMLReflowState's `tree' member in parallel. (I think I'd like to rename nsReflowTree to nsReflowPath, or maybe just the member variable of nsHTMLReflowState to `path', but that can wait.) I've removed the notion of a `table' of reflow targets, and simply stored the reflow commands in the nsReflowTree at appropriate points in the path. When an incremental reflow arrives at a frame, it `knows' it is a target by virtue of the fact that nsReflowTree::mReflowCommand is non-null. Like the rjesup/shaver patch, each point in the reflow flow-of-control that previously assumed a single descendant now must iterate through the nsHTMLReflowState::tree's children. Furthermore, I've tried to make logic changes so that a `reflow target' iterates through nsHTMLReflowState::tree's children. In other words, even if you've been targeted for an incremental reflow, there may still be paths `beneath' you that need to be dealt with. This patch was made against an two- or three-day old tree, so don't try to apply it to the trunk. It's for expository purposes only! :-)
waterson: check your code for nsViewPortFrame.cpp - I think you're reflowing mFrames.FirstChild potentially more than once, unless there can only be one child in mFrames for this (which is quite possible). Also, isHandled seems to be confused with your patch.
Attached patch more functional version of above (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch actually works, to some extent. I think nsViewportFrame is better now, along with enough other things that you can actually browse. That said, table timeout reflows are still broken, as are incremental reflows to combobox child frames. I've XXX commented some scary stuff in the box code. I'm sure that there are some subtleties with nested reflows to block frames that are broken (i.e., block frame as a target with a child as a target). And MathML and SVG are both on the floor. Patch is still made against an (essentially) mozilla-1.0 tree; I'll update to the trunk tomorrow if the builds smell good.
Attachment #78744 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #78854 - Attachment is obsolete: true
The above patch passes my personal (very basic) smoketests and should be ready for public consumption. Most notably, I've ripped out the table `timeout' reflow code, which should be subsumed by the reflow tree.
Checked in changes on REFLOW_20020412_BRANCH. This should build on Linux and Win32 (although I haven't tried the latter), but you'll need to *disable MathML*. (Just haven't gotten around to getting that working yet.)
- Mail headers are don't show up when initially displaying a message, probably due to the fact that I've stuffed style reflows targeted at a box. - I don't think it's necessary to remove subtrees from the nsHTMLReflowState::path during block reflow. (Why did we ever do that, anyway?) - I should make sure that this isn't leaking nsReflowPath objects all over the place. I suspect it is.
Could you test bug 116593 and bug 81546 testcases, does this by any change fix those?
- Mail folder pane doesn't update when emptying trash. - Mail message pane needs resize-reflow to get rid of horizontal scollbar on some messages. - won't let you look up any words. Looks like a dead presentation shell.
Stealing from rjesup, setting component to `Layout'. Ran the page loader tests on the (admittedly not all the way working) branch, here's what I saw: BASE Avg. Median : 711 msec Minimum : 171 msec Average : 724 msec Maximum : 2309 msec BRANCH Avg. Median : 699 msec Minimum : 150 msec Average : 711 msec Maximum : 2184 msec So, a marginal speedup (I'll be generous and call it 2%), presumably due to the fact that we collapse multiple incremental reflows targeted to different containers in the tree.
Assignee: rjesup → waterson
Component: DOM Core → Layout
heikki: this does appear to fix bug 116593 (adding as dependency); however, it does not appear to fix bug 81546.
Blocks: 116593
Fixed problems with mail three pane (update nsBoxLayoutState.[h|cpp]): we were failing to properly handle nested reflow commands targeted at boxes in the same hierarchy. Also fixed problem with m-w (update nsPresShell.cpp): it turns out that text frames append a reflow command _during their initial reflow_, which I had dropped on the floor. The only problem that I notice now is that we appear to be missing at least one reflow on some pages. In other words, loading any large page (like this bug report), and the doing a slight vertical resize, causes the page's width to jump slightly.
Keywords: helpwanted
Priority: -- → P2
Attached patch patch incorporating above fixes (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch (against the current trunk) incorporates the above fixes, as well as fixing the nsReflowPath leak.
Attachment #79014 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #79016 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch ready for prime time? (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch (made against this morning's trunk): - Fixes some more memory leaks (nsReflowPath::Remove was not deleting the subtree it removed), - Makes sure that the nsBoxToBlockAdaptor prunes the incremental reflow subtree from the path after performing the reflow. This ensures that any subsequent reflows (e.g., due to addition of scrollbars in a scroll frame!) are treated as resize reflows. This fixes the extraneous horizontal scrollbar that would suddenly disappear as soon as the window was resized. - Fixes a crash in nsViewportFrame where an incremental reflow targeted at the viewport was being incorrectly propagated as an incremental reflow to the viewport's children. AFAICT, it's a wrap, and ready for some heavy-duty testing. These changes have been mirrored onto the REFLOW_20020412_BRANCH.
Attachment #74532 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #76590 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #79386 - Attachment is obsolete: true
(N.B., I still need to fix MathML and SVG, but I'll wait to do that until I hear a `yea' or `nay' from some people...)
Oops: 1. I still need to handle incremental reflows targeted at combobox frames. 2. After thinking about a brief exchange that dbaron and I had a few days ago, I think it's probably safe to remove all of the reflow retargeting code in the block frame. (I managed to convince myself that the situation there was specific to text frames -- because there was an inline element with a scrollframe.) 3. This patch contains a fix for a another bug (cf. CalculateBlockSideMargins in nsHTMLReflowState); can't recall which. 4. I need to deal with the case where more than one reflow command is targeted at the same frame. (I think I'll just kick that command back into the reflow queue and process it in a separate pass -- I have yet to hit that case, FWIW.) 5. Need to double-check the viewport frame: does anyone else ever post UserDefined reflows? (The Viewport assumes that this means `reflow my fixed frames'; the previous code did this for any (?) user-defined reflow.)
This is a test case that demonstrates why you should do something like what I described in comment 60. Steps to reproduce: * Load testcase. * Click "Go" In trunk build: * Text rewraps around float, as it should. In branch build: * Text doesn't rewrap around float.
This method in nsReflowPath.h is never defined: // Find or create a child of this node corresponding to forFrame. // XXX better name nsReflowPath *EnsureChild(nsIFrame *aFrame);
Fixed the unused method. My assumption is that PrepareChildIncrementalReflow would mark just those lines dirty that contained frames along the reflow path (or, in the case that the reflow was targeted at a floater, it would mark _all_ frames dirty); e.g., 1: clean ----------------------------- 2: dirty -----XXXXX------------------- 3: clean ----------------------------- 4: clean ----------------------------- 5: dirty --------------XXXXXXX-------- 6: clean ----------------------------- If reflowing line 2 impacted line 3, line 3 would be marked dirty and reflowed. If no impact continued on to line 4, line 4 would be skipped. Line 5 would be reflowed. If the reflow in line 2 was targeted at a placeholder frame, then we'd bail out to PrepareResizeReflow, which should mark all wrapped lines as dirty. Clearly, I don't understand this as well as I should. :-) I think it's safe to remove the last vestiges of the inline incremental reflow retargeting stuff, but I still haven't thought hard enough about it (and was hoping to defer it to a second pass). But, removal would certainly make implementing your proposal in comment #60 simpler. Anyway, thanks for the test case. I'll keep pounding on this.
Great work Chris! I'm updating to the latest stuff with a clean tree and will start doing some real testing/debugging. I'm somewhat tied up with driver issues and getting worldgate stuff done. How does perf on DHTML look with the new stuff in an opt build?
The problem is that you're *using* the reflow path when reflowing frame 5, even though it was marked dirty *again* by the damage caused when reflowing frame 2, so that you only reflow its descendant along the path rather than all of its descendants. (However, that brings up some questions about the meanings of the different reflow types. If certain types of reflows (e.g., StyleChange) cause more damage than just being marked dirty, you might need to somehow use both. I'm not sure if this is the case, and I think we need to define what the different reflow types (and reasons) mean much more clearly. This could also help performance. (For example, which reflow types require invalidating a cached pref-size, min-size, or max-size? Just style change, or anything-but-resize?)) That said, I don't understand your diagram in the previous comment. I also don't understand what the punting to PrepareResizeReflow for floaters gets us (i.e., what would fail if we didn't do that), and I suspect it's not needed anymore. Also, while I'm on the topic, how do we pick up the reflow path again when it goes through a floater? I haven't looked into how we do that in general, though, so it might be a silly question...
dbaron: I think that the reason your test case doesn't work is because only the width changes on the floated <div>. If I also adjust the height of the <div> (e.g., setting the height to 301px as well as increasing the width), then your test case works fine (cf. your comments in nsBlockFrame::RememberFloaterDamage). Alternatively, forcing a jump in the debugger to execute the code in RememberFloaterDamage at an opportune time makes the test case work, as well.
IOW, if we could notice horizontal changes to floats, it seems to me like things ought to `just work': passing an incremental reflow to a child frame seems like it should be sufficient to account for damage caused by changes to previous frames in the flow.
Depends on: 138057
Sorry, I'm a little out-of-sync. My last two comments didn't take into account what you'd written in comment #120. You wrote: > The problem is that you're *using* the reflow path when reflowing frame 5, > even though it was marked dirty *again* by the damage caused when reflowing > frame 2, so that you only reflow its descendant along the path rather than > all of its descendants. So let's look at specifically how this is different from an incremental reflow where we reflow frames not along the reflow path. There are two cases: 1. The line contains a block frame. In this case, the block reflow context will set the reflow reason to resize (rather than incremental). This causes nsBlockFrame::Reflow to PrepareResizeReflow instead of PrepareChildIncrementalReflow. The substantial difference here is that PrepareResizeReflow will dirty all the lines that are impacted by floaters. PrepareChildIncrementalReflow will dirty only the line (well, now lines) along the reflow path -- relying on PropagateFloaterDamage to detect cases where a line must be `lazily' dirtied to account for float movement. 2. The line contains a inline frames. In this case, all of the frames in the line will be reflowed anyway, so it's a moot point (modulo weird cases involving box frames that want to be treated like inlines; hence my concern for retargeting reflows). > (However, that brings up some questions about the meanings of the different > reflow types. If certain types of reflows (e.g., StyleChange) cause more > damage than just being marked dirty, you might need to somehow use both. > I'm not sure if this is the case, and I think we need to define what the > different reflow types (and reasons) mean much more clearly. This could > also help performance. (For example, which reflow types require invalidating > a cached pref-size, min-size, or max-size? Just style change, or > anything-but-resize?)) I don't have much to say about this other than it smells right. It would also allow us to combine reflows targeted at the same frame in a useful way (instead of what I propose in point 4 of comment #115, above). > That said, I don't understand your diagram in the previous comment. I also > don't understand what the punting to PrepareResizeReflow for floaters gets us > (i.e., what would fail if we didn't do that), and I suspect it's not needed > anymore. If RememberFloaterDamage worked, I think you'd be right. As is, I think that the aState.IsImpactedByFloater check force-dirties lines that might not otherwise be reflowed. > Also, while I'm on the topic, how do we pick up the reflow path again when it > goes through a floater? I haven't looked into how we do that in general, > though, so it might be a silly question... In general, the reflow path is maintained in the nsHTMLReflowState object (just like the reflow command object used to be). The nsHTMLReflowState object's ctor takes a child frame; when the reflow reason is `incremental', the ctor finds the next branch in the path that contains the child frame. You'll see that there are some places where I had to explicitly add a reflow reason of `resize' to the nsHTMLReflowState's ctor (e.g., when computing collapsing margins) so that the ctor doesn't try to pluck from the path -- and wind up dereferencing a null pointer.
Working from your patch on trunk: nsPresShell.cpp: In ~IncrementalReflow() the loop needs to start at Count()-1, not Count(). nsReflowPath.cpp: In ~nsReflowPath() the loop needs to start at Count()-1, not Count(). nsReflowPatch.h: RemoveChild() should be more like this: void RemoveChild(nsIFrame *aFrame) { iterator iter = FindChild(aFrame); if (iter.mIndex != -1) Remove(iter); } The whole way mIndex is used worries me. It looks rife for errors (mostly not checking for equality with EndIterator() (or mIndex == -1) before calling things like Remove(). Perhaps these have been fixed on the branch (last time I tried the branch I couldn't get it to work, probably because the rest of my tree was newer).
The throbber seems to not work with the patch (and my fixes as per above), and as per the comments in the code, RetargetInlineIncrementalReflow() isn't done (though from the comments I'm not sure you think it's necessary, so I won't work on fixing it).
Yeah, I fixed those off-by-ones on the branch earlier today. I've fixed a few other things on the branch, too -- probably time for a new patch. nsReflowPath::Remove(iterator&) actually bounds-checks the iterator it's passed, so I don't think extra checking is needed in nsReflowPath::RemoveChild(nsIFrame*). Not sure I understand your other concerns about mIndex? The throbber is working for my trunk+patch build, as well as my branch build...any other changes in your tree?
Current. Fixes off-by-one errors; removes the spurious bug fix mentioned in point 3 of comment #115.
Attachment #79562 - Attachment is obsolete: true
RemoveChild() needs to check for FindChild() not finding the child (I hit this one and crashed); checking for mIndex == -1 seems to be the easiest way. Remove() does have an assertion of mIndex >= 0 (which triggered in the crash I had above); I guess there's no need to do more so long as we're sure no one is going to call Remove() with an iterator at the end (mIndex of -1). I have no changes in my tree except for the ones I mentioned; I pulled it around 4/15 at 11:30 am edt. I'll re-apply your new patch and see. Throbber not working could have been a trunk breakage. I got this, though I'm not sure if it's related to the patch, when loading ###!!! ASSERTION: nsFrameManager::GenerateStateKey didn't find content by type!: 'index > -1', file /home/jesup/src/mozilla_trunk/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsFrameManager.cpp, line 2261 ###!!! Break: at file /home/jesup/src/mozilla_trunk/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsFrameManager.cpp, line 2261
rjesup: thanks for testing this. I think you've got an older patch (or at least an older version of nsReflowPath.cpp). This is what it looks like in my tree: void nsReflowPath::Remove(iterator &aIterator) { NS_ASSERTION(aIterator.mNode == this, "inconsistent iterator"); if (aIterator.mIndex >= 0 && aIterator.mIndex < mChildren.Count()) { delete NS_STATIC_CAST(nsReflowPath *, mChildren[aIterator.mIndex]); mChildren.RemoveElementAt(aIterator.mIndex); } } triggers frame manager assertion in a clean tree, so it's not related specifically to these changes.
Yes, it must be the older patch that tripped me up on that (I used the "ready for prime time" patch, which is now obsolete. I'll be updating today. BTW, I was doing some testing on as well as a bunch of the testcases mentioned here, and we do show significant DHTML perf improvements, even without the patch here to the DOM to use batching for SetTimeout() callbacks. There are significant regressions with (waterson has seen these). Other than that, it looks very good.
I don't think this is directly relevant to this bug as described, but it might be an interesting test to see if this style of code can actually get reflow right in a case where the current code *doesn't*. If it's irrelevant to this bug (eg because it's table-related) then I'm sorry for mentioning it here. The webpage at (obLegal: this is my personal site, for my personal use: please don't download the mp3s from it, because that's illegal) is a table in which the first column grows substantially wider when its last row is reached. The table is also dynamically generated by a process which is often slow (well, a couple of seconds slow). Mozilla usually renders the first half of the table, then re-renders afterwards when the last row comes in. When this happens, artefacts of the original reflow are left around (specifically, bits of the second column persist too far to the left, where the first column is now). I thought this might be a good testbed for a reflow-related change... sorry if it's offtopic for this bug.
Updated to waterson's most recent patch against trunk. Throbber works fine now. No other changes in the tree other than my DOM patch to batch SetTimeout() callbacks (which, BTW, I did have in my tree when I was doing that perf testing earlier today). I don't see any regressions now on with this patch. I'm going to do some profiling on the patch and see if there are any new DHTML hotspots.
The problem appears to be timing- and cache-dependent (*sob*).
waterson's linux and win32 builds should show up on in a few minutes at:
Reproducible crash with bug-129115-reflow 2002041810 test build on linux: 1) go to resource:///res/samples/test12.html (more fixed pos demo) 2) resize window so you get a scrollbar in the main frame 3) drag srollbar thumb trunk cvs 2002-04-19 doesn't crash
just downloaded the latest build 2002041803. The following sites about which others reported problems, i tired the following sites and didn't seem to have a problem. These web pages showed up instantly. I should mention that i have a dsl connection. I have lost track of what was putback to which gate(branch or trunck). Anyway some putback seems to have fixed these bugs.
Are the Win32 experimental reflow builds that have just shown up in the /nightly/experimental directory debug builds? Because I see a significant DHTML slowdown in the tests I've tried with my PII-400, 128Mhz, Win98. The URL in comment #12 seems about 1/2 the speed, and doesn't complete properly. The 4th box never reaches its final stopping point, and the rest don't appear at all. The fireworks example in comment #11 doesn't display properly (doesn't seem to work). The dynamic core link in comment #20 doesn't display anything, but hogs all the CPU. Test a) in comment #35 gave me a result of 550000 for the experimental reflow build, but 390000 for the 2002041617 Win32 daily on the same machine.
Actually the examples on worked very good last week (well at least they didnt hang mozilla). But since bug 129953 was backed out they dont work at all anymore. You probably knew about this though, sorry for spamming.
Testing reflow/ makes hardly any sense since bug 129953 is still open.
Keywords: testcase, top100, topperf
The builds that dawn posted are optimized. Note that they were branched from the trunk on 4/12 (although I'm not sure if anything has regressed between now and then). I'm seeing better performance (or at worst, no change) on every test that has been mentioned in the bug; however, I'm running on Linux @ 700MHz. I'll try some slower Win32 boxes today.
That's great -- thanks for the links. I'd appreciate it more, though, if people could use these builds for normal browsing and report any crashers or layout glitches that they've found. On the branch, I've fixed the crasher that Tuukka reported, as well as the incremental table reflow problem on that caused some of the demos not to appear in the list. I'm probably going to cut a new branch today (hopefully with fixes for bug 138057 and some of the other issues mentioned in comment 115). But in the meantime, please keep banging on the experimental bits. Thanks!
bug-129115-reflow/linux crash in (1_0_0/2002041809/Linux does not crash.)
smaug: thanks. The crash on is the same as test20.html, so that's fixed.
Wow, Win32 really sucks! :-) Is this because of pavlov's bug 129953? If, so I agree with comment 139.
I think pav's win32 patch (backed out on branch, but checked into trunk I think) helps DHTML a LOT. I have it on the RC2 Not Suck list, so I think it makes sense to test with it. Note that 137706 is for enabling the same thing on Linux and Mac
Blocks: advocacybugs
Using the last patch uploaded here (plus the DOM patch), I see some significant layout issues when loading the ebay "sell item" page. (Go to ebay, select sell, log in, select (say) art & antiquities. Note that most of the page isn't visible until you resize.)
I've created REFLOW_20020422_BRANCH, based off this morning's trunk. I'll post experimental builds as soon as possible (probably tomorrow morning).
Linux, Win32, and Mac builds from REFLOW_20020422_BRANCH (attachment 80515 [details] [diff] [review] versus this morning's trunk) have just been posted to: <> Note that I _didn't_ back out pavlov's image stuff on this branch as the Win32 build I tested seemed to work reasonably well. Please continue to test, and make notes here. thanks!
Hopefully I am not wrong on this one. But bug 49095 works for me using a copy from: But the bug is there with Mozilla RC1...
Sometimes the "final painting" is missing. So you have to resize or otherwise get the Moz to repaint itself. This happens (rarely) for example in Maybe this is the same problem as #147. Tested: Linux REFLOW_20020422_BRANCH : errors Linux Trunk 2002042221 : ok
Blocks: 49095
I'm testing this out on mac - on my iMac - and I'm not seeing much of a difference, if at all with the latest build from the ftp site. I guess at least it's not slower :) I wish there was an example I could point to on mac and say 'see? it's much faster in the test build' but going over the examples posted here I could see no measurable difference in speed.. One oddity which is probably just my machine was that I could not see the autocomplete widget the first time I launched the test build. It showed up fine on subsequent launches though.
Okay, it sounds like there may still be some table incremental reflow bugs lurking in there. I couldn't reproduce problems on either ebay or the .fi site, above. Any other reports greatly appreciated. It's a lot faster now, but still not close to IE.
If you're looking for table testcases, try the site I mentioned above. The problem occurs if it loads slow enough that you get an incremental reflow half-way through the table. If you don't get a reflow in that situation directly from the server (I almost always get one the first time I load it - the server-side code does a bunch of directory scanning of stuff that probably isn't in the OSs disk cache) then try simulating it on an artificially hobbled slow server - eg make the server pause for 5s before the letter 'L'. That shows an incremental reflow bug on all mozilla builds I've tried up to and including RC1 (I only use linux, so it might be OS-dependant, but that seems unlikely). I know that probably isn't directly related to this bug, but you did ask for incremental table reflow testcases :)
Adding topembed also.
Keywords: topembed
My ebay table problem (see bug 130760) did appear to be an incremental reflow issue, but it was before the current patch. I'll see if I can make it happen again with the current one. Try slow websites like as well.
Just so people understand: making the changes described in this bug will by no means fix all of Mozilla's DHTML problems. It might not even fix very many of them. At this point, the most useful thing to do is to test the patch in that bug (which lays the groundwork for other improvements), and look for _reproducable regressions_ in _normal layout_. Zarro regressions means that we can land the patch on the trunk, and continue with `the next big DHTML win'. thanks.
Attached patch patch for review (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch leaves combobox `broken' (but I can't seem to construct a test case that causes it to misbehave: dead code?). It deals with multiple incremental reflows with different reflow types being targeted at the same frame (even though this didn't seem to cause any problems). It also includes the patch from bug 138057. This is ready for review, IMO. There appears to still be a table (?) incremental reflow bug in here, but I figure there's enough code to go over that reviewers might as well get started if this is to have any chance of landing this millenium: I can work on tracking down the table problem in parallel.
Attachment #79750 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #80515 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Using Build ID 2002042219 on NT SP6a: Opening paints the left column on the page OK momentarily, but after reflowing the center column the left column is left partially covered and does not reflow unless I re-size the page, scrolling vertically, or let Windows repaint it (by opening another app over the Mozilla window and then minimize that other app). FWIW, this page also tries to load a shockwave flash applet at the top. I don't have that plugin installed.
Blocks: 94576
Blocks: 124178
There have been recent checkins in the trunk that, combined with this patch give us an enourmous boost in DHTML performance especially on Windows. See bug #21762#c103 A new experimantal build would be great (i'm still learning to do this my self, at least on linux...)
Attached patch updated patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch was updated to be current with the trunk as of 2002-04-28 (accounts for some changes to block frame, etc. that have gone into the tree over the last week). Also, this fixes a problem with nested reflows targeted at block frames that dbaron pointed out to me. See <> for details. dbaron: I juggled the reflow reason mangling logic in nsBlockReflowContext::ReflowBlock and nsLineLayout::ReflowFrame to cover the cases we'd discussed...
Attachment #80898 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Blocks: 139986
There is a very interesting thing about the test at The animation moves perfectly until the big image with the baby isn't completely loaded. Then the performance dramatically degrades. Does this provide any valuable information?
I installed the patch dealing with tables and removed some remaining timeout reflow stuff (e.g. eReflowType_Timeout was in a case statement and 4 methods were still declared), changed the style/comments somewhat, and raised a question (see "question for waterson") for the case when a cell is both a target and has children which are targets. I did not install all of the other files and so it may not compile. I didn't change anything that would cause any additional testing. I like it very much. r=karnaze for the table files.
I read the patch and it is looking pretty good. The plan of migrating to the reflow tree/path and from there on doing further specific tweakings with the mindset of the new framework sounds attractive. Have you been maintaining a branch (or another recent patch) that I can apply (for tracing purposes in the debugger)? The bug has come a long a way, and so did comments... (and the patches...) Mind opening a follow-up bug to ease slow transfers?
Keywords: topembedtopembed-
I tried to compile with attachment 81450 [details] [diff] [review] applied to my tree, but SVG didn't build with that. I got the following lines: nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.cpp:307: `struct nsHTMLReflowState' has no member named `reflowCommand' nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.cpp:308: `struct nsHTMLReflowState' has no member named `reflowCommand' nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.cpp:312: `struct nsHTMLReflowState' has no member named `reflowCommand' nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.cpp:306: warning: `class nsIFrame * target' might be used uninitialized in this function nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.cpp:310: warning: `class nsIFrame * nextFrame' might be used uninitialized in this function make[4]: *** [nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.o] Error 1 before the build broke. BTW, against what state should attachment 81810 [details] [diff] [review] be applied? It seems I couldn't even apply the patch successfully, so I also couldn't try compiling :(
karnaze: I rolled your changes into the main patch. A style change reflow targeted at a table cell should subsume any other incremental reflows targeted at the cell's children. So I think that should be fine. Also added some code-level documentation based on private feedback from attinasi.
Attachment #81450 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #81810 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch with patch for SVG (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This should fix the SVG build bustage.
Attachment #81924 - Attachment is obsolete: true
[This bug is already too long and might need a continuation bug as the fixups continue] I am hitting the assertion below at startup. The problem seems to be an incorrect reflow reason being used. In #2, |reason| is initial, but aReflowState.reason is said to incremental in the constructor in #1, causing the lookup of the path (in GetSubtreeFor) to fail (since the real reason should have been initial). From the trace, the problem goes back to IncrementalReflow::Dispatch() where in the root reflow state is always defaulted to incremental. In this case the box overwrites the reason back to what it should be, but in the general case I wonder if this isn't suggesting that there are some frames that are never reflowed with the initial reason. ==== nsBoxToBlockAdaptor::Reflow() [...] #1 nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, mFrame, nsSize(size.width, NS_INTRINSICSIZE)); #2 reflowState.reason = reason; #3 reflowState.path = path; ==== NTDLL! 77f9eea9() nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x022fc984, const char * 0x022fc974, const char * 0x022fc924, int 207) line 291 + 13 bytes nsHTMLReflowState::nsHTMLReflowState(nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, nsIFrame * 0x03eb6490, const nsSize & {...}) line 207 + 35 bytes nsBoxToBlockAdaptor::Reflow(nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0, int 0, int 0, int 0, int 0, int 1) line 793 nsBoxToBlockAdaptor::RefreshSizeCache(nsBoxToBlockAdaptor * const 0x03eb64ec, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}) line 363 + 49 bytes nsBoxToBlockAdaptor::GetMinSize(nsBoxToBlockAdaptor * const 0x03eb64ec, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 504 nsSprocketLayout::GetMinSize(nsSprocketLayout * const 0x03b43fe8, nsIBox * 0x03da3aa0, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 1373 nsContainerBox::GetMinSize(nsContainerBox * const 0x03da3aa0, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 536 + 38 bytes nsBoxFrame::GetMinSize(nsBoxFrame * const 0x03da3aa0, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 1119 + 20 bytes nsStackLayout::GetMinSize(nsStackLayout * const 0x0141cdd0, nsIBox * 0x03da38b4, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 124 nsContainerBox::GetMinSize(nsContainerBox * const 0x03da38b4, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 536 + 38 bytes nsBoxFrame::GetMinSize(nsBoxFrame * const 0x03da38b4, nsBoxLayoutState & {...}, nsSize & {...}) line 1119 + 20 bytes nsBoxFrame::Reflow(nsBoxFrame * const 0x03da387c, nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 951 nsRootBoxFrame::Reflow(nsRootBoxFrame * const 0x03da387c, nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 243 nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x03da387c, nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, int 0, int 0, unsigned int 0, unsigned int & 0) line 784 + 31 bytes ViewportFrame::Reflow(ViewportFrame * const 0x03da3840, nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0) line 603 IncrementalReflow::Dispatch(nsIPresContext * 0x012cb658, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsSize & {...}, nsIRenderingContext & {...}) line 943 PresShell::ProcessReflowCommands(int 0) line 6368 PresShell::FlushPendingNotifications(PresShell * const 0x03b774f0, int 0) line 5175 nsXULDocument::FlushPendingNotifications(nsXULDocument * const 0x013e7d30, int 1, int 0) line 2503 nsXBLResourceLoader::NotifyBoundElements() line 300 nsXBLResourceLoader::StyleSheetLoaded(nsXBLResourceLoader * const 0x03cd2f58, nsICSSStyleSheet * 0x04609450, int 1) line 209 CSSLoaderImpl::InsertSheetInDoc(nsICSSStyleSheet * 0x04609450, int 2, nsIContent * 0x00000000, int 1, nsICSSLoaderObserver * 0x03cd2f58) line 1196 InsertPendingSheet(void * 0x046098a0, void * 0x03ead438) line 757 nsVoidArray::EnumerateForwards(int (void *, void *)* 0x01ce83c0 InsertPendingSheet(void *, void *), void * 0x03ead438) line 660 + 21 bytes CSSLoaderImpl::Cleanup(URLKey & {...}, SheetLoadData * 0x03eb5070) line 821 CSSLoaderImpl::SheetComplete(nsICSSStyleSheet * 0x00000000, SheetLoadData * 0x03eb5070) line 914 CSSLoaderImpl::ParseSheet(nsIUnicharInputStream * 0x03bc3a50, SheetLoadData * 0x03eb5070, int & 1, nsICSSStyleSheet * & 0x04609450) line 949 CSSLoaderImpl::DidLoadStyle(nsIStreamLoader * 0x03eb5840, nsString * 0x03c3f240 {"/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use t"}, SheetLoadData * 0x03eb5070, unsigned int 0) line 984 + 27 bytes SheetLoadData::OnStreamComplete(SheetLoadData * const 0x03eb5070, nsIStreamLoader * 0x03eb5840, nsISupports * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0, unsigned int 2298, const char * 0x03bc2028) line 741 nsStreamLoader::OnStopRequest(nsStreamLoader * const 0x03eb5844, nsIRequest * 0x03ebb200, nsISupports * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 163 nsJARChannel::OnStopRequest(nsJARChannel * const 0x03ebb204, nsIRequest * 0x03eb5b54, nsISupports * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 606 + 49 bytes nsOnStopRequestEvent::HandleEvent() line 213 nsARequestObserverEvent::HandlePLEvent(PLEvent * 0x03ebf954) line 116 PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * 0x03ebf954) line 596 + 10 bytes PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * 0x01237e50) line 526 + 9 bytes _md_EventReceiverProc(HWND__ * 0x02bc07f8, unsigned int 49488, unsigned int 0, long 19103312) line 1077 + 9 bytes USER32! 77e148dc() USER32! 77e14aa7() USER32! 77e266fd() nsAppShellService::Run(nsAppShellService * const 0x03ae9550) line 451 main1(int 1, char * * 0x00304e70, nsISupports * 0x00000000) line 1431 + 32 bytes main(int 1, char * * 0x00304e70) line 1780 + 37 bytes mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes KERNEL32! 77e992a6()
Another problem that I find is that the path ends up null anyway for the case where a frame tries to reflow a child for which no reflow command was dispatched. To be more precise, suppose that there is a recorded path from root R to frame F, and continuing downward to F's child f. Now suppose that F wishes to reflow another child g (a sibling of f) using the pseudo-code: for child in (f, g) { setup the child's ReflowState( in:F's reflowState, in:child ) -->problem is: this will give a path for f, but will give a null path for g since no reflow path for g was registered earlier. I am seeing some crasher in the JavaScripted MathML editor as a result of such a scenario ... }
I've fixed the issue that you've described in comment 170. (I wasn't seeing the assertions because I've been running in an optimized build...the box frame needs to create the reflow state as `resize' in this case as it does the path munging by hand.) WRT. the issue in comment 171, the container frame should convert the reflow reason to `dirty' in that case. The `new rules' for the reflow reason are: - A reflow reason of `incremental' implies that the current frame is along the reflow path, and therefore path will not be null. - A frame should convert the reflow reason to `dirty' (or possibly `resize') if it needs to propagate damage from an incremental reflow to siblings or children. - A frame must propagate a reflow reason of `style changed' to all of its children. Longer term, it may make sense to eliminate the `dirty' reflow reason, and replace it with `incremental' and a null path. (I didn't want to do that in this pass, however -- too much change in one fell swoop leads to confused code reviewers, I've found from being on the receiving end.) If you could point me to the `JS MathML editor', and let me know how to reproduce the crash, I'd be happy to try to fix the problem.
The JS MathML editor auto-installs as a .xpi : Steps to reproduce the crash after launching the editor: 1. click somewhere in the editor window to position the caret 2. click the menu-item '(\square)' in the toolbar (this inserts it) 3. make a selection with the inner \square 4. click the menu-item Insert -> Matrix -> 2x2 (this inserts it) 5. make a selection with the \square in the first cell 6. click the menu-item '(\square)' in the toolbar -> crash
Regarding the 'new rules', it might be safer to fold a bit of that logic in the reflowstate constructor then, what do you think? Since the constructor is testing to see if the frame is in the path, it might as well adjust its default reason accordingly (while the caller can still tweak it as the box is doing).
Comment on attachment 81952 [details] [diff] [review] with patch for SVG Thanks for adding the comments and assertions :) What do you think about adding this assertion NS_ASSERTION(reason == eReflowReason_Incremental? path != nsnull : path == nsnull, "path required for incremental reflow, disallowed for other reflow types"); to the HTMLREflowState constructors, as a POSTCONDITION? Just and idea - I don't mean to make a fuss or anything, take it or leave it (though I do believe it is good to assert the invariant somewhere). So, I looked this stuff over, ran it as dogfood for a few days, found it to be very very good. sr=attinasi, assuming that you forward to me documentation on this change for inclusion into the layout docs.
Attachment #81952 - Flags: superreview+
Okay, I've fixed the MathML incremental reflow problem (knock on wood): I've made it so that MathML container frame will not incrementally reflow children not along the reflow path (which seems like the right thing anyway). The MathML editor seems to work fine with this change -- if only I could figure out how to install the fancy fonts on Linux. Also, I've cleaned up the bajillion assertions that my previous patch caused (shame on me, I was running an opt build that didn't show any of them). Basically, there were a half-dozen places where we'd hit that assertion in a `beningn' way (because immediately after creating the reflow state, we'd whack the reflow reason). I've made changes so that we now compute the reflow reason up-front, and pass it to the reflow state's ctor.
Attachment #81952 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Marc, it may be a bit strong to enforce that path == nsnull when reason != eReflowReason_Incremental, in general. I think it would be better to just say, `if reason != eReflowReason_Incremental, path is irrelevant'. There are a few places that twiddle with the reason post-nsHTMLReflowState construction, and there isn't a systematic way to enforce it. And while we could enforce that as a post-condition of the nsHTMLReflowState's ctors, it seems superfluous since each of the non-root ctors is explicitly _setting_ path to nsnull when reason != eReflowReason_Incremental. (It's not going to change before we leave the scope of the ctor.) That said, I _did_ add assertions to make sure that path != nsnull when constructing an nsHTMLReflowState with eReflowReason_Incremental. This required me to juggle logic in about a half-dozen places where we were getting `benign' assertions; e.g., nsHTMLReflowState childRS(...); childRS.reason = /* anything but eReflowReason_Incremental */ This is `benign' because although the ctor panics, we immediately whack the reason to something else. To avoid assert-botch noise, I changed these to: nsReflowReason reason = /* twiddle this however */; nsHTMLReflowSTate childRS(..., reason); rbs: the reflow reason twiddling is ad hoc enough that I'm not sure it can be merged systematically into the reflow state object. For example, in some places, we actually _do_ convert an incremental reflow to a dirty reflow; in other places, we just don't flow the child frames if they're not along the path.
+ nsIFrame* childFrame; + for (childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild(); + childFrame != nsnull; + childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame)) { + if (aReflowState.reason == eReflowReason_Incremental) { + // Don't incrementally reflow child frames that aren't along the + // reflow path. + // XXXwaterson inverting this loop logic (e.g., so that we + // iterate through the reflow path's children) would be more + // performant, but I don't want to be too intrusive here. + if (! aReflowState.path->HasChild(childFrame)) + continue; + } I see that you are skipping some reflows now. I am suspicious that this might have side-effects with stretchy MathML frames or frames which are context-sensitive (i.e., frames for which changes outside can still affect them). E.g., if the baseFrame of an accentFrame is changed, then the accentFrame still needs to be reflowed (extended or shrinked) along with the baseFrame to ensure that the accent continues to cover the base accurately. So let's continue to keep the contract that MathML isn't doing incremental reflow for now given that not all the details of what to do have been worked out. Let's just reflow the whole lot and move on, i.e., if the incremental reason is where the crash comes from, what about setting it to resize if path->HasChild() is false? BTW, there are other similar loops to watch out (e.g., in mfencedFrame). The rest of the patch looks okay to me, r=rbs applies from now on your patch as I am going off-line now. I agree with attinasi that the 'new rules' need to be documented (e.g., the non-null command which means 'this == target'!).
I'm hoping to address rbs's comments off-line (because this bug is just too darn big at this point). I'll post a summary here when we resolve the issues. In the meantime, I've created a new branch: REFLOW_20020502_BRANCH, that is this morning's trunk plus attachment 82108 [details] [diff] [review]. I've just posted a win32 binary to <> I'll post a Linux binary later tonight. If all goes well, I will try to land this early next week.
This incorporates a less aggressive (and more comprehensive) fix for handling incremental reflows that arrive at MathML frames: - The prior patch would flow only the child frames along the incremental reflow path. This patch reflows all the child frames, using eReflowReason_Dirty for child frames that don't lie along the reflow path. - The prior patch only tackled nsMathMLContainerFrame; this patch also handles maction, mfenced, and mroot frames.
Attachment #82108 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 82259 [details] [diff] [review] better fix for mathml incremental reflow r=rbs
Attachment #82259 - Flags: review+
r=rods for forms controls
Attached patch after review with kin (obsolete) — Splinter Review
kin and I spent most of the afternoon going through the block-and-line changes. I've made some minor mods where obvious problems came up. Overall, I think we realized that the Viewport is a sewer that needs a bit of an overhaul (I don't know if it's necessary to do that in this patch, though). I wasn't able to remember or explain my box changes very well: I'll probably want to refresh my memory and add a big comment there.
Here are review comments on the first part of the patch (previous version). I didn't get through the whole thing, and I may not have time to in the next few days, so I figure some comments are better than none. Nothing major here, though.
waterson: do you mind opening a continuation bug? Since this one is already weird, and with the usual fixups that might happen even after the checkin, it is not going to be convenient to revisit the bug to double-check things out.
Blocks: 142863
dbaron wrote: >|#if defined(DEBUG_dbaron) || defined(DEBUG_waterson) >| NS_NOTREACHED("We don't have a line for the target of the reflow. " >| "Being inefficient"); >|#endif >Do we still hit this? The only place that I've hit it is when we reflow the combobox (press the `edge case' button on <>, for example). I really think that this is a problem in the combobox, though. >How about an assertion that the child isn't in the reflow path, and a >note to remove it if we hit the assertion because we've started putting >inlines in the reflow path again? In the patch I'll attach shortly, I've put the code back. If we're going to leave RetargetInlineIncrementalReflow in the code, we might as well leave this there, too. >We have a bug on that extra reflow to get the overflow area, right? >Maybe it should be cited in the code? (And it looks like there's a >similar problem in nsInlineFrame.) Not sure. >+ // But...if the incremental reflow command is a StyleChanged >+ // reflow and its target is the current block, change the reason >+ // to `style change', so that it propagates through the entire >+ // subtree. >+ nsHTMLReflowCommand* rc = mOuterReflowState.path->mReflowCommand; > >This needs a big XXX comment saying that this is really insufficient >(the damage loss problem), and it should probably point to the comment >at the beginning of nsBlockFrame::ReflowDirtyLines, and vice versa. What is the `damage loss problem'? >| if (state & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) >| reason = eReflowReason_Dirty; > >I wonder if this check should be right after the initial setting of the >reason to resize rather than within the check of the parent reflow >state's type. What if a resize causes floater damage that marks >something dirty? Shouldn't it get a dirty reflow? I doubt it really >matters, though. (Where do we differentiate dirty and resize?) The only difference for the block frame is whether or not PrepareResizeReflow gets called. (PrepareResizeReflow will pre-emptively mark lines dirty -- based on floater damage, wrapping, percentage-aware children, etc.) In the `dirty' case, it's not called, and so only the lines that are currently marked as dirty get reflowed (modulo floater damager propagation, etc). >nsHTMLReflowCommand.{h,cpp} > >You should remove the mPrevSiblingFrame member completely, since it's >unused. Done. In other news... I've fixed the incremental reflow problem with <select> frames that bz pointed out (breaking the test case in bug 82873). Looks like we'll need that code I ignored in nsComboboxControlFrame, after all! :-) rods, it'd be great if you could re-review this stuff. kin noticed some assertions firing with the sidebar. Caught a case where the nsHTMLFrameOuterFrame needed to convert an incremental reflow to a dirty if the child wasn't on the reflow path. Also, needed to tweak the nsBoxToBlockAdaptor to pass back the `fixed' reflow path from CanSetMaxElementSize since RefreshSizeCache can cause the adaptor to reflow its frame. kin also discovered that resizing a frame group would cause a crash. I think I checked the nsHTMLReflowState ctors in every subdirectory of layout except for layout/document. Oops. After thinking about it some more, I think that I'm a dolt for ignoring rbs's suggestion in comment 174. I've changed the logic in the nsHTMLReflowState ctors so that if the child frame isn't along the path, it automatically converts the reflow reason from `incremental' to `dirty'. This allowed me to undo the reflow reason twiddling in MathML, as well as some other places. It also makes it a lot harder to walk off the end of the reflow path by mistake, which should mean I'll have fewer crash bugs to deal with when this gets checked in.
Attachment #82259 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #82719 - Attachment is obsolete: true
from what I can tell it looks right r=rods
Comment on attachment 82984 [details] [diff] [review] incorporate dbaron's comments, bz & kin testing on the block and line changes.
Changes checked in. May the Force be with us.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This check-in added a new "might be used uninitialized" warning (and removed two of them): -layout/html/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp:6184 - `PRTime afterReflow' might be used uninitialized in this function - `PRTime beforeReflow' might be used uninitialized in this function +layout/html/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp:6335 + `PRIntervalTime deadline' might be used uninitialized in this function
The performance boost after this checkin outright extreme in a few cases: Mozilla got 9 times faster on the "sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout set to 30ms per step)" test at Mozilla is now faster than MSIE6 in all but one of the "Complex" cases there. For an other (extreme improvement) sample, check out the "text follows cursor" effect at with a build from before and after this fix. WOW :))
The performance boost after this checkin outright extreme in a few cases: Mozilla got 9 times faster on the "sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout set to 30ms per step)" test at Mozilla is now faster than MSIE6 in all but one of the "Complex" cases there. For an other (extreme improvement) sample, check out the "text follows cursor" effect at with a build from before and after this fix. WOW :))
doh.. sorry - sometimes moz just keeps spinning when i attach files - and "silantly" keep attaching and attaching without notifying it's succeeded ://
Attachment #83209 - Attachment is obsolete: true
bz pointed out that the other numbers may be averages, so i ran on MSIE6 too. The numbers even here. But we're VERY good at sliding elements 100px to the right ;)
Blocks: 136447
R.K.Aa, Adding my old scrolling credits demo - but this time the scrolling DOM effect on top of the DOM tree. So we can measure what happens. This represents the scenario where Style Animation would be running on top of an existing web site (existing DOM tree). (credits on top of home page DOM) (credits running alone)
The following sample now makes sense: NOw you can drag IFRAMES with ("Sidebar Tabs") Panels inside and have a nice experience. The scrolling demo that I sent is weird it's really slow, but I checked many other cases and it's really great improvement!!. Before, was not only about slow, we had this "dhtml hangs" behavior when the reflow time was bigger than the setTimeout time window. Now panels and windows on top of sites is possible and the dHTML door is open again. This is a amazing start! :) Mozilla DHTML community will be glad and I am sure the future will be nice again. As an evangelist for Gecko, a new world of demonstrations will be showcased now. This is a for sure requirement to other products using Mozilla. Thanks!!
I run almost all testcases posted here in Win2K, except for those posted in comment #192 or later which were already tested after the recent fix. Comparing 20020511 to the performance of 20020509 build, 10 cases have noticeable to extremely noticeable improvementwhile in 5 cases there isn't any noticeable difference. IE6 does it very well in all cases, usually being about 2x faster (where performance results are available) except for some tests in where there is performance parity (those tests didn't gain anything from the patch). So IE is still faster but the gap is much smaller than before.
Depends on: 143959
Depends on: 145272
Verified on 2002-05-23-08-trunk.
Keywords: adt1.0.0
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM]
Will this fix the extremely fast cursor flicker in's home page search field? Mgalli believes it is because the scrolling news is making a bunch of setTimeout calls, each of which causes a reflow/update to the entire document.
No, I don't believe it addresses that problem.
Keywords: adt1.0.1
Mass removing adt1.0.0, and adding adt1.0.1 because, we are now on 1.0.1.
Keywords: adt1.0.0
Adding adt1.0.1+ and mozilla1.0.1+ for checkin to 1.0.1 per the ADT and Drivers. Let's set up a tracking bug for any issues that come up and then announce this change and direct people to this tracking bug so they can update it with any issues they are seeing.
This is a patch for the MOZILLA_1_0_BRANCH. It incorporates the dependent bug fixes, as well.
Chris, is the patch different from the one that landed on the trunk or is it just all of the patches merged together. If it's different, does it need a review?
Changes landed on MOZILLA_1_0_BRANCH.
Keywords: fixed1.0.1
stummala - can you pls verify the fix on the branch? thanks!
I'm covering for stummala since he is on leave. I performed lots of tests on branch & IE6 for direct comparison & looking at results I think I will have to re-open this bug & mark it fixed [Removing Verified] so it does not go out of our watch radar. I'm going to attach my results table.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Marking it Fixed [Removing verified to keep it on watch list]
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Test results are attached of multiple tests I performed. Test results are direct comparison of branch & The Other Browser.
Markus Hubner sent me some more test links, so I performed those tests as well for direct comparison between two browsers. Attached are results.
Attachment #87245 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Those numbers in the results file will be considerably improved using a current trunk build - great improvements through bug 124685, bug 141786, bug 85595. Prashant, could you please add tests with a current trunk to your results.
stummala - can you pls verify this one on the 1.0 branch (also check around for possible regressions), then replace "fixed1.0.1" with "verified1.0.1"? thanks!
Jaime Rodriguez, As I mentioned earlier I'm covering this bug for "stummala" since he is on leave. I attached testing comparison table to the bug & our branch is not really performing as expected. I re-opened this bug & marked it fixed to keep it on radar. It is really tough to decide if we really want to replace "fixed1.0.1" with "verified1.0.1" since branch is not performing greatly compared to other browser. Please check my last attachment for comparison test results.
Desale, surely you should be comparing to prior versions of *this* browser (ie, prior to this fix) to see if there's a substantial improvement. If this fix has resulted in vast performance increases but we still don't quite beat IE, I'd say that's plenty to mark this bug verified. After all, this bug is "Reflow coalescing within JS called from SetTimeout" not "Be faster than IE on all DHTML testcases". If we have a crasher bug, we don't test for it to be fixed by looking to see if we crash more often than IE or not, and we don't refuse to verify any crasher bug if our MTBF is worse than IE. Each bug has to be evaluated on its own merits. Test builds with this fix against builds without it, and if the builds with it are substantially faster and have no regressions, this bug can be marked verified.
Stuart, what you said is correct & we should be comparing browser with prior versions of browser , but evaluating performance is not either BLACK or WHITE thing as it is in other bugs right ? If there is some crash, we can say it is fixed if there is no crash any more. In case of performance, there is no such sound result & we should be defining our level of satisfaction with performance. You really have a point that we should compare versions before check in & after check in. Hence I did it now. I'm also including results on trunk, which are better than branch. Here is attached comparison testing results table.
Attachment #87424 - Attachment is obsolete: true
replacing "fixed1.0.1" with "verified1.0.1" since branch comparison showed lot of improvement. Trunk was best of all three. Adding hong@netscape to cc list since hong's team have good resources to perform performance testing. hong please check out my results comparison & perform your set of testing, & please take appropriate action on this bug.
Marking as Verified per Comment #217 From Prashant Desale.
Keywords: mozilla1.0.1+
*** Bug 128901 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
No longer blocks: 21762
Blocks: 21762
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