Closed Bug 133184 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Pref to disable tab flickering


(Other Applications :: ChatZilla, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: xyzzy, Assigned: rginda)



I've been seeing this for a while, but see this in 2002031903 on Windows 98 as well. When two or more channels are active, and there is activity in a channel that is not current, the color will change on that tab's text and seems to flicker once or twice for each subsequent line it receives in that channel, even though the final color remains the same. Please make it stop. :-) Thanks.
This is completely intentional (and has been there for a long time). We just added a third color recently. The point is so that you know that there is activity (and what kind) on that channel. This is probably wontfix.
I guess we could pref it at some point.
Summary: Tab label text flickers on channel activity → Pref to disable tab flickering
Hmmm... I'm not so opposed to this that I want a pref. Really, it's just two things that make this obnoxious: The color always reverts to black, then the real color. Instead, I think it should blink: turn off the text foreground color, then turn it back on. Second, it should transition slower, so it is more of a blink than a flicker. I'm guessing this means turn it off for some amount of time, then turn it back on for the same amount of time, probably something like 1/2 second intervals. Hopefully this will make it so that this still catches my eye, but doesn't seem broken. If you still want to do a pref, go ahead, but I don't really want it if you do as I request. Thanks again. :-)
Actually, it doesn't always change to black. It depends on what color it is to start with. For example, if it's already green and a join message comes in, it will change to blue, then back to green.
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Depends on: 229545
Chatzilla 0.9.54 is now available and has landed on the trunk (cvs). This should have resolved this bug; if it has not, please reopen it.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Other Applications
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