Bug 150280
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon disables Quick Launch despite checkbox setting until reboot or restart with turbo switch
(Core Graveyard :: QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode), defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: s.vanslyck, Assigned: law)
(1 file)
43.75 KB,
Details |
From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020530
BuildID: 2002053012
Exiting Mozilla by using the taskbar icon also disables Quick Launch. Restarting
Mozilla will reveal that the Quick Launch preference checkbox is still checked,
but Quick Launch will not actually be re-enabled until the user unchecks and
then rechecks the Advance preference dialog box.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce: See description.
Actual Results: See description.
Expected Results: Exiting Mozilla from the taskbar icon Launch should have no
effect on Quick Launch behavior. That's what "Disable Quick Launch" is for.
Quick Launch (and that taskbar icon) should fully re-enable themselves on the
next Mozilla restart, assuming the user has not himself disabled Quick Launch.
Updated•23 years ago
Summary: Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon also disables quicklaunce → Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon also disables quicklaunch
Comment 1•23 years ago
Component: Preferences: Backend → QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode)
Updated•23 years ago
Whiteboard: DUPEME
Comment 2•23 years ago
->Quicklaunch... really this time.
Assignee: bnesse → law
QA Contact: rvelasco → gbush
Comment 3•23 years ago
Will you try this on a recent nightly? I cannot reproduce here. When you Exit
Mozilla via the icon, does the registry key get removed also? Do you have more
than one profile?
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Comment 4•23 years ago
I want to wait until the next rev. if its not too long? I'm using 1.0. Do you
know when the next rev. will be issued? Also, which key is it for W2K?
Comment 5•23 years ago
key is :
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run] is set to
Mozilla QuickLaunch drive:\installpath\mozilla.exe -turbo)
not sure when next rev, will check
number of profiles?
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Comment 6•23 years ago
The key is not removed. QK re-initializes on re-boot.
I'm on W2K, so 2 or 3 profiles were created on install, but I've only ever used one.
Here's some clarification. By "disabling Quicklaunch," what I mean is that the
QL is "disabled," i.e., the taskbar icon is removed, until the next book.
Restarting Mozilla before the next book does not restore the taskbar icon. This
but is to specify that it should do so. BUT, if this is not a bug, but rather
the expected behavoiur, then in the alternative I might suggest some tooltip, or
dialog popup, stating that QL will not be re-initialized until re-boot. This
will work just as well.
In my particular case the current behaviour may be a good thing because I don't
necessarily what to overwrite the registry key. This is because I decided today
to modify the key by adding the -mail switch and thereby avoid the need to use a
Startup folder shortcut, which never worked right anyway per bug
Comment 7•23 years ago
this is duplicate of bug 147364
QuickLaunch will work with multiple profiles on trunk builds (nightlies)
On the branch there is a pref set to allow QuickLaunch only with a single
Steve- if you want to suggest tooltip or other dialog, please reopen and change
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 143764 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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Comment 8•23 years ago
I don't see any relation at all between this but and bug Also, I have never used
multiple profiles with Mozilla on this machine, ever. The multiple profiles
established were put there solely by the install program. They have never been
used or configured and I have never used the profile manager. I don't understand
how this can be a duplicate, especially of 147364, which is summarized as "on
Back browser loads about:blank (Trunk M1RC3)."
Comment 9•23 years ago
my bad fingers- it is bug 143764- got it right once ;)
I believe Mozilla is seeing multiple profiles as the icon does not disappear
with a single profile. Profiles are either migrated from version 4.x (and maybe
not used) or created by user.
To use the QL feature, you may want to try start/programs/mozilla/profile
manager and delete those profiles you do not want. Thereafter, the icon should
remain in systray and you can launch from it.
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Comment 10•23 years ago
OK, so here's whats going on. I deleted all *.slt files except my own. Rebooted.
Started Mozilla. QuickLaunch icon appears in systray as expected. Quit Mozilla
via ALT-F4. Exited Mozilla via taskbar icon. Taskbar icon disappears as
expected. Restarted Mozilla via desktop icon. The taskbar icon has not
reappeared. Comments?
Summary: Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon also disables quicklaunch → Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon disables taskbar icon until reboot
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Comment 11•23 years ago
OK, so here's what's going on. I deleted all *.slt files except my own.
Rebooted. Started Mozilla. QuickLaunch icon appears in systray as expected. Quit
Mozilla via ALT-F4. Exited Mozilla via taskbar icon. Taskbar icon disappears as
expected. Restarted Mozilla via desktop icon. The taskbar icon has not
reappeared. Comments?
Comment 12•23 years ago
check the registry key and make sure it is for the installationt that the icon
is calling. I cannot reproduce with your steps if key matches install-
I did reproduce because my key was set to another install and once I set
properly, things behaved as expected.
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Comment 13•23 years ago
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Comment 14•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 90664 [details]
View of registry settings
The additional switch "-mail" does not affect the behavior of the bug.
Comment 15•23 years ago
verified single profile only
confirming - icon does not reappear in reporters' systray after exit app and
exit via icon only on reboot. :(
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Comment 16•23 years ago
the problem here is that quicklaunch is a stupid string. ms already gave it
meaning, and we gave it a dumber one.
our quick launch means: load at logon and stay resident until you use the
taskbar to quit.
what makes more sense to most people are:
* stay resident after launch
* load at logon
this is a duplicate (mostly of the first bullet)
Comment 17•22 years ago
I am seeing the same thing under different circumstances. When my browser
crashes (which it doesn't do too often), quicklaunch dissapears even though the
option is still set in the preferences screen. I have to uncheck and recheck
the QL option under advanced preferences before it appears in the systray.
Comment 18•22 years ago
*** Bug 165743 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 19•22 years ago
please try a recent nightly and confirm that this still recurs. I cannot
reproduce here with latest (9/18) build
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Comment 20•22 years ago
The bug is not present in 2002061104; but I run only a single profile. Also see
Comment 21•22 years ago
wfm with both single and multiple profiles
Closed: 23 years ago → 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 23•22 years ago
I can reproduce this bug with 2002100108-trunk/Win2k.
If I select "Exit Mozilla" from the system tray and launch Mozilla again,
Quick Launch icon doesn't appear in the system tray. Either with single
or multiple profile.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Updated•22 years ago
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 24•22 years ago
Using a shortcut with /nosplash appears to be at least one sufficient condition
for the tray icon for quick launch to not reappear. People might want to look
and see if this is causing their problem. Of course, this would need to be
fixed somehow.
Comment 25•22 years ago
No, this doesn't appear to be a consistent fix. Sorry, I spoke too soon in my
last comment.
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Comment 26•22 years ago
Works for reporter under Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US;
rv:1.2b) Gecko/2002101612, although appearance of icon on startup can be slow.
Closed: 22 years ago → 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 28•22 years ago
I am still finding that exiting using the taskbar icon makes it so that it will
not appear upon the next launching (from my Start menu, in my particular case).
Thus, having the little checkmark in the Preferences for Quick launch is simply
ineffective and a bug of some sort, and Mozilla's quick launch feature is pretty
useless to me. One time a few months ago, someone mentioned a registry change
and I entered that at the time, and this fixed the problem so that the icon
always came back, but I have since formatted and redone my Windows 2000, so the
problem is back. Maybe someone can remind me what change that must have been.
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Comment 29•22 years ago
As said above, this fix appears not to be consistent. Grace, feel free to reopen
the bug. Jay, can you advise what Service Pack version and Moz version you're using?
Comment 30•22 years ago
arg. come on folks. the code can't possibly have changed so that it would work
for anyone.
1. sacrifice a windows 2000 terminal service user 'timeless' to the whims of
mozilla attacking his registry -- i'm not happy about this one.
2. use an old mozilla navigator (11/05) to grab a current mozilla
2. grab a current mozilla (11/08-08)
3. run it. get modasic -- i'm not happy about this.
4. view>apply theme>classic -- anything is better than modasic at 256 colors
5. edit>preferences>advanced>[x] enable confusing quicklaunch
6. quit mozilla.
7. confirm silly warning that mozilla will be resident again.
8. run mozilla
8' see that it kind of runs a bit faster (not really, because it just unloaded)
9. file>exit
10. wait. right click mozilla in try and click "exit mozilla"
11. double click on mozilla
11' expect to see mozilla in the system tray
11` it's not there because the behavior of quicklaunch matches my description in
Comment #16.
This bug doesn't work for anyone. it does behave exactly as designed, but the
design is clearly broken as seen in the complaints from real users.
thankfully, not only is the design broken, but the commandline interface doesn't
provide a workaround. iow, i can't even suggest a fix.
the best i can suggest to people is that they create a shortcut called
"load mozilla" and have it include -turbo.
then people can click 'load mozilla' before they do something which will run
mozilla. but of course, they shouldn't click it if mozilla is already open :-).
Severity: major → critical
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
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Comment 31•22 years ago
Quoting, "the best i can suggest to people is that they create a shortcut called
"load mozilla" and have it include -turbo." I did that, and put the shortcut
into the startup folder. Worked OK. But why did you change this to trivial? Its
a major feature not offered by other browsers; I would think it would be a
normal more than anything else.
Comment 32•22 years ago
I had this problem in Moz 1.1 and no matter of testing could get it to work.
But as soon as I upgraded to 1.2b (build 2002101612), this problem went away.
Now, every time I load Mozilla except after it crashes (which still, for some
reason, never relaunches the quick launch icon, but that's for another bug, I
think), the quick launch icon comes back. So basically, I would have to say
that from my point of view, this problem has been fixed.
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Comment 33•22 years ago
Yes, it works fine on 1.2b for me as well. I don't know about others, though, or
other platforms. I'm very happy with 1.2b, at least after I got did the simple
fix for the "unable to download files" problem.
Comment 34•22 years ago
I am using build 2002110808 on W2K and I always use the zipped file to install
Mozilla. At one time several months ago, I thought this feature was working [as
users seem to be expecting it to work] without even using -turbo in the shortcut
properties, as long as the preference box for quick launch was checked. In my
memory, it seemed like it was a feature that got broken, but I may very well be
wrong. Nevertheless, I think the natural thing to do is to have it load Mozilla
in quick launch mode whenever Mozilla is run, so hopefully someone's going to
"fix" it. ;-)
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Comment 35•22 years ago
The way it currently works, as I understand it, is not by amending the user's
shortcut. If you exit Mozilla from the taskbar icon, QL will not reload just
from clicking on a normal shortcut, because all that does is run mozilla.exe
without paramaters.
When you open preferences and toggle QuickLaunch from OFF to ON, it loads a
-turbo setting into the registry at HKEY USERS/[bunch of
numbers]/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run/ AND does whatever it
does to display the taskbar icon. Exit Mozilla from the task bar icon completely
exits the program from memory, unlike File-->Close, which simply closes the
application windows but leaves the mozilla.exe service resident as a process
(see your task manager tabs).
Thus, when you File-->Close the taskbar icon should disappear only temporarily;
but if you taskbar-icon-exit, it should disappear permanently until the next
time you restart the service with the -turbo switch, either from the command
line or by rebooting. (Since I've never done it, I'm not sure if running
"mozilla.exe -turbo" from the command line or shortcut is supposted to just
start QL or is supposed to start the program as well.)
What exactly is going on in your situation, I don't know, but the above is how
the process reliably works on my machine. I hope this helps and didn't repeat
information were already well-aware of.
Comment 36•22 years ago
The whole problem with this feature is that the checkbox is only good once for
putting Mozilla in quick launch mode. After exiting via the tray icon, it is
gone for good until you go in and expose the preference page with the quick
launch choice. Now, it is possible to use a -turbo switch in the shortcut for
people who are "in the know", but even then, I find I have to launch it and then
launch it again to actually open the browser.
Now you know that this really cannot be the intention of a checkbox choice in
Preferences! We need to keep Mozilla in memory for always reliable, fast
launches so that people don't think of their Mozilla as clunky and inferior.
It seems to me this is one of a handful of priority bugs for 1.3 to finally iron
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Comment 37•22 years ago
Jay, you can add -turbo -mail to force opening of mail. I'm not sure which
switch will force opening of the browser.
Comment 38•22 years ago
Hi Steve,
I hate this type of workaround solution. I am always interested in just a
simple fix so that the ordinary user never has to think about such things. I
can see rationales where someone might have wanted the tray icon method of
exiting Mozilla to make sure that Mozilla doesn't go back into quick launch mode
the next time the user runs Mozilla. It is sort of a safeguard if people find
it to affect their system poorly having that memory used, and they might not
remember or think what to do to solve the problem. However! I think this was
just a bug that killed quick launch at some point in time, and why can't it be
fixed already?? The whole idea of Quick Launch should be one of 100%
consistent, smooth instant Mozilla launches so that it always maintains a good
experience for the user. I therefore consider this a VERY important bug.
In my own particular case, yeah, I would need to know the switch to open up a
browser window since that's all I'm really using.
Thanks for your suggestion. :-)
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Comment 39•22 years ago
> I hate this type of workaround solution. I am always interested in just a
> simple fix so that the ordinary user never has to think about such things.
Jay, I understand your feelings and agee with you 100%. I just thot maybe you
weren't aware of the workaround. There are several things in this Best of
Browsers that I feel should be implemented in prefs and not via .js files (e.g.,
setting the default typestyle for html messages as fixed instead of variable),
and I could go on an on. And on.
As to this particular bug, it is currently working for me as I originally
experienced the program, but I do agree that "Exit Mozilla" should not equate to
"Disable Quick Launch Until Reboot." I can see, however, the difficulty in
implementing a fix given the way QL is implemented via a command line switch, so
I personally would not object to a mouse-hover tool-tip and some clear
explanations in the help files as to what the expected behavior should be. After
all, what is the difficulty with exiting via File-->Exit instead of via the
systray icon?
Comment 40•22 years ago
I guess it is my opinion that people try to close programs in their tray
*somewhat* often, for a few different reasons, and ordinary users can't have
things just changing on them. They feel things aren't working right so they
shut some things down in the tray.
Certainly no one can suggest that it's alright to allow a preference that uses
a checbox method to become disabled by any method of Mozilla's exit. If you go
back and look, you will see that the preference is still checked (of course I
know you realize that). It's only the opening of the preferences to the
Advanced page that "refreshes" Mozilla and puts the Quick Launch icon back in
operation. It's definitely a bug, and I don't remember when it was introduced.
I do know that at one point, someone told me a registry modification I could
make, manually, and that did make it work as I am saying it *should* work. I
don't have that info anymore though.
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Comment 41•22 years ago
Comment #5 identifies how it works now; not sure how that relates to the
registry setting you mentioned.
Comment 42•22 years ago
What would you think of renaming this bug to the following:
Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon disables Quick Launch despite checkbox setting
My registry setting is as you described, but that's not the setting that I meant
which had kept the preference persistent even through shutdowns of Mozilla.
I think the focus here is to keep the newbie user always launching his Mozilla
as fast as possible, consistently, and a dead checkbox setting for Quick Launch
is not friendly to this aim.
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Comment 43•22 years ago
I would optionally support renaming the context menu item from "Exit Mozilla" to
"Exit QuickLaunch" or "Exit Mox & QL" or somesuch.
Summary: Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon disables taskbar icon until reboot → Exiting Mozilla from taskbar icon disables Quick Launch despite checkbox setting until reboot or restart with turbo switch
Comment 44•22 years ago
I am going to summarize my thoughts on Quicklaunch. Interestingly, the current
behavior of the taskbar icon closing itself and then reopening a second later
following the closing of Mozilla (using File, Exit or using X box in right hand
corner) does perform the function of keeping Mozilla a consistently more stable
program (assuming it accumulates problems over hours or days of use and finally
crashes, which is what it does). In this sense, someone could think of this as
an intended behavior. I have no argument with this really, though I don't think
anyone *did* intend this.
On the issue of Mozilla having a checkbox for maintaining a Quicklaunch Mode,
certainly the only way the taskbar exiting of Mozilla should "permanently" shut
down the program till the user goes in again and simply views that particular
Preference page with the checked box would be if the taskbar choice said to Exit
Quicklaunch & Mozilla. I suggest that we eliminate as much confusion as
possible though and use the Checkbox preference in the way that the logic implies.
Therefore I would suggest only one choice in the Taskbar icon other than
launching components of Mozilla. That choice should be "Turn off Quicklaunch".
I can simply think of no reason to have to resort to shutting Mozilla through
the icon. It appears totally redundant. However, given that some might think
that once that little menu is right-click opened, one should have have the
chance of making it disappear by choosing to exit the program.
Anyway, if nothing else, I think I've proven that the current AWOL
quicklaunch taskbar icon upon choosing Exit Mozilla is not logical at all. If
the user wishes not to always have Quicklaunch running and is unduly put upon
with his Windows system (and its resources or whatnot), and he found his way to
the taskbar icon in the first place, then he knows why the icon exists, and he
can and will have chosen Disable Quicklaunch. Or he will find it in Preferences
If the user is dealing with the problem of having a program loading up during
every system reboot and he hasn't discovered what is slowing down his system,
then maybe he wouldn't appreciate it loading all the time.
I guess there could be a preference for load Quicklaunch on Startup and then
a preference for load it when Mozilla is running, neither of which would be
enabled but a reminder during installation could be there about using Quick
launch mode.
So let there be no confusion! This baby is broken! Now the details need to be
worked out.
Steve...I do think your method of choices is actually overcomplicating and
could be confusing to the user. We don't want any wordiness anywhere.
Sorry, did I summarize my thoughts or write a treatise? ;-)
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Comment 45•22 years ago
> Therefore I would suggest only one choice in the Taskbar icon other than
launching components of Mozilla. That choice should be "Turn off Quicklaunch".
Thereby exiting the program as a result as well, or removing the systray icon,
or both?
I can simply think of no reason to have to resort to shutting Mozilla through
the icon.
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Comment 46•22 years ago
> I guess there could be a preference for load Quicklaunch on Startup and then
a preference for load it when Mozilla is running, neither of which would be
enabled but a reminder during installation could be there about using Quick
launch mode.
Trouble is, QL load is done at the command line. QL sets into action events
which cause certain portions of the program to remain in memory. Loading QL at
runtime would have to be done in such a way as to EITHER track down every single
shortcut/alias/shadow and add the -turbo switch to (or remove it from) the
command line OR by loading a separate section of code, probably via a separate
executable "loader" program that would intelligently check to make sure that the
QL enabling code is executed only if there isn't already an instance of the QL
process running.
Thus, my previous comments simply indicate that I understand how it works and
why it works the way it does, and do not find it too troublesome.
Grace, do you want to check in on this discussion?
Comment 47•22 years ago
If this bug is so flurking hard to do anything about, I really want to
understand a few things here:
First, why is it that this was not broken at one point in time? People seem to
acknowledge that it worked but now somehow it cannot work without significant
changes and it is sort of hopeless.
Second, while it is true I can launch Mozilla using the -turbo switch which will
enable Quick Launch in the taskbar but doesn't actually open the browser and
therefore necessitates choosing to load again, then why is it I can also launch
it in so-called "turbo" mode AND load the browser itself by just choosing to
launch a .jpg file by using "Open with Mozilla"? Of course, I don't want to
look at a jpg file...I just want to look at a blank browser window.
Okay, try this experiment: Make sure the checkbox is on for Quick Launch, then
shut Mozilla through tray icon (thus turning off Quick Launch), then find an
image file on your computer, then right click in the File Explorer and tell it
to "open with" and choose Mozilla.
Notice result is that Quick Launch is back in the Tray.
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Comment 48•22 years ago
In reply to "first" I originally reported the bug because I would exit the
program from the systray and the systray icon would not reappear. This was not
the intended behavior. It was supposed to disappear but then automatically
reload. (I don't know if they could have left the icon displayed during this
interval or not.)
For second, add the -chrome switch. Or -mail. Or whatever. I didn't think you
could start -turbo just by opening a browser window unless -turbo was already
started at via the Run entry in the registry or via some other command line,
such as a shadow/alias/shortcut.
BUT THIS IS WEIRD. Opening the .jpg image file loading _nothing_ in the systray.
Exiting Mozilla and starting Mozilla via a shortcut - which does NOT have any
switches in the command line - did in fact restart QuickLaunch. Very strange!
Possible unique. The bug has been fixed, but apparently on my computer only, and
only partially.
Comment 49•22 years ago
Related to bug 146340?
Comment 50•22 years ago
this continues with mozilla nightly build 2003050104
it does not occur on the commercial build - systray icon reappears with slight
delay (bug 146340) but for mozilla systray icon does not reappear until user
looks at edit/prefs/advanced. QuickLaunch pref is checked and once viewed, icon
Comment 51•22 years ago
im kinda new to mozilla, and i see the same thing happening.
i like playing lots of processor intensive games on my computer, and sometimes i
want all the power i can get, so i close most of the things in my taskbar, and i
dont want them to come back anytime soon. But, what i do want happening is that
the next time i load Mozilla before i restart my comp, i want it to restart the
(i see that they have added the disable quicklaunch and an exiting message which
i like)
I understand why they would do that, but it bothers me (a little)
im using build 2003071814....v1.5 alpha on win98 2nd edition
(sorry if im just rerepeating stuff that other people said...but i didnt exactly
see this stated by anyone else...)
Comment 52•21 years ago
What Mozilla should do?
In other words, when Mozilla is launched (through an icon or associated file), I
personally thing it would be better if Mozilla would just launch the browser AND
if the setting for Quick Launch is enabled, it should actually launch turbo mode
(and put itself in the tray). Summary:
* Run Mozilla
* Browser is launched (or whatever)
* Mozilla checks if QL enabled, if so: launch turbo mode.
If Mozilla is being called from the registry with the -turbo switch, then it
should just go with turbo mode, but not launch the browser.
I'm currently using Mozilla with a shortcut, and I'm using this workaround:
"mozilla.exe -turbo -browser"
So this gives me what I desire.
Comment 53•21 years ago
Exiting Mozilla from the taskbar disables Quick Launch in Mozilla 1.7.1 on
W2KSP4. I looked in profile manager and only one profile is listed.
Comment 54•19 years ago
This bug seems to have reappeared in SeaMonkey 1.0.1. Clean install, only one profile, and no extensions installed.
Comment 55•17 years ago
Quick Launch has been remove by bug 361682.
This bug should be invalid.
Comment 56•16 years ago
Quicklaunch/Turbo Mode is no longer supported in Seamonkey 2 and Seamonkey1.X is in the maintenance mode (fixing only security bugs)
Closed: 22 years ago → 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Updated•12 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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