Closed Bug 1764089 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Some string remain in the original language while using specific languages.


(Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Firefox 100



Tracking Status
firefox100 --- affected


(Reporter: obotisan, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Affected versions

  • Firefox 100

Affected platforms

  • Windows 10 x64
  • Ubuntu 20.04 x64
  • macOS 10.15

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open firefox using a locale that is different from the OS language.
  2. Go to about:preferences#general and click on "Set Alternatives..."
  3. Select "Română" from the list.
  4. Observe the text in about:preferences.

Expected result

  • All the texts are translated.

Actual result

  • Some of the strings remain in the original language.

Additional notes

  • The same thing happens in some of the dropdowns from the Menu Bar, title from the ETP panel, some elements from the context menu.
  • This issue is reproducing on other languages too (for example Marathi).
  • If RO locale is opened (if RO is the original language of the browser) these strings are translated.
Has STR: --- → yes

Does the problem occur if you switch between major languages (Italian, French, German)? If not, this bug is INVALID.

We ship plenty of incomplete localization, and that's by design, given they're provided by community. Firefox in Romanian is only 90% translated.

Flags: needinfo?(oana.botisan)

It doesn't happen with major languages.

On the other hand when we open the locale for the languages that reproduce this issue, the bug is not reproducing. A lot of the strings are translated.

Flags: needinfo?(oana.botisan)

This specific issue isn't a bug, as these strings are not translated due to lack of translation data. The strings are correctly falling back to other languages.

You could check this by:


  • Choose 1 minority language like Romanian "ro"
  • Choose 1 majority language like French "fr"

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the browser with only en-US
  2. Go to preferences and create the following language order:
  • ro
  • fr
  • en-US

Expected behavior:

  • All string should be either Romanian or French.
  • No strings are left in English.
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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