Closed Bug 179787 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

JavaScript strict "Warning: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer" in <tabbrowser.xml>


(SeaMonkey :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: neil)




(2 files, 3 obsolete files)

I'm started to seem a bunch of these inthe console: Warning: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer They are almost flloding my console lxr reports this as: /xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/tabbrowser.xml /toolkit/content/widgets/tabbrowser.xml
Steps to reproduce please?
Assignee: sgehani → jaggernaut
Component: XP Apps → Tabbed Browser
QA Contact: paw → pmac
Build 2002122608 First, these only appear when Strict JavaScript Warning are on. Second, these only appear when a new Navigator window is created in addition to the initial window created when Mozilla is launched. Therefore, steps to reproduce: 1. Turn Strict JavaScript warnings on. Make sure new Navigator windows are blank. 2. Exit Mozilla 3. Launch Mozilla Navigator. 4. Open the JavaScript Console. You will see that this warning is not yet present. 5. Open a second Navigator window. 6. View the JavaScript Console. You will see a large amount of warnings regarding the undefined property this.mPanelContainer. For solving the issue, you can view the article about strict JavaScript warnings at <>.
Keywords: clean-report
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Summary: JavaScript warnings: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer → reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer
Summary: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer → JavaScript strict warning: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer in tabbrowser.xml
This also happens on every tab switch using FizzillaMach/2003040103. Setting Hardware=All.
Hardware: PC → All
So either all those references to this.mPanelContainer need to use the fail-safe detection method referred to in the article, or this.mPanelContainer need to be explicitly defined somewhere. I'm going to suggest this be fixed for 1.4 final by setting blocking1.4?. This clutters up the JS Console with lots of warnings that reduce its' usability for other purposes, and I imagine it's probably easy to fix.
Flags: blocking1.4?
Seemingly introduced between 2002110808 and 2002112208 FizzillaCFM builds. If we assume it was introduced prior to the date/time of this bug being filed, that narrows it down to approximately four days, represented by these check-ins: <>. Could bug 168807 or bug 173703 be involved?
If we see a fix for this we'll consider it for 1.4 but not going to block 1.4 for noise in the JS console (which isn't there for default profiles and most milestone users, right?)
Flags: blocking1.4? → blocking1.4-
I get the same problem opening a popup window from javascript width Casues a lot of searching when developing pages since I use the javascript consol alot to debug scripts.
AFAICT from some very excessive dump session in mozilla\kddev\dist\bin\chrome\toolkit\content\global\bindings\tabbrowser.xml, <field name="mStrip"> this.mTabBox.firstChild </field> is to blame: it cause the <handler event="select" action="if (event.originalTarget == this.mPanelContainer) this.updateCurrentBrowser();"/> to be called, but mPanelContainer hasn't been initialized yet (it's initialized two fields after mStrip)... A simple patch might be checking the validity of mPanelContainer first: <handler event="select"> <![CDATA[ if (("mPanelContainer" in this) && (event.originalTarget == this.mPanelContainer)) this.updateCurrentBrowser(); ]]> </handler> (Moving the mPanelContainer field before mStrip doesn't help, because updateCurrentBrowser would be still unknown.)
Path should be \mozilla\xpfe\global\resources\content\bindings\tabbrowser.xml, of course.
Attached patch patch as per comment 9 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Correction to comment 9: The "select" event handler invocation is caused not by |mStrip|, but by <field name="mTabContainer"> this.mStrip.childNodes[2] </field> The event handler is called twice, each time causing 9 error messages (this is bug 104549, I guess). The correction above has no effect on the suggested patch.
Attachment #127077 - Flags: review?(jaggernaut)
Erh, but why does that cause that handler to be called?
> why does that cause that handler to be called? Good question, that can't answer (yet). The changes to the select handler are actually just a workaround - and as such something I'm not quite happy with, since the real problem is still hidden. I can try to dig further into this, but maybe some 'wizard' can give me hint...
Comment on attachment 127077 [details] [diff] [review] patch as per comment 9 I'm not sure you can do any better than this, as the updateCurrentBrowser() method calls on other properties of its "this" object a lot. To properly fix it might involve rearranging a good part of the file; I think this solution is adequate. >+ <handler event="select"/> Um, if you check that in you'll get an XML parse error, due to the closing slash inside the tag. Otherwise, it looks good.
Attached patch fix per comment 14 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
>+ <handler event="select"/> I had this error in my tree, but wasn't aware that it was in the patch also (I thought I had just screwed up my local file later). Sorry; corrected patch attached.
Attachment #127077 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Lets speedup the event handler a bit, no more useless deck/tabpanel and other events. - <handler event="select" action="if (event.originalTarget == this.mPanelContainer) this.updateCurrentBrowser();"/> + <handler event="select" action="if (event.originalTarget.nodeName == 'tabs') this.updateCurrentBrowser();"/> Note: I didn't check Menu/View/Site Navigation Navbar, any takers?
CC'ing Neil. Neil, I guess you still remember bug 179787, right?
Woops, make that bug 173703
Yes and I also remember that my original patch used <xul:tabpanels flex="1" class="plain" onselect="event.preventBubble();"> so thet only the <tabs> select events hit the event handler, which simply calls updateCurrentBrowser() in my tree.
|event.originalTarget.nodeName == 'tabs'| is basically the same thing, with one exeption, it works without the strict warning ;)
Ah, but you're not blocking tabs in content that way...
Attachment #127077 - Flags: review?(jag)
This is almost certainly my fault (although i blame our xbl implementation for not having a strict processing order). I'm fairly certain someone can take the following and figure out what's happening. <?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE bindings><bindings id="x" xmlns=""> <binding id="y"><implementation> <field name="z">1</field> <constructor><![CDATA[ this.z = this.z; ]]></constructor> </implementation></binding></bindings> bz mentioned bug 63370.
Assignee: jag → timeless
Component: Tabbed Browser → XBL
To answer comment 12, here is the sequence of events: 1) The mTabContainer field is compiled and evaluated 2) This causes this.mStrip.childNodes[2] to be accessed (per comment 11). That node is the xul:tabs in the tabbox. 3) Accessing a node like this causes a XPConnect wrapper to be created for it. nsElementSH::PostCreate ensures that any relevant XBL bindings are attached to the node (in this case the "chrome://global/content/bindings/tabbox.xml#tabs" binding). 4) The constructor of the #tabs binding sets selectedIndex to 0 (see on the tabs. 5) The selectedIndex setter for #tabs synchronously dispatches a onselect event on the <xul:tabs> element (see 6) This event bubbles up to the <tabbrowser>, triggering its onselect handler. At this point, note, mPanelContainer is NOT initialized yet. Hence the warnings. This is not an XBL bug, as far as I can tell....
Assignee: timeless → tabbed-browser
Component: XBL → Tabbed Browser
Attached patch Proposed patchSplinter Review
We prefer the tabs constructor to select tabs, because some themes depend on the additional attributes being set on adjacent tabs. However in this case there are no adjacent tabs so this should be a reasonably safe fix.
Comment on attachment 136860 [details] [diff] [review] Proposed patch This works for me, r+ HJ
Attachment #136860 - Flags: review+
Attachment #128061 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #136860 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Comment on attachment 136860 [details] [diff] [review] Proposed patch So why does this work? May I suggest adding a comment explaining why that attribute is necessary?
Because it skips step 5.
Comment on attachment 136860 [details] [diff] [review] Proposed patch I see. sr=bzbarsky with a nice comment explaining that added.
Attachment #136860 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation) → superreview+
Sorry, you can't add comments to XBL <content>, because they'd get cloned and mess up the child node counts.
<sigh>... That's ridiculous. No wonder XBL bindings are totally undocumented and unreadable... We should change the XBL sink to ignore comment nodes inside <content>, maybe?
bz: bug 112842 was filed for comments in bindings. No one's touched it since it was filed.
Very well. Marking dependency so we can remember to come back here and deal with it once that bug is fixed...
Depends on: 112842
We don't actually need this urgently, right?
Assignee: tabbed-browser →
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
Neil, did you receive my e-mail about the MultiZilla crasher? note: I keep crashing on program exits when I add selected="true" but only when MultiZilla is installed so I guess something strange is going on.
HJ: yeah, but I couldn't install MultiZilla (mozdev wasn't responding); in the meantime I tried to reply to you too - I suggested changing tabbox.xml's _selectedPanel default to this.firstChild instead of null
Well I couldn't reproduce the crash... now all I have to figure out is how to uninstall Multizilla...
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Just for the record. Is the proposed patch checked in now, because that's the one I keep crashing with (:
Please file a bug on documenting this change; make it depend on the "comments in XBL should be dropped" bug.
Neil, your patch introduced bug 229105
*** Bug 231531 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: JavaScript strict warning: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer in tabbrowser.xml → JavaScript strict "Warning: reference to undefined property this.mPanelContainer" in <tabbrowser.xml>
Attachment #167213 - Flags: review?(mconnor) → review+
Comment on attachment 167952 [details] [diff] [review] port to toolkit, merged to trunk (checked in) toookit port checked in.
Attachment #167952 - Attachment description: port to toolkit, merged to trunk → port to toolkit, merged to trunk (checked in)
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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