Closed Bug 195963 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Mozilla hides taskbar badly for full screen mode (affects multi monitor setups)


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: brian, Assigned: neil)



(Keywords: helpwanted)


(4 files)

Currently, for full screen mode, Mozilla hides the taskbar and sizes the window to the screen's dimensions (the patch for bug 127575 makes this work with multiple monitors). The thing is, the taskbar is hidden whether or not the Mozilla window is on the same screen. Detecting if they are on the same screen would probably be tricky, especially since the taskbar can be on any screen, not just the primary screen. And then there's the fact that there can be other always on top windows docked to the side of the screen that Mozilla won't know about. For example, ICQ can do this. Another case is built into explorer itself. Just drag any sort of container (a folder, My Computer, etc) to the side of the screen and you'll have something you can right-click and set "Always on top." Mozilla can't hide these. IE's fullscreen mode doesn't have any of these problems, so I checked out how that works. It simply sets itself as always on top so it doesn't need to know about any of those windows. When it loses focus, it removes that attribute so you can see other windows again. Mozilla should do the same.
Blocks: 127237
*** Bug 181897 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'm so not gonna get to this anytime soon. helpwanted.
Keywords: helpwanted
Assignee: jaggernaut → dean_tessman
This works for me. When you open a new window the taskbar doesn't reappear, but that happens with the current implementation also and is a separate bug. The good thing about this patch is that I can kill the application from Task Manager and the taskbar reappears. burpmaster, can you apply this and see if fullscreen works better for you?
Yeah, with this patch it works how it should. I tried something myself, though. I commented out the code in HideAllOSChrome() and that fixed it too. Apparantly the window doesn't have to be made topmost to overlap the taskbar. Some other property of the window must already be allowing that. I wish I gave this information earlier. Still, there's good reason to set topmost. Other applications set as topmost (ICQ, at least) aren't overlapped. Also, I believe that in older versions of Windows (95 and possibly 98), the taskbar doesn't hide as easily, so this will be necessary as long as the taskbar isn't being poked out of existence. However, I can tell that your patch isn't successfully setting topmost like it's supposed to, because the ICQ window still isn't being overlapped. But for the reason I mentioned earlier, it appeared to work.
Yes, I recall having a similar discussion with neil a while back, and I think we concluded that making a window the size of the screen was all that was needed on windows me/2000 and above, but wasn't sufficient on 95/98. I'm curious about ICQ staying above the window. Does that happen with IE as well, or does it rise above ICQ?
IE rises above the ICQ window. I verified that IE is setting itself topmost even though that isn't necessary to just cover the taskbar.
Seeing this as well (XP). I'll test the patch there. This is bad behaviour, shouldn't this be (requested as) blocking 1.4?
Flags: blocking1.4?
Tetsed patch on XP. Solves the problem.
Does anyone have 95/98 that thy can test attachment 119432 [details] on? I need to know whether the positioning the window to HWND_TOPMOST is superfluous on all OSes.
Flags: blocking1.4? → blocking1.4-
Dean, I tested Win95 and W2K but I'll test Win98 too if you want.
If you could, I wouldn't mind. I was sure there was some reason why just making the window really large didn't work on all systems. Neil, happen to know how IE puts itself on top of ICQ? Obviously setting it to HWND_TOPMOST isn't enough? * idea * Burpmaster, can you try one thing with my patch? After: + ::SetWindowPos((HWND) widget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW), + hWndInsertAfter, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); Can you add: if (aTopMost) ::SetForegroundWindow((HWND) widget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW)); You'll have to add that to the source file after you apply the patch, not to the patch itself.
Interesting - when I full-screen IE it initially appears to cover all windows, but then the topmost ones reassert themselves. Sadly I don't have Spy++ and IE on the same machine to see what's going on. My program does not in fact hide the taskbar on Windows 98 :-( Sigh... BTW, my attachment fails on NT because I miscompiled it - I compiled without the CRT so nCmdShow is invalid (my code should use SW_SHOWDEFAULT anyway).
In response to comment 14: I just tried that (after correcting aTopMost to aTopmost), and there was no change. Setting HWND_TOPMOST should be enough. Considering that I can't get the fullscreen window to behave in any way like a topmost window, I suspect the code to set HWND_TOPMOST is failing.
I don't know if what we're doing is necessarily a bad thing. I don't have ICQ to test with, but I tried setting the Task Manager to topmost and going fullscreen in IE. The Task Manager went behind IE, but only for a second. Regardless, I don't think we should be trying to get in front of all explicitly-topmost windows. There's a difference to me between "taking up the entire screen area" and "in front of all other windows".
Yeah, it probably isn't a bad thing. But we need to make sure the taskbar is covered in Windows 95.
According to comment 13, Neil's already tested the patch in Win95. This part worries me, though. "My program does not in fact hide the taskbar on Windows 98 :-( Sigh..." Neil, does my patch hide the taskbar on Win98?
*** Bug 205646 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Neil, is this patch good for you, or should I change it?
*** Bug 212037 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 222505 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Sorry I haven't got back to you, but that's what you get when you forget to CC yourself on a bug :-) On Windows 98, the taskbar sometimes hides itself. In particular, if you've got System Monitor (say) partially covering it then it always hides itself. Also, if you switch tasks then the taskbar hides itself, but only after the switch... I'm still trying to investigate why only 98 has the problem. On Windows 95 the taskbar immediately hides. On Windows 2000 the taskbar hides itself after no more than one second.
Comment on attachment 122736 [details] [diff] [review] cvs diff -u widget/src/windows Actually appears to work exactly the same way as IE works (i.e. intermittently on Windows 98) even without calling SetTopmostWindow.
Comment on attachment 122736 [details] [diff] [review] cvs diff -u widget/src/windows You're saying that nsFullScreen::SetTopmostWindow() isn't needed at all?
So it would seem; I just double-checked on W2K as that's all I've got right this minute, but this is the code from nsFullScreen.cpp that I'm using: NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsFullScreen, nsIFullScreen) nsFullScreen::nsFullScreen() { } nsFullScreen::~nsFullScreen() { } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFullScreen::HideAllOSChrome() { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFullScreen::ShowAllOSChrome() { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFullScreen::GetChromeItems(nsISimpleEnumerator **aResult) { return NS_OK; }
*** Bug 225241 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 225502 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Neil: that seems consistent with your testing and mine. I'd r= a patch like that.
Attached patch What I useSplinter Review
Dean, this works for me as well as IE does, that is to say, perfectly on Windows 95, intermittently on Windows 98 and after a short delay on Windows 2000. I might investigate an alternative approach which is to hide the chrome, maximize the window, and restore the chrome, if you think that's worthwhile.
Comment on attachment 136669 [details] [diff] [review] What I use So this basically rips out nsIFullScreen support on Windows and lets the OS handle hiding the os chrome. I'm good with that. I like this approach better than manually hiding and showing the taskbar, etc., since this way we don't have to worry about what happens after a crash.
Attachment #136669 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 136669 [details] [diff] [review] What I use jst, I only picked you because you're logged as giving joint sr on nsIFullScreen.idl and I want to know if (assuming you agree with dean) we should also rip out nsIFullScreen as this patch removes the only instance of it.
Attachment #136669 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
/me can sr but wants to hear danm's word on this first (dan, you had your fingers in on this code, right?)
I've been in the widget code a fair bit but this is my first brush with the fullscreen code. Still, thanks for cc:ing me. I'm all for the simpler approach though merely setting yourself topmost would seem to have some obvious flaws (fighting with other topmost windows, as in comment 15). But everybody seems to feel this is still a better approach, and I can go along. However, gotta say, I'm unhappy with making the widget library dependent on windowwatcher, with ViewManager, PresShell That seems like some sort of kitten-swatting travesty to me. Widget code asking for windowwatcher help because it can't find its own widget with both hands seems backwards. I'd prefer to see the SetTopmost code moved into nsWindow.cpp, probably at MakeFullScreen(). It'll have direct access to the correct HWND there, won't it?
Dan, me thinks you looked at the wrong patch. Please check out attachment 136669 [details] [diff] [review]. And this code was originally written by Ben, so I'll CC: him.
So I did. Gee, that was dumb. 136669, is that finished? Sure, removing the FullScreen service gives me no qualms, if that's what you want to do.
So would someone outline how full-size windows work w/o this code then?
Basically, setting your client area to the screen size should trigger full-screen mode for all appbars, including Explorer's taskbar. (Actually in Windows 95 only the window needs to be the screen size.)
Comment on attachment 136669 [details] [diff] [review] What I use Ok then, sr=jst. Please do the proper cleanup when checking this in, i.e. cvs rm the files that are no longer needed (unless other platforms depend on them or somesuch).
Attachment #136669 - Flags: superreview?(jst) → superreview+
Note to self: cvs rm mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsFullScreen.*
Assignee: dean_tessman →
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
What about removing nsIFullScreen?
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