Closed Bug 20129 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[FEATURE] Mozilla unresponsive during load, sort


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rzach, Assigned: scottputterman)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][nsbeta2-] [PDT-]depends 27849 HAVE FIX)

Browser and mail windows becomes unresponsive when opening mail or news folders or when sorting message headers. At the current performance levels (1 minute + to open/sort n.p.mozilla.builds) this is quite annoying. Expected behavior: The user should (a) get a message in the progress bar that the folder is being opened (x of y messages, etc) or being sorted, and (b) should be able to interrupt the process by, e.g., selecting a different coulmn to sort on or opening a different newsgroup/folder. Build 1999112508 Linux
Assignee: phil → bienvenu
Reassign to bienvenu. David, do you want to call this a dup of bug 18739?
Assignee: bienvenu → phil
well, this is really asking for incremental rdf content building, sorting, reflow, etc. That would be up to rdf, and there's not much I can do about it. Speeding all this up would help quite a bit, but it wouldn't fix the bug as written. Giving back to you to decide what you want to do about it, cc'ing scott and rdf folks to see if he knows about any plans for rdf/tree control to be built up incrementally. My guess is this is a won't fix.
Depends on: 18739
Ok, then let's make this bug dependent on bug 18739 and we can re-evaluate it after performance improves. If we get a lot faster, we might not need feedback, but if we don't, feedback will be important.
However, issue (b) above is not really covered in the other bug. When you open a newsgroup with a large number of messages, the thread pane isn't even being drawn yet, but all you can do is watch the progress bar as it tells you "Received 5000 of 10500 headers). Clicking "Stop" doesn't stop the header download, and clicking another newsgroup has the effect of MailNews downloading another 10000 headers simulatenously. Opening a mail folder also doesn't stop the header download. (Should this be a different bug? Newsgroup header download does not stop when clicking stop, or when selecting a different newsgroup or mail folder.)
Yes, I think that is a separate bug, so I entered it as bug 20540
Assignee: phil → waterson
Priority: P3 → P2
Target Milestone: M14
This is really an RDF problem. I'm stealing from phil. It occurs in the file browser as well.
Keywords: beta1
Putting on PDT+ radar for beta1.
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
*** Bug 26116 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
phil: I need a little "guidance" on this one. I think we have two ways to deal with this problem. 1. Make load and sort "fast enough" so that being unresponsive is OK. (E.g. I know that scott, robert, and I are trying to do this now.) We need to let the user know that we're going out to lunch for a while (e.g., hourglass cursor). 2. Allow UI events to continue flow by making sort and load operations asynchronous and incremental. bienvenu has already done this for the "download the folder contents" part of these operations, so what I'm proposing is that we'd also do this for the compute operations as well. IMO, option (1) is the preferred option, because it's where we eventually want to be anyway.
Chris, yes, I think (1) is the right thing. I sort of alluded to that in my 12/1 comments. It would be a bummer if we couldn't make sorting fast enough that it needed to be async/incremental.
phil: i'm going to reassign this back to you. I think we should create a new bug for "adding progress feedback to mail/news UI." Turns out that we -do- have cursor control with CSS2 properties: e.g., see this thread and its replies on n.p.m.xpfe: news:// It's possible to either do something like this from JS: // Make the cursor be a 'wait' cursor in this window = 'wait'; or via a style rule, e.g., window.busy { cursor: wait !important } Which would cause adding a 'busy' class to the window to trigger the wait cursor. I'd recommend we get the UI geeks (hangas, law, ben) to sort out the best way to do this.
Assignee: waterson → phil
Ok, reassigning to hangas
Assignee: phil → hangas
*** Bug 10879 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Marking with 2/11 completion date.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] → [PDT+] 2/11
Bumping completion date out one week. First attempts to modify cursor with style in global.css failed.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] 2/11 → [PDT+] 2/18
Changing completion date to depends 27849. Currently the cursor cannot be set for a window from JS. It seems to only work when set permanently in the xul. Based on this I recommend that we remove the PDT+ and let beta1 go out without this wait cursor. Removing PDT+ to put on PDT radar.
Depends on: 27849
Whiteboard: [PDT+] 2/18 → depends 27849
Whiteboard: depends 27849 → [PDT-]depends 27849
Bumping to M15
Target Milestone: M14 → M15
Mass moving to M17
Target Milestone: M15 → M17
Why is mailnews waiting for the last caption to download before starting to do the load and sort? The CPU is probably idling quite a bit while the client is waiting for those captions to download. The load and sort should be done incrementally while the captions are still coming down from the server. Eventually, you may even be able to let the user start reading messages while the captions are still being downloaded.
I think this is what was tried originally, but the overhead of incrementally reflowing the tree widget *each time* a message came in out-weighed the advantages of actually having data there. (To the tune of being completely unusable while messages arrived, and about ten times slower overall.) Since then, the tree code has been made to suck a great deal less, and nisheeth has introduced his "batched reflow" code. It may be worth experimenting with this again.
Best would be to reflow when the network code blocks on the server connection. Client-side filters make this a little more challenging. If this could be pulled off, it would be a great win for POP over slow connections.
We have a number of places in the mail UI where we want to use this now. Bumping back into M16. Adding beta2 keyword.
Keywords: beta2
Summary: Mozilla unresponsive during load, sort → [FEATURE] Mozilla unresponsive during load, sort
Target Milestone: M17 → M16
Scott, clearing Hangas' plate for skins work. Probably need to reassign some of these again.
Assignee: hangas → putterman
moving to M18.
Target Milestone: M16 → M18
Keywords: nsbeta2
QA-assigned to fenella
Keywords: beta2
QA Contact: lchiang → fenella
Putting on [nsbeta2-] radar. Not critical to beta2.
Whiteboard: [PDT-]depends 27849 → [nsbeta2-] [PDT-]depends 27849
It's not clear to me what this bug is about now. Is the the whole app (including browser) completely blocking? In which cases (header download, load, sort)? Completely blocking during download would be a very bad thing. Also, this bug is only about msg headers, i.e. the thread pane, right? If yes, the summary should be adjusted (we are unresponsive during msg load (e.g. msg display) as well).
The whole mozilla process blocks when (re)loading the thread pane. That's what this bug has always been about. It's not about message display performance, or message download performance. Nominating for nsbeta3 to *at least* put up the platform-specific "busy" cursor while this is happening. Of course, making it faster would be great too :-)
Keywords: nsbeta3
Keywords: mail2
+ per mail triage for busy cursor feedback
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-] [PDT-]depends 27849 → [nsbeta3+][nsbeta2-] [PDT-]depends 27849
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][nsbeta2-] [PDT-]depends 27849 → [nsbeta3+][nsbeta2-] [PDT-]depends 27849 HAVE FIX
fix checked in. Busy cursor comes up around folder loading, sorting and threading.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Linux (2000-08-30-08 M18) Win32 (2000-08-30-06 M18) Mac (2000-08-30-08 M18) This has been fixed.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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