Closed Bug 205893 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

ImageLib uses GDI handles inappropriately; malicious page can crash mozilla, windows


(Core :: Graphics: ImageLib, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: jdunn)



(Keywords: crash, fixed1.4.1, Whiteboard: fixed 1.5b)


(7 files, 3 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507 For some reason, objects stored in the memory cache use a GDI handle. The smallest size the memory cache can be is one mebibyte. The smallest size an image can be is 34 bytes. Even with the overhead of indices, a maliciously-crafted webpage can make the cache store 10000 'web bugs', sufficient to make mozilla crash the operating system. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. enable memory cache 2. put bomb.php or bomb.php.html on a convenient webserver 3. put webbug.gif on a convenient webserver 4. open in mozilla Actual Results: Mozilla loads all 10000 images into the cache, using a GDI handle and 50k of memory for each one. Assuming the system is still usable, these handles are not freed until the webbugs are displaced from the cache. Expected Results: Mozilla loads all 10000 images into the cache, using 50k of memory for each one. The system is hit for 1Mb of ram, but no GDI handles. System does not crash. Note that this entire exploit, in flat HTML form takes up 2k on a webserver, but transfers around 500 bytes per file. Around 5Mb of data is needed to lock windows XP, but far fewer for 9x. This makes it unlikey to affect modem users, but it could easily crash a machine with DSL or faster, and can easily be disguised by making the webbugs the same colour as the background.
Attached image 'web bug' - a 1x1 gif.
If the attacker can guess a local file (%mozilladir%/res/loading-image.gif for instance), the download required drops to 2k or so. Using dynamic HTML it could be even smaller. If %mozilladir% can be found out using javascript, then a 2k webpage can crash any windows machine running mozilla.
while this is similar to bug 199443, in bug 199443 the memory cache loses track of handles it has allocated, whereas in this bug the memory cache working as intended is sufficient to crash the system. Workarounds: disable images disable memory cache
ImageLib uses GDI handles, not the memory cache. Changing component.
Assignee: gordon → jdunn
Component: Networking: Cache → ImageLib
QA Contact: cacheqa → tpreston
Summary: memory cache uses GDI handles inappropriately; maliciously-crafted webpage can crash mozilla, windows (exploit available) → ImageLib uses GDI handles inappropriately; maliciously-crafted webpage can crash mozilla, windows (exploit available)
I believe this is real though I have not tested it. Much more of an architectural issue than a 'bug'. Confirming. Marking as 'crash', though it's more severe in that it can take your entire system down. Also - this is quite related to the memory cache implementation; see Darin's and Jim Dunn's comments in bug 199443. While not a solution to this bug per se (an attacker could still cause the crash, though with considerable more pain, by having 10000 different 1x1 colored images), an interesting feature to the cache (as Lewis indicated in bug 199443) would be to not store duplicate copies of identical images in the memory cache - or at least don't hold GDI's for duplicate images. As usual, the big offender is transparent 1x1 bitmaps; next biggest is 1x1 colored bitmaps, all others are relatively minor. In fact, a significant win in GDI and memory cache usage could be made just dealing with those (or just 1x1 transparents). Note that we have optimizations in the rendering code to not render them anyways, so storing a GDI for a 1x1 transparent image doesn't do a lot to help us. Making a separate GDI cache might be a smart way to handle this; it would require memory cache accesses to make sure that a GDI resource is grabbed and any associated actions (re)done (like making the HBITMAP). In normal operation, most entries in the cache would have GDI's, but you'd avoid edge cases like this attack at the cost of slowing things down when an excessive number of resources are in use. Alternatively (and probably much simpler), you could have a separate limit to the number of GDI's the cache can have in use, and start flushing items (with GDI's) from the cache when the limit is hit, instead of just when the cache goes over on size. The GDI limit can be OS-dependant (higher on 2000/XP). I'm don't think it would need to be exposed at the preferences UI; perhaps a hidden pref to override the default. Default should probably be in % of possible, so it'd adjust automatically on 2000/XP. Just a guess.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: crash
i think this could be done entirely within GFX. we can keep a list of the most-recently-used nsImageWin objects, and only those objects would have their data stored using a HBITMAP. other nsImageWin objects would use DIBs. as we push nsImageWin objects onto the MRU list, we push a less frequently used nsImageWin off the list. this wouldn't take much work to implement. and imagelib wouldn't need to change at all.
Sounds good to me. Also, quite unlikely to affect things outside of graphics. All we need to do (other than coding this) is come up with reasonable defaults for different win versions (or based on total GDI resources available), and perhaps a non-UI pref to tweak.
As far as limits go, it's probably not possible to set a percentage. Windows NT officially has no resource limit (and therefore there's nothing to take a percentage of), while in 9x all applications share the same resource area, so if mozilla kept to a percentage and a resource hog came along, the OS would still crash. In windows NTs, I've seen mozilla run at 8000 or so GDI handles with no ill effects. 10000 seems to crash the system. 8000 would seem to be a good choice for a hard limit. In windows 9x, all applications share the same GDI heap, 2MB for 32 bit apps, and 64k for 16 bit apps. The 2MB heap must store every application's graphical handles ( For windows 9x, it would probably make more sense to specify an amount of resources that mozilla will keep free, so that the system can operate properly (If too many handles are consumed, windows can't display the 'close program' box, and resorts to the 'The system is dangerously low on resources' box). There are system calls to ask how much free space is available in the GDI heap. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest 300k should be kept free if at all possible ("When Resources get below the 15% range, it is time to think about shutting down some programs" is quoted all over the web, but I think is originally from the 98 resource kit.)
Blocks: 204374
Basically only allow 100 (BITMAP_CACHE_SIZE) images to use gdi hbitmaps. All others must rely on non :: Optimized way. This patch uses a cache to keep track of objects holding gdi hbitmaps. The cache is hardcoded at 100, when we have 100 objects in this cache the oldest image gets bumped, we convert it hbitmap back to a dib. Have run some tests and the patch clears up most (if not all) of the gdi leaks. Now trying to make sure I am not impacting performance too much. Have played around with a cache size of 200. Have thought about making this a preference.
there might some portability issues with having a static object with ctor/dtor. given that this code lives in a shared library, you might run into trouble in some cases. see:
Hmmm, I assume this is referring to that I can't count on the fact that gImageBitmapCache.mCache[1..100] & mIndexOldest won't be initialized. I specifically initialized them in the constructor. Note: this is also win-only code (so is limited to gcc on windows & msvc) so am assuming won't run into this problem. However, I can change this (have a check in nsImageWin::nsImageWin if gImageBitmaCache is nsnull and if so... new a ImageBitmapCache object. If I do this should I also fix (which is the code I stole from and is doing the same???)
Like the other exploit, but with javascript
Attachment #127654 - Attachment mime type: text/html → text/plain
I have tested Mozilla 1.4 with Jim Dunn's patch applied. It seems to fix both bug 204374 and this bug (tested with the javascript exploit). Without the patch Mozilla (and other applications) crash, with the patch nothing crashes and the gdi handle usage doesn't climb much. There is one (speed) problem: It is extremely slow, mozilla hangs for over 20 seconds displaying the 3000 images while other browsers display them after 1 or 2 seconds. The second time the page is displayed (and the images are already in memory cache) it is much faster, but still slower than IE. So this is probably because the initial loading of the 3000 images into memory cache takes so long.
"3000 images takes 20 seconds". That's not really overly bad. Well, OK, it is, but considering the speed that most people connect to the Internet, I don't think it is that bad. I'm on ADSL, and would be overjoyed if I could load 3000 images in 20 seconds on any browser...never mind those on 56K dialup. Maybe a seperate bug should be opened for a more complete, total rewrite type, fix.
Depends - It's probably a bad idea to assume this would never be done on an intranet. On a LAN, using a decent webserver, I'd be pretty surprised if it took more than a few seconds to transfer. Any webserver worth it salt would know that the image files are not executable, so the different GET data could be ignored. If the webserver isn't serving the 1x1 gif out of its memory cache, there's something seriously wrong with it. We can rule out disk load on the webserver. HTTP overhead for 3000 files is about 1.5 MB, or 12 Mb. Even at 100% ethernet encapsulation overhead, that's still only 24 Mb. 100Mb ethernet would transfer this in a fifth of a second. 10Mb would take a whopping two seconds. 20 seconds to transfer this data would need a 1.2 Mbps, which is SDSL territory. Academic and corporate connections are much faster. Webserver overhead can be ruled out by using file URLS, allowing the bug to be exploited even over a modem (A little guesswork is required, but "file:///C:/WINDOWS/BACKGRND.GIF", or "file:///C:/WINDOWS/FOREST.BMP" would get 90% of cases). I'd suggest the following bugs be filed: - file:// and chrome:// URLS should be keyed in the cache ignoring GET data - some form of 1x1 gif GDI factory would improve GDI cache performance (suggested in comment 6)
Summary: ImageLib uses GDI handles inappropriately; maliciously-crafted webpage can crash mozilla, windows (exploit available) → ImageLib uses GDI handles inappropriately; malicious page can crash mozilla, windows
Attachment #127547 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #127547 - Flags: review?(kmcclusk)
We should try to get this in for 1.4.1 after it's reviewed and landed on the trunk.
Flags: blocking1.4.x+
So, are BMPs that much faster than DIBs?
This has nothing to do with the difference between BMP and DIB image formats. The difference is not in the file format, but in the location of the image. Windows has always had a 'client/server' rendering model - programs that want to render to the screen send brushes, lines, bitmaps, menus etc. to the GDI, which gives them back a handle. Rather than saying 'draw this bitmap', the program says 'draw the bitmap that I've given you earlier that has this handle'. X11 works in much the same way. This separation means that the program doesn't need to know what it's drawing to - most programs run with no modification on Terminal Server, despite the fact that the part of the GDI that communicates with the program, and the part of the GDI that draws to the screen are on different computers. IIRC, advanced graphics drivers can store uploaded resources on the card rather than memory, speeding up rendering. On outdated OSes such as windows 3.x and windows 9x, there is a fixed-size area, shared between all the processes running on the machine for them to upload images, widgets, etc. into. Even on NTs, there is a limit of ~10000 handles that each process can leave uploaded on the GDI system. What mozilla's memory cache strives to do is keep a mapping of the bitmaps to URLs, so that displaying ten copies of an image in the cache uses 1 handle ten times, rather than ten handles one time. Unfortunately, URLs are not a perfect way of keying - images that are identical, but have different URLs get different handles. What the (pathological) testcase for this bug does is create tens of thousands of images that could (potentially) be renedered using one handle with no performance impact. Mozilla currently uses tens of thousands of handles, and overloads the GDI system, especially on 'toy operating systems'. The fix isn't as simple as i'm suggesting - seeing if images are the same is very computationally intensive, and hard to do (If it was as easy as it sounds, the GDI would do it for us :). patch 127547 minimises the impact of this problem by establishing an upper limit on the number of handles imglib is allowed to use - once it reaches that upper limit, imglib will remove the least-used bitmaps from the GDI, freeing up its handle. The performance hit on pathological pages like this comes from constantly uploading and freeing bitmaps.
answer to #19 After some more tests I came to the conclusion that caching only 100 GDI handles has NO significant impact on speed. I tested with the javascript example and unpatched Moz 1.4 vs. Moz 1.4 with patch 127547. With the max counter value set to 1000, displaying the page takes a little bit more than 4 seconds with BOTH versions of Mozilla - patched and unpatched: their speed is exactly the same. (Note that on unpatched Mozilla, GDI resources are down to 13% after this) Then I changed the value back to 3000. Unpatched Mozilla crashes, so only the results for patched Moz.: 42 seconds (the "over 20" seconds I reported above were a little bit optimistic :-) ). IMHO these results show that the slow speed has nothing to do with not caching GDI handles.
Agreed. There are other N**2 issues in mozilla that may come into play. perf test would be interesting. I agree general img matching is a pain. Doing it for 1x1's is easy. You could even some sort of hash of size, flags, and some of the data words (from the middle probably) and put it in a hashtable, and avoid fully checking things that aren't likely matches. That might make the overhead for arbitrary images reasonable. Still, not a huge issue. Looks like this patch is a good one...
Comment on attachment 127547 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix problem >+PRBool ImageBitmapCache::Add(nsImageWin *entry) >+{ >+ int i; >+ HBITMAP result = NULL; >+ >+ // See if it's already in the cache >+ for (i = 0; ((i < BITMAP_CACHE_SIZE) && (mCache[i].mImage != nsnull)); i++) { >+ if (entry == mCache[i].mImage) { >+ return PR_TRUE; // Image's is already optimized >+ } >+ } I'm not happy about iterating through the whole array every time we want to add a new image to the cache. Maybe we could add an mIsCached flag to nsImageWin? If you are worried about bloat, we could always combine the existing boolean flags into a bit field.
blocking 1.4.x, so probably should block 1.5b
Flags: blocking1.5b?
Flags: blocking1.5b? → blocking1.5b+
This is an emergency fix, till an approach similar to 127547 can be made to work for the problem reported by bug 184933
Comment on attachment 129188 [details] [diff] [review] Temporary fix: remove all Windows GDI optimizations >+ // With the increase memory cache size, we hold to many images. 'too'?
Attachment #129188 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Attachment #129188 - Flags: review?(smontagu)
Attachment #129188 - Flags: approval1.4.x?
Possibly 'hurts system performance' would be better phrased 'hurts system stability' - performance stays much the same until the resources run out, at which point the system becomes unusable.
Comment on attachment 129188 [details] [diff] [review] Temporary fix: remove all Windows GDI optimizations r=smontagu.
I agree that this should go in as a temp fix. From looking at the code (is this the first time I've looked, or is this segment just easier to read?), it looks like "oldbits" (i.e. HBITMAP oldbits) may be one of the GDI resources that isn't being deleted. However, I didn't look beyond the function that the patch applies to, so maybe it's being deleted later on.
Comment on attachment 129188 [details] [diff] [review] Temporary fix: remove all Windows GDI optimizations Do we have any idea of how much this will hurt performance? sr=tor
Attachment #129188 - Flags: superreview?(tor) → superreview+
Attachment #129188 - Flags: review?(smontagu) → review+
Comment on attachment 129188 [details] [diff] [review] Temporary fix: remove all Windows GDI optimizations Let's get this landed on the trunk and try to get some testing across the various windows platforms to see if anyone can shake out any problems.
Attachment #129188 - Flags: approval1.5b+
The patch has been apparently checked in yesterday (8/7 12:46 Pacific Time) by smontagu: "As a temporary stopgap fix for issues with GDI handles on Windows, don't optimize images at all. Patch by, r=smontagu, sr=tor, a=asa." I made a fresh CVS build and was able to open about 20 windows full of graphics (which overwhelmed all recent Mozilla builds) even with browser.cache.memmory.capacity set to -1 (meaning "auto"). Today (8/8) morning builds will includr this patch. We need to do some testing before 1.5b is out.
Yes, I did check in attachment 129188 [details] [diff] [review]. It seems I forget to reference any bug number in the check in comment, but at least the comment in the patch says // see bug 205893 & bug 204374
Tor, I beat on both this and the other patch (that used 100 limit cache). I noticed some performance hits, but nothing major. Depending on the type of performance test, there was either small or almost no degradation. My concern now that the fix is in is that, because it solves such a HUGE problem, that performance testing and patch tweaking might be put on the back burner by mozilla as a whole. (btw I am awaiting a PC which is on order before I can do any more analysis of this).
Did you notice the rather large memory footprint increases? This patch should not have gone in on the trunk. Perhaps on the branch as a last minute attempt to stop windows95/98/me from dying as quickly.
Comment on attachment 127547 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix problem this needs work. Trying to fix this by using a fixed number of GDI objects is pretty suboptimal. We need to come up with a clean way of solving this that doesn't sacrifice speed or memory footprint. I've been looking in to this a bit and have a few ideas that I'll post once I'm sure that they'll work.
Attachment #127547 - Flags: review?(kmcclusk) → review-
Re: comment #34 & #35 (pavlov's) I disagree. New Mozilla builds (and releases) were for too long practically useless on Win98 and WinME. I believe this "fix" should stay in the tree at least until 1.5beta is released. This way there will be at least one recent release which works with Win98/me. It should probably go also into 1.4 tree before mozilla1.4.1 is released. Only after that, if a better solution is found, this hack should be replaced in the tree by a real fix.
Comment on attachment 129188 [details] [diff] [review] Temporary fix: remove all Windows GDI optimizations a=mkaply for temp fix on 1.4.1
Attachment #129188 - Flags: approval1.4.x? → approval1.4.x+
down to the wire on shipping 1.5beta. want to do it this week. what alturnatives do we have here? can we refine the patch to not do the optimizations on win9.x/ME where most of the problems are exposed? who could do that work...
chofmann, I am confused. This patch is in the trunk and hence will make it for 1.5beta. Where it is NOT checked in is the 1.4 branch (to make 1.4.1). Actually while this bug deals mainly with win98, all windows platforms can be affected by this if mozilla is run for long periods of time and/or the user has lots of tabs. If you make this win98, heavy mozilla users will complain that we took away an important fix (IMHO).
I frequently see this problem manifest in Windows XP. Prior to the temporary fix I could not use Firebird or Mozilla for long periods of time without getting severe redrawing errors and sometimes even "out of memory" type dialog boxes. I would not suggest limiting this to one OS.
chofmann: this problem does occur on NT systems, especially those with lots of ram (e.g. my w2k system which has 512mb of ram). Also when people use terminal services and connect their 9x (e.g. my w98se laptop) to an nt system (as I do) then this problem will happen. We should *not* restrict this hack to 9x.
Keywords: fixed1.4.1
ok, thanks for the updates. here is the plan for 1.5b and this bug: -pav's not ready with an alturnate way to do this. maybe for final. -we will use patch in its current form to ship 1.5beta -jdunn says the patch has landed so 1.5b should be ready to go w/respect to this problem.
Flags: blocking1.5b+
ok, also sounds like from we still need to get the patch landed on the branch for a 1.4.1 release. jdunn, can you do that, or update on status?
It landed on the 1.4 branch on 08/18/2003 15:38 (2 hours after comment 39), thanks to timeless. "Bug 205893 ImageLib uses GDI handles inappropriately; malicious page can crash mozilla, windows patch by r=smontagu sr=tor a=mkaply"
Is this a duplicate of bug 204374 ("GDI Resources are used till the UI/website displays faulty")? It seems awfully closely related.
This a not a duplicate of bug 204374 - bug 204374 is about GDI problems in general, mostly GDI leaks where GDI resources are allocated, but not later freed. Bug 205893 is a specific problem, where mozilla can be asked to allocate tens of thousands of GDIs by a malicious web page, and it does. The resources will be freed later, as they are displaced by other images, but in the interim, nothing on the system is able to display properly. bug 204374 is in many ways a meta-bug, concerning general resource problems, while bug 205893 concerns a specific issue, not addressed in bug 204374. (bug 204374, in fact has a dependency on bug 205893.) Though limiting the maximum number of GDIs that can be allocated, or disabling all Windows GDI optimizations does work around both bugs, saying that they are duplicates because of this would be like saying that two PSM bugs are duplicates because removing PSM works around both of them.
Whiteboard: fixed 1.5b
*** Bug 211111 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
SIZE DOES MATTER A page with some large images still lets the cache size go far beyond what is specified in browser.cache.memory.capacity (with mozilla 1.5rc1) At least the nvidia driver on w2k (detonator 44.03) seems to keep those images in video memory, so exhaustion arrives quickly.
Size only matters in 9x . For OSes based on NT, the only thing that matters is the number of images. So limiting GDIs based on an arbitrary number works fine for NT, but not for 9x (which is why the original patch did not help for 9x). It is my understanding that mozillas 1.4.1, 1.5b onwards have speculative GDI acceleration entirely disabled; they only upload to the GDI images that are currently present in the visible window. This means that the size of the committed memory cache is not representative of the GDI allocation, as the vast majority of images in the memory cache are not 'uploaded' to the GDI. This being the case, the only way to overload the GDI is to have sufficient images of sufficient size present on a single page to fill up the entire GDI memory. There is no way that any browser (or application of any kind) could display such a page on such an operating system. Bug 51028 details one such page, bug 122581 details another. If the memory cache allocated is larger than the memory cache maximum, you may have discovered a new GDI leak. Please download attachment 121792 [details] (9x), or attachment 123324 [details] (NT) and have a look for suspicious identical allocations, or suspicious over-allocations (something like 1000 or so allocated regions, images is suspicious, as are any allocations of the same object that keep happening when you do something in mozilla). At any rate, please don't scream 'GDI LEAK!' until you've confirmed it with and actual GDI tool (and no, 'system resource meter' does not count - it's about as useful as a light that says 'car broken'). For the record, Video memory and GDI memory are two different things. Video memory is typically used for the framebuffer (though (I think, I may be way wrong here) there's nothing to stop the graphics driver using free RAM on the video card to cache uploaded GDI objects). GDI memory is a logical area used by the operating system to store drawing objects. In 9x, this area is fixed, and in all operating systems, the size of this area is independent of the amount of memory on the graphics card.
Comment #49: This is not true. As you can see in my comment, I am using W2K. You are right in saying that the memory cache can be overcommited by displaying a single page with large images on it. As soon as the memory cache size (as reported by about:cache) approaches 32MB (which is how much graphics memory I have), all the known repainting errors start cropping up. And there definitely is a way to display those pages as IE has no problem at all to do so. I can throw a dozen times the image sizes at IE and it won't hickup.
I've created a program to support my statement that size matters. This is for 2000/XP users only. Start up the program and enter the path to a directory with many (large) jpegs. The first image from the directory will appear in the window. There are two noteworthy buttons in the toolbar. Use the plus to add another image to the bottom. Go try this a few times. Note the memory usage display in the status bar. Now press the plus button repeatedly until memory usage surpasses your amount of graphics RAM. Verify that you can scroll all the way up and down and no distortion happens. Now press the m button. Try scrolling again and note that it does not work as it should (the bottom-most images just disappeared). Now leave the window open and play with some other applications (esp. Mozilla). Note that they can't properly repaint themselves. Switch mozilla mode off, and everything goes back to normal. This is what happens on my system and I assert that this is normal behaviour with the detonator driver at least. If you don't experience the described behaviour, please look at the task manager while adding images (with mozilla mode turned on). If the driver places the HBITMAPs in video ram, the program memory usage should be close to the value shown in the task bar (this is what happens for me). Otherwise I would expect the task manager value to be at least twice as high. Source code is available here (VC6): (includes libjpeg, build it first with nmake /f nodebug=1) Implementation note: mozilla mode keeps all the bitmaps as HBITMAP objects and BitBlts them while normal mode uses SetDIBitsToDevice.
Attachment #131771 - Attachment description: Test program that mimcs mozilla's behaviour when showing many images → Test program that mimics mozilla's behaviour when showing many images
Attachment #131771 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Some jpegs did not work as expected and crashed the program. This should be fixed now.
Attached patch Patch to use DIB sections (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This little patch fixes all my problems. It uses DIB sections instead of DDBs to keep images in memory. DIB sections are just as fast as DDBs if the pixel format matches and reasonably fast in any case. Maybe 24 bit images should be promoted to 32 bit if the screen mode is 32 bit.
*** Bug 220040 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Stefan - please use the Edit link on your latest patch here and request reviews for it. (See the other patches as to whom to ask for which review type.)
Attachment #131947 - Flags: review?(smontagu)
Blocks: 224532
Blocks: 64401
Attachment #131947 - Flags: review?(smontagu) → review?(jdunn)
I am currently on vacation and will get to this sometime in Jan... however, I remember trying this and it seemed to be ok. But I don't have r= authority. Pav & Darin (or someone who really knows DIB .vs. DDB junk) should probably review.
Attachment #131947 - Flags: review?(jdunn) → review?(smontagu)
Attachment #131947 - Flags: review?(smontagu) → review?(darin)
Attachment #131947 - Flags: review?(darin) → review?(ere)
Comment on attachment 131947 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to use DIB sections You said "This little patch fixes all my problems. It uses DIB sections instead of DDBs to keep images in memory. DIB sections are just as fast as DDBs if the pixel format matches and reasonably fast in any case." But it looks like the patch replaces a DIB, not a DDB, with a DIBSection. What are the performance implications in that case? I see that Mozilla uses DIBSections elsewhere, so I guess they're safe to use -- they won't crash for users of some particular video card, etc :) nsImageWin.cpp uses DIBitmap in two places. Should both uses be replaced by DIBSections, or just that one?
No, it's not a DIB being replaced. CreateDIBitmap actually creates a DDB. I did't notice any difference performance-wise but given a couple days I can investigate a bit. I don't know how CreateDDB (the other occurence of CreateDIBitmap) is used. My experience shows that my patch is sufficient. However, it doesn't look like it would hurt to change this as well. Comments on this please?
Flags: blocking1.7b?
Comment on attachment 131947 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to use DIB sections If the tabs are removed, r=ere
Attachment #131947 - Flags: review?(ere) → review+
Attachment #131947 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Comment on attachment 131947 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to use DIB sections As ere mentioned, the indentation needs work. I'm not sure how cut&paste works on win32, but the manual for CreateDIBSection indicates that DIB sections cannot be pasted to another application. Will this cause us any problems? We already store the size of the image in mSizeImage.
Indentation fixed, mSizeImage used The clipboard issue does not apply. This would only affect the Windows Metafile format which is not used in Mozilla. It seems that CreateDDB (the other place where CreateDIBitmap is used) is never actually called, so it's best left untouched...
Attachment #131947 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #142279 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
I'm not a reviewer, so ignore me if you want.... However, I notice in the patch that you do a test on mHBitmap. Is it possible to merge in the next line of code that tests against mHBitmap for setting the value of mIsOptimized (which is just a boolean anyway)? This would reduce the need to test mHBitmap twice....
It is possible but every decent compiler will do it for us.
Attachment #142279 - Flags: review?(ere)
(In reply to comment #62) > It seems that CreateDDB (the other place where CreateDIBitmap is used) is never > actually called, so it's best left untouched... If you ask me, functions that are never called are best removed... (unless they are on an interface and meant to be used by extensions or something)
I'm not sure. The function was not called during browsing, but maybe it's used for the toolbars or such things.
In regards to the if mHBitmap, it should probably be at least changed to something of the form: mHBitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(TheHDC, (LPBITMAPINFO)mBHead, 256 == mNumPaletteColors ? DIB_PAL_COLORS : DIB_RGB_COLORS, &mBits, NULL, 0); if (mHBitmap) { memcpy(mBits, mImageBits, mSizeImage); mIsOptimized = PR_TRUE; } else { mIsOptimized = PR_FALSE; } Why trust the compiler to be smart when it is better if we are. As for the CreateDDB, I remember having a discussion with Pav/Darin about this and I "think" that it can be removed. Maybe Darin will speak up here. However, if it is, then we probably should coordinate this with mkaply so that we remove it from the OS2 version as well.
Comment on attachment 142279 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to use DIB sections, updated Yep, what Jim said would be smarter from us.
Attachment #142279 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Attachment #142279 - Flags: review?(ere)
Attachment #142279 - Flags: review-
Ok, let's do it this way.
Attachment #142279 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #142439 - Flags: review?(ere)
(In reply to comment #66) > I'm not sure. The function was not called during browsing, but maybe it's used > for the toolbars or such things. CreateDDB has no caller:
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again sr=ere
Attachment #142439 - Flags: review?(ere) → superreview+
Attachment #142439 - Flags: superreview+ → review+
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again r=ere, not sr. Sorry.
Attachment #131947 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Attachment #127547 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again It seems that the DIB created by CreateDIBSection will be placed in main memory (unless windows starts messing with the VM mappings and requires that drivers support BGR->native blits). Thus this change will cause nsImageWin::Optimize to create a second full-depth BGR copy of the image for what very little benefit over our existing unoptimized image path. Were there problems encountered when we just turned off optimization?
Attachment #142439 - Flags: superreview-
tor... yes there was problems with backgrounds, can't remember the bug number but it was why we turned optimization back on. I did have a previous patch to create a "cache" of hbitmap's ( that I was experimenting with last summer. It seemed to work ok but I didn't really get a chance to make sure that the "size" was optimal and junk. However, I am not really pushing for this patch (just wanted to let you know that I had worked on it with Darin watching). I think a better idea (if this DIB thing doesn't get put in) would be to have ImgLoader or something indicate whether we want to optimize the image or not. "Someone" should know which images should be fast and which should be slow.
Jim Dunn: I think the perf bug with backgrounds you referred to was bug 216430.
Mook made a build with this patch several days ago:
(In reply to comment #76) > Mook made a build with this patch several days ago: > Works great! I can once again view Fark PhotoShop threads.
(In reply to comment #76) > Mook made a build with this patch several days ago: > Please see my comment at which is a bug that depends on this one. Looks to me that there is something wrong with at least one of: the build, the patch, or my test.
(In reply to comment #73) > It seems that the DIB created by CreateDIBSection will be placed in > main memory (unless windows starts messing with the VM mappings and > requires that drivers support BGR->native blits). Yes, likely. > Thus this change > will cause nsImageWin::Optimize to create a second full-depth BGR > copy of the image for what very little benefit over our existing > unoptimized image path. There is a substantial speed benefit on most cards. And if you look a few lines farther down in the code, you will notice that the extra memory is immediately freed, so we trade a slightly higher set up time for (possibly much) higher drawing speed.
Attachment #142439 - Flags: superreview- → superreview?(tor)
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again Worth a shot to see what problems this way might present, I suppose.
Attachment #142439 - Flags: superreview?(tor) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again Might be a good idea to finally make 1.7 usable again with large image threads. At least the patch doesn't worsen the situation, that I can say with confidence.
Attachment #142439 - Flags: approval1.7b?
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again You probably want to use the name |bits| rather than |mBits| since the m prefix is usually for member variables.
Comment on attachment 142439 [details] [diff] [review] DIB sections patch, updated again update with dbaron's comments and a=chofmann for 1.7b
Attachment #142439 - Flags: approval1.7b? → approval1.7b+
Checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: blocking1.7b?
*** Bug 204374 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 237892 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Possible regression resulting in no image display using Javascript clip: rect refers to an image rendering problem that showed up in all Thunderbird builds just after this patch was checked in. I am using win98 with an ATI radeon 64m ddr display. Sorry for the spam if this does not apply, but I have no current Moz trunk build to check it out.
No regression was caused by this fix fixed the clip: rect problem
Could the DIB sections patch be the cause of some performance regressions? See bug 244555 and bug 244555. In my debug build, after I backed out the DIB sections patch, the performance of Mozilla with the testcases in those bugs, seem to be quite improved.
*** Bug 217174 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 244555
Blocks: 244582
backing this patch out improves performance (win2k/nvidia) as per 277762 comment 30
Bug 204374 (which was marked as a duplicate of this bug) is back on WinXP because of a performance fix in bug 284716 :( Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050305 Firefox/1.0+.
I filed bug 284978 for the regression instead of reopening this bug.
Blocks: majorbugs
No longer blocks: majorbugs
FYI: I recently upgraded to Mozilla 1.7.11 from 1.7.7 (Win2K), and suddenly I'm getting the graphics errors again, on the second day of using it. It thought "WTF?" and went to Bonsai to verify if my patch had been taken out. And indeed, it's no longer there. I won't evangelize on this any further, just wanted to let you know that the problem my patch fixed back then has not mysteriously disappeared in the meantime. For the sake of fairness, I have to say that it's not as bad as it was at the time I did the patch (2 years ago) but that might be attributed to my graphics card having more video RAM these days.
(In reply to comment #94) > And indeed, > it's no longer there. I won't evangelize on this any further, just wanted to let > you know that the problem my patch fixed back then has not mysteriously > disappeared in the meantime. Sadly some people think that a tiny performance improvement under some circumstances is more important than having a usable browser under other circumstances. The priority should be to make the browser work, without using up all the GDI resources and crashing all manner of other programs, so your patch should be put back unless another fix is made.
Blocks: 334359
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