Closed Bug 213985 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Browser hangs when left clicking on link to download external application associated files.


(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jasonb, Assigned: Biesinger)




(Keywords: hang, regression)


(5 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030726 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030726 It's no longer possible to download any .tar.gz file. When attempting to do so, the browser will simply hang. I can exit Mozilla but then have to kill the process. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Try to download the reference URL. Actual Results: Browser hangs, must be exited and process killed. Expected Results: Download should have started. This seems to happen at every site, so long as the file being saved has a .tar.gz extension. I suspect this may be regression from bug 147679, but I'm only speculating since I haven't tried to download such a file in a while. (This may have started happening earlier than 24 hours ago.)
Keywords: hang, regression
WFM, current cvs based trunk build - linux. Modifying URL (only one "http://" not two).
> 1. Try to download the reference URL. How exactly? There are at least two methods I can think of for doing that -- which one are you using?
It doesn't matter. Left click or right click and Save Link Target As. I never get a download prompt - Mozilla just freezes up.
Is it using 100% cpu and frozen (infinite loop of some sort) or using no CPU and frozen (deadlock-ish)?
Oddly, Task Manager shows 0% CPU. Mozilla *does* let me close existing tabs and open new ones - although new tabs never finish loading anything. All screen elements (such as the throbber and the loading animation) are frozen. Even if I close the tab in which I tried to download the .tar.gz, Mozilla continues to be (almost) completely unresponsive and never does anything useful. Perhaps this doesn't count as a "hang" in the strict sense? A comment on MozillaZine confirms the same thing happening with the 7/26 build of Firebird.
should it depend on bug 144334 ?
I would say they're related but not part of an actual dependency chain. (Fixing one won't help to fix the other.)
ok, I just thought the process described in bug 144334 comment 26 was very specific to the host and the issue described here involves 2 similar elements: MIME type and a .tar.gz file from Eventhough it's a regression, I thought fixing one would fix the other. Sorry for the spam, I was just trying to link bugs in case the older one had been forgotten. :)
hm... this works for me, with 2003072604 on windows 2000. I loaded the url from the url field here, chose "Save", and let the file download. everything worked fine.
The 7/27-04 build is still doing this. Also, I've now downloaded the 7/26 build of Firebird for myself and see it there too. (Previously I'd just relayed what somebody else had said about it.) However, it looks like I must have mis-reported the right-click Save As behaviour before, because it does appear to work without a problem that way. Only on left-clicking the link does the browser hang.
Summary: Browser hangs when downloading tar.gz files. → Browser hangs when left clicking on link to download tar.gz files.
So let me get something straight. This is happening with firebird. Is it happening with SeaMonkey too? Does it happen if you just load this bug page and click the "URL" link? If so, what exactly happens after you click the link? Does a helper app dialog come up? Do you have preferences set for such a dialog to NOT come up for this MIME type? Does the problem occur in a clean profile? Finally, if the problem occurs with a clean profile, please download regmon from and attach to this bug a registry access log which covers the timeslot when the hang happens (and not too much else, eg not startup, because that log is pretty verbose). The basic problem is that I have no Windows machine and biesi can't reproduce the bug on his windows install... we need something to work with here past "it doesn't work".
I imagine Jason was referring to Seamonkey, as that is what he usually uses. Using Seamonkey 2003072704 trunk on win2000, however, this WFM (left click or right click the URL from this bug page). Could it possibly a WinXP thing?
> Is it happening with SeaMonkey too? Yes. I only use SeaMonkey. (Although I do have Firebird installed so I can refer to it every once in a while.) > Does it happen if you just load this bug page and click the "URL" link? Yes. Or I can copy/paste the URL directly into the location bar to have it happen. But it doesn't matter *what* the URL is so long as it points to a .tar.gz file. > If so, what exactly happens after you click the link? All network activity in the browser freezes. All animation stops. I can close existing tabs, and I can open new ones - but nothing every finishes loading, nor is there any visual progress that things are loading. Once I've left-clicked on a .tar.gz link, or have entered it into the location bar, there's no further point in having the browser open. Even after closing it, the process remains running and must be terminated manually via the Task Manager. > Does a helper app dialog come up? No, nothing. > Do you have preferences set for such a dialog to NOT come up for this MIME > type? Does the problem occur in a clean profile? Yes. > please download regmon ... and attach to this bug a > registry access log which covers the timeslot Will do. (I have some non-Bugzilla things I need to take care of at the moment but will get to it shortly.) > Could it possibly a WinXP thing? I'm thinking that's likely. I've asked the other person who reported this as happening at MozillaZine ( to confirm the OS being used.
I'm "the other person" Jason refers to. On WinXP SP 1 using 7/26 builds of the Mozilla suite und Mozilla Firebird I'm experiencing the exact same behaviour Jason describes. While the Mozilla suite is an official build I downloaded from Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030726 FireBird I did build myself: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030726 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1
Attached the requested regmon output. Here's what I did: - Renamed ...\Anwendungsdaten\Mozilla to ...\Anwendungsdaten\Mozilla.bak to get a clean profile (the folder "Anwendungsdaten" is called "Application Data" on English versions of windows, I think) - Started Regmon - Set Regmon's capture filter to "Mozilla*" - Started Mozilla - Pasted "" to Mozilla's URL bar - Started Regmon's capture - Pressed "Return" in Mozilla's URL bar Even though I waited for quite a few seconds (about 10 - 20), Regmon didn't capture any more registry accesses beyond no 53.
Attached patch Close some keysSplinter Review
I have no idea whether this is contributing to this bug, but it jumped at me from the regmon log.... We're forgetting to close some registry keys. Shouldn't be an issue, apparently, but... Patch totally untested and uncompiled due to lack of Windows build env, of course.
Comment on attachment 128646 [details] [diff] [review] Close some keys On the off chance that this fixes something, is there someone who builds and can reproduce the bug?
Attachment #128646 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #128646 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger)
Comment on attachment 128646 [details] [diff] [review] Close some keys looks good... most unlikely to fix this bug, though
Attachment #128646 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger) → review+
Well! Get this. I went to Sysinternals to download regmon (I used to have it on my computer until I lost some data recently) and clicking on the link for it did the same thing! I ended up having to download it with IE. I'm going to attach two logs here. One for the failed download of the .tar.gz file (mine is similar but with some differences since I use a different handler for .zip and .tar.gz files), and one for the failed .zip download. Is this, perhaps, something to do with downloading files that are handled by external applications? (Because it's obviously not JUST .tar.gz files at this point.)
well... that looks normal I guess... Can you try this: set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=HelperAppService:5 set NSPR_LOG_FILE=c:\targz.log start mozilla.exe (in a dos box) and attach c:\targz.log to this bug
Might well be a problem with external applications. On my machine ".tar" and ".gz" files are handled by 7-zip. I changed the configuration of 7-zip to not handle these any more and now going to starts the download - no hang any more.
Maybe also of interest: I never experienced any problems with ".zip" files, which are also set to be handled by 7-zip on my machine. So ".tar.gz" seems to be a special case - at least for me.
Attached file HelperAppService log.
I also tried un-associating .tar.gz files from ZipMagic (my own application handler for that filetype) and all problems went away. Same with .zip files (for me). As soon as I re-associated the file extensions, I get the hang again. This never used to be a problem before - but I can't honestly say when, exactly, the last time was that this worked. I must have downloaded a file of at least one of these two types no more that 2-3 weeks ago.
Summary: Browser hangs when left clicking on link to download tar.gz files. → Browser hangs when left clicking on link to download external application associated files.
Forgot to mention. When trying to download regmon from Sysinternals via right-click Save As, I kept getting "The link could not be saved. The web page might have been removed or had its name changed."
Jason, could you please test whether this fails in a Jul 24 evening build? Jul 25 morning build (please list exact build time for this one)? Jul 25 evenin build? If it fails in the Jul 24 build, don't bother to check the others, btw.
Regression confirmed to have taken place between the 7/25-04 and 7/26-04 builds. (The bug does not exist in 7/25-04.)
um I can actually reproduce this now This is obviously not Win2k-specific
OS: Windows XP → Windows 2000
I meant to say "not winxp specific" reassigning to me
Assignee: law → cbiesinger
um for some reason, the patch in bug 214173 seems to fix this bug I have absolutely no idea why
No longer depends on: 214172
As a note, this seems to be triggered by the existance of a HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.extension key but lack of a "Content Type" string value there.
ok, bug 214173 is checked in now. Could you who are seeing this bug try tomorrow's nightly builds and check if this bug is fixed? thanks
Yes, assuming that bug 214190 is also fixed at that point... <sigh>
Attachment #128646 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
I have just built a Firebird from cvs. With the resulting exe the hang is gone but the file I downloaded from ist saved as "apache_1.3.28.tar.gz.tar".
mks99: Thanks! The bug you're still seeing is bug 144334. I'll leave this bug open though until the patch here gets checked in (I can't do that right now)
Confirming that the 7/29-04 build no longer hangs when downloading files. As far as I'm concerned (as reporter) this bug is now fixed, so it can be marked as such whenever the patch that's holding it up is checked in.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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