Closed Bug 219302 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[FIXr]Infinite loop creating http channels for astrophy


(Core :: Layout, defect, P1)






(Reporter: caillon, Assigned: bzbarsky)





(2 files)

Builds: 2003091405 seamonkey 20030811 firebird Loading the URL, I get necko to go through infinite loops and the astrophy image ( is never displayed. Here is a snippet from my necko log of the 914 build, which is repeated ad infinitum (only differing in the ptr references) 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpHandler::NewURI 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpHandler::NewProxiedChannel [proxyInfo=0] 1024[80ad5b8]: Creating nsHttpChannel @85dbaf8 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::Init [this=85dbaf8] 1024[80ad5b8]: port=-1 1024[80ad5b8]: uri= 1024[80ad5b8]: Creating nsHttpConnectionInfo @86f7370 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpHandler::AddStandardRequestHeaders 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::SetRequestHeader [this=85dbaf8 header="Accept" value="image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1" merge=0] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::AsyncOpen [this=85dbaf8] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpHandler::OnModifyRequest [chan=85dbaf8] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::Connect [this=85dbaf8] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::OpenCacheEntry [this=85dbaf8] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpHandler::NewURI 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::Cancel [this=85dbaf8 status=804b0002] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryAvailable [this=868a948 entry=86eca80 access=2 status=0] 1024[80ad5b8]: channel was canceled [this=868a948 status=804b0002] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::CloseCacheEntry [this=868a948 status=804b0002] 1024[80ad5b8]: dooming cache entry!! 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::AsyncAbort [this=868a948 status=804b0002] 1024[80ad5b8]: nsHttpChannel::Cancel [this=8672938 status=80540005] 1024[80ad5b8]: Destroying nsHttpChannel @8672938 1024[80ad5b8]: Destroying nsHttpConnectionInfo @865eb10
Could this be a regression from the patch to bug 196797?
Ok, backing that patch out helps somewhat. Astrophy finally renders, but the browser is still looping. I bet that the patch bug 83774 also has some effect here. Absolving darin, shoving blame to bz.
Assignee: darin → bz-vacation
Component: Networking: HTTP → Layout
QA Contact: httpqa → ian
Oh I forgot to mention that I see this in 1.4alpha, but not 1.3final. Which also points to bz.
> Astrophy finally renders, but the browser is still looping. Then it helps not at all; whether the image renders is not relevant as long as the looping behavior is present, is it? What I _suspect_ may be happening here is that the aURI and oldURI are not equal in nsImageLoader::Load because the channel gets redirected. Is that the case? If so, perhaps we need to save aURI in that method and use that for oldURI instead of getting the uri off of mRequest... Any chance you could either post what aURI and oldURI are there or even try the proposed change, Chris?
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.5final
The root of the problem seems to stem from this rule pair in the testcase: BODY { border: solid lime; background: green url(/resources/images/box-12x12) center top no-repeat; color: white; } HTML { border: solid blue; background: white url(/resources/images/astrophy/original) repeat-x top center; color: black; } GetFrameForBackgroundUpdate() in nsCSSRendering is returning the same frame to for both the BODY and HTML elements. So when the same frame gets passed into the pres context to load the image, it keeps grabbing the same loader, and the URI is of course different each time (as the stack trace I attached shows since it can only get to that line to make the Cancel() call if the uris are different).
I'm actually not sure how this worked in the past... This function hasn't changed in ages. Did the image loader just not care if passed in different URIs?
Yes, I see from the patch to bug 196797 that it did not in the past.
> I'm actually not sure how this worked in the past... As you point out, it didn't, really... Before bug 196797 we would simply start a new load and forget about the old one, then keep kicking off new loads on every paint, which would lead to the looping you see. Frankly, I'm not quite sure why we have this code at all. The canvas background-painting seems to also be handled by the call to FindBackground() at the beginning of PaintBackground() (if the frame is the canvas frame, this looks up the right style context and kicks off the background load with the canvas frame as the target frame). Therefore, it seems to me that the GetFrameForBackgroundUpdate thing is just wrong (since the background loads that require invalidating the canvas should actually have the canvas frame as the frame that the image loader has). Or am I missing something?
The core issue here is that the canvas paints the background it gets off the body..... but the body also paints its background, except it invalidates the canvas to do it. Same for <html>. If the canvas grabbed the background from one of those nodes, the node itself should not be painting it. If it's painting, it should just paint on itself (so that in this case, the canvas would get the <html> background, and the <html> would paint nothing, but the <body> would paint its background within its own border box).
If we start loading the images from the style code, this should go away, I assume?
Yes, that should help. In fact, almost any fix for bug 57607 will help.
Depends on: latebg
is this a dupe of Bug 110113 ?
Maybe, except this one has less noise and a clearer description of the underlying problem.
Blocks: 110113
So, this bug is dependent on bug 57607 which is, in-turn, dependent on bug 113173 A fix seems to have been checked in for the latter bug, but only on the trunk. Does that mean the target milestone should be shifted for this bug? I suppose it's too late to expect all three bugs to be fixed on the branch at this stage?
Target Milestone: mozilla1.5final → Future
*** Bug 226092 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch Proposed fixSplinter Review
Upon some scouring of this code, GetFrameForBackgroundUpdate is 1) bogus and 2) not needed. As things stand, the frame that propagated its background to the canvas never paints its background. Therefore, the only time we would want the canvas frame as the target of the image load there is if the canvas frame is painting. Then it's aForFrame. The body should _not_ be targeting the canvas if it's loading its own background. Dynamic changes are handled by the code in ApplyRenderingChangeToTree over in nsCSSFrameConstructor. I have tested this page in the following ways: 1) Load a page in which the background of <body> is propagated to the canvas. Change the <body> background via and see whether we repaint the canvas. 2) Load a page a la hixie's test, but in which the canvas background has a 5-second server-side delay. Make sure that after 5 seconds we paint the background on the whole canvas as needed. Both work fine. This bug is gone.
Attachment #141713 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #141713 - Flags: review?(roc)
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.7beta
Attachment #141713 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #141713 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #141713 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #141713 - Flags: review+
Summary: Infinite loop creating http channels for astrophy → [FIXr]Infinite loop creating http channels for astrophy
Fix checked in for 1.7b.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 237218 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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