Closed Bug 57607 (latebg) Opened 24 years ago Closed 21 years ago

background images do not load in background windows (not loaded until paint)


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: ezh, Assigned: bzbarsky)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: helpwanted, testcase, topembed-, Whiteboard: [T2])


(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

1. Open at least 2 mozilla windows (1 and 2) 2. Enter any URL with big BG pic (for expl: the given URL) to URL bar at one of them (1) 3. hit enter and quick go to the other window (2) 4. In 2 open some link 5. Now go back to 1 and if you are lucky you should see the page, but the background is reflowing (loaded, reloaded?). It happens not every time, but I have seen this many-many time. I'm not sure about the way I suggested to repro it, but it defenetly happens only when switching from one window to another. I saw this on the URL once I visited it for a few days ago. 2000102108
Assignee: asa → clayton
Component: Browser-General → Layout
QA Contact: doronr → petersen
over to layout
XML/DOM team's turn to triage Clayton's list.
Assignee: clayton → harishd
Triaging clayton's bug list: ------------------------------ To me it looks like some kind of a JS problem. Giving bug to JS people to investigate.
Assignee: harishd → rogerl
Oops wrong bug!!! back to me.
Assignee: rogerl → harishd
Not sure to whom this bug should go. Starting with Pam.
Assignee: harishd → pnunn
I believe the same thing happens on Any sugestion?
If I am not terribly mistaken, bug 65459 has similar nature.
This sounds more like a paint problem rather than a decoding problem to me. Reassigning to the rendering folk.
Assignee: pnunn → kmcclusk
*** Bug 70669 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'm not seeing the problem in a current build on WINNT build id 2001030904. Marking WORKSFORME.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
I still see the problem on Build 20010522/WinXP. Suggest rewording summary: Background image does not load when window is hidden Also, step 4 on reproduction steps doesn't need to take place.
*** Bug 65459 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: 4xp, mozilla0.9.4
This no longer occurs
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Mozilla 2001112003 This bug is not fixed. This bug is there. If You do not see it, this will not make it go away. See how to see this bug at bug 65459. I typed, pressed [enter], minimized this window, took a long pause, deminimized this window again and magically background pictures just started loading.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
You are correct, I marked the wrong bug, sorry.
Build moving all existing future-P3 bugs to future-P4.
Priority: P3 → P4
Here's an even easier method to reproduce this: Activate tabbed browsing, check the "Load links in the background" pref and just middle click on a link that goes to a page which exposes this problem to open it in a new tab in the background. Paste the following data:-URL into the location bar as a test case: data:text/html,<a href="">Link</a> All table backgrounds on that page only get loaded after switching to the new tab; and I've even encountered some pages where not having the backgrounds loaded yet had funny effects like white text on white background... that sure does hamper your good browsing experience... :(
*** Bug 121787 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143274 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: background pics are loading when page was loaded in background → background images do not load in background windows
Keywords: mozilla1.0.1
minusing for now. if a patch emerges, please re-nominate.
This currently works this way by design. The background image load is initiated from a paint.
Priority: P4 → P1
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.2beta
Keywords: topembed
>>This currently works this way by design. The background image load is initiated from a paint. This is bad design, don't you think? Causes annoying delays. Same issue with images that are initially display:none. Causes probs with menus and other dynamic segments.
This is an even bigger problem now we have tab groups. It looks silly to have the background pop in as you change tabs.
Topembed- as this is not currently blocking a major embedding customer.
Keywords: topembedtopembed-
QA Contact: petersen → praveenqa
Blocks: grouper
Observed it on w2k 2002050708
Keywords: testcase
Confirming Topembed-
Whiteboard: [T2]
nsbeta1-. Not going to be able to get to this for the next release.
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2beta → Future
It also happends with <TD> elements, like this: <td background=""> Confirmed in Mozilla 1.3b (BuildID 2003021008)
*** Bug 155962 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 193731
Depends on: 113173
*** Bug 93301 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: background images do not load in background windows → background images do not load in background windows (not loaded till paint)
QA Contact: praveenqa → dsirnapalli
*** Bug 208384 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 209132 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
-> All/All (this occurs on OS X as well) another obvious case of this can be seen with the bottom attached background image on this page (and just about any use of css based background images i've ever done):
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Blocks: 164421
Blocks: 125273
Alias: latebg
*** Bug 217976 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I think the way to fix this is to fix bug 113173, and then convert the image type in that bug to some sort of image structure that causes the image load to start.
Indeed; hence the dependency.
Blocks: 219302
*** Bug 223690 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 216085 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 228908 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Just wondering if this bug is fixed now. I couldn't reproduce it when I tried today, and the bug that it depends on (bug 113173) is marked as fixed.
Yes, this bug is still alive and well. All you need is a slow link and a cleared cache to easily reproduce it. ;)
Ah, so I now see, sorry :) Far more obvious on a 56k than ethernet ;)
*** Bug 231703 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
So the goals here are twofold: 1) Parsing a background URL should _not_ immediately load it. See (the CSS load improvements section). 2) The image load should start as early as possible once we know we really need it. One possible proposal is as follows: A) Store the background as a nsIURI* at first (in the nsCSSDeclaration) B) The first time we compute an nsStyleBackground that wants that background, kick off the image load. This can be done by nsCSSCompressedDataBlock::MapRuleInfoInto, perhaps; see the check we already make for eCSSProperty_font_family. The compressed data block will naturally save the imgIRequest* pointer in its nsCSSValue (which will need a new type to handle that and all). This has the problem that to do the load you need the document (for security checks, if nothing else). We don't have that in the data block. Maybe the block could just update itself and the nsCSSStyleRule could have logic to do the load? This is all great, but the problem here, of course, is that as the image comes in the relevant frames will need to be invalidated. At the moment, I see no way to accomplish this given the suggestion above.... There are several options I see: 1) Give the nsCSSCompressedDataBlock a way to invalidate frames or something (bad idea). 2) Make it possible to add an observer to an imgIRequest (all the frames that get that struct could add themselves). Pav is likely to protest, I guess 3) Have the load start in nsCSSCompressedDataBlock and keep the nsImageLoader stuff as-is; rely on libpr0n to coalesce the loads. This will do a bunch of work, check cache, sometimes rehit the network, etc, whereas we just want to use that nice imgIRequest we have there. When it works, it's equivalent to #2. 4) Do the load from some other totally different spot (eg bug 162253). That still has all the same invalidation problems. The invalidation problem is an issue no matter what we do here. Really, option #2 is the simplest one, in my mind. Everything else is just working around failings in the libpr0n api.... Note that if option #2 were taken we could remove a bunch of code from nsImageLoadingContent too (code that handles delivering the notifications it gets to all the imgIDecoderObservers registered on it).
Owner is "gone."
Assignee: kmcclusk → nobody
QA Contact: dsirnapalli → core.layout
Summary: background images do not load in background windows (not loaded till paint) → background images do not load in background windows (not loaded until paint)
Priority: P1 → --
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Component: Layout → Style System (CSS)
Flags: blocking1.7b?
I talked to pav, and he's ok with having an imgILoader method that takes an imgIRequest and an observer and returns a new imgIRequest for that observer. So we could even keep using the prescontext's nsImageLoader stuff as we fix this bug (though it could use some cleanup, really...). There's still the question of how exactly to munge the style data to work right (in such a way that background image attributes will work too)....
*** Bug 235015 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 81997
> There's still the question of how exactly to munge the style data to work right Well, the compressed data block can just kick off image loads -- nsRuleData has a prescontext member it could use to get the document and such. Background image attributes are probably best handled by just kicking off the image load in the attr mapping code as needed (and just having the style struct be the only thing that's holding on to the imgIRequest).
Attached patch Patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This just does background images. I'd like to do list-style-image too, but XUL does some weird stuff with that one, so I'd like to put that off into a separate patch. Similarly for url() generated content, maybe (need to think about that some more).
Comment on attachment 142661 [details] [diff] [review] Patch Stuart, could you take a look at the imgIRequest.idl and imgRequestProxy.cpp changes? Putting this functionality there seemed more natural than sticking it on imgILoader, but I suppose I could move it over to imgILoader instead, I guess.... David, the rest of this needs your review, really. The basic change is the introduction of the nsCSSValue::Image type which holds the imgIRequest in addition to the nsCSSValue::URL (the latter stores the original string and handles equality comparisons). The rest is fallout from this and a bit of cleanup of image loading in general to share some code. Ideally, I would like to move towards doing as much image loading as possible through the nsContentUtils methods so that we don't have to do complicated security checks all over...
Attachment #142661 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #142661 - Flags: review?(pavlov)
Comment on attachment 142661 [details] [diff] [review] Patch The Image nested class needs an mString member for serialization, etc., just like URL does. Given that, I think it should just inherit from URL. I also don't see why GetImageValue would require you to include imgIRequest.h -- just forward declaring (as you do) should be sufficient.
Attachment #142661 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron) → superreview-
> I also don't see why GetImageValue would require you to include imgIRequest.h Because returning an nsIFoo* out of an nsCOMPtr<nsIFoo> involves instantiating and nsDerivedSafe<nsIFoo>, which you can't do if nsIFoo is only forward-declared. I'll work on making Image inherit from URL.
Comment on attachment 142661 [details] [diff] [review] Patch I'm not sure how the whole thing compiles, then, since I thought declaring nsCOMPtr<nsIFoo> required the header. Or did we remove the sizeof hack?
We removed the sizeof hack. See bug 107291.
Attached patch Make Image inherit from URL (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #142661 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #142661 - Attachment is obsolete: false
Attachment #142661 - Flags: review?(pavlov)
Comment on attachment 143224 [details] [diff] [review] Make Image inherit from URL I guess this is 1.8a material at this point.. Pavlov, any chance of an ETA on this review?
Attachment #143224 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #143224 - Flags: review?(pavlov)
Comment on attachment 143224 [details] [diff] [review] Make Image inherit from URL >+ // Virtual destructor so we can subclass this >+ virtual ~URL() Why? You shouldn't need one as long as you don't delete via a base-class pointer, which you shouldn't. >Index: content/html/style/src/nsCSSValue.cpp >+nsCSSValue::Image::Image(nsIURI* aURI, const PRUnichar* aString, >+ nsIDocument* aDocument) ... >+ if (mURI && >+ NS_SUCCEEDED(nsContentUtils::CanLoadImage(mURI, nsnull, aDocument))) { >+ nsContentUtils::LoadImage(mURI, aDocument, nsnull, >+ loadFlag, >+ getter_AddRefs(mRequest)); The use of aDocument here is a bit ugly, no? Isn't this going to do weird things if the same image load, from the same CSS value, is triggered from two documents -- wouldn't it then only block onload for one of them? Or is there code elsewhere that makes it block onload for the second? >Index: content/html/style/src/nsCSSDeclaration.cpp up to here, although I still have to go through the nsCSSValue changes and make sure you added everything that you need to add.
Comment on attachment 143224 [details] [diff] [review] Make Image inherit from URL >Index: content/html/style/src/nsCSSValue.h > void SetNormalValue(); >- >+ > #ifdef DEBUG Don't add unneeded whitespace. >Index: content/html/style/src/nsCSSDataBlock.cpp eCSSUnit_Null, "oops"); >+ if (iProp == eCSSProperty_background_image && >+ val->GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_URL) { >+ nsCSSValue::Image* image = >+ new nsCSSValue::Image(val->GetURLValue(), >+ val->GetOriginalURLValue(), >+ aRuleData->mPresContext->GetDocument()); >+ if (image) { >+ if (image->mString) { >+ // Need to convert this into an image. Get a >+ // writable ref. >+ nsCSSValue* writableVal = >+ ValueAtCursor(NS_CONST_CAST(char*, cursor)); >+ writableVal->SetImageValue(image); >+ } else { >+ delete image; >+ } >+ } >+ } Perhaps everything inside this |if| could be moved into an |nsCSSValue::StartImageLoad(nsIDocument*) const| that does the casting away of const? (And do you need an analogous |ConnectToImageLoad(nsIDocument*)const| for loads that already started?) Index: content/shared/src/nsStyleStruct.cpp >+static PRBool EqualImages(imgIRequest *aImage1, imgIRequest* aImage2) >+{ >+ if (aImage1 == aImage2) { >+ return PR_TRUE; >+ } >+ >+ if (!aImage2 || !aImage2) { You want to check aImage1. >+ return PR_FALSE; >+ } >+ >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri1, uri2; >+ aImage1->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri1)); >+ aImage1->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri2)); You want the URI from aImage2. >+ return EqualURIs(uri1, uri2); >Index: content/base/src/nsImageLoadingContent.h Up to here
Some additional thoughts that should perhaps be a later patch: 1. we should get the referrer right -- that may require another member of nsCSSValue::URL 2. We should use this image loading code for list-style-image as well. 3. As I mentioned in comment 59, there are issues with blocking onload, I think, and anything else we use |aDocument| for.
Comment on attachment 143224 [details] [diff] [review] Make Image inherit from URL sr=dbaron if you address the comments other than those in comment 61, although it would be nice to address those at some point, and I didn't look too closely at the image code (I'm assuming the reviewer will do that).
Attachment #143224 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron) → superreview+
> as long as you don't delete via a base-class pointer Which I'm doing, since the base-class is what does the refcounting. I suppose I could override AddRef and Release in the subclass, though. > Isn't this going to do weird things if the same image load, from the same CSS > value, is triggered from two documents To get in that situation, we need to have an nsIStyleRule that's applying to two documents at once. This only happens for rules in user and UA sheets at the moment. And blocking onload for backgrounds, etc is just something we plan to use for regression tests; there user and UA sheets are not relevant, no? So I'm not sure this is actually a problem... If we do feel this is a concern, then we simply can't do any of this from style data, since the different document may have different image-loading permissions and we would thus need a separate imgIRequest stored for every document using the nsCSSValue. > Don't add unneeded whitespace. Fixed. > Perhaps everything inside this |if| could be moved Done. > And do you need an analogous |ConnectToImageLoad(nsIDocument*)const| This is just for the "CSSValue is used by multiple documents" case discussed above, right? > You want to check aImage1. > You want the URI from aImage2. Argh. Tab-completion... Thank you for catching those. I'll upload a patch with those changes once I compile it and test it in case you want to have a look. As for comment 61, I assume you want the referrer to be the sheet, not the document? I suppose that makes a certain amount of sense... list-style-image I mentioned in comment 51; I'll file a followup on that once this patch is done.
Well, in theory stylesheets can be shared between documents, but right now it only happens for XUL. (And given character encoding issues, it should probably stay that way.) So I guess never mind about (3).
I added nsCSSValue::StartImageLoad(), added AddRef/Release overrides on Image, made nsCSSValue::URL.mRefCnt protected instead of private (so Image can access it), and fixed the image1/image2 mistakes.
Attachment #142661 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143224 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143224 - Flags: review?(pavlov)
Attachment #143322 - Flags: review?(pavlov)
I don't think we'd block the release for this but if this patch makes the reviews in time for beta, it'd be nice to get. If it doesn't make it for the freeze, please request approval for any fully reviewed patch.
Flags: blocking1.7b? → blocking1.7b-
Attachment #143322 - Flags: review?(pavlov) → review+
Checked in. This seems to have set back Tp a little bit.... I suspect that's due to the fact that we now start image loads earlier; we may be running out of HTTP connections and waiting for image loads to complete before being able to load scripts and restart the parser. At least that's my best guess as to what's going on. If there is a way to test this theory by upping the http connection limit on btek for a few cycles, that would be very helpful...
Assignee: nobody → bzbarsky
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7beta
Bug 236889 filed on the list-style-image issue.
Closed: 23 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The reason for the Tp regression could just that before this bug was fixed, Mozilla could fire onload before background images loaded.
(In reply to comment #69) > The reason for the Tp regression could just that before this bug was fixed, > Mozilla could fire onload before background images loaded. We can still fire Tp before CSS background images have loaded. My guess is that bz is right and we're just loading images earlier which is causing more competition for resources. The link prefetch code has a mechanism for forcing their loads to not compete with "normal" loads. Maybe we could use that for CSS background images too?
Yeah, I have some thoughts on doing something like that.. I'll probably be filing a followup bug on that.
So now the background images are loaded before onload is fired... so what is wrong with that? In my opinion you've managed to fix several bugs at once, the late loading of background images and the fireing of onload before everything was loaded. :-) So leave it the way it is, would be my instinctive answer... no?
(In reply to comment #72) > So now the background images are loaded before onload is fired... No. onload can still fire before all CSS background images are loaded.
> No. onload can still fire before all CSS background images are loaded. Agreed -- the load event fires after the document is loaded, not after all of the subsidiary elements are loaded, too. Otherwise, a document with 200K of images wouldn't fire onload for some time, which wouldn't be a good thing for script components like style switchers, DOM modifiers, etc....
Guys, could we drop that discussion please? Especially since there seem to be very few people who have any idea of when we actually fire onload (roc is one of them, as it happens).
I just tried it out at this bug is actually not fixed. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-AT; rv:1.8a1) Gecko/20040520
Nils, steps to reproduce?
I apologize, this bug is really fixed. Go to open all five Designs in Tabs. Wait until they loadig-text on the tabs vanishes an then open the last Tab. You will see, that Mozilla is still loading the Background images although it said it was ready. Therefore I thought this bug was not fixed. Sorry that I judged to rashly. Wait until your Modem/Networkcard doesn't show any significant traffic anymore. And open the other Tabs. You will see, that Mozilla has loaded all the images.
Ah, yes. See comment 73. That's quite intentional.
No longer blocks: 164421
Blocks: 158464
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