Closed Bug 220561 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Add better support for content packs


(SeaMonkey :: Help Documentation, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rjkeller, Assigned: rjkeller)





(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

We should have the ability to use content pack the way that Firebird Help uses them.
I'll get this in once the bug 219120 - help.js cleanup is in.
Depends on: 219120
question: is this about language pack (bug 87225?) or content pack? also is this about switching language in Help?
Summary: [RFE]Add support for content packs → Add support for content packs
This has nothing to do with localization. The purpose of this bug is to port Brant Gurganus's patch for adding support for content pack. A content pack is a package of files that define the TOC, Index, and help files. Firebird Help has 2 content packs, one for Firebird Help content, another for Help on how to use the Help menu, and, soon to come, a Thunderbird Help content pack. Currently in Firebird Help, the Firebird and Help on Help content packs are merged in the help window. This ability should be in Seamonkey because it makes it a lot easier for people outside of help to use the help viewer.
This is one of many bugs I've filed to port Firebird Help bug fixes to Seamonkey Help. I'm also writing documentation about how to use Help content packs (which I'll put on the Help Viewer Project home page).
-> Mozilla 1.7 alpha. This is a much bigger change than I'd originally thought. Probably not going to make 1.6.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
Depends on: 180659
Blocks: 67376
Attachment #137817 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Attachment #137817 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #137817 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Sorry, I don't understand the point of this bug - SeaMonkey can already open help windows for different packages, for instance my XULMine game comes with its own help index.
True, but it's not that easy. This bug will change the functions in contextHelp.js so that instead of having to make their own version of the openHelp() function to specify the content pack, they can use the one already there. This function is much easier for embedders and more user-friendly. See the Contents Pack specification (in the URL field) to see what I'm hoping to accomplish in this bug in greater detail.
I just put setHelpFileURI("chrome://xulmine/locale/help.rdf"); in my onLoad function - then I can just call openHelp(); for help...
The problem I have with doing that is what if you have multiple content packs for a specific app? Something i'd like to do with Mozilla in the future is to split the current Mozilla content pack into many content packs (which would be convient if Mail, Composer, etc. wasn't built). It's quite inconvienient to call setHelpFileURI();OpenHelp() every time you want to open help with a different content pack.
Comment on attachment 137817 [details] [diff] [review] Patch implements Content Packs specification after talking with Neil privately, we've decided on a slightly modified system that I will post momentarily.
Attachment #137817 - Flags: review?(
Summary: Add support for content packs → Add better support for content packs
Patch implements Content Packs Specification v1.2, which contains feedback by Neil. This patch is a LOT simpler than the other patch!
Attachment #137817 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #138046 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 138046 [details] [diff] [review] Patch implements Content Packs 1.2 >+// openHelp - Opens up the Mozilla Help Viewer with the specified >+// content pack and topic. Should say "topic and content pack", because that's the parameter order. I wonder whether a JavaDoc-style comment would be more appropriate. >+// see >+function openHelp(topic, contentPack) >+{ >+ //cp is the content pack to use in this function. If the contentPack >+ //parameter was set, we will use that content pack. If not, we will >+ //use the default content pack set by setHelpFileURI(). >+ var cp = (contentPack == null) ? helpFileURI : contentPack; Another nit: contentPack || helpFileURI; works better here. >+ var aWindow; > > // Loop through the help windows looking for one with the >- // current Help URI loaded. >+ // current Help Content Pack loaded. > while (iterator.hasMoreElements()) { >- var aWindow = iterator.getNext(); >+ aWindow = iterator.getNext(); This declaration appears to have been moved unnecessarily. r=me if you fix those nits.
Attachment #138046 - Flags: review?( → review+
Comment on attachment 138046 [details] [diff] [review] Patch implements Content Packs 1.2 > Should say "topic and content pack", because that's the parameter order. > I wonder whether a JavaDoc-style comment would be more appropriate. OK, I'll change that before I checkin. What exactly is the point of Java-Doc style comments if you can't use JavaDoc? I probably should've used multiline comments. > Another nit: contentPack || helpFileURI; works better here. I don't think that that would work, since it'd always return true. Maybe !contentPack would be better? I'm not sure if that would work for null, so that's why I didn't do that. > This declaration appears to have been moved unnecessarily. I moved it there because it seems stupid to me to keep declaring a variable for every interation of the loop. This way is much more efficient. It has nothing to do with the patch.
Attachment #138046 - Flags: superreview?(alecf)
I know .idl files have JavaDoc comments but I wasn't sure about .js files. You must be used to C-style ||; Perl and JavaScript have a more useful || which means "return the first non-null, non-zero, non-empty value" and can be quite useful chained, for instance the browser status handler has the line: var text = this.overLink || this.status || this.jsStatus || this.jsDefaultStatus || this.defaultStatus; Also, the javaScript compiler automatically moves all declarations to the beginning of the function, in theory you can put them anywhere but we generally put them in the place where it looks most convenient.
> I know .idl files have JavaDoc comments but I wasn't sure about .js files. really? I wonder why. > You must be used to C-style ||; Perl and JavaScript have a more useful || which > means "return the first non-null, non-zero, non-empty value" and can be quite > useful chained, for instance the browser status handler has the line: >var text = this.overLink || this.status || this.jsStatus || this.jsDefaultStatus || this.defaultStatus; really? that's cool! Java style || actually. I don't know C or C++. I'll make that change. > Also, the javaScript compiler automatically moves all declarations to the > beginning of the function, in theory you can put them anywhere but we generally > put them in the place where it looks most convenient. really? so scope isn't done by the brackets? I'll have to do some research on the way JavaScript is interpreted. It's a lot different than I thought.
Attachment #138046 - Flags: superreview?(alecf)
> This declaration appears to have been moved unnecessarily. well, I'll keep it in there for program readability.
Attachment #138046 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #138084 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #138084 - Flags: review?( → review+
Attachment #138084 - Flags: superreview?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 138084 [details] [diff] [review] Patch with neils comments + var aWindow; "a" means argument - you don't declare local variables with an "a" this should be var currentWindow or something. (I'm also not fond of "cp" for content pack, but whatever :) ) with the aWindow stuff fixed, sr=alecf
Attachment #138084 - Flags: superreview?(alecf) → superreview+
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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