Closed Bug 22090 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Can't send mac files to other users -- AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send (or save)


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P1)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pmock, Assigned: bugzilla)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+] Fix in hand)


(8 files)

Build Date & Platform Bug Found: MacOS commercial seamonkey build 1999-12-17-10-m12 installed on G3/400 OS 8.6 Overview Description: In Communicator 4.7, I sent a message with an attached a sample quicktime movie. When I save the attachment, I no longer can open the file attachment in the quicktime movie player. I open the message in Bbedit text editor and see that the attachment was not decoded. I will attach a sample quicktime attachment to this bug. Steps to Reproduce: 1) In 4.7 Mac RTM, send a message to yourself with a small quicktime attachment. I used a Rich text message 2) In 5.0, retrieve the mail message 3) Click on the paperclick icon in the message header and select the attachment The save attachment dialog appears 4) Type in a name and save the attachment 5 [details]) Drag the file on top of the quicktime movie player Error message appears. Actual Results: After saving the quicktime attachment, I drag the file on top of the movie player application. I receive the error message "Couldn't open the file '...' because the file is not a movie file". If I view the contents of the save file, I see the following base 64 data: --------------ad74AFCB70D2079C195F8C68F4 Content-Type: application/applefile Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 AAUWBwACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUAAAADAAAAVgAAAAwAAAAJAAAAYgAAACAAAAAI .... .... Qm8AEkJvABBCbwAOIGsAGiBQMBBTQGcOU0BnEFNAZxIMU2FtcGxlIE1vdmlldGFsbC5zcmNp --------------ad74AFCB70D2079C195F8C68F4 Content-Type: video/quicktime; name="Sample Movie" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Sample Movie" AAAI5G1vb3YAAAjcY21vdgAAAAxkY29temxpYgAACMhjbXZkAAAPa3ictVd7mBtVFT+T7 ... ... --------------ad74AFCB70D2079C195F8C68F4-- Expected Results: I expect the quicktime movie attachment to be decoded in its native format. Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Additional Information: Bug found while testing bug 2895 This problem does not occur with Microsoft Word documents created on the macintosh.
QA Contact: lchiang → pmock
Changing qa assigned to
fyi, I get the same results saving from IMAP and POP3.
Assignee: rhp → jefft
You did "Save As..." didn't you? If not, just bounce it back. - rhp
Target Milestone: M13
Sounds like a soft of applesingle/appledouble fun problem. <not>
Target Milestone: M13 → M15
We probably don't know how to deal with applesingle/appledouble in 5.0. This soulds like a M15 kind of tasks.
Rich, The attachment Save As dialog on the Mac is entitled "Save". Jeff stop by and found that Communicator 4.7 sent the attachment as apple single. If I send the attachment from 5.0, then it encoded as base 64 and we decode it correctly. Jeff thinks we may not support yet decoding apple single attachment.
Assignee: jefft → rhp
Oh, ok...this makes sense. Thanks. I have code in the back end to deal with appledouble files. Everything should be ok, except for one call that was a Mac specific call that gave some info on files. I have to get that ported and I bet this might work....maybe :-) I'll take this one back. - rhp
Summary: Saving a quicktime attachment - does not decode from base64 → appledouble attachments not correctly encoded on send
I know what has to be done here...just have to get the time to do it. - rhp
This should be a beta issue.
Summary: appledouble attachments not correctly encoded on send → [BETA1] AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send
Keywords: beta1
PDT thinks we'd give PDT+ to reading, but we'd ship beta1 without being able to send appledouble
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Summary: [BETA1] AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send → AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send
Keywords: beta1
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
I really think this is important, but I was the only one before so I am moving to M17. - rhp
Target Milestone: M15 → M17
Target Milestone: M17 → M18
Keywords: correctness, nsbeta3
Hi Steve, Here is the bug for you to enjoy ;-) - rhp
Assignee: rhp → sdagley
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
Target Milestone: M18 → M21
Adding plus and putting in M21 bucket for sustaining to help. Thanks Steve!!
Keywords: mailtrack
*** Bug 53120 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Not holding PR3 for this; marking nsbeta3-. Adding rtm keyword since it's data corruption
Keywords: rtm
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3-]
Steve, what's progress on this bug? The bar moves up every day and there's not any kind of patch in the bug yet...
Rich, what do we still have to do? Can I help?
The modules to do the AppleDouble encoding are in the compose back end and pretty well named. I got them pretty much ported into the new world order and the code is actually in the back end for handling these files (its in ifdefs since its pretty mac specific). My speed on Mac development is just hampered, but I could help you out on what needs to be done. - rhp
*** Bug 56294 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
saving these AppleDouble attachments also fail. is this a dogfood issue for mac users?
Summary: AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send → AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send (or save)
Yes. I send Mac files by email, either to myself or others, several times per week.
selmer talked to sdagley today - this won't get fixed, I think, for rtm.
In that case we need to relnote, and put in some kind of defensive dialog/silent failure to avoid Mac users trying to send corrupted files all over the net.
Cool. Can we RelNote this and get it off the rtm radar?
triaging. not going to be done for rtm. my apologies to the mac users.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-] → [nsbeta3-][rtm-]
Adding relnotertm keyword. Simon, did you open a new bug for any changes you want in lieu of this fix?
Keywords: relnoteRTM
*** Bug 57348 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I didn't open another bug. Do people think that some kind of warning dialog, or silent refusal to attach, is justified?
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][rtm-] → [nsbeta3-][rtm-] relnote-user
Mozilla 0.9 this puppy. This is a dogfood issue for mac users.
Keywords: dogfood, nsmac1
Target Milestone: M21 → mozilla0.9
not being able to send files to people is a fairly fundamental dogfood issue for me, and most users, I would think. why hasn't this gotten any attention? I have to go back to 4.x to send files to people. Why should I ever then go back to ns6?
Severity: normal → critical
Summary: AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send (or save) → Can't send mac files to other users -- AppleDouble attachments not correctly encoded on send (or save)
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][rtm-] relnote-user → [nsbeta3-] relnote-user
rtm-, just not making it without even a patch. UI freeze is past. Jean-Francois, this was given to the wrong owner, are you interested in this one?
Assignee: sdagley → ducarroz
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-] relnote-user → [rtm-][nsbeta3-] relnote-user
Sure, accepting
nominating nsbeta1.
Keywords: nsbeta1
samir told me that he's got some code that we may be able to use for this. samir, comments?
changing milestone to unknown. It will get changed back when we figure out what milestone to put this bug in.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → ---
The AppleSingle encoder and decoder classes I mentioned live at: mozilla/xpinstall/packager/mac/ASEncoder/src/nsAppleSingleEncoder.[h,cpp] mozilla/xpinstall/src/nsAppleSingleDecoder.[h,cpp] You can use these classes to encode a file if it has a resource fork (Boolean nsAppleSingleEncoder::HasResourceFork(FSSpec *)) and decode a file if it is in AppleSingle format (Boolean nsAppleSingleDecoder::IsAppleSingleFile(FSSepc *)). You can pull the native FSSpec out of an nsILocalFileMac.
moving to mozilla0.8 and nsbeta1+
Keywords: nsbeta3, rtm
Priority: P3 → P1
Whiteboard: [rtm-][nsbeta3-] relnote-user → [rtm-][nsbeta1+] relnote-user
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.8
Keywords: mailtrack
Whiteboard: [rtm-][nsbeta1+] relnote-user → [nsbeta1+] relnote-user
Change QA-assign to
QA Contact: pmock → fenella
The fix is about sending AppleDouble attachment from Macintosh (mailnews/compose) and receiving Apple double attachment from any platform (mailnews/mime, mailnews/mime/emitters and mailnews/base). The fix also include some emitters' cleanup.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+] relnote-user → [nsbeta1+] Fix in hand
it all look good to me, r=sspitzer but I'd like a mac expert (like sfraser) to review it, since the bulk of the code is all mac code. nsISaveMsgListener is mac specific, but you've added it to all three builds, even though the implementation is mostly stubbed out with XP_MAC. will nsISaveMsgListener ever be extended to do stuff for the other platforms? Having it on all three platforms does make the code cleaner, but will we pay for it on win32 or linux at run time or at download time (bloat)? one minor thing, use the stack based nsAutoString and not nsString in nsMsgIsMacFile(). excellent work ducarroz, mac users must have been dying with out this.
nsISaveMsgListener is also used by other platform for the base class (nsIStreamListener). This class use to be called nsSaveAsListener but didn't have an IDL. I have added the IDL in order to have a clean access to it from mime and have just added those 3 Mac specific functions. Sure I will une an nsAutoString in nsMsgIsMacFile(). Thanks
shouldn't we be using an nsCOMPtr here? nsISaveMsgListener *saveListener = nsnull; + outputListener->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISaveMsgListener), (void **)&saveListener); + if (saveListener) + looks like this is a ref-cnt leak here because saveListener is never released.
good catch. I have replaced this piece of code in both place it was used by: nsCOMPtr<nsISaveMsgListener> saveListener = do_QueryInterface(outputListener); if (saveListener) { ... }
Should nsMimeBaseEmitter::GetOutputListener addref the return variable?
nsDecodeAppleFile.h ------------------- Somewhat non-standard include guards (__nsDecodeAppleFile_h). The spec disallows leading double underscores, I believe. Would prefer as nsDecodeAppleFile_h__. Should avoid use of nsFileSpec in new code, preferring nsI(Local)File. Should have a #pragma options align=reset after the applefile struct definitions. nsDecodeAppleFile.cpp --------------------- Bad tabbing in this file. In ProcessAppleDoubleResourceFork::Write(), you assume that you'll get all the AppleDouble headers in the first chunk. I don't think the order of entries in the AppleSingle data is guaraneteed, so this seems fragile (esp. when you may be decoding files sent by other mailers). What if a large resource fork entry comes first? Also, you may want to delay the PBSetCatInfoSync(&cipbr); with the file creator/ type information until the file has been totally written to disk. You don't want to have an application file lying around with only half of its resource fork for any period of time. nsISaveMsgListener.idl ---------------------- Where are the comments? mimeeobj.cpp ------------ Why not just removed the commented out XP_MAC stuff? mimei.cpp --------- More bad tabbing here. mimemoz2.cpp ------------ Leaking here: + nsIStreamListener *outputListener = nsnull; + msd->output_emitter->GetOutputListener(&outputListener); and here: + nsISaveMsgListener *saveListener = nsnull; + outputListener->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISaveMsgListener), (void **)& saveListener); (not sure that you fixed both). mimemult.cpp ------------ More leaks: + nsIStreamListener *outputListener = nsnull; + msd->output_emitter->GetOutputListener(&outputListener); and + nsISaveMsgListener *saveListener = nsnull; + outputListener->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISaveMsgListener), (void * *)&saveListener); These lines: + nsIStreamListener *outputListener = nsnull; + msd->output_emitter->GetOutputListener(&outputListener); + if (outputListener) + { + nsISaveMsgListener *saveListener = nsnull; + outputListener->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISaveMsgListener), (void * *)&saveListener); + if (saveListener) are better written as: nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> outputListener; msd->output_emitter->GetOutputListener(getter_AddRefs(outputListener)); nsCOMPtr<nsISaveMsgListener> saveListener(do_QueryInterface(outputListener)); if (saveListener) Note that it's safe to pass null into a do_QueryInterface(), so no test is needed for a non-null outputListener. nsMimeBaseEmitter.cpp --------------------- nsMimeBaseEmitter::GetOutputListener() should be a good XPCOM citizen and AddRef its out param. nsMsgAppleDoubleEncode.cpp -------------------------- + nsString urlStr; urlStr.AssignWithConversion(aUrlString); Slightly better to use an nsAutoString here. + char *ext = nsMsgGetExtensionFromFileURL(urlStr); Is 'ext' allocated? Where is it freed? It also seems that nsMsgIsMacFile() has some arbitrary number of file extensions it considers as "non-mac" files, and everything else is a Mac file. I'm not sure what calls this routine, but feel that it would be better to use the Internet Config service to tell us if the resource fork of a file is important, rather than guessing based on the file extension. nsMsgAppleEncode.cpp -------------------- Bad tabbing. nsMsgAttachmentHandler.cpp -------------------------- Bad tabbing Use nsILocalFile rather than nsFileSpec. nsMsgCompUtils.cpp ------------------ nsMsgGetLocalFileFromURL should return a nsILocalFile. nsMessenger.cpp --------------- Use nsILocalFiles, not nsIFileSpecs. Why the totally empty nsSaveAttachmentListener ?
>Should nsMimeBaseEmitter::GetOutputListener > addref the return variable? I would say no because mime doesn't own the listener. In the function nsMimeBaseEmitter::SetOutputListener, we already don't addref it. I just try to stay consistent with the existing code. Anyway it's a tricky question.
I have changed my mind. GetOutputListener will now addref the result and therefore I need to use an XPCOMPtr to avoid leak when calling GetOutputListener .
Appart nsFIleSpec, I have addressed all simon's points
r=sfraser with the changes jfd says he will do.
sr=bienvenu, with the changes I and sfraser suggested.
Fixed and checked in. I will file bug for stuff to cleanup.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Is this fix related to bug 67553? If so, you need to back this out.
don't need to back it up as I already have a fix ready to be check in.
Cannot verify this bug until bug 67435 is fixed.
To Esther..
QA Contact: fenella → esther
The fix that added AppleDouble support seems to have introduced a regression. See bug 70222
Using build 2001-05-08 on mac and following the original scenario. I can save shows video/quicktime: xmac-type="4D6F6F56"; x-mac-creator="54564F44"; name="". Verified.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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