Closed Bug 236919 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[FIXr]CSS background images still displayed when "Load Images" is unchecked


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect, P1)






(Reporter: fpwoshg, Assigned: bzbarsky)





(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040309 Firefox/0.8.0+ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040309 Firefox/0.8.0+ CSS Background images are still shown even when "Load Images" is unchecked, e.g. the image added by the following CSS at the example URL is still shown when images are turned off: background: url("/image/default/sky.png") repeat-x; Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Disable Image Loading (e.g. In Firefox uncheck Tools->Options->Web Features->Load Images). 2. Visit a site that uses background-images (e.g. Actual Results: Background images are drawn (at the example URL the blimp + clouds are shown). Expected Results: No images should be displayed. Regression happened sometime between yesterday's (2004-03-08) official Firefox nightly and when I built at approx. 1am PST today (2004-03-09). Bug 57607 seems the likely cause (which is why I'm filing this one in the same component).
Hmm... the image content policy can't handle loads not associated to a content node yet (and background image loads are no longer associated to a content node). The patch in bug 191839 should fix this.... but since that's not likely to be landing for 1.7, I guess we may need a localized fix here. :(
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
Comment on attachment 143422 [details] [diff] [review] Same as diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) Tim, would you mind reviewing? Sorry about the conflicts... :(
Attachment #143422 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #143422 - Flags: review?(riceman+bmo)
Assignee: dbaron → bzbarsky
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 98 → All
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7beta
Comment on attachment 143422 [details] [diff] [review] Same as diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) sr=dbaron if you fix the fact that you've made it crash when both aWindow and aContext are null.
Attachment #143422 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron) → superreview+
Attachment #143422 - Flags: review?(riceman+bmo) → review?(jst)
Comment on attachment 143422 [details] [diff] [review] Same as diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) Looks good to me with dbaron's suggestion (assuming GetDocument returns null on all error conditions).
Yeah, GetDocument returns null if there isn't one.
Comment on attachment 143422 [details] [diff] [review] Same as diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) r=jst
Attachment #143422 - Flags: review?(jst) → review+
Comment on attachment 143422 [details] [diff] [review] Same as diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) Could this please be approved for 1.7b? Fairly straightforward change to get the document off the window object if we're not given a content node associated with the image load.
Attachment #143422 - Flags: approval1.7b?
Summary: CSS background images still displayed when "Load Images" is unchecked → [FIXr]CSS background images still displayed when "Load Images" is unchecked
Comment on attachment 143422 [details] [diff] [review] Same as diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) a=chofmann for 1.7b
Attachment #143422 - Flags: approval1.7b? → approval1.7b+
Fixed for 1.7b.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This bug has returned, it regressed between Firefox nightlies 2004-05-14-09 and 2004-05-15-09, should I file a new bug or will you reopen this one?
If you're sure about those dates, file a new bug, on Firefox (in that date range, no changes were made to any core Gecko code that could possibly affect this bug). That said, a build from the 14th in the morning _is_ showing this problem, while one from the 13th is not. Which is odd, since I just checked over the bug 191839 code and it looks fine to me.... Please file a new bug, cc me and mvl, I guess.
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