Closed Bug 4516 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

M4 release note tracking bug


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chofmann, Assigned: verah)


here is were requests are made to get in the m4 release noted.
Please Release Note for M4: "Any URL's entered into new browser windows only affect the first window."
Target Milestone: M4
also please add -- frame targets do not work, view source is not working, plug-ins do not work
To generalize legers comment, "Having more than 1 broswer window open doesn't work right". In addition to loading the wrong URL, if you close the windows in the wrong order you crash. I am sure there is a whole slew of bugs related to multiple browser windos.
Please add: "If you have installed the latest JRE 1.2 from Sun Microsystems, you may crash at startup if the Java plugin is present. To fix this, remove the following dlls from the Plugins folder located in your 4.5 Communicator directory: npjava32.dll, npjava12.dll and npjava11.dll." Also, plugins should work, but there may be a bug I need to fix to make it happen. I'll let you know the status as I investigate it.
Pls add sspitzer's 4/7/99 15:44 comments from bug to the release notes; specifically, pls refer users to the text in the link that sspitzer mentions. If you have questions, pls see sspitzer.
Known Bug "Sidebar collapses if you resize the window"
"Resizing window on Mac may occasionally cause a failure."
Known Bug: "Vcards in mail are not fully functional at this time and may cause a failure when clicked upon."
Known Bug: "None of the JavaScript functions work with AppRunner windows. Windows can be opened using the ToolkitCore, but those windows don't play well with most of the JavaScript properties and methods."
On Linux, Edit - Copy not working.
Cannot copy & paste in URL bar on all platforms.
Known bug (Mac specific): There is some buggy behavior on Mac when you select items in the sidebar. Expected behavior: Clicking once on a category should select it. Clicking twice should opent he category up. Actual behavior on Mac: (1) Sometimes a single click opens the category and sometimes a double-click opens it (not consistent). (2) When a category is opened, the previous category gets highlighted. This only happens when single-clicking on a category.
On all platforms, "javascript:" in general is not working.
Bug #4103: On Linux, you will crash if you, 1. Start apprunner. 2. Select "File / New Browser Window." 3. Close a window. 4. Select "File / New Browser Window." a second time.
On Win32, editor timing problems may not allow entry of test in to any compose window after the first.
from bug 4886. "Getting new messages gets old messages, too. Inbox thread pane displays duplicate messages after every get message." Currently, no workaround for this."
From bug 4784 "Get Parsing error for header information in message pane" Workaround: Delete all the msf files in the user mail profile directory.
Fenella's latest comments for #4784 are really now tied to #4886: The latest symptom of seeing XML parsing error has been attributed to the problem where Get New Messages gets the entire inbox (old & new messages) and apparently causes corruption causing problems displaying messages. There is no workaround to stop Get Message from getting duplications, but the workaround of deleting .msf files in the user profile directory(ies) will alleviate the side effect of errors when displaying new or new duplicates of messages.
Please add under MacOS only: ftp is not functional and may cause your computer to freeze
New Known Issue On Macintosh, increasing allocated memory to >35 MB crashes Apprunner on launch.
Basically, take the text located at: and replace the Mail Win32 instructions, add a Mail Unix instruction section, and replace the Limited Support Features - Available Mail/News Functionality section. Verah, I'll mark up a hard copy of your latest release notes and drop off at your cubicle for you. It'll make it easier.
Lets add the commment. "Several problems are under investigation for the url
Release notes refer to cookterm.txt. That should be cookperm.txt. Error occurs in at least two places in the release notes. Next to "signons.txt" is the wording "in clear text". Remove that phrase since the passwords are now stored in an encoded form. Under Unix, the cookies file is listed as "cookies.txt". That should be just "cookies". The files "cookperm.txt" and "signons.txt" that are listed under windows have a counterpart under unix -- they are "cookperm" and "signon". Besides adding these two files to the unix table, you'll also need to update the wording below the table which currently says "cookperm.txt is a file currently created for windows, used to ...". It should read "cookperm.txt is a file used to ...". All the *.tbl files listed for windows should also be listed for unix as well.
Under MAC OS only, please add: Cookies are not yet functional
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
We're done with M4 release notes. On to M5!
Yep...we're on the next train :-) Marking Verified.
Moving all Apprunner bugs past and present to Other component temporarily whilst don and I set correct component. Apprunner component will be deleted/retired shortly.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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