Closed Bug 50380 Opened 25 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Proxy: Option to set all servers to the same hostname


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: svassall, Assigned: jerry.tan)



(Whiteboard: (py8ieh:drive))


(3 files, 6 obsolete files)

Build 2000082513 (Linux) A really useful feature which IE has but moz doesn't currently is an option to allow all proxies to be set to the same server. Currently in moz you have to fill all the boxes out (HTTP, FTP, SSL) when normally there just the same server.
a checkbox for "use the same proxy server for all protocols"? Is that what you're talking about. Over to Networking.
Assignee: matt → gagan
Component: Preferences → Networking
Ever confirmed: true
QA Contact: sairuh → tever
Yes Asa, that's exactly what I mean! (Like IE!)
Severity: normal → enhancement
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
*** Bug 60612 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
How is it that this belongs to networking? Shouldn't this be resolved by the implementation of the preferences dialog?
-> preferences
Component: Networking → Preferences
Assignee: gagan → neeti
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Any chance of seeing this fixed soon? (Sorry for sounding so demanding!) Using Mozilla over my college network, I have to re-enter all proxy settings quite frequently - everytime I download a new build, and often with my initial login to the network. With IE, I only have to do this once and click the select box. With moz, I have to cut,copy and paste five or six times. Its an irritant that crops up frequently for a user such as myself, and surely should be quite simple to fix before 1.0?
Blocks: advocacybugs
Summary: FEATURE: Option to set all proxies to the same URL → [RFE] Option to set all proxies to the same URL
*** Bug 104039 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch first try at a patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This is a first shot at adding this feature to moz. It's is my first patch ever, made with patchmaker on a cvs build. I've tried to keep to obvious code convention, but I'm sure it can't be right first time. I'm more than willing to do the work to get this small thing into mozilla. David Illsley
QA Contact: tever → benc
Summary: [RFE] Option to set all proxies to the same URL → [RFE] Proxy: Option to set all servers to the same hostname
Hi, I appreciate that currently there's the big push to get 1.0 out the door and so this is low priority - its not my hihest priority either with exams approaching, but I'd really like to get this on the trunk if its appropriate. It currently hasn't had any review, or even UI design - I just copied MS IE, not necesarily a good thing. I've read the relevant docs and they seem to suggest asking for review etc in the bug. So here goes... can I get attachment 80378 [details] [diff] [review] reviewed... There's a screenshot of the panel once applied at so you can see what the UI looks like. Thanks, David
Keywords: patch, review
Target Milestone: Future → ---
David: For the UI, could you attach a screenshot? That will give our UI people a chance to comment.
Screenshot per request
First, it would be best if this was a push button, which changed all non-HTTP fields but didn't disable them, rather than a checkbox. Reason being that if you use the same proxy for most protocols but need specific settings for one or two, a checkbox would be useless but a button would still be helpful. | | Colors & Effects| | ( ) _Manual proxy configuration | | | Helper Programs | | _HTTP: [ ]:[ ] | | | Multimedia | | ( _Use For All Protocols ) | | | Scripts&Windows | | _FTP: [ ]:[ ] | | | Privacy | | _Gopher: [ ]:[ ] | | | History & Cache | | SS_L: [ ]:[ ] | | | Web Forms | | _SOCKS: [ ]:[ ] | | | Appearance | | SOCKS _version: (*) v4 ( ) v5 | Second, if you want this patch to be checked in, you *must* remove the group box which surrounds the entire panel. It's silly to begin with, and if you don't remove it the panel will no longer fit in the dialog in the Mac Classic theme. Third, while you're hacking this panel, it would be nice if you could move the automatic proxy configuration stuff above the manual proxy configuration stuff. This is because in a radio group, it's best if the gaps between the radio buttons are as similar as possible. But you don't have to do that as part of this bug. Thanks for working on this.
Attached patch new patch per mpt's UI design (obsolete) — Splinter Review
New patch which changes to using a button to copy the settings to the other fields, moves the pac settings above the manual ones- this does make it look better, and removes the groupbox. Will attach a screenshot asap.
Attachment #80378 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image Screenshot using patch v2 (obsolete) —
Screenshot using patch v2. Forgot to mention before. This patch is so much bigger because removal of the groupbox changed the indenting for 90% of the file. What do you think of now?
depending on the behavior of no proxy for, i'd almost like to have a <hr> for it.
"No proxy for" is attached to the manual configuration, and thus gets disabled when selecting "no proxy" or "automatic configuration". Why can't I specify sites that should not use proxy, even if I'm using automatic proxy configuration ? that makes no sense. My proposal is: move it a bit down, and slap on a <hr>, or put it in a <fieldset>, and make it enabled in Automatic and Manual state, and disabled in "No proxy" state.
Currently no proxy for is only concerned with manual settings - as such, adding an hr seems unnecessary as it should live with the rest of the manual settings. Its also very clear with automatic selected that no proxy for doesn't work as is is disabled. As for changing it so you can override the pac file, that is very much a backend issue which doesn't at the moment work, and this was to be a simple UI patch to make the panel a bit more useable. I don't have the knowledge or the time to make backend changes to support this. David
Adding no proxy to pac is probably a bad idea. No proxy is easily (and more robustly) configured in a PAC file, so adding code to do it again would be counter-intuitive.
benc: proxy configurations in networks are often served from special servers and automatically updated. it wouldn't be inconceivable for individual users to need to add a few no proxy for entries that their admin didn't specify. however it would be disastrous for them to modify the js file because when the proxy setting changes, they're stuck.
timless: lets move this to a new bug so I can use my newly-delegated authority in PAC and future it. This is a remote admin feature. You don't get to ammend the network policy. I'll give examples of other bad features that sound like this if you create the bug. :) re patch: I think the general world would be reluctant to re-order the mode selections. Can you draw a box around each mode or get the UE people to help here?
Here's a patch which removes the groupbox (required for this to work according to mpt), adds a Use for all protocols button and doesn't reorder the elements. I can't see a way of putting a box around which doesn't look stupid so that's not there. It'd be nice if this could be put in in some form as a useability improvement. For people who regularly change proxies this is going to be useful and popular. For what its worth I prefer patch attachment 83491 [details] [diff] [review] but its entirely up to the experts. David
To increase the usability, we need to know what the real issues are. After having to test two releases on 4 platforms (yes, that's functional testing of 8 proxy pref panes), I think the two bigest items are: 1- Easier data entry for manual (this bug addressed that directly). 2- Better support for PAC URLs (longer display line, maybe a PAC history stored in a menu. 3- Possible deletion of the "reload" button, which may occur everytime you close prefs. If you are interested in making these (or other changes), lets create a new bug that is a "post mozilla 1.0" bug for discussion. Existing bugs should be focused on specific problems <-> solutions.
Whiteboard: (py8ieh:drive)
Assignee: neeti → illsleydc
neeti: thanks, I think :-) benc: there is a patch here (attachment 84346 [details] [diff] [review]) which addresses your point 1 which is what this bug is about. It meets the UI spec from mpt without reordering the elements or otherwise screwing up the layout. I'm using it at the moment on linux and it seems to work. Where do I go from here? Who is the yay/nay contact? As for 2,3 I agree, but definately a different bug. Thanks, David
Keywords: mozilla1.0.1
*** Bug 153063 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 157739 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Well the distinct lack of a coherent decision making process means that I dropped this a couple of months ago - I also no longer use a proxy :-). The patches are here and probably still work so anyone else is more than welcome to try and drive this through David Assigning to
Assignee: illsleydc → nobody
+nsbeta1 neeti: this bug was up for review, and it is a good incremental improvement in our proxy configs. What is the next step?
Keywords: nsbeta1
cc neeti (see comment #30)
Summary: [RFE] Proxy: Option to set all servers to the same hostname → Proxy: Option to set all servers to the same hostname
*** Bug 177275 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
adt: nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
*** Bug 224037 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
what is the status of this bug? from my personal view, I like the screenshot of
I like attachment 84348 [details] alot better. See comment #13 for reasons. Anyway.. nobody is working on this at the moment. See comment #29.
I take it
Assignee: nobody → jerry.tan
Attachment #83498 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #83491 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
based on patch 84346
Attachment #84346 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 135236 [details] [diff] [review] patch neil, can you review it?
Attachment #135236 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 135236 [details] [diff] [review] patch >+ <spacer /> Nit: this is XML, you don't need a space before / >+ <hbox align="center"> >+ <button id="reuseProxy" label="&reuseProxy.label;" accesskey="&reuseProxy.accesskey;" oncommand="DoProxyCopy();" >+ flex="0"/> You don't need flex="0" >+ <spacer flex="1"/> You don't need this spacer >+ var http = document.getElementById("networkProxyHTTP"); >+ var ftp = document.getElementById("networkProxyFTP"); >+ var gopher = document.getElementById("networkProxyGopher"); >+ var socks = document.getElementById("networkProxySOCKS"); >+ var ssl = document.getElementById("networkProxySSL"); >+ var hostnames = [ ssl, ftp, gopher, socks ]; >+ if (http.value) This if should go before the variables. >+ for (var i=0;i<hostnames.length;i++) Nit: Spaces around = and < operators and after ; >+ if (!hostnames[i].value) I think you should always overwrite. >+ var portNums = [ sslPort, ftpPort, gopherPort, socksPort ]; The socks port should not be the same as any other port. >+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.label "Use For All Protocols"> Hmmm... "Copy to all protocols", perhaps?
Attachment #135236 - Flags: review?( → review-
Attached patch patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
thanks for neil's review. I modified the patch according to neil's suggestion. in js, I skip copy to socks, since socks proxy setting is quite different from other proxy settings. I still keep one spacer to locate the button correctly. I saw many usage of spacer in mozilla. neil, can you review it again?
Attachment #135236 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #135877 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 135877 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 Better, but still not quite right... >+ <spacer/> Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean for you to delete this, I'm glad you figured it out. >+ <button id="reuseProxy" label="&reuseProxy.label;" accesskey="&reuseProxy.accesskey;" oncommand="DoProxyCopy();" /> I think you should disable the button if the proxy setting isn't manual. >+ if (http.value && httpPort.value) { The thing is, the value defaults to "0" - you need to use && parseInt(httpPort.value) to make sure the value is valid before you copy it. >+ var hostNames = [ ssl, ftp, gopher ]; >+ var portNums = [ sslPort, ftpPort, gopherPort ]; >+ for (var i = 0; i < portNums.length; i++) { >+ portNums[i].value = httpPort.value; >+ hostNames[i].value = http.value; >+ } This is hardly worth a loop, you might as well copy each item manually. Alternatively, put the document.getElementById into the loop, so that your arrays only contain the elemnent id strings, and also declare them const. You might also want to copy httpPort.value and http.value to temporary variables. >+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.label "Copy to all protocols except socks"> Use these settings for SSL, FTP and Gopher >+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.accesskey "c"> Make sure your access key matches the letter you want to underline. This actually underlined the "c" of protocols.
Attachment #135877 - Flags: review?( → review-
Attached patch patch v3Splinter Review
a updated version.
Attachment #135877 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #135971 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 135971 [details] [diff] [review] patch v3 >+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.label "Use these settings for SSL, FTP and Gopher"> >+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.accesskey "e"> r=me, although I'd prefer to use U here.
Attachment #135971 - Flags: review?( → review+
> Use these settings for SSL, FTP and Gopher Given the position of the button, I think 'Use HTTP settings for SSL, FTP and Gopher' would be less ambiguous.
Attachment #135971 - Flags: superreview?(bryner)
Attachment #135971 - Flags: superreview?(bryner) → superreview+
check in on 12/23, fixed.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 233704 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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