Bug 58417
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 24 years ago
Unable to Encrypt Sensitive Info.
(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect, P1)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: skasinathan, Assigned: javi)
(Keywords: hang, platform-parity, regression, Whiteboard: [rtm-] relnote-user)
1. One on the mail basic functionality test is to encrypt the stored mail
passwords. Goto Tasks | Privacy and Security | Password Manager | Encrypt
Sensitive info. After you select this, no window pops up. It FREEZES the
Platform and build:
2000-10-28-09-MN6 on Linux and Mac. Hoping the same on Windows (no windows build
to test).
PS: Please change the component, if you think so.
COnsole window displays the foll.
Document loaded successfully
we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me
Setting content window
*** Pulling out the charset
in SetSecurityButton
Comment 3•24 years ago
I just tried this on a windows mozilla branch build and it works-for-me. Will
try it on a windows commercial branch build in a few moments (after my build
I started with a fresh profile which means that there was no data to encrypt.
That is what the above steps implied.
Comment 4•24 years ago
I just tried it on a commercial branch build and again it works-for-me. I also
tried it after first saving some single-signon data. In that case I got the
dialog asking me to create a master password (no such dialog appears when there
is no data to encyrpt).
Morse, I tried again using the same Linux branch commercial build
(2000-10-28-09-MN6). I tried couple of ways.
I. a) Created a new profile. Created a new IMAP account and checked save
password in the password dialog.
b) I quit the app, launch again using the same profile. Tried to encrypt the
saved password. NO, it doesn't bring up the master password (Private key)
dialog. I should get this dialog, right? and it freezes the browser.
II. a) Same steps as above, but didn't quit the app in step b.
The only difference I see is that you tried on Windows and I tried on Linux and
Comment 6•24 years ago
suresh, could you try this on windows and see what you get?
Morse, YES! It works fine on Windows. I can see the Master PAssword dialog.
Builds tested: 2000102916MN6 windows branch commercial build on Win NT 4.0.
Comment 8•24 years ago
SingleSignon, I think. Please reassign if I'm wrong.
Assignee: mstoltz → morse
Component: Security: General → Single Signon
QA Contact: czhang → tpreston
Comment 9•24 years ago
Sounds like this is WORKSFORME.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•24 years ago
Mitchell Stoltz, This DOESN'T workforme. I said it works fine only in Windows.
It doesn't work on linux and Mac.
Component: Single Signon → Security: General
QA Contact: tpreston → czhang
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Comment 11•24 years ago
It is waaaaay to late to be finding this. It's marked "regression" -- when was
the last time it worked? Maybe we can find the guilty check-in.
Suresh: how did you install the Mac and Linux builds. If you use the tarballs
instead of the the installers it is possible you did not get PSM. Do secure
sites work for you? Even if no PSM you shouldn't hang, of course.
Whiteboard: [rtm need info]
Reporter | ||
Comment 12•24 years ago
dveditz, I marked this as "regression" because I know for sure that this use to
work before. It was working on 10/16 Linux build (Not sure about mac, but I do
know that Mac brings up an empty dialog before. bug 57081).
I did a Full Install(using the installer) on linux. I downloaded the tarball
(netscape*.sea.bin) on Mac.
Yes, PSM works fine on both Mac and Linux.
Reporter | ||
Comment 13•24 years ago
*** Bug 57081 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reporter | ||
Comment 14•24 years ago
Just to reiterate, This problem occurs only on Linux and Mac. It works fine on
Morse, did you get a chance to look at this problem on Linux/Mac? Thanks!
Comment 15•24 years ago
I'm confused by Suresh's comment on on 10/30 about bug 57081. I believe that
bug was fixed on Friday the 27th. Can you verify what the problem is on the mac
I'm copying Pavlov to try to get additional input on the Linux situation for
this bug ('cause he hates when Linux lags behind windows!)
Can we have an update for the two platforms (Mac and Linux)?
Comment 16•24 years ago
OK, I'm able to reproduce this on linux. And I agree -- this is quite
serious. When did this regression start?
We are hung inside of cartman. Here's a stack trace at the time of the hang:
#0 0x4038258b in __sigsuspend (set=0xbefffbe4)
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigsuspend.c:48
#1 0x402d1211 in __pthread_lock (lock=0x83fbf94, self=0xbefffe60)
at restart.h:32
#2 0x402ce99a in __pthread_mutex_lock (mutex=0x83fbf84) at mutex.c:84
#3 0x402ababb in PR_Lock (lock=0x83fbf84) at ptsynch.c:167
#4 0x402ac8ac in PR_EnterMonitor (mon=0x83fbf80) at ptsynch.c:492
#5 0x4224c93b in nsPSMMutexLock (p=0x4227ce18) at nsPSMMutex.c:56
#6 0x41df2b76 in CMT_ProcessEvent (cm_control=0x84f1638) at cmtevent.c:232
#7 0x41df2c59 in CMT_EventLoop (cm_control=0x84f1638) at cmtevent.c:262
#8 0x42251801 in CARTMAN_UIEventLoop (data=0x84f1638)
at nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp:206
#9 0x402b39fb in _pt_root (arg=0x84f1810) at ptthread.c:198
#10 0x402cdeca in pthread_start_thread (arg=0xbefffe60) at manager.c:213
Assignee: morse → ddrinan
Reporter | ||
Comment 17•24 years ago
Thanks Morse for looking into the problem!!
Jar, let me clear your confusion. The bug 57081 is a Mac only bug. It was
reported using 10/16 build. Using this build on Mac when you launch Single
signon window, the window is EMPTY. There was nothing inside the window. Javi
attached a patch to that bug, but I'm not sure whether it was checked into the
tree. Looking at the bug activity marked that bug as fixed
and verified. Yesterday I reopened that bug coz we are still seeing the problem
on Mac and Linux (Note that Mac doen't even brings up the empty window).
I marked bug 57081 as a dup of this one as per discussion with Lisa and Esther
yesterday! Hope this clears things up!
Comment 18•24 years ago
Adding nitinp to the cc-list.
Comment 19•24 years ago
QA > junruh
Component: Security: General → Security: Crypto
QA Contact: czhang → junruh
Comment 20•24 years ago
I am able to reproduce it with the 20001030 branch build of linux. It was
working before , must have crept in sometime. Today's build are useless so will
try to reproduce the bug tomorrow or whenever a working build is available
Comment 21•24 years ago
so in the morning I thought I will try and trace the beginning of this supposed
bug. I could find only 2000-10-26-09-MN6 as the earliest branch build. I
installed that build on linux. The encript sensitive data works fine. I tried
all combinations possible.
Changed edit|preferences , Obscured data and then encrypted data.
Then I jumped onto the 2000-10-30-09-MN6. In fact I deleted the dirs in .mozilla
to start over again. So I migrated the nova profile again and setup new db
password and everything works fine. I haven't tested on the 2000-10-31 builds
since they had some test stopper bugs in them. I will try again with today's
branch builds.
But in short it WORKSFORME.
Reporter | ||
Comment 22•24 years ago
nitinp, I didn't understand your previous two comments.
Your comment on 2000-10-31 16:20 says "I am able to reproduce it with the
20001030 branch build of linux."
Your comment on 2000-11-01 09:11 says "Then I jumped onto the 2000-10-30-09-MN6.
In fact I deleted the dirs in .mozilla
to start over again. So I migrated the nova profile again and setup new db
password and everything works fine."
Does the builds you are referring in the above comments refer to the same build?
If yes, you are saying that you were able to reproduce yesterday but not today.
Am I missing something here? Thanks!!
Comment 23•24 years ago
I did reproduce it for the 20001030 branch build. But that was with an old
profile. But then today I removed all the files in .mozilla and restarted
netscape6 which migrated my nova profile and since then I cannot reproduce the
bug. In fact I just installed the 2000-10-31-14-MN6 and tried to reproduce the
bug , but cannot reproduce it.
Comment 24•24 years ago
Based on preceding comment, I deleted all my old profiles and removed everything
from the .mozilla directory. Then tried this test again and I am still able to
reproduce the problem.
Comment 25•24 years ago
which build are you testing?
Comment 26•24 years ago
Using the latest MN6 builds from 10/31.
Still reproducible on Mac and linux. Win98 and WinNT is OK.
Just create a new profile, enter your name and password at, save
it, then immediately encrypt the data.
To setup new profiles:
For Linux, type ./netscape -ProfileManager (./netscape -h for help)
For Mac, drag the file Netscape Profile Manager onto the Netscape 6 file.
Assignee | ||
Comment 27•24 years ago
Is a workaround acceptable?
My hunch is that if you got to
Tasks->Privacy and Security->Password Manager->Change Personal Security Password
and set the Personal Security Password first. Then setting the option to
encrypt should "just work(TM)."
Comment 28•24 years ago
but does this happen only if the password is not set or it happens even if the
password is set.
The fact that a new profile is being created means you have a new db. But I
tested it after I set the password from the security advisor. I assumed that the
password is already set.
So suresh - when you created a new profile did activate SDR from the prefs
dialog? or you went to IMAP account ,clicked OK on the big box and tried to
encrypt it.
The bug then will be that the new password window does not come up and freezes
the browser when trying to encrypt sensitive data , because it works for a new
profile with a password set for the profile.
Reporter | ||
Comment 29•24 years ago
nitinp, I removed .mozilla, created a new profile, created a imap account and
while logging in I checked the box to remember password. Then tried to encrypt
the password. Hangs.
And also tried using 2000-11-01-09-MN6 build. Same result (Hangs).
Comment 30•24 years ago
without setting up the password the new profile does freeze up when I try to
encrypt a data I just saved. When I restart netscape6 with that profile and set
the password from the tasks|privacy and security|password manager|personal
security password it works fine after that.
Reporter | ||
Comment 31•24 years ago
|| any new updates on this bug? Thanks!
Comment 32•24 years ago
Here is a mac stack trace
(CurStackBase does not seem to apply...dumping 4K.)
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller
09BEC3C4 PPC 00690070
09BEC326 PPC 0068FFFC
09BEC1EC 68K 0000000A
09BEC014 PPC 00690070
09BEBD5C PPC 1AC2E010 PR_GetThreadPrivate+004F4
09BEBCA6 68K 03280346
09BEBBD8 09BEBBD0 PPC 1AC2FAA8 PRP_TryLock+00994
09BEBB86 68K 09C5FFFE
09BEBB78 09BEBB70 PPC 1AC2DFF4 PR_GetThreadPrivate+004D8
09BEBB28 09BEBB20 PPC 1AC34644 PR_GetPrimaryThread+002A0
09BEBB18 09BEBB10 PPC 1AC2E4A0 _PR_GetPrimordialCPU+0045C
09BEBAE8 68K FFD61FDA WaitNextEvent+0002A
09BEBA68 09BEBA60 PPC 1AC3518C PR_LocalTimeParameters+0019C
09BEBA34 09BEBA30 68K 0007189E
09BEB9C8 PPC 0036F11C EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014
09BEB978 09BEB970 PPC 001E79E4 MPSecondaryInitializeAPI+001EC
09BEB93E 68K 092C092A
09BEB938 09BEB930 PPC 001E97FC MPGetPoolStatistics+002A4
09BEB928 09BEB920 PPC 00952A98
09BEB850 09BEB84C 68K 002E119C 'scod BFAF 0002'+01EEC
09BEB840 09BEB83C 68K 002E5566 'scod BFAF 0002'+062B6
09BEB830 09BEB82C 68K 002F0D88 'scod BFAF 0002'+11AD8
09BEB80C 68K 002F0E2C 'scod BFAF 0002'+11B7C
09BEB808 PPC 0036F11C EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014
09BEB7E8 09BEB7E4 68K 002E558E 'scod BFAF 0002'+062DE
09BEB7C8 09BEB7C0 PPC 001E7A60 MPSecondaryInitializeAPI+00268
09BEB7A0 68K 002F2B56 'scod BFAF 0002'+138A6
09BEB790 09BEB78C 68K FFC416A2 _LoadScrap+00E10
09BEB788 09BEB780 PPC 001E97FC MPGetPoolStatistics+002A4
09BEB778 09BEB770 PPC 00951684
09BEB756 68K 038FFFFE
09BEB750 68K 002E119C 'scod BFAF 0002'+01EEC
09BEB6F8 09BEB6F0 PPC 1C8229B4 InitFloatingWindows+00A18
09BEB6C8 09BEB6C0 PPC 1C822924 InitFloatingWindows+00988
09BEB6A0 68K 002F2B56 'scod BFAF 0002'+138A6
09BEB690 09BEB68C 68K 0077D2A6
09BEB688 PPC 1C816998 DeactivateFloatingWindows+001C8
09BEB650 09BEB64C 68K 005358D4
09BEB63E 09BEB63A 68K 002E1220 'scod BFAF 0002'+01F70
09BEB62E 68K 0042E29E
09BEB618 68K FFC41782 _LoadScrap+00EF0
09BEB5E6 09BEB5E2 68K 002EA036 'scod BFAF 0002'+0AD86
09BEB5BE 09BEB5BA 68K 002EA606 'scod BFAF 0002'+0B356
09BEB580 09BEB57C 68K 002F0A8E 'scod BFAF 0002'+117DE
09BEB56C 09BEB568 68K 002F097C 'scod BFAF 0002'+116CC
09BEB54E 68K 002F0886 'scod BFAF 0002'+115D6
09BEB54A 68K 00420960
Comment 33•24 years ago
I'm getting progressively more desperate... we really need some traction on this
from the Mac or Unix folks.
On the Mac, the best helpers should probably be Gordon or Patrick.
I'm not sure who on Unix should step forward... but I see no progress, and this
may either be a ship stopper, or a major problem at a minimum.
It appears there is a deadlock on the two platforms. That may be a hint that we
are calling into PSM twice, and each call is trying to hold some locks (but I am
guessing with no basis in fact, never having looked at the code :-( ).
Steve: Do you understand the general area of the code enough to *assure* that we
aren't making two parallel calls into PSM?
Comment 34•24 years ago
I suspect that this is yet another occurance of the SDR/PSM/UI deadlock that we
keep seeing and fixing. Let me try to explain the sequence of events that occurs:
1. The password manager code calls the SDR encrypt function in the psm-glue
layer. This is a synchronous call, it doesn't return until the encrypted data
is created (or an error occurs).
2. The psm-glue sends the request to PSM. It then waits for the response. The
response can be delivered as the first return packet, or there can be one or
more packets that are *events* that need to be handled.
3. PSM processes the encryption request. In the problem case, it discovers that
a password needs to be set on the key database before progress can be made. It
sends a UI request back to the application (psm-glue). It then waits for the
4. The code in psm-glue reads the UI request. Here there may be some variation:
either the original request thread (Mozilla thread?) or a special event thread
may pick up the response. I don't think it matters. The handling thread calls
various Mozilla APIs to find a window, create a new window and feed it a URL to
use for fetching the data to display. Buttons on the new UI window cause the
result to be sent back to PSM and the whole thing unwinds (if it's working!)
The problem: apparently displaying the new UI usually depends on the Mozilla
(main?) thread being able to process operations. However in this case it is
blocked in the psm-glue component waiting for a response from the SDR encrypt.
The result is typically an empty frame w/ NO content (this is for Windows).
Solution:The way we fixed this (several times) is to make the new UI window
"modal". This seems to be a way to force the current thread to do event
processing, and allows the contents of the window to be displayed correctly.
This solution has been removed occasionally by people who didn't understand the
sensitivity of this code path.
I discussed this solution with several people back in May 2000. I was worried
at that time that it seemed to be a "kludge", but I got general agreement that
it would work, and it does solve the problem. In the future, we need to outline
a better architecture for this sort of flow (it apply to more than just PSM)
There's the info: it may be that modal handling on Linux and Mac does not work
any more, or something else could be wrong :)
Comment 35•24 years ago
To understand better what is happening, I instrumented the win32 build to see
when the locks are getting set and unset. Here are the locks that I observed,
starting from the time that the tasks->privacy->password-manager->encrypt menu
item is selected:
1. LOCK called from:
2. UNLOCK for 1 above
3. LOCK called from:
4. LOCK called from:
KERNEL32! 77f04f3e()
5. UNLOCK for 3 above
6. LOCK called for:
7. UNLOCK for 6 above
8. LOCK called for:
and then the PSM screen for entering the "Personal Security Password" appears.
Now comparing this to the stack trace that I reported earlier for linux, it's
clear that the hang is occuring at step 4 -- in the cartman UI event loop. At
this time the lock has been set from cartman's PassAllPrefs (step 3) and not yet
released (it will be released in step 5). The fact that the lock is already set
doesn't bother windows but it does block linux.
Comment 36•24 years ago
Had a mid-air collision with thayes' comment above. I think we are saying the
same thing but I'm not sure.
Comment 37•24 years ago
Terry, please attach the solution that you referred (or cite a reference to it)
so I can try it out and see if it solves the current problem.
Comment 38•24 years ago
The linux psm is no longer modal.We removed the modal behavior for PR3 because
there was a bug which hd rendered the Security Advisor useless. Making it
non-modal solved the problem. In fact we were sceptic that this may create
problems for SDR. Looks like it did.
john- is the mac psm modal to netscape6 ?
Comment 39•24 years ago
Nope. I can close the main window, and leave PSM still running.
Comment 40•24 years ago
So, what patch must be applied to make the dialog modal again on Mac & Linux?
Comment 41•24 years ago
Since window modality is being brought into this fray... I'm adding DanM to the
CC list. It does sound like we're closing in.
Nintip: Do you have a reference to the exact bug being repaired, or the exact
patch (or even file) that was changed in the PR3 "repair?"
Comment 42•24 years ago
jar: the bug no is 46253. it was verified on 10/19. So I correct myself , it was
not fixed for PR3 , but was a post PR3 fix.
javi: I could not see the patch for this on the bug report.
Comment 43•24 years ago
So let me ask a dumb question. If I'm understanding Terry's comment, the
sequence of events is as follows:
1. PSM-glue receives an encryption request
2. PSM-glue passes that request on to PSM
3. PSM sets a lock before continuing with the encryption
4. PSM determines that user never set password so it does a callback to PSM-glue
5. PSM-glue sets a lock and then puts up the UI for collecting a password
So suppose that PSM-glue tests for the presence of a password first. If there
is none, then PSM-glue puts up theUI to collect the password. After that
completes, it passes the encryption request on to PSM.
Comment 44•24 years ago
The deadlock is not on any lock in the PSM/psm-glue code. The deadlock is
caused by having the main thread wait for UI to be displayed and processed,
which depends on the main thread for those services. Using modal windows breaks
this dependency by allowing a second thread to process UI, or allowing the main
thread to do the UI stuff immediately (depending on which thread invokes the UI)
Testing whether a password is required is not currently available, and would
require changes to PSM and the PSM protocol (I think). Even if it could be
done, the same issue occurs. The main thread must put up UI (in psm-glue) to
ask for the password values. This must block waiting for the response, which
leads to the original deadlock. The solution (again) is to make the UI modal.
Comment 45•24 years ago
making the UI modal , might render the Security Advisor useless. please conisder
that while coming up with a solution.
Comment 46•24 years ago
Here's a comment from danm that appears in bug 46253.
I think we need to make the security window nonmodal, or stop opening
nonmodal browser windows on top of it. Is there any chance that can
be the solution to this bug?
So making the UI modal involves making two windows modal. The problem before
was that only one of the UI windows were modal. Is that correct?
Assignee | ||
Comment 47•24 years ago
Terry is right. I'm 90% certain that if we add the modal flag back to
psm-glue's handler for UI events, this problem goes away.
But in doing so, we will probably break Security Advisor and SSL dialogs along
the way.
Comment 48•24 years ago
After swimming through the linkage of chained bug reports starting from 46253, I
think I might have found the patch that caused this problem. It's in bug 54860.
I'm going to try backing this out to see if that was the culprit.
Comment 49•24 years ago
It was almost certainly bug 54860 that caused the problem.
Modal windows have a lot of disadvantages. The one I was referring to just
above is the one where they hog the UI. You have to be careful what you do next
while you have a modal window up. The security UI is full of links that open
nonmodal browser windows, which argues for making it nonmodal.
The one good feature of modal windows is that they know how to unstall I/O
processing. I suppose it's no coincidence that this bug isn't a problem only on
Windows, and that it's only on Windows that the PSM UI is modal, since Oct 16?
You could leave the window nonmodal and try the same trick modal windows use to
unstall I/O (push/pop a new event queue), if there's a good place to do that.
Or I could implement that thing I was going to try in bug 56677, forcing new
windows spawned from modal ones to be modal themselves, regardless of whether
they were specified modal. Then you could make the PSM UI modal again on all
platforms, without the consequent UI problems it was causing. Though that does
open up an interesting open potential for the user to keep stacking modal windows
up until -- I think if they get 50 deep they'll stall your car.
Comment 50•24 years ago
Javier is working on a fix for this, so I'm re-assigning to him.
Assignee: ddrinan → javi
Comment 51•24 years ago
Dan's proposal for bug 56677 would be exactly the right thing. The security
advisor would open modal windows if it could, but the Javascript open() call
doesn't let it (because of security concerns?). Making windows opened by modal
windows also be modal would solve this problem
Dan also identifies the key advantage of modal windows that we are using - event
processing. While we could work around this ourselves in the psm-glue layer by
push/pop of a new event queue, I'd rather leave such details to other parts of
the code. Currently we do this by specifying "modal" in the window options. If
there was another option that provided this benefit without other "bad" features
of modal windows (if there are any) then we would use that.
Our propose patch (in the works) is a "fix-the-symptom" workaround. It isn't
the correct solution, and if implemented needs to be replaced ASAP with a real
fix. The 56677 patch is such a fix. I vote for doing it now.
Comment 52•24 years ago
There's a patch attached to bug 56677 that might help. Though I don't see it
making it into the branch. It doesn't seem to be quite perfect -- see the notes
in that bug. But it will probably solve your problem here by allowing you to make
the PSM UI window modal on all platforms again.
Yeesh. Sorry I've been pushing to make that window unmodal. I wasn't expecting
its modality to actually be a benefit.
Assignee | ||
Comment 53•24 years ago
I did some work adding the modal flag back to the window->Open call, and that
didn't seem to work.
If someone has a Linux tree they can reliably work with, try reverting
mozilla/extensions/psm-glue/src/nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp to -r 1.23, and see if that
fixes this for them.
I'll keep working independently to see if I can fix this.
Comment 54•24 years ago
Javi: We are really running out of time here... so any comments need to be
focused on specific folks. This bug won't get fixed without such pressure at
this point.
Danm: Can you test the patch you suggested against linux, and report evil side
effects (if any)? If problematic, can you also try Javi's suggestion:
"try reverting mozilla/extensions/psm-glue/src/nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp to -r
Beard: Can you test the above two items against Mac and report any problems?
Thanks in advance to all participants in this activity,
Assignee | ||
Comment 55•24 years ago
Bottom line: What I thought would fix this, didn't work. I'm back to square one
in terms of investiagting what went wrong. :(
Comment 56•24 years ago
Hmm. I've had better luck. On my Linux build, reverting nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp
keeps "Encrypt Sensitive Info" from hanging the browser -- I suddenly start
getting the "pick your password" window. And further, with my patch from bug
56677 included in the mix, windows opened from it seem OK and modal (except for
parts of the UI, and I think I know what's wrong there too, now.) I think this
will work.
Comment 57•24 years ago
There's a better patch in bug 56677 now, so I can amend my comment above to state
simply that the combination of these two changes is, as near as I can tell,
working. At least on Linux.
Comment 58•24 years ago
Javi: So Danm says you should be done... Does this work on Mac as well? If so,
can you get this reviewed and approved asap? ...or can you list the problems?
Assignee | ||
Comment 59•24 years ago
For danm, I would add one more test (unfortunately, you have to be inside the
Netscape firewall to get to this site).
On Linux, goto
You should see a dialog pop up warning you that the site isn't trusted (it's
cert was issued by a test CA) and that the names don't match (the cert was
issued for If you are able to click through this dialog and
children window of the security advisor can still receive mouse clicks, then I
say this fix is good. (Linux and Mac were the 2 platforms most susceptible to
this problem.)
Comment 60•24 years ago
I get no response from with either Mozilla or
Navigator 4.7 (both spin for a bit and shrug; Navigator kindly tells me the
document contained no data.)
More notes: fess up time; I've been testing this on the trunk. With the above
changes in my Linux Mozilla trunk build, attempting to "encrypt sensitive
information" seems to work. (I get the "pick a password dialog," anyway. After 15
seconds' wait.) With those same changes in my Linux RTM branch Netscape
commercial build, I don't get the dialog; it just goes straight to the "Unable to
convert stored data" alert, as if I had seen the dialog and cancelled.
Has this stuff by any chance been disconnected in the RTM branch because of
this bug?
Comment 61•24 years ago
Using build 2000-05-23 on mac and linux the work around works: Here is what I
did to test the work around:
Create a new profile, Select Change Personal SecurityPassword (even though you
don't have a PS password to change), you will get a window for entering a NEW PS
password. Give the password and close.
Add a new mail account and check the box for saving password. You will get the
Alert (as they should) that the password should be encrypted to password protect
stored information. You are told to select the Encrypt option in the menu. OK
this dialog and their mail loads.
After closing app then relaunching mail the password is obsure and still needs
to be encrypted. You can now select Encrypt from the menu without hanging the
system. The user will get the Password dialog for entering the previously
recorded encrypted password.
So yes the work around works! Basically do a Change Personal Security
Password first then chose Encrypt.
We will try on existing Profiles too.
Comment 62•24 years ago
This should be release noted. Adding relnoteRTM.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] → [rtm need info] relnote-user
Reporter | ||
Comment 63•24 years ago
..and it works fine on existing profile also. Thanks esther for testing this!!
Comment 64•24 years ago
It should be pointed out that this work-around is far from desirable. It means
that the user has to kow in advance that he is going to want to encrypt his
information. If he doesn't, and saves any information at all and then decides
later that he wants to encrypt it, he is out of luck.
Comment 65•24 years ago
rtm-, in lieu of a patch, we have to live with the workaround and release note.
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] relnote-user → [rtm-] relnote-user
Comment 66•24 years ago
Release note: "Mac and Linux. To avoid a crash before encrypting your stored
passwords for the first time (Tasks>Privacy and Security>Password
Manager>Encrypt Sensitive Information), select Tasks>Privacy and
Security>Password Manager>Change Personal Security Password and setup a new
Comment 67•24 years ago
*** Bug 60854 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 68•24 years ago
Release noted. Removing myself from list of cc's.
Comment 69•24 years ago
*** Bug 61680 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 70•24 years ago
I claim that all you need to do to fix this bug is remove the Mac-'n-Linux code
which makes the window nonmodal. Patch below. To retrofit this to the Netscape
6.0 branch, you would also want to copy the fix for bug 56677.
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/psm-glue/src/nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -r1.24 nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp
< #ifdef WIN32
< #else
< (modal && win) ? "menubar=no,height=%d,width=%d,dependent"
< #endif
< #ifdef WIN32
< if (modal && win) {
< parentWindow->OpenDialog(jsContext, argv, 3, &newWindow);
< } else {
< parentWindow->Open(jsContext, argv, 3, &newWindow);
< }
< newWindow->ResizeTo(width, height);
< #else
< #endif
Comment 71•24 years ago
Oops. I'm rescinding my claim above. Found a more complex case that misbehaves.
Javier's internal test case mentioned further above, 11-03-2000, horks under my
patch. Symptoms make it seem as if the patchwork of stalled and active event
queues created by the resulting modal window festival are to blame.
Comment 72•24 years ago
*** Bug 62036 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 74•24 years ago
What happened with the idea of sniffing the "password" token out of the URL? Is
there a patch that can go on the trunk RSN?
Comment 75•24 years ago
*** Bug 63680 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 76•24 years ago
*** Bug 63680 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee | ||
Comment 77•24 years ago
Whatever became of the work you were doing for this bug?
Comment 78•24 years ago
Uf. Haven't looked at it recently. I recall we'd decided there were scary event
processing issues standing in the way of a general solution, and so it would
probably be harmless and beneficial to hack nsPSMUICallbacks.cpp to switch on the
URL, opening this one instance of the PSM window modally on all systems, while
leaving it nonmodal for every other case (but leave it modal in all cases on
Windows). I guess we didn't decide who got to implement that, but I nominate
Javier, who knows the most about the URL situation.
This should work fine on the (Mozilla) trunk. We were also talking about doing
the same thing on the Netscape 6 branch. This won't work without the fix for bug
56677, which is currently missing from that branch. I can take care of that part
if we decide to go ahead with this. But last I heard, this little project never
made it to the approval stage.
Comment 79•24 years ago
*** Bug 64323 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 80•24 years ago
Adding keywords hang since problem is still occurring on 01-24-13-Mtest build...
Keywords: hang
Comment 81•24 years ago
I'm surprised that nobody has nominated this one for nsbeta1 yet. So I'll do so
Keywords: nsbeta1
Comment 82•24 years ago
Adding pp on the keywords since problem is only occurring on Linux & Mac 9.04
Keywords: pp
Comment 83•24 years ago
*** Bug 69049 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 84•24 years ago
We see this same problem on Solaris Sparc as well. Margaret
Comment 85•24 years ago
Is this going to be fixed for beta1?
Assignee | ||
Comment 86•24 years ago
Does this still happen w/ PSM 2?
Comment 87•24 years ago
Worksforme on Linux, Win32 and Mac.
Closed: 24 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 89•24 years ago
*** Bug 76514 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 90•24 years ago
Mass changing Security:Crypto to PSM
Component: Security: Crypto → Client Library
Product: Browser → PSM
Version: other → 2.1
Comment 91•24 years ago
Mass changing Security:Crypto to PSM
Updated•8 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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