Closed Bug 59108 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Scrollbar doesn't appear in Category pane [eg, Preferences]


(Core :: XUL, defect, P3)






(Reporter: kazhik, Assigned: janv)



(Keywords: access, regression, Whiteboard: se-radar)


(1 file)

Scrollbar doesn't appear in Category pane. (1) Open preferences dialog. (2) Click Advanced category. Debug category goes away. Scrollbar doesn't appear. (3) Click Advanced category again. Scrollbar appears.
Confirming on linux trunk build 2000110308. You have to be using the Modern skin; the classic skin shows a scrollbar just fine.
Ever confirmed: true
The Classic also has this problem in 2000110304-Mtrunk/Win98.
jrgm, is this a known/recent regression [trunk, i assume] over in xp toolkit/tree land?
I don't think we have a bug on this. I made a note to file a bug on this when I noticed it while testing the skin-switching bug Saturday night, but hadn't yet done that (so this is the bug). Not a skin-related issue: I see it in both skins for the trunk win2k 11-04 build. (But I do not see it in a branch build). -> hyatt, cc: bryner
Assignee: matt → hyatt
Component: Preferences → XP Toolkit/Widgets: Trees
QA Contact: sairuh → jrgm
*** Bug 59545 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 59886 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
jrgm: heh, thx for finding those dups. "deja vu? whaaa...?" ;)
*** Bug 60146 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 60890 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 60899 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 61090 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: mostfreq
Hardware: PC → All
what's the status on this?
*** Bug 61997 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 62213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
hi peter --i couldn't find the bug # of the scrollbar bug we were discussing --i presume fixing that would fix this one? thx!
->mozilla0.8. this is hitting a lot of people, many may not ever know there are pref panels they can't see.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.8
Whiteboard: se-radar
hm, looks like the scrollbar has returned. however, seems like another issue cropped up --see bug 63236.
scrollbar does not appear in mozilla 12/29 win2k builds.
Still happens, I can repro with build 2001010320 win32, and bug 64496 also mentions it.
*** Bug 64913 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 64850 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 65040 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: nsbeta1
Summary: Scrollbar doesn't appear in Category pane → Scrollbar doesn't appear in Category pane [eg, Preferences]
nominating for beta1.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.8 → mozilla0.9
Assignee: hyatt → bryner
Priority: P3 → P2
*** Bug 62343 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 69115 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
My guess is that the tree isn't correctly updating its height when the twisty is expanded. hyatt, any ideas?
This is still happening on 2001022808 with Modern under Linux
*** Bug 70800 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 71380 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → mozilla0.9.1
*** Bug 73366 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
FreeBSD 4.1 20010329xx (trunk) Modern theme. Happens. Also happens in 0.8.1 win32. I noted that playing around with it, closing and reopening things, eventually it started appearing, and after that would appear and disappear correctly. When did this move to 0.9.1? Given that it's a P2? This bug has been reported around 20 times, not to mention the number of times people probably didn't report it because they saw it was already known (like me).
Instead of creating a dup, I'd like to report that I'm seeing it too ... Win32 2001032904 Modern skin. I've been seeing this for a while now. Bug 63236 is probably an extension of this bug, in that most likely the Category dialog is just not calculating its size correctly for the scrollbar to work with--so when you sometimes get a scrollbar but it's not long enough (I have gotten this before as well), you're seeing the same problem.
*** Bug 74551 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Note that somebody thinks bug 63236 is a different bug ... I think it's the same ... they're talking about the scrollbar being there, but not being long enough.
*** Bug 77493 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 60533 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
*** Bug 78531 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
While we're on the subject, when you resize the Prefs window the scrollbar doesn't recalculate either.
I'm using the latest release, build ID: 2001050515 on Windows 2000 Pro SP1. When you open up the preferences, and start expanding all the trees, the scrollbar does not appear unless you collapse some of the trees and then re-expand them. Also, I don't know if this is related, but 2 of the 4 times I tried this, mozilla crashed, giving this error: mozilla.exe - application error The instruction at "0x02f55a74" referenced memory at "0xfffffff5". The memory could not be "written".
*** Bug 79824 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 80204 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 80563 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I can reproduce this on build 2001050521, on both the Linux build (linux kernel 2.4) and the win32 build (Windows NT4 SP4). Maybe that helps?
*** Bug 80864 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
WFM with the recent Linux and Win32 builds.
Blocks: 79151
This is now working for me too, surprisingly enough. Can anyone else reproduce it still?
Not fully WFM in fact... Try to expand the categories starting from the top, all the way down to Debug menu. You'll find that the scroll bar doesn't grow accordingly when you reach at around "Advanced" or "Debug" category.
Doesn't WFM either. id# 052708, Win98. Steps (using mouse only): 1. Menu Edit->Preferences 2. Appearance is already open. Open Navigator, Composer, Mail and Newsgroups, Privacy and Security. 3. Now you can't see Advanced. Click 4 times the down arrow, so that you'll see Advanced again. 4. Open Advanced. Scrollbar doesn't update accordinly!
Blocks: 65632
Wait, lets not morph the bug. The bug is about whether the scrollbar _appears_ when the list grows too long to fit in the visible area, not whether it updates correctly.
*** Bug 83132 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The bug for me: When you expand the categories starting from the top, all the way down to the Debug menu, the scroll bar doesn't appear when you reach at around "Advanced" or "Debug" category. This is reproducable for me on the 2001050515 build on both the Win32 and Linux builds Works like this for me: Open/Expand Navigator with the mouse Open/Expand Privacy Open/Expand Composer Open/Expand Mail Open/Expand Advanced Open/Expand Debug The scrollbar does not appear. But when you try it the other way around, and start expanding at the bottom instead of at the top, the scrollbar does appear at around the time you get to 'Navigator' Works like this for me: Close/Unexpand Appearence with the mouse (its expanded by default) Open/Expand Appearence Open/Expand Navigator Open/Expand Privacy Open/Expand Composer Open/Expand Mail Open/Expand Advanced Open/Expand Debug The scrollbar now does appear. Maybe this helps ?
This doesn't fit the profile for 0.9.2, but a fix might be considered for 'limbo'. -)0.9.3
Priority: P2 → P3
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
Linux CVS from the 8th: this worked again for a period, but recently (?) regressed again: The scrollbar now appears, but you as you open new categories it can't scroll far enough down - it doesn't scale to fit what's really unfolded. Bug 84963 was just filed. Dup?
*** Bug 84963 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 85571 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 85676 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Repro on Win98 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.1+) Gecko/20010613 Build: 2001061304 Steps to reproduce: 1. Select Edit->Preferences with mouse 2. Select any non-opened categories with mouse in order of appearance. 3. Scrollbar does not appear. Tied to <ahref="">52298 </a> and <ahref="">63236</a>. If appearance/length of scrollbars is driven by the length of the tree display, then this bug, 52298, and 63236 are one and the same, since it's a problem with the tree length just not getting to the scrollbar code or that code not doing the right thing with the value.
*** Bug 86804 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 87512 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 87613 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 87732 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 88203 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Still valid for 2001062815. Any chance this will get fixed ? =)
*** Bug 88495 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 89010 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Dupe of bug 52298? Also lots of dupes to that bug 63236
<warning first bug report> This is especially annoying in preferences/category because when I open so much preferences (from top to bottom) that they don't fit in the window, and then try to close the first subtree (appearance), I get an "illegal operation" error and the program crashes. Closing a subtree when the content still fits in the pane doesn't result in a crash. I'm using Mozilla 0.9.2, build 2001062815, with a custom install (ChatZilla and TalkBack agent not installed) using the modern skin, on a intel PIII 900 MHz, 192 MB Ram, with no other programs opened.
The bug you are refering to already exists : Bug #86723
*** Bug 90024 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 90119 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
I'm seeing this in 2001072303 Win98. Expand Advanced root, then expand Privacy/Security root. Scrollbar is not drawn even though it is badly needed. It seems like the scrollbar will only react to the length of a branch if it is closed and reopened. Maybe all the trees should start out expanded, and be collapsed behind the scenes (i.e., before the prefs window becomes visible)? A bug that is this visible should not exist as long as this has. Suggest assignee reconsider priority of this bug to other assigned bugs.
This bug was opened on 2000-11-04... Dont mean to nag or nuttin, but ... Is this thing *ever* gonna get fixed or what ?
*** Bug 93007 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 90023 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Persists on Linux 0.9.3 (2001080104). Steps: the same as in "------- Additional Comments From 2001-05-28 10:10 -------"
This bug occurs in any of the supplied Themes. The arrow keys DO allow you to move down the list of items in th eCategory window but DO NOT allow you to see what you are scrolling. This is a temporary solution until the bug is fixed.
My system crashed when I tried to contract an item on the Category list.. Here's a crash report generated by my computer when this occurred... ************************************************ * Quincy for Win32 Rev 2.01 * * Copyright 1995-7, Lotus Development Corp. * * All rights reserved * * Abnormal Termination Report * ************************************************ Portions Copyright (C) 1985-1993 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. Quincy has detected the following fatal exception Please report this crash to the vendor of the faulting application: App: mozilla.dbg (PID=0xB6) "" When: 8/9/2001 @ 12:34:38.551 Exception Number: 0xC0000005 (access violation) Exception Flags: 0x00000000 (continuable) Notes Build: Release 4.6.6c|January 14, 2000 State Dump for Thread ID 0xAC EAX: 0280CCB4 EBX: 0012E028 ECX: 0012DFD4 EDX: 60F07624 ESI: 0280CCB4 EDI: 00000000 EIP: 603E8CC9 ESP: 0012DF78 EBP: 0012DF84 IOPL: 0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 0038 GS: 0000 EFL: 00000206 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 603e8cb3 0023 add [ebx],ah ds:0012e028=34 603e8cb5 2530327825 and eax,0x25783230 603e8cba 3032 xor [edx],dh ds:60f07624=a9 603e8cbc 7825 js 603e8ce3 603e8cbe 3032 xor [edx],dh ds:60f07624=a9 603e8cc0 7800 js 603e8cc2 603e8cc2 0000 add [eax],al ds:0280ccb4=80 603e8cc4 0000 add [eax],al ds:0280ccb4=80 603e8cc6 0000 add [eax],al ds:0280ccb4=80 603e8cc8 5a pop edx 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0012E008 00000000 0012E008 |................| Called from 6036A0A1 (0001:000490A1 in gklayout.dbg) Base=0x60320000 RVA=0x00001000 0012DFE0 0012E008 6036A336 035A1AB0 00000000 |....6.6`..Z.....| 0012DFF0 00000000 00000000 03631F60 035A1AB0 |........`.c...Z.| 0012E000 0360F5E0 00000005 0012E0E8 6036AF79 |..`.........y.6`| Called from 6036A336 (0001:00049336 in gklayout.dbg) Base=0x60320000 RVA=0x00001000 0012E008 0012E0E8 6036AF79 035A51C0 0280CCB4 |....y.6`.QZ.....| 0012E018 035A1AB0 035B25A0 035A5200 035B25A8 |..Z..%[..RZ..%[.| 0012E028 0012E034 0000000A 00000003 0280C7DC |4...............| 0012E038 03631F60 00000003 0280CCB4 0360F5E0 |`.c...........`.| 0012E048 00000005 02865428 03631E10 00000006 |....(T....c.....| 0012E058 60D2C936 01DEF4D0 01DEF4D0 0012E0B8 |6..`............| 0012E068 00000000 01DEF4D0 60D323CC 60F0AA81 |.........#.`...`| 0012E078 035D6BC0 60EE153D 0012E0E0 035D6BC0 |.k].=..`.....k].| 0012E088 03632328 0012E0E0 0012E0E8 0012E1AC |(#c.............| 0012E098 60EE18A6 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0012F6F8 0012FFB0 7800F56A |............j..x| 0012F5E4 78033238 FFFFFFFF 0012F6D0 78001026 |82.x........&..x| 0012F5F4 6028F739 05AD4240 00000000 0360F5E0 |9.(`@B........`.| 0012F604 0012F6D0 60290F08 00000001 0012F638 |......)`....8...| 0012F614 60F3B19F 0012F63C 60F37EDC 0012F63C |...`<....~.`<...| 0012F624 00000000 6028E47A 00000000 0360F5E0 |....z.(`......`.| 0012F634 0012F910 60F3D474 00000000 0000003F |....t..`....?...| 0012F644 00000001 00000000 00000000 60F40000 |...............`| 0012F654 0012F790 0012F910 013EF808 013EF812 |..........>...>.| 0012F664 00000000 013EF812 0012F6B0 0012F7A8 |......>.........| 0012F674 0012F7B2 036353C8 0012F6D0 603304A9 |.....Sc.......3`| 0012F684 0360F5E0 602B3DC6 602B3DC6 03631E80 |..`..=+`.=+`..c.| 0012F694 00000000 0012F844 0012F910 0012F910 |....D...........| 0012F6A4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................| 0012F6B4 0012F6DC 03631E88 60F3D458 03631E88 |......c.X..`..c.| 0012F6C4 00000000 035ACE60 0012F854 602B822C |....`.Z.T...,.+`| Called from 602B822C (0001:000E722C in gkcontent.dbg) Base=0x601d0000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F6CC 0012F854 602B822C 03631F10 035A1AB0 |T...,.+`..c...Z.| 0012F6DC 0012F910 0012F82C 00000002 0012FAE4 |....,...........| 0012F6EC 0012F910 035B25A0 00000000 60F3D474 |.....%[.....t..`| 0012F6FC 00000000 0000003F 00000001 00000000 |....?...........| 0012F70C 00000000 035A0000 013EC390 00000001 |......Z...>.....| 0012F71C 00000002 60F096F6 035896F4 0012F770 |.......`..X.p...| 0012F72C 0012F770 035A5200 601ECA24 035D2C50 |p....RZ.$..`P,].| 0012F73C 601EC277 0012F770 0012F780 60E47BCA |w..`p........{.`| 0012F74C 013EC394 60F1EE41 013EC394 035A5200 |..>.A..`..>..RZ.| 0012F75C 00000000 601EC269 013EC390 035B25A0 |....i..`..>..%[.| 0012F76C 035A1AB0 035A1AB0 013EC390 0360F5E0 |..Z...Z...>...`.| 0012F77C 6033DA90 035B46B0 60F075EA 60F075EA |..3`.F[..u.`.u.`| 0012F78C 035B25A0 60F3D474 00000005 0000003F |.%[.t..`....?...| 0012F79C 00000001 00000000 00000000 006D0069 |............i.m.| 0012F7AC 00670061 00000065 60F40000 0012F8F4 |a.g.e......`....| 0012F7BC 0000003F 00000000 05AD4240 0012FB24 |?.......@B..$...| 0012F7CC 028F8974 00000000 78001DE8 7803B600 |t..........x...x| 0012F7DC 0012F820 7800CC63 00000009 7800CC4A | ...c..x....J..x| 0012F7EC 00000000 05AD4240 0012FB24 00000000 |....@B..$.......| 0012F7FC 0012F9A8 0012FB24 00801E7C 6028F739 |....$...|...9.(`| 0012F80C 05AD4240 0012FFB0 7800F56A 78033250 |@B......j..xP2.x| 0012F81C FFFFFFFF 0012F9B8 78001F5F 00000000 |........_..x....| 0012F82C 05AD4244 00000001 00000000 03631E80 |DB............c.| 0012F83C 05AD424C 0360F5E8 60F3D458 03631E80 |LB....`.X..`..c.| 0012F84C 00000000 03631E88 0012F884 603410FD |......c.......4`| Called from 602B822C (0001:000E722C in gkcontent.dbg) Base=0x601d0000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F854 0012F884 603410FD 03631E80 035A1AB0 |......4`..c...Z.| 0012F864 05AD424C 0012F82C 00000001 0012FAE4 |LB..,...........| 0012F874 0000012D 03627CD0 0012FB24 035B25A0 |-....|b.$....%[.| Called from 603410FD (0001:000200FD in gklayout.dbg) Base=0x60320000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F884 0012F89C 60341040 03627CD8 00000000 |....@.4`.|b.....| 0012F894 00000001 0012FAE4 0012F960 60286BC9 |........`....k(`| Called from 60341040 (0001:00020040 in gklayout.dbg) Base=0x60320000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F89C 0012F960 60286BC9 035B25A0 0012F910 |`....k(`.%[.....| 0012F8AC 0280CCB4 0360F5E0 00000001 0012FAE4 |......`.........| 0012F8BC 00000000 0012FB24 03627CD8 035A51C0 |....$....|b..QZ.| 0012F8CC 00000000 00000000 00000000 603413C7 |..............4`| 0012F8DC 035A5BE0 00000000 00000000 60340671 |.[Z.........q.4`| 0012F8EC 035B25A8 60F0B4DC 602575B3 035ED580 |.%[....`.u%`..^.| 0012F8FC 035AEAB0 602575BA 00000002 602572CD |..Z..u%`.....r%`| 0012F90C 602572D2 0000000A 00000147 00000078 |.r%`....G...x...| 0012F91C 0000005A 00000008 00000006 602888B6 |Z.............(`| 0012F92C 00000002 03627CD8 00000000 0363EEE4 |.....|b.......c.| 0012F93C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................| 0012F94C 00000000 00000001 0280A930 00000000 |........0.......| 0012F95C 0360F5E0 0012F9B8 60285EBC 035B25A0 |..`......^(`.%[.| Called from 60286BC9 (0001:000B5BC9 in gkcontent.dbg) Base=0x601d0000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F960 0012F9B8 60285EBC 035B25A0 035A1AB0 |.....^(`.%[...Z.| 0012F970 0012FB24 0012FAE4 0012FB24 035B25A0 |$.......$....%[.| 0012F980 00000000 027B526C 0012F9C0 60330AF3 |....lR{.......3`| 0012F990 0280CCB4 60F075EA 035B25A0 60330B15 |.....u.`.%[...3`| 0012F9A0 0012FB24 035B25A0 00000000 00000034 |$....%[.....4...| 0012F9B0 00000000 03631E88 0012F9E8 60341191 |......c.......4`| Called from 60285EBC (0001:000B4EBC in gkcontent.dbg) Base=0x601d0000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F9B8 0012F9E8 60341191 03627CD8 035A1AB0 |......4`.|b...Z.| 0012F9C8 0012FB24 0280CCB4 0012FAE4 0363EB60 |$...........`.c.| 0012F9D8 0012FB24 027B526C 035B25A4 0360F5E0 |$...lR{..%[...`.| Called from 60341191 (0001:00020191 in gklayout.dbg) Base=0x60320000 RVA=0x00001000 0012F9E8 0012FA20 60340FB6 03627CD8 0363EB60 | .....4`.|b.`.c.| 0012F9F8 00000001 0012FAE4 0363EB60 0012FB24 |........`.c.$...| 0012FA08 00000000 00000078 0000005A 027B526C |....x...Z...lR{.| 0012FA18 03627CD8 00000000 0012FA6C 60471425 |.|b.....l...%.G`| Called from 60340FB6 (0001:0001FFB6 in gklayout.dbg) Base=0x60320000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FA20 0012FA6C 60471425 035B25A0 0363EB60 |l...%.G`.%[.`.c.| 0012FA30 0012FB24 0012FAE4 00000001 0012FAB8 |$...............| 0012FA40 00000000 00000000 0012FB24 00000000 |........$.......| 0012FA50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000078 |............x...| 0012FA60 0000005A 00000000 035B25A4 0012FACC |Z........%[.....| Called from 60471425 (0001:00000425 in gkview.dbg) Base=0x60470000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FA6C 0012FACC 604773AA 00000000 0012FB24 |.....sG`....$...| 0012FA7C 0000001C 0012FAE4 00000001 0012FAB8 |................| 0012FA8C 0363EEE4 0012FB24 0363EEE0 0012FAB4 |..c.$.....c.....| 0012FA9C 60485A89 80000000 604724F6 00000000 |.ZH`.....$G`....| 0012FAAC 00000000 00002094 0000199B 00000001 |..... ..........| 0012FABC 3D888889 41700000 6047C258 0363EB60 |...=..pAX.G``.c.| Called from 604773AA (0001:000063AA in gkview.dbg) Base=0x60470000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FACC 0012FAE8 60471D74 00000078 00000006 |....t.G`x.......| 0012FADC 0012FAE4 0012FB14 00000000 0012FB0C |................| Called from 60471D74 (0001:00000D74 in gkview.dbg) Base=0x60470000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FAE8 0012FB0C 60485523 035A5BE0 00000000 |....#UH`.[Z.....| 0012FAF8 0000012D 60485569 0363EEE4 0012FB24 |-...iUH`..c.$...| 0012FB08 0012FB14 0012FBA4 60488386 00000000 |..........H`....| Called from 60485523 (0001:00004523 in gkwidget.dbg) Base=0x60480000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FB0C 0012FBA4 60488386 00000000 00000001 |......H`........| 0012FB1C 0363EEE0 00000000 0000000A 0000012D |..c.........-...| 0012FB2C 00000078 0000005A 00000008 00000006 |x...Z...........| 0012FB3C 09985D03 00000000 77E71962 004F75C0 |.]......b..w.uO.| 0012FB4C 0363EEE4 0012FB7C 00000000 00000000 |..c.|...........| 0012FB5C 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 |................| 0012FB6C 0012FD50 77F763EF 0012FB7C 00000018 |P....c.w|.......| 0012FB7C 004F0202 00000000 00060008 00000000 |..O.............| 0012FB8C 6048596D 77E712D9 00000036 00000008 |mYH`...w6.......| 0012FB9C 09985D03 00000000 0012FD50 60488751 |.]......P...Q.H`| Called from 60488386 (0001:00007386 in gkwidget.dbg) Base=0x60480000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FBA4 0012FD50 60488751 0000012D 00000000 |P...Q.H`-.......| 0012FBB4 0363EEE0 60487969 0000012D 00000000 |..c.iyH`-.......| 0012FBC4 00060008 0363EEE0 00000202 00000018 |......c.........| 0012FBD4 004F92C8 00000020 001E0218 02010001 |..O. ...........| 0012FBE4 6048596D 77E712D9 77E714C2 001E0218 |mYH`...w...w....| 0012FBF4 00000020 001E0218 02010001 00000000 | ...............| 0012FC04 0000029E 00000001 02010001 60485A48 |............HZH`| 0012FC14 00000020 00000000 7FFDE044 00000000 | .......D.......| 0012FC24 00000000 00000000 0012FC48 77E71350 |........H...P..w| 0012FC34 004F75C0 00000020 001E0218 02010001 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0363EEE4 60495828 0012FD60 |.u.`..c.(XI``...| 0012FD44 0012FD98 00000001 00000000 0012FD84 |................| Called from 60488751 (0001:00007751 in gkwidget.dbg) Base=0x60480000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FD50 0012FD84 60485A16 00000202 00000000 |.....ZH`........| 0012FD60 00060008 0012FD80 004F75C0 0012FDCC |.........uO.....| 0012FD70 00000000 60F3D458 0363EEE4 00000000 |....X..`..c.....| 0012FD80 00000000 0012FDD4 77E7124C 001E0218 |........L..w....| Called from 60485A16 (0001:00004A16 in gkwidget.dbg) Base=0x60480000 RVA=0x00001000 0012FD84 0012FDD4 77E7124C 001E0218 00000202 |....L..w........| 0012FD94 00000000 0363EEE4 0012FE00 00000000 |......c.........| 0012FDA4 77E7198F 008E2160 77E71EE0 0012FDCC |...w`!.....w....| 0012FDB4 00000001 6048B93D 0012FDCC 00000000 |....=.H`........| 0012FDC4 80000000 00810F00 001E0218 00000202 |................| Called from 77E7124C (0001:0000024C in dll\user32.dbg) Base=0x77e70000 RVA=0x00001000 State Dump for Thread ID 0xBA EAX: 2AC76000 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 00B1FFA8 EDX: 00000000 ESI: 0000003C EDI: 00B1FED0 EIP: 77F682DB ESP: 00B1FEB4 EBP: 00B1FED8 IOPL: 0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 0038 GS: 0000 EFL: 00000206 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 77f682bb c20800 ret 0x8 77f682be 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682c0 b8c4000000 mov eax,0xc4 77f682c5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:022bead3=74006500 77f682c9 cd2e int 2e 77f682cb c21400 ret 0x14 77f682ce 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682d0 b8c5000000 mov eax,0xc5 77f682d5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:022bead3=74006500 77f682d9 cd2e int 2e 77f682db c20c00 ret 0xc 77f682de 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682e0 b8c6000000 mov eax,0xc6 77f682e5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:022bead3=74006500 77f682e9 cd2e int 2e 77f682eb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682ee 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682f0 b8c7000000 mov eax,0xc7 77f682f5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:022bead3=74006500 77f682f9 cd2e int 2e 77f682fb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682fe 8bc0 mov eax,eax ---------- Top of the Stack ---------- 00B1FEB4 77F1CCA0 0000003C 00000000 00B1FED0 |...w<...........| 00B1FEC4 00813F54 00813D10 00813F8C DC3CBA00 |T?...=...?....<.| 00B1FED4 FFFFFFFF 0000EA60 77F04F37 0000003C |....`...7O.w<...| ---------- Stack Back Trace ---------- Stopped at 77F682DB (0001:000072DB in dll\ntdll.dbg) Base=0x77f60000 RVA=0x00001000 00B1FED8 0000EA60 77F04F37 0000003C 0000EA60 |`...7O.w<...`...| 00B1FEE8 00000000 60E56C0C 0000003C 0000EA60 |.....l.`<...`...| 00B1FEF8 00813F70 00813D10 00B1FF60 00813F70 |p?...=..`...p?..| 00B1FF08 60E52A8C 00813F54 00813F8C 0044460C |.*.`T?...?...FD.| 00B1FF18 60E53080 0044460C 60E52D33 00813D10 |.0.`.FD.3-.`.=..| 00B1FF28 00813EE0 00813F70 0044460C 00812090 |.>..p?...FD.. ..| 00B1FF38 60F06E30 00813EE0 0044460C 00813DB8 |0n.`.>...FD..=..| 00B1FF48 0081207C 00813BF0 00B1FFB8 00813BF0 || ...;.......;..| Called from 77F04F37 (0001:00003F37 in dll\kernel32.dbg) Base=0x77f00000 RVA=0x00001000 State Dump for Thread ID 0xB1 EAX: 000000C0 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 77F85048 EDX: 00000000 ESI: 00000000 EDI: 000000A0 EIP: 77F682DB ESP: 00D1FF44 EBP: 00D1FF98 IOPL: 0 nv up ei ng nz ac pe cy CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 003B GS: 0000 EFL: 00000293 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 77f682bb c20800 ret 0x8 77f682be 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682c0 b8c4000000 mov eax,0xc4 77f682c5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:024beb63=???????? 77f682c9 cd2e int 2e 77f682cb c21400 ret 0x14 77f682ce 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682d0 b8c5000000 mov eax,0xc5 77f682d5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:024beb63=???????? 77f682d9 cd2e int 2e 77f682db c20c00 ret 0xc 77f682de 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682e0 b8c6000000 mov eax,0xc6 77f682e5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:024beb63=???????? 77f682e9 cd2e int 2e 77f682eb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682ee 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682f0 b8c7000000 mov eax,0xc7 77f682f5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:024beb63=???????? 77f682f9 cd2e int 2e 77f682fb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682fe 8bc0 mov eax,eax ---------- Stack Back Trace ---------- Stopped at 77F682DB (0001:000072DB in dll\ntdll.dbg) Base=0x77f60000 RVA=0x00001000 00D1FF98 00D1FFEC 77661E92 000000A0 FFFFFFFF |......fw........| 00D1FFA8 00000003 00000004 7FFDF000 0012F2CC |................| 00D1FFB8 00000000 77F04EDE 00000000 7FFDF000 |.....N.w........| 00D1FFC8 0012F2CC 00000000 0012F2CC 00D1FFC4 |................| 00D1FFD8 77F4548A FFFFFFFF 77F3B944 77F3D238 |.T.w....D..w8..w| 00D1FFE8 00000000 00000000 00000000 77661E66 |............f.fw| Called from 77661E92 (0001:00000E92 in dll\msafd.dbg) Base=0x77660000 RVA=0x00001000 State Dump for Thread ID 0x93 EAX: 0279E000 EBX: 7766B100 ECX: 02240318 EDX: 00000000 ESI: 00144AB8 EDI: 000000A4 EIP: 77F682DB ESP: 00E1FA08 EBP: 00E1FA5C IOPL: 0 nv up ei ng nz ac pe cy CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 0038 GS: 0000 EFL: 00000293 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 77f682bb c20800 ret 0x8 77f682be 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682c0 b8c4000000 mov eax,0xc4 77f682c5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:025be627=???????? 77f682c9 cd2e int 2e 77f682cb c21400 ret 0x14 77f682ce 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682d0 b8c5000000 mov eax,0xc5 77f682d5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:025be627=???????? 77f682d9 cd2e int 2e 77f682db c20c00 ret 0xc 77f682de 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682e0 b8c6000000 mov eax,0xc6 77f682e5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:025be627=???????? 77f682e9 cd2e int 2e 77f682eb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682ee 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682f0 b8c7000000 mov eax,0xc7 77f682f5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:025be627=???????? 77f682f9 cd2e int 2e 77f682fb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682fe 8bc0 mov eax,eax ---------- Top of the Stack ---------- 00E1FA08 776689CE 000000A4 00000001 00E1FA34 |..fw........4...| 00E1FA18 00E1FC20 00E1FD24 00E1FA9C 1C01A4D0 | ...$...........| 00E1FA28 01C120F1 FFFFFFFF 7FFFFFFF FFFFFFFF |. ..............| 00E1FA38 7FFFFFFF 00000000 00E1FFA8 77669860 |............`.fw| 00E1FA48 776649C3 0000009C 00000000 00000000 |.Ifw............| 00E1FA58 00000000 00E1FB84 77664A12 000000A4 |.........Jfw....| ---------- Stack Back Trace ---------- Stopped at 77F682DB (0001:000072DB in dll\ntdll.dbg) Base=0x77f60000 RVA=0x00001000 00E1FA5C 00E1FB84 77664A12 000000A4 0000009C |.....Jfw........| 00E1FA6C 00000001 00000004 00144B98 00E1FD24 |.........K..$...| 00E1FA7C 00143048 EB236C80 FFFFFFFF 00000001 |H0...l#.........| 00E1FA8C 00E1FA00 0000009C 00000019 00E1FAB0 |................| 00E1FA9C 00000001 00E1FABC 00E1FAB8 00000000 |................| 00E1FAAC 00000000 00000400 00E1FB44 00000000 |........D.......| 00E1FABC 00000001 00E1FB44 00000000 00000010 |....D...........| 00E1FACC 00E1FB44 00000400 00000000 00000400 |D...............| 00E1FADC 008FDC30 008FDD40 00E1FB44 00000023 |0...@...D...#...| 00E1FAEC FF676980 00E1FB44 00000000 FFFFFFF6 |.ig.D...........| 00E1FAFC 00000001 00000000 008FDEE4 00000000 |................| 00E1FB0C 60E510D8 008FDC30 00E1FB44 00000400 |...`0...D.......| 00E1FB1C 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00E1FA88 0000002C |............,...| 00E1FB2C 00000103 00E1FA90 60E442DD 008FDC30 |.........B.`0...| 00E1FB3C 00E1FB44 00000400 77F8F238 00130000 |D.......8..w....| 00E1FB4C 001448E8 00000000 00E1FB48 00000023 |.H......H...#...| 00E1FB5C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00E1FA80 |................| 00E1FB6C 00E1FA74 77F64DDC 00E1FBC4 77669860 |t....M.w....`.fw| 00E1FB7C 7766A508 00000000 00E1FBD4 776B9F5F || Called from 77664A12 (0001:00003A12 in dll\msafd.dbg) Base=0x77660000 RVA=0x00001000 00E1FB84 00E1FBD4 776B9F5F 00000000 00E1FD24 |$...| 00E1FB94 00E1FC20 00E1FE28 00E1FC18 00E1FBB8 | ...(...........| 00E1FBA4 008FDD40 0027D387 008FDD48 0000009C |@.....'.H.......| 00E1FBB4 00000001 00000000 00E1FBA4 7803B600 |...............x| 00E1FBC4 00E1FFA8 776BC6F0 776BD680 FFFFFFFF || Called from 776B9F5F (0001:00008F5F in dll\ws2_32.dbg) Base=0x776b0000 RVA=0x00001000 Called from 60E58849 (0001:00017849 in nspr4.dbg) Base=0x60e40000 RVA=0x00001000 State Dump for Thread ID 0x9F EAX: 78002432 EBX: 77E726E5 ECX: 008FD7D0 EDX: 00000000 ESI: 00000000 EDI: 00F1FF44 EIP: 77E72397 ESP: 00F1FED4 EBP: 00F1FEF8 IOPL: 0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 0038 GS: 0000 EFL: 00000246 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 77e72372 53 push ebx 77e72373 ff158cb1eb77 call dword ptr [77ebb18c] ds:77ebb18c=00000000 77e72379 e993feffff jmp 77e72211 77e7237e b89e110000 mov eax,0x119e 77e72383 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:026beaf3=00000000 77e72387 cd2e int 2e 77e72389 c20c00 ret 0xc 77e7238c b885110000 mov eax,0x1185 77e72391 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:026beaf3=00000000 77e72395 cd2e int 2e 77e72397 c21400 ret 0x14 77e7239a 64a100000000 mov eax,fs:[00000000] fs:00000000=???????? 77e723a0 55 push ebp 77e723a1 8bec mov ebp,esp 77e723a3 6aff push 0xff 77e723a5 68d042eb77 push 0x77eb42d0 77e723aa 687b1beb77 push 0x77eb1b7b 77e723af 50 push eax 77e723b0 8b4d08 mov ecx,[ebp+0x8] ss:026beb16=0101013f 77e723b3 64892500000000 mov fs:[00000000],esp fs:00000000=???????? 77e723ba 83ec0c sub esp,0xc 77e723bd 53 push ebx ---------- Top of the Stack ---------- 00F1FED4 77E72715 00F1FF44 B64C012A 00000000 |.'.wD...*.L.....| 00F1FEE4 00000000 00F1FEF4 008FD1D4 00000000 |................| 00F1FEF4 00000000 00F1FF60 607F5D64 00F1FF44 |....`...d].`D...| ---------- Stack Back Trace ---------- Stopped at 77E72397 (0001:00001397 in dll\user32.dbg) Base=0x77e70000 RVA=0x00001000 00F1FEF8 00F1FF60 607F5D64 00F1FF44 B64C012A |`...d].`D...*.L.| 00F1FF08 00000000 00000000 008FEED8 008FD09C |................| 00F1FF18 008FED10 00000000 607F644F 00000000 |........Od.`....| 00F1FF28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................| 00F1FF38 00000000 00000000 6081FD50 00000000 |........P..`....| 00F1FF48 008FEED8 008FD090 00F1FFB8 008FED10 |................| 00F1FF58 60F293CC 008FE8F0 00F1FFB8 60F29038 |...`........8..`| Called from 607F5D64 (0001:00014D64 in necko.dbg) Base=0x607e0000 RVA=0x00001000 00F1FF60 00F1FFB8 60F29038 008FD1D4 008FEE30 |....8..`....0...| 00F1FF70 60E536D1 008FD090 00811B20 00811B20 |.6.`.... ... ...| 00F1FF80 00000020 008FED10 7800248D 008FEE30 | ........$.x0...| 00F1FF90 00000020 00000020 008FED10 8011DDA5 | ... ...........| 00F1FFA0 00F1FF90 8011748B 00F1FFDC 7800F56A |.....t......j..x| 00F1FFB0 780333D0 00000000 00F1FFEC 77F04EDE |.3.x.........N.w| Called from 60F29038 (0001:00028038 in xpcom.dbg) Base=0x60f00000 RVA=0x00001000 00F1FFB8 00F1FFEC 77F04EDE 008FED10 00000020 |.....N.w.... ...| 00F1FFC8 00000020 008FED10 00000020 00F1FFC4 | ....... .......| 00F1FFD8 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 77F3B944 77F3D238 |........D..w8..w| 00F1FFE8 00000000 00000000 00000000 78002432 |............2$.x| Called from 77F04EDE (0001:00003EDE in dll\kernel32.dbg) Base=0x77f00000 RVA=0x00001000 State Dump for Thread ID 0x4A EAX: 77E160A4 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 00000FA8 EDX: 00000000 ESI: 0014C6E8 EDI: 0014CBC0 EIP: 77F67FA7 ESP: 01B3FDF0 EBP: 01B3FF90 IOPL: 0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 0038 GS: 0000 EFL: 00000202 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 77f67f87 c20c00 ret 0xc 77f67f8a 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f67f8c b88f000000 mov eax,0x8f 77f67f91 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:032dea0f=2dea9100 77f67f95 cd2e int 2e 77f67f97 c20800 ret 0x8 77f67f9a 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f67f9c b890000000 mov eax,0x90 77f67fa1 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:032dea0f=2dea9100 77f67fa5 cd2e int 2e 77f67fa7 c21000 ret 0x10 77f67faa 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f67fac b891000000 mov eax,0x91 77f67fb1 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:032dea0f=2dea9100 77f67fb5 cd2e int 2e 77f67fb7 c20800 ret 0x8 77f67fba 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f67fbc b892000000 mov eax,0x92 77f67fc1 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:032dea0f=2dea9100 77f67fc5 cd2e int 2e 77f67fc7 c20800 ret 0x8 77f67fca 8bc0 mov eax,eax ---------- Top of the Stack ---------- 01B3FDF0 77E15B9F 00000118 01B3FF6C 00000000 |.[.w....l.......| 01B3FE00 00148970 0014C7C0 0014841C 00148424 |p...........$...| 01B3FE10 00000004 01921FB0 00000000 01921890 |................| 01B3FE20 014EE7FA 00400000 014EE801 019215B0 |..N...@...N.....| 01B3FE30 01921130 00000002 01921FB0 01B3FF0C |0...............| 01B3FE40 014F7C8B FFFFFFFF 014EDC04 014EDAC3 |.|O.......N...N.| 01B3FE50 00000004 00000000 00000000 014E3886 |.............8N.| 01B3FE60 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000001 |................| 01B3FE70 00000000 00000002 001480B8 014EF086 |..............N.| 01B3FE80 014E0000 00000002 00000000 001480C0 |..N.............| 01B3FE90 7FFDF000 001480B8 014EF020 77F63E65 |........ .N.e>.w| 01B3FEA0 014E0000 00000002 00000000 01B3FF1C |..N.............| 01B3FEB0 00000000 77F61292 77FA5560 77F61298 |.......w`U.w...w| 01B3FEC0 01B3FF30 00001000 00146720 00000000 |0....... g......| 01B3FED0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................| 01B3FEE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................| 01B3FEF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................| 01B3FF00 00000000 01B3FEC0 00000000 FFFFFFFF |................| 01B3FF10 77F92CD4 77F9D0E8 FFFFFFFF 00000000 |.,.w...w........| 01B3FF20 77F763D3 77F763DB 01B3FF30 00000001 |.c.w.c.w0.......| 01B3FF30 00010017 00000000 3E85E14D 00000000 |........M..>....| 01B3FF40 00000000 00008009 00000000 80A64EC8 |.............N..| 01B3FF50 0112FD64 00000000 00000001 00000000 |d...............| 01B3FF60 00000000 00000001 0112F000 00010000 |................| 01B3FF70 001486D9 001486D8 00000001 00000000 |................| 01B3FF80 01B3FE10 000085AB 00000000 00148970 |............p...| ---------- Stack Back Trace ---------- Stopped at 77F67FA7 (0001:00006FA7 in dll\ntdll.dbg) Base=0x77f60000 RVA=0x00001000 Called from 77E15A1D (0001:00004A1D in dll\rpcrt4.dbg) Base=0x77e10000 RVA=0x00001000 State Dump for Thread ID 0x84 EAX: 00000000 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 000007C4 EDX: 00000000 ESI: 00000204 EDI: 00000000 EIP: 77F682DB ESP: 05C9FE90 EBP: 05C9FEB4 IOPL: 0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc CS: 001B SS: 0023 DS: 0023 ES: 0023 FS: 0038 GS: 0000 EFL: 00000246 ---------- Code Disassembly ---------- function: <nosymbols>+0000 77f682bb c20800 ret 0x8 77f682be 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682c0 b8c4000000 mov eax,0xc4 77f682c5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:0743eaaf=???????? 77f682c9 cd2e int 2e 77f682cb c21400 ret 0x14 77f682ce 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682d0 b8c5000000 mov eax,0xc5 77f682d5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:0743eaaf=???????? 77f682d9 cd2e int 2e 77f682db c20c00 ret 0xc 77f682de 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682e0 b8c6000000 mov eax,0xc6 77f682e5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:0743eaaf=???????? 77f682e9 cd2e int 2e 77f682eb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682ee 8bc0 mov eax,eax 77f682f0 b8c7000000 mov eax,0xc7 77f682f5 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:0743eaaf=???????? 77f682f9 cd2e int 2e 77f682fb c20400 ret 0x4 77f682fe 8bc0 mov eax,eax ---------- Top of the Stack ---------- 05C9FE90 77F1CCA0 00000204 00000000 00000000 |...w............| 05C9FEA0 008FD534 0366CC10 008FD56C 00000001 |4.....f.l.......| 05C9FEB0 00000001 FFFFFFFF 77F04F37 00000204 |........7O.w....| ---------- Stack Back Trace ---------- Stopped at 77F682DB (0001:000072DB in dll\ntdll.dbg) Base=0x77f60000 RVA=0x00001000 Called from 77F04F37 (0001:00003F37 in dll\kernel32.dbg) Base=0x77f00000 RVA=0x00001000 ----- System Information ----- Computer Name: AI1 User Name: steve Number of Processors: 1 Processor Type: Intel Pentium Windows Version: NT 4.0 (Build 1381) - Service Pack 6 Current Build: 1381 Current Type: Uniprocessor Free Registered Organization: Applied Imagination Registered Owner: Lotus Notes Server ----- Task List ----- PID Task Name 0x0 Idle.exe 0x2 System.exe 0x15 C:\WINNT\System32\smss.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 40208 0x1C C:\WINNT\System32\csrss.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 7952 0x23 C:\WINNT\System32\winlogon.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 192272 0x2B C:\WINNT\System32\services.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 135440 0x2E C:\WINNT\System32\lsass.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 10000 0x44 C:\WINNT\System32\spoolss.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 35600 0x45 c:\ln4\nSERVICE.exe 11-11-99 09:01:32 Size: 53148 0x53 C:\WINNT\System32\RpcSs.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 104720 0x56 C:\WINNT\System32\AtSvc.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 22800 0x5A C:\WINNT\System32\tcpsvcs.exe 08-09-96 01:30:00 Size: 21264 0x6A C:\WINNT\System32\pstores.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 81680 0x65 c:\ln4\nSERVER.exe 11-11-99 09:00:34 Size: 41720 0x76 c:\ln4\nReplica.exe 11-11-99 08:56:32 Size: 101860 0x3B c:\ln4\nRouter.exe 11-11-99 08:57:20 Size: 217988 0x9A c:\ln4\nUpdate.exe 11-11-99 09:11:52 Size: 152864 0x7C c:\ln4\nStats.exe 11-11-99 09:11:28 Size: 110432 0x96 c:\ln4\nAMgr.exe 11-11-99 08:25:04 Size: 216116 0x47 c:\ln4\nAMgr.exe 11-11-99 08:25:04 Size: 216116 0x74 c:\ln4\nAdminp.exe 11-11-99 08:24:50 Size: 268956 0x9C c:\ln4\nSched.exe 11-11-99 08:57:58 Size: 151512 0x3F c:\ln4\nCalConn.exe 11-11-99 08:58:10 Size: 96932 0xA1 seti.exe 0xA3 c:\ln4\nReport.exe 11-11-99 08:56:56 Size: 182988 0x3E C:\WINNT\System32\nddeagnt.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 14096 0x83 C:\WINNT\Explorer.exe 11-18-99 11:04:00 Size: 237328 0xC2 C:\WINNT\System32\SysTray.exe 08-09-96 01:30:00 Size: 33040 0xA6 C:\WINNT\SOINTGR.exe 05-08-100 05:20:00 Size: 20480 0xBB C:\WINNT\System32\HPJETDSC.exe 03-28-100 16:24:12 Size: 25088 0x62 d4.exe 0xB6 d:\Program Files\\Mozilla\mozilla.exe 08-01-101 12:05:00 Size: 349792 0x61 talkback.exe 0x8D c:\ln4\qnc.exe 11-11-99 08:55:46 Size: 221384 0x0 _Total.exe ----- Module List ----- Loaded Address Module Name (00400000 - 00457000) mozilla.dbg (014E0000 - 01506000) fullsoft.dbg (20420000 - 2042B000) C:\WINNT\TRAYHOOK.dll 05-08-100 05:20:00 Size: 45056 (60060000 - 60096000) appcomps.dbg (600A0000 - 600B0000) appshell.dbg (600B0000 - 600BC000) caps.dbg (600C0000 - 600CD000) chardet.dbg (600F0000 - 600FF000) chrome.dbg (60100000 - 6010B000) cookie.dbg (60110000 - 60126000) docshell.dbg (60130000 - 60190000) editor.dbg (60190000 - 6019D000) embedcomponents.dbg (601C0000 - 601C5000) gfx2.dbg (601D0000 - 602FC000) gkcontent.dbg (60300000 - 6031C000) gkgfxwin.dbg (60320000 - 60403000) gklayout.dbg (60410000 - 6044A000) gkparser.dbg (60450000 - 60468000) gkplugin.dbg (60470000 - 60480000) gkview.dbg (60480000 - 604A2000) gkwidget.dbg (604B0000 - 604B6000) imggif.dbg (604D0000 - 604D5000) imgjpeg.dbg (604E0000 - 604E9000) imglib2.dbg (60580000 - 60589000) jar50.dbg (60590000 - 605B7000) jsdom.dbg (605C0000 - 605C8000) jsloader.dbg (605E0000 - 605E6000) lwbrk.dbg (60610000 - 6062A000) mork.dbg (60630000 - 60637000) mozbrwsr.dbg (60650000 - 60659000) mozldap.dbg (60760000 - 60785000) msglocal.dbg (607E0000 - 60828000) necko.dbg (60840000 - 6084D000) nkcache.dbg (60850000 - 60856000) nsgif.dbg (60870000 - 6087C000) nslocale.dbg (608C0000 - 608CA000) oji.dbg (608D0000 - 60976000) pipnss.dbg (60990000 - 6099D000) profile.dbg (609A0000 - 609B7000) rdf.dbg (609E0000 - 609E6000) shistory.dbg (60A00000 - 60A08000) strres.dbg (60A40000 - 60A47000) txmgr.dbg (60A60000 - 60A6A000) ucharuti.dbg (60A70000 - 60A7E000) uconv.dbg (60AC0000 - 60AC5000) qfaservices.dll (60B70000 - 60B7C000) urildr.dbg (60B90000 - 60BA1000) wallet.dbg (60BB0000 - 60BBE000) webbrwsr.dbg (60C00000 - 60C22000) xpc3250.dbg (60C70000 - 60C7D000) xppref32.dbg (60C90000 - 60CA4000) gkgfx.dbg (60CB0000 - 60CBC000) img3250.dbg (60CE0000 - 60CF5000) jpeg3250.dbg (60D00000 - 60D4C000) js3250.dbg (60D50000 - 60D61000) jsj3250.dbg (60DD0000 - 60DD9000) mozreg.dbg (60DE0000 - 60E06000) msgbsutl.dbg (60E10000 - 60E33000) d:\Program Files\\Mozilla\NSLDAP32V40.dll 08-01-101 12:04:00 Size: 139264 (60E40000 - 60E64000) nspr4.dbg (60E90000 - 60EC1000) d:\Program Files\\Mozilla\nssckbi.dll 08-01-101 12:04:00 Size: 200704 (60ED0000 - 60ED7000) plc4.dbg (60EE0000 - 60EE6000) plds4.dbg (60F00000 - 60F67000) xpcom.dbg (60F80000 - 60F8C000) zlib.dbg (65340000 - 653D2000) oleaut32.dbg (69F00000 - 69FBA000) C:\WINNT\System32\adisynth.dll 10-19-100 14:35:52 Size: 129672 (6BC00000 - 6BC10000) C:\WINNT\System32\SMNT40.dll 10-31-100 07:46:42 Size: 64784 (71590000 - 71617000) COMCTL32.dbg (77660000 - 7766F000) dll\msafd.dbg (77690000 - 77699000) dll\wshtcpip.dbg (776A0000 - 776A7000) dll\ws2help.dbg (776B0000 - 776C4000) dll\ws2_32.dbg (776D0000 - 776D8000) dll\wsock32.dbg (77720000 - 77731000) dll\mpr.dbg (777E0000 - 777ED000) dll\samlib.dbg (77800000 - 7783A000) dll\netapi32.dbg (77840000 - 77849000) dll\NetRap.dbg (779B0000 - 779B9000) dll\linkinfo.dbg (779C0000 - 779C8000) dll\lz32.dbg (77A40000 - 77A4D000) dll\ntshrui.dbg (77A90000 - 77A9B000) dll\version.dbg (77B20000 - 77BD7000) dll\ole32.dbg (77BF0000 - 77BF7000) dll\rpcltc1.dbg (77C40000 - 77D7C000) dll\shell32.dbg (77D80000 - 77DB2000) dll\comdlg32.dbg (77DC0000 - 77DFF000) dll\advapi32.dbg (77E10000 - 77E67000) dll\rpcrt4.dbg (77E70000 - 77EC5000) dll\user32.dbg (77ED0000 - 77EFC000) dll\gdi32.dbg (77F00000 - 77F5E000) dll\kernel32.dbg (77F60000 - 77FBE000) dll\ntdll.dbg (77FD0000 - 77FFA000) dll\winmm.dbg (78000000 - 78046000) c:\ln4\MSVCRT.dll 03-19-97 20:27:06 Size: 266240
*** Bug 94857 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 95123 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 95270 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
moving these out to 0.9.5 since it doesn't look like I will have time for 0.9.4.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
okay --cwozniak or jatin, could this also be added to the relnotes for 0.9.4?
*** Bug 96313 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
sairuh, the 0.9.4 release notes bug has been created, please enter a bug description and any workaround to the following location: Bug 96484
*** Bug 96941 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
please note that in NS6.1 if you open the browser, then lclick on edit/preferences you'll see the treelist collapsed. If you lclick again on edit/preferences - without closing the preferences dialog - the preferences will stay in the background, but if you take a look, the tree-list is now expanded and "voila" there is a scrollbar too. steps: - launch netscape6 - lclick edit/preferences - wait until preferences dialog appears - switch to the browser window (don't close the preferences!!!) - lclick edit/preferences - switch to preferences dialog - look at the tree-list (it also works from the mail-window too) BTW: shouldn't "preferences" be a modal dialog?
*** Bug 97411 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 97465 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
On build 2001082608: When scrollbar has not appeared when it has to and direct clicking on the "+" sign next to "Appearance" (to collapse the items below "Appearance"), Mozilla crashes. This only happens with "Appearance". Closing other items the same way (Navigator, Composer, etc), makes the scroll-bar appearing. After clicking on the other items (and scrollbar appearing), closing "Appearance" has no effect anymore. Reproducibility: always. I have send only one incident by the quality feedback agent. ID: TB34710445X
The crash you mentioned is already filed as Bug 86723
*** Bug 97779 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Using modern win2000 Build ID: 2001090613. close prefs is they're open. edit->prefs expand "Advanced" expand "Privacy & security" Result: Advanced disappear. close "Privacy & security" Result: Advanced reappear. expand "Privacy & Security" Result: Advanced does not disappear anymore, and the scrollbar appear. Hope this helps.
We already have plenty of ways to reproduce this bug, please refrain from adding any more. Thanks.
*** Bug 99433 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 99573 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 99706 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 99886 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Mass-moving lower-priority 0.9.5 bugs off to 0.9.6 to make way for remaining 0.9.4/eMojo bugs, and MachV planning, performance and feature work. If you disagree with any of these targets, please let me know.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
For your information: (Maybe this helps) If you open the options in the preferences menu (so if you click on the arrows), you don't see the sidebar. But if you than close an option (click on the arrow again), then the sidebar appears. 'Bug' also exists in the latest build : 2001091608 Bart
*** Bug 100105 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
bryner, any progress and/or ideas on how to attack this? just curious. [it's the #1 most frequently reported bug. woohoo!]
We aren't going to fix this in the current tree code, we're going to make outliner support a content model and then convert prefs to outliner. So, additional steps to reproduce this are not needed.
Depends on: 97062
Depends on: 99715
No longer depends on: 97062
*** Bug 101699 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
31 votes, 53 dupes. mostfreq ? [Sorry for the spaming]
For some reason, mostfreq is gone.
part of the problem, is that scrollbar that appears doesn't expand (sp?) to all the categories if you try and open them all. so its not really fixed at all.
*** Bug 101269 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 103995 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 104166
Keywords: nsbeta1
The problem still exists on Win2000Pro build 2001101103. Actually, vertical scrollbar appears, but only on the second time - first time, when expanding must result in appearance of vertical scrollbar, it doesn't, and only the second time expanding results in appearance of vertical scrollbar.
*** Bug 104407 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 104612 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 104611 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Even if in Classic skin, on Windows 2000, it would not completely scroll down the the most bottom item. It just seems as if there is a scroll bar, but it does not completely reveal everything in the left panel.
I thought that I heard with this one: a rewrite of the categories view will be to the outliner was going to take place of the current code.. is that the case?
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.8
This bug is really interesting. Though minor but please don't postpone the Target Milestone again and again.. :P
ah yes, I see it first depends on bug 97062 which blocks bug 99715 which blocks this one from taking place. :)
CC: Some Netscape engineers. This bug may need to be reassigned.
*** Bug 107867 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
/QA ignore Spam, Skewer, They decided that the dependency bugs have to be completed first: bug 97062, then the rewrite in bug 99715. Its all part of the bigger 1.0 :) please take anything else to the newsgroups, dont spam this bug with comments. /qa ignore
*** Bug 109729 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109749 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 110743 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 111494 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 111749 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 111856 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Build ID: 2001112009 In addition to the scrollbar not appearing, the category listings at the top disappear one-by-one when you expand the categories sequentially using only the arrow keys and then scroll down to the bottom (until you get to Offline & Disk Space) although you can't see the category listed in the left panel, the content of the "invisible" categories show up on the right. See next attachment. Reproducibility: 100% Steps to reproduce: 1) open Preferences (Edit>Preferences) 2) at the highlighted category (my Navigator category is highlighted), press the right arrow key (expanding the Navigator category) 3) press the down arrow key until you reach the Composer category 4) press the right arrow key (expanding the Composer category) 5) press the down arrow key until you reach the Privacy & Security category 6) press the right arrow key (again, expanding) 7) notice no scrollbar & no categories/subcategories visible below Privacy & Security>Certificates 8) press the down arrow key until you reach the (invisible) bottom category (Offline & Disk Space) Results: the first four category/subcategory listings are "whited-out": that is, Appearances, Fonts, Colors & Themes disappear sequentially as you reach each "invisible" category/subcategory below the last viewable category (in my case, Privacy & Security>Certificates). Also, you can't click on the "whited-out" categories with your mouse, making them inaccessible. Expected results: aside from a scrollbar, the first four categories shouldn't disappear, and should be clickable with mouse. Workaround: To press the up arrow key until you reach the top...
See my comments on how to repro this...
*** Bug 112693 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Using Mozilla Windows 9x version, Build ID: 2001112508, noted one accurance of missing scrollbar while using the mail client (using two columns, without a preview pane). Closing the client and reopenning it resolved the scrollbar issue, and it has not yet repeated.
That has absolutely nothing to do with this bug.
*** Bug 63236 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Form Manager shows similar scroll bar errors, including the whiteout error: items on the top of the list in the left frame disappear one at a time as you move the cursor down ( down arrow ).
This affects IM as well
aim should be using outliner. This bug will be fixed when prefs starts using jan's outliner content model view (he has a patch).
Using: Build ID: 2001120512, on Linux, on PC HW. I ran across another instance, not yet mentioned, that might also be a candidate for 'outliner'. I received an email w/ extensive To: list. In the email browser, the gray bar with message header information shows a [+] at this To: line. Clicking it expands the message-header area to most of the vertical extent of the window. If this still isn't enough space, no scroll bar is offered to view the rest of the list. The workaround I found was to hit the menu for View >> Message Source and inspect the popped window. Benton 6dec01
*** Bug 114004 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 114083 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 114264 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 114265 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 115168 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 115581 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 115873 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
guys, about comments from #132, #133, #135, that is covered in bug 111101.. scrollbar issues.
*** Bug 116811 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 116932 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 117097 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
A new bug should/could be filed for the whited-out categories... But I personally suspect it might be fixed when the scrollbar is fixed. afaict, the reason is that the contents is scrolled, but the box isn't
Assignee: bryner → varga
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified using 2002010403 on win2k. I can't get the scrollbar to not appear. The scrollbar actually appears too quickly, so I filed bug 118159.
Hoooray! :) Hope it NEVER appears again...
Verif.. - HEY - We are GLAD that it appears now ! =P
*** Bug 119183 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 119325 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 120528 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 122189 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 122486 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 122611 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 122899 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 128102 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 120577 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Trees → XUL
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
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