Closed Bug 64971 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

The URL entry/display field is not funcional at all.


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: choward, Assigned: asa)


When typing an adress into the URL selection field the text shows up, but upon
hitting <RETURN> the browser loads the previously selected page!  The text still
shows the new URL, but the browser is displaying the old page.  If the search
button is selected, the browser loads the search engine with the old URL even
though the field is showing the recently typed URL.

I can't imagine that this happens in general because it makes navagation
virtually impossible without using the "File/Open web location..." menu option
(hot key doesn't work for this option either).
please file bug reporting guidelines, and include a build id.
I think timeless was quite sleepy *wink*
He meant that you should read the bug writing guidelines at and if possible
include your buildID (0.7?) in the report. I am sending this to cache. Are you
using some kind of proxy?
Component: Browser-General → Networking: Cache
Mozzilla 0.7, Build ID: 2001010901

Two copies of this version of Mozzilla were running simultaneously when this
occurred.  After the program crashed and was restarted the URL field seems to
function normally.  This also may have been affected by the dynamic loading of
themes, or because it was the first run after installation.
Component: Networking: Cache → Browser-General
Wait a second. how do you run two copies of mozilla on windows nt? [i can run 
multiple copies of mozilla using terminal services, but that's special]

can you reproduce this? yes i'm tired.
I think that the second one was run before the first had finished initializing.
In any case, yes this is reproducible but it was not affected by having two
copies in memory, but is apparently only on the first run after install.  My
friend (also a programmer) had the same problem occurr but unfortunately on
identical hardware.

(This is the windows build running on NT4sp6 on a Micron 733 MHz PIII.)

Steps to reproduce:

1. Extract all files into a directory on the hard drive.
2. Execute Mozzilla.exe (which comes up by default with not URL field), loaded.
3. Select "View/Apply Theme/Modern" (or apparently any other theme showing the
URL field).

At this point the URL field allows typing of text, but doesn't take any of the
input text internally and just uses whatever value has been previously selected
for the "Go" or "Search" functions.  Selecting a URL from the pulldown list
works fine as does clicking on a link in the pane or using "File/Open Web
Location...".  After restarting the application everthing seems to work
normally.  Unfortunately for the impatient, they may not give it a second chance.  
is this bug 61991
Definate dupe of 61991. Marking as such.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 61991 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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