Bug 74499
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 24 years ago
No windows open: cmd-keys don't work
(Core :: XUL, defect, P2)
(Reporter: tommybee99, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)
(4 keywords, Whiteboard: wanted for 0.9.1)
(3 files)
2.11 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review | |
1.04 KB,
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622 bytes,
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I know that this has been an on-again, off-again problem for Mozilla, but I
figure it needs a new bug since it has popped up anew. (Let me know if this is
not the way to do it.) This problem is not present in the 2001033004 build but
is in at least two of the 20010402 builds.
it depends on the reason.
does the menubar exist and if so what's on it?
can you get a mozilla window by double clicking any of the mozilla app
shortcuts (eg mail, composer, ...)?
Assignee: asa → pchen
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps
Keywords: regression
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•24 years ago
Hmm... the problem seems to be intermittent. I have been able (today) to get
the 2001040213 build to respond after all windows were closed. Not sure what
caused it previously. At any rate, the menubar WAS present when I had the
problem, and I could quit the program from the utility A-Dock. I didn't know
those files were shortcuts, so I didn't know to try them.
Comment 3•24 years ago
by "not respond" do you mean doesn't respond to cmd-keys or the menus don't work
with the mouse either?
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Comment 4•24 years ago
Both -- neither mouse commands nor menus respond. Like I said, I experienced it
in at least two of the 20010402 builds but have also NOT experienced it in the
same builds. Not sure what the trigger is yet. If I experience it again I'll
try to make a note of what I was doing at the time.
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Comment 5•24 years ago
Okay... just experienced the problem again -- only a bit more severely. I was
at the candy-related contest web site and had
just entered a code that got me a screen saver. (Some prize.) I backed up to
enter another code, but the page wouldn't finish loading. (It was a .asp page
if it matters.) I closed the window and was then unable to load a new window or
do anything else. The shortcuts in the Mozilla folder wouldn't work, either. I
tried quitting it from A-Dock as usual and it left itself there with the "Help"
menu still present with just "About Balloon Help..." and "Show Balloons." At
restart I had to force quit Mozilla to be able to be able to exit out of
everything before restart. This is with the 2001040213 build.
Updated•24 years ago
Component: XP Apps → XP Toolkit/Widgets
QA Contact: sairuh → jrgm
Updated•24 years ago
Ever confirmed: true
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9
Comment 7•24 years ago
Oh how I wish, I wish that people would stop regressing this fish.
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Comment 8•24 years ago
Problem has intensified in Build 2001040608 -- EVERY time I close all windows
the menus and command-key shortcuts stop responding. In addition, the "Tasks"
menu shows menu items twice in no particular order. (The duplicate items are
not grouped together but rather scattered throughout the menu.)
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Comment 9•24 years ago
On further investigation, I see that the Tasks menu items actually do work -- I
can select "Navigator" and get a new Navigator window. However, selecting "New
Navigator Window" from the File menu will NOT work in this case, and attempting
the command-N shortcut causes a freeze. Both statements are also true for Quit
/ command-Q. Once a new window is opened from the Tasks menu, all menu items
(including those in the File menu) become functional again.
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Comment 10•24 years ago
And now I find that the solution is intermittent. Even the Tasks menu wouldn't
work this last time. I had to quit Mozilla from A-Dock (thankfully it quit that
way WITHOUT a crash).
Comment 11•24 years ago
If you can find a reliable way to reproduce this, that would be great
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Comment 13•24 years ago
Steps I used to reproduce this bug:
1) Open Mozilla (build 2001040908). If you already have multiple profiles,
simply launch with the Mozila icon. Otherwise, open the Mozilla Profile Manager.
2) Create a new profile. I called mine "Test."
3) After the empty window finished loading, close it.
4) Try File > New Navigator Window. It doesn't work.
5) Try File > Quit. It doesn't work either.
6) Try Tasks > Navigator (either one in the event that the items are duplicated,
which they are in my case). It opens a new window.
7) Try File > New Navigator Window. It now works.
8) Try File > Quit. It now works as well.
I guess it's not a matter of Mozilla not responding at ALL but rather it not
responding in the usual, more common ways. I don't know that the casual Mozilla
user would know to try the "Tasks" menu instead.
Comment 14•24 years ago
*** Bug 75253 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15•24 years ago
I can reproduce this consistently. Close all windows and the only working Menu
is Tasks.
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Comment 16•24 years ago
Problem remains in build 2001041604 (installer) on Mac OS 9.1. After closing a
window, I tried "command-N" for a new window and Mozilla froze.
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Comment 17•24 years ago
Still present in build 2001042308 on Mac. (Pardon my squeaky-wheel syndrome but
I want to make sure it isn't forgotten.)
Comment 18•24 years ago
Side note that may (or may not) help track down this problem... when the "won't
respond" state is achieved, Moz still responds to Apple Events... i.e., sending
tell application "Mozilla"
GetURL ""
end tell
through AppleScript opens a new browser to that URL, and you regain control of
the browser.
Comment 19•24 years ago
*** Bug 78366 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20•24 years ago
In build 2001050318, when I close all windows, these items (and their keyboard
shortcuts) *do* work:
* `File' > `New' > `New Message'
* `File' > `New' > `Address Book Card'
* `File' > `Work Offline' (it doesn't show its checkbox, but you can verify
that it works by using the `Tasks' menu to open a Navigator window, and
looking at the plug graphic)
* `Edit' > `Preferences ...' (after doing this, you need to switch to another
app and then back to Mozilla -- see bug 78364)
* `Search Bookmarks/History'
* All the window-opening items in the `Tasks' menu
* `Debug' > `Composer with test page'
* All the items in the `Help' menu.
The rest of the menu items (including `Quit') *do not* work. (Some of these
items are actually supposed to be disabled, but that's the subject of bug
In addition:
* the `Tasks' menu has two `Mail' items, both of which work
* the `Privacy and Security' submenu has two sets of Managers and two
`Understanding Privacy' items, all of which work
* the `Bookmarks' menu consists only of a few disabled `Blank Item' items.
Resummarizing, since Mozilla still responds to Apple Events (and to some menu
items), so the problem is just with the menus.
Keywords: hang
Summary: Mozilla stops responding when windows are closed → No windows open: can't quit, many menu items are repeated/unresponsive
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Comment 21•24 years ago
I definitely agree with the summary change and would like to add that in my
experience ALL menu items in the Tasks menu are duplicated, not just Mail. (I'm
still on build 2001050208 though -- am waiting until Monday or later to try a
new build.)
Comment 23•24 years ago
*** Bug 79197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 24•24 years ago
*** Bug 77890 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 25•24 years ago
The "many menu items are repeated" is actually covered in a separate bug... I'll
try to find the #
Comment 26•24 years ago
bug #78322 covers the repeated menu items in the task menu
Severity: major → critical
Summary: No windows open: can't quit, many menu items are repeated/unresponsive → No windows open: can't quit, many menu items are unresponsive
Comment 27•24 years ago
How does this relate to bug #64089? (Can't open new window when downloading and
no other windows are open)
Comment 28•24 years ago
*** Bug 79778 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 29•24 years ago
*** Bug 80213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 30•24 years ago
So I've got 78807 which is similar symptom. Marking this one as blocker of 78807
and adding myself to cc list. After debugging this some yesterday with
command-q, the key event is getting sent to nsWebShellWindow, at which point it
gets dropped to the floor. Why isn't hidden window picking this up?
Blocks: 78807
Comment 31•24 years ago
*** Bug 81313 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 32•24 years ago
we fixed the menus not working with no windows but cmd keys still don't work when
there are no windows (even tasks doesn't have working cmd keys). keeping this bug
open to track that issue, and 78807 has been marked fixed.
Summary: No windows open: can't quit, many menu items are unresponsive → No windows open: cmd-keys don't work
Reporter | ||
Comment 33•24 years ago
I definitely see the menu fix in Build 2001051811 on OS 9.1. Good job y'all!
Comment 34•24 years ago
*** Bug 82028 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 35•24 years ago
I see the problem with selecting menu items (not working) again on todays mac
build 2001-05-22-09trunk Mac OS9 (when all windows are closed)
Comment 36•24 years ago
Is the remaining part of this bug a beta stopper? If not, please move off 0.9.1
Comment 37•24 years ago
Not having cmd-keys if no window is open is annoying, but not
critical. As long as you can select quit or new window from the file
menu, I don't see a show stopper.
I would like to add that the behavior of command keys not working is happening
even with a window open. I would select 'Open Web Location...' but I can not
type command-L. Also I could not type URLs into the Current URL rectangle.
Comment 38•24 years ago
Command keys that don't work *is* a showstopper.
Comment 39•24 years ago
fyi, cmd-l now focuses the url bar. cmd-shift-l brings up the dialog you seek.
Comment 40•24 years ago
If you're still seeing keys not work with a window up, please make note of what
you were doing and try to reproduce it. I have other bugs on that.
Comment 41•24 years ago
BuildID: 2001052308
MacOS 9.1
TEST #1:
1. Launch Netscape 6.1 to about:blank
2. Close browser window using close-box in upper left corner of window.
3. <Command>-Quit (fails to quit application)
4. "File | Quit" works as it should and appliation quits gracefully.
TEST #2:
1. Launch Netscape 6.1 to about:blank
2. Close browser window using close-box in upper left corner of window.
3. <Command>-1 (fails to open new browser window)
4. "Tasks | Navigator" works as it should and opens new about:blank window
5. <Command>-Quit works as it should and application quits gracefully.
Comment 42•24 years ago
thanks mitch, though we're all over the no-window case ;) saari was saying that
if people (like jeremy) see this with windows up then we need real testcases,
with the exact level of detail you provided.
Comment 43•24 years ago
cc: folks who test the shortcut keys in various areas for input to saari's
comment: "If you're still seeing keys not work with a window up, please make
note of what you were doing and try to reproduce it."
We may have bugs already open on this when going through the pass of our menu
and shortcut keys testing.
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: wanted for 0.9.1 no patch
Assignee | ||
Comment 44•24 years ago
I double-checked the overlays etc. making sure that all the keys and commands are
there for the hidden window; they are. (Patch coming which adds some useful dumps
for this).
The problem here is that the hidden window has no content area, which I assume
confuses our focus code, preventing key commands from working. I can make things
work with 2 small changes:
1. Add a <browser> to hiddenWindow.xul
2. Add a line in hiddenWindowStartup() to do a window._content.focus()
Assignee | ||
Comment 45•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 46•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 47•24 years ago
This patch fixes the problem, but I think it does cause us to load the layout DLL
earlier (while building the hidden window), which results in a longer perceived
delay before the first browser window comes up.
Assignee | ||
Updated•24 years ago
Keywords: patch
Whiteboard: wanted for 0.9.1 no patch → wanted for 0.9.1
Assignee | ||
Comment 48•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 49•24 years ago
Taking. saari says r=saari on this last patch.
Assignee: saari → sfraser
Assignee | ||
Comment 50•24 years ago
I have an sr=kin
Comment 51•24 years ago
great! a= for checkin to 0.9.1
(on behalf of drivers)
Assignee | ||
Comment 52•24 years ago
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 53•24 years ago
This bug regressed in today's build, 2001053009, but perhaps in an even more evil
Was able to force quit, but when I relaunched, couldn't get a network connection.
Quit again. Then launched Communicator, couldn't get a netwok connection with
Communicator either. Quit Communicator. Tried to restart, hung the computer.
Had to hard reset the MacOS.
Mac OS 9.1.
366 MHz G3 processor
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 54•24 years ago
this was fixed on 5/30, so the 5/30 9am build would not have this fix.
Closed: 24 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 55•24 years ago
All right! Command keys work in build 2001053108. Thanks y'all. :-)
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