Closed Bug 76736 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Your Certs tab: fix Certificate Backup Password dialogs, add Obtain New & Change Master Password buttons.


(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect, P3)

1.0 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cotter, Assigned: ssaux)



BuildID: 2001041804 change text under tabs as follows: You have certificates from these organizations that identify you: in right column heading, change "Token Name" to "Security Device" in right column, change "PSM Certificate Database" to "software" Note that this token name change affects several other places, such as the password request dialog. It currently reads like this: Please enter the Personal Security Password for the PSM Certificate Database security device. It should read like this (in the case of the internal token): Please enter the master password for the software security device. Finally, the backup dialogs need these changes: title of save dialog should be changed from "File Name to Backup" to "File Name for Backup" Choose a Portable Security Password dialog needs the following changes: Change window title to "Choose a Certificate Backup Password" replace text at top of dialog withthis: The certificate backup password you set here protects the backup file that you are about to create. You must set this password to proceed with the backup. Certificate backup password: Certificate backup password (again): Important: If you forget your certificate backup password, you will not be able to restore this backup. Please record it in a safe location. Other questions re My Certificates panel: Should it include an Obtain New button (as in PSM 1.4) linked to Should it include a "Change Master Password" button? Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Choose Preferences from the Edit Menu, then Privacy/Security, then click Manage Certificates.
Ever confirmed: true
Component: Security: Crypto → Client Library
Product: Browser → PSM
Version: other → 2.0
Target Milestone: --- → 2.0
The token name issues discusssed in this bug are now being tracked in bug #79233. New Certificate Manager tab names and strings are now described in bug #77009. So, the only parts of this bug that are still relevant are the changes described here for the backup dialogs--mainly changing the name of the password and its dialog to "certificate backup password"--and the addition of the Obtain New and Change Master Password buttons to the My Certificates tab. Reassigning bug to mcgreer, changing summary.
Assignee: ddrinan → mcgreer
Summary: UI text corrections for Certificate Manager/My Certificates etc. → My Certs tab: fix Certificate Backup Password dialogs, add Obtain New & Change Master Password buttons.
Depends on: 64128
marking fixed sean, can you verify the wording is correct?
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reopening. Everything is fixed except for this "title of save dialog should be changed from "File Name to Backup" to "File Name for Backup"
Resolution: FIXED → ---
In addition to the change in the Save dialog for the Backup button John mentioned above, these items still need to be addressed: - Add Obtain New button to the Your Certificates tab. This is not in mockups but has always been there in previous versions of PSM, if we're going to drop it now it should be a conscious decision. - The mockups do show a Change Password button in the My Certificates (now Your Certificates) tab. This button is not present in the latest builds. To be consistent with other ways to access the master password dialog, the button should be labeled "Change Master Password" if we still want to have it here.
Summary: My Certs tab: fix Certificate Backup Password dialogs, add Obtain New & Change Master Password buttons. → Your Certs tab: fix Certificate Backup Password dialogs, add Obtain New & Change Master Password buttons.
Priority: -- → P3
Mass reassigning target to 2.1
Target Milestone: 2.0 → 2.1
Keywords: nsenterprise
Moving all P3 and P4 bugs targetted to 2.1 to future.
Target Milestone: 2.1 → Future
removing nsenterprise keyword from PSM bugs with target milestone of future.
Keywords: nsenterprise
Mass assigning QA to ckritzer.
QA Contact: junruh → ckritzer
Summarizing the fixes needed to close out this bug: 1.) Title of save dialog should be changed from "File Name to Backup" to "File Name for Backup" 2.) Add Obtain New button to the Your Certificates tab. This is not in mockups but has always been there in previous versions of PSM, if we're going to drop it now it should be a conscious decision. 3.) The mockups do show a Change Password button in the My Certificates (now Your Certificates) tab. This button is not present in the latest builds. To be consistent with other ways to access the master password dialog, the button should be labeled "Change Master Password" if we still want to have it here.
OS: Windows NT → All
QA Contact: ckritzer → junruh
Hardware: PC → All
Version: 2.0 → 2.1
Reassigning to ssaux.
Assignee: ian.mcgreer → ssaux
1) simple fix 2) what would this button do? 3) why is this button required, as edit/prefs/security/certificates provides the ability to change the password?
Keywords: nsbeta1+
The Obtain New button in PSM 1.x simply brought you to Whether we need it now is really a marketing decision. Stephane, do you have an opinion? Note that a link to is already included in the Help section on getting your own certificate. I agree that the Change Master Password button isn't needed here anymore.
In that case, the "obtain new" would be a feature of the commercial application only, and would be tracked in a bugscape bug. Resolving as wontfix.
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Marking wontfix.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.1 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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